Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1132: trap

The brains of the orcs may be slow, but it doesn't mean they are stupid. Moreover, many of the orcs rely on their brains for food.

At this moment, everyone understood that they should have been tricked by the Golden Scale Leopard. Obviously, if the Golden Scale Leopard really wanted to escape, it would be difficult for them to stop it. It's just that they don't understand why the Golden Scale Leopard plays with them so much. What's the point?

"No! Does it want to lead us away, and then sneak back on its own..." a monkey clan exclaimed.

He hasn't finished speaking yet, but everyone has reacted. The Golden Scale Leopard is a shock! To draw them away, just for it to be able to go back and have a full meal, it is really damnable!

"Let's go back soon! It's been brushed by this beast, **** it!" The tauren snarled in annoyance, and cut down a large tree next to him with an axe, then turned and led the people back.

Siha glanced at the fallen tree inadvertently. When he saw the section of the tree, he was stunned for a while, then walked quickly to the side of the tree, reached out and stroked the section, and checked it carefully.

"Don't move everyone!" Siha shouted.

Everyone stopped and looked at Shiha suspiciously. They all wanted to see what new tricks Shiha this kid was preparing to do.

"The golden scale leopard may want to go back and have a good meal, but it has another purpose. It deliberately lures us here." Siha stood up from the broken tree, looked around vigilantly, as if looking for it. What's going on.

"Nonsense, if it doesn't lead us away, how could it have a chance to have a full meal!" The tauren glanced at Scha with disdain.

"I mean it deliberately lure us here. This is one of its purposes, and it may even be its main purpose." Siha took a deep breath, his expression becoming extremely cautious.

"What do you mean? Where can it not be tempted? As long as you stay away from where we were just now, after it leaves us, won't you have enough time to do whatever it wants?" The tauren glanced at Scha and said with disdain.

"Only when it is brought here, it can have more time." Siha shook his head and said.

"Why?" the tauren asked, frowning.

"Because we have entered the illusion." Siha said helplessly.

"Phantom array?" Everyone took a deep breath and exclaimed.

Although they have not experienced the horror of the illusion, they have all heard of it. The powerful illusion can make people completely lost in it, and in the end they can even be trapped in the illusion.

"You... don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" The tauren stared at the bull's eyes and said angrily.

"That's, Shiha, you can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing!" Xiong Lin hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Shiha's arm.

"I also hope I'm talking nonsense." Siha shook his head helplessly, "If you hadn't cut down this tree, I might not have found it."

"Isn't it just a tree? Why didn't I see that it was a phantom array? If you don't make it clear, even if they can let you go, my axe won't spare you!" The tauren gasped. Looking at Shih fiercely. If Shiha couldn't give him a satisfactory answer in that posture, he was going to split Shiha in half.

"You cut down that tree again." Scha said, pointing to the tree a little further away.

"What do you want to do?" The tauren is the leader of this team. He has always been directing others. At this time, Shiha, whom he has always looked down upon, started to command him, and he was very dissatisfied.

"You'll know when you finish cutting." Siha didn't rush to explain.

"Huh! I want to see what kind of medicine you sell in the gourd!" The tauren snorted coldly, staring at Shiha, without turning his head, shaking his hand fiercely, and the axe flew out directly, pointing Shiha at him. The tree was cut down by the waist.

Sihar couldn't help but shudder. He had an illusion that the tauren's axe seemed to be slashed on him.

"It's done!" As soon as the tauren stretched out his hand, the axe thrown out turned around and returned to his hand. This axe not only cut down the tree of Schazhi, but also several other trees along the way.

Tauren's meaning is obvious. I cut the tree according to your request, and I cut it more. Why don't I understand it?

"Go and see the annual rings of those trees!" Siha made a please gesture.

"Annual ring? What is the annual ring?" Tauren frowned and looked at Scha. He had never heard of the term annual ring.

"Uh... it's the circular marks on the cross section," Siha explained.

"Circle marks in circles?" The tauren raised his eyebrows, then walked to the side of those tree stumps, and he saw the circle marks in circles.

These ring marks are very neat, there are some careful beasts, and the trees that have been chopped off each have seven annual rings.

"Do you see any problems?" Siha asked, looking at the tauren.

"What can be the problem? Isn't it all like this among the big trees?" The tauren looked at Shiha in confusion.

"Under normal circumstances, a circle of annual rings represents a year. These trees are so strong, do you think they can grow like this in just seven years?" Siha asked rhetorically.

"Furthermore, the spacing of the annual rings means the growth environment of this tree this year. If the growth environment is good, the annual rings will become wider, and if the growth conditions are bad, the annual rings will be narrower."

"It's been seven years. Do you think the growth environment of these trees will be exactly the same every year?" Siha didn't prepare for the tauren to answer, but continued.

"Take a step back, even if the growth environment of these trees is exactly the same, but these trees are not located together. Under normal circumstances, the sunny side of the annual rings will be exposed to light for a long time, so it is relatively wider, but these trees The positions are different, but the annual rings are exactly the same, do you think it's normal?" Siha stopped talking after speaking.

After listening to Shiha's words, everyone once again carefully looked at the annual rings of these trees. They had already begun to believe in Shiha's words, and it was very likely that they had already entered the phantom formation.

"Even if we enter the illusion formation, why didn't the golden scale leopard fall into the illusion formation?" Tauren asked stiffly.

"There are two possibilities." Siha first stretched out the index finger and middle finger, and then retracted the middle finger. "One possibility is that this golden leopard knows this illusion very well, so he is not confused by the illusion."

Siha stretched out his middle finger, "The second possibility is that this phantom formation started after we entered, and the Golden Scale Leopard has already exited the phantom formation at this time, so it is not affected."

"Then do you mean that this illusion is likely to be man-made?" a monkey orc looked at Siha and asked.

"To be honest, I have this suspicion. Not only this phantom formation, but even the golden leopard may be man-made."

"Think about it, there has never been a warcraft on Yunya Peak before, and Yunya Peak is not connected to other forests or mountains. The outskirts of Yunya Peak are other towns in the Twilight Federation. How could this beast be unconscious Has entered Yunya Peak?"

"Natural fantasy formations are not absent, but you have lived here for so many years. Even if you don't know Yunyafeng well, but you still know it, you old hunters should have discovered it long ago."

"So I infer that, whether this beast or phantom array is good, someone deliberately targeted you." Siha glanced at the crowd and said nothing astonishing.

"Aiming at us deliberately? We are just small villages. What's the point of such an invigorating way of targeting us?" The monkey tribe orc looked at Shiha in confusion. He has completely believed in Shiha now.

"I just speculated based on the current situation. As for the specific cause, I don't know." Siha spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

He is just a human being, and he has only come here not long ago. The people he has been in contact with have always been from Ciaohua Village. How could he know what these things are because of.

"You can find that this is a phantom array, then you must have a way to crack it?" The monkey orc looked at Shi with expectant expression.

Siha felt like there was a way, but he couldn't remember it for a while. He always felt that there should be no difficulty in cracking the illusion by himself. It seemed that he was relying on something, but he couldn't remember it.

"Ah..." Just when Shiha felt that he was about to find the answer, his head began to ache sharply without warning, and the sudden sharp pain made Shiha unable to hold his head in his hands and yell.

Shiha's sudden scream shocked everyone. They didn't know about Shiha's situation. They thought that Shiha was attacked by the phantom array. They all scanned the surrounding nervously, for fear that they would be inexplicably phantom The array attacked.

"Siha, are you okay?" Goudan's father hurriedly stepped forward and helped Shiha who was kneeling on the ground screaming, and asked with concern.

"'s all right..." Siha replied, panting heavily, shook his head slightly.

As long as he doesn't grasp the hint of inspiration, the pain in his head will subside little by little. In less than a minute, the clothes on his body have been soaked with sweat.

"What's wrong with you? Have you been attacked by the phantom array?" the tauren asked nervously.

"No... it's okay, it has nothing to do with the phantom array, just take a break!" Siha waved his hand, swallowed hard, and said weakly.

"What did you scream without being attacked!" the tauren asked loudly with staring eyes. The sudden scream of Siha almost scared him to pee.

He is the strongest person here, and if the phantom array launches an attack, he is likely to be the next one. It wasn't that he was timid, it was that Shiha's performance just now was too terrifying, and the fear of the unknown was the most terrifying.

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