Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1133: Fatal crisis

"Headache." Siha responded concisely.

"Headache?" The tauren frowned. Obviously he was not very satisfied with the answer. He thought that Siha was dealing with him and didn't want to tell him, but he did not continue to ask.

"What should we do next?" The monkey orc hesitated, and finally looked at Siha and asked.

"Oh! I don't know anymore." Siha sighed helplessly and shook his head. He didn't think of anything, so naturally he didn't know what to do.

"Huh! I don't know if you are still wasting everyone's time here, it's fun?" The tauren glared at Shiha. The more he looked at him, the more unpleasant he became.

"Bah! MD, no matter what it is, there are so many of us, I don't believe it!" The tauren took a bite, and threw the axe out of his hand. Several big trees suffered. calamity.

However, these big trees are the same as the previous big trees. The annual rings are evenly circled. Obviously, they are not entities, but illusions.

Siha shook his head speechlessly. The general phantom array can indeed be destroyed by a large number of people. After all, the phantom array has a coverage area. As long as the number of people is much larger than the coverage area of ​​the phantom array, then the phantom array can be broken, but now these The number is only a few dozen people, and even a corner of the magic array can't be filled.

Fortunately, the phantom array did not launch an attack on them. Perhaps the people who used the phantom array just wanted to trap them, not to hurt them, otherwise they would definitely have a lot of trouble.

But even so, once trapped them for too long, it is enough for them to drink a pot. Everyone came out to search the mountains to find the monsters, and they didn't bring enough supplies. These people are all skilled hunters who are crawling and rolling in Yunya Peak, and here can provide them with everything they need.

"Niu Ben, do you have a good way? Wouldn't it be that we want all of us to chop down trees like you? We don't have the strength of yours." The monkey orcs looked at the tauren in confusion.

"There are so many ways to break the illusion. We can't find the eye, then we can only destroy it by force. As long as the eye is destroyed in the process of destruction, the illusion will naturally be broken." Niu Ben was very proud of it. Said, and then threw the axe in his hand again.

This time Niu Ben used his fighting spirit, and the axe went out against the ground, and more trees were cut off, even the flowers and plants were cut off a lot.

Although others don't agree with Niu Ben's approach, they have no good way. They have to try Niu Ben's approach first. What if it succeeds?

It has to be said that the destruction of these people is indeed very strong, flowers and trees have been destroyed in patches, and even the land has been turned over.

Seeing the ruined mess of woods, Shiha frowned. Although Niu Ben's method is also the method, this method is really the most stupid method, and Shiha always feels something is not right in his heart.

It stands to reason that the people who set up the phantom array trapped them here, it will definitely not be as simple as trapping them, it must have their purpose.

If these people are allowed to destroy, then not only will they escape from the sky, but the materials for setting up the phantom array will also be destroyed because the phantom array is forcibly broken through.

So no matter from which point of view, the person who set up the magic array to attack them will definitely not sit idly by. The phantom array has not launched an attack, which does not mean that the phantom array will not launch an attack.

I don't know if it was Shiha's crow's mouth or the person who set up the phantom array felt Shiha's expectation. Just when the environment in the phantom array was severely destroyed, the environment in the phantom array changed suddenly.

The sky was gloomy without warning, and the clouds were so dark that people around him could not be seen clearly. When everyone was in a panic, a flash of lightning suddenly pierced the sky, and the whole sky suddenly became bright as day. But it was only a moment, and then everyone fell into the darkness again.

Then a blast of thunder sounded from the horizon, and everyone's hearts trembled.

Afterwards, there was a faint electric light flashing in the clouds on the horizon, and then a muffled thunder sound full of depression came. The air was full of damp smell, not even a trace of wind, and everyone felt as if the end of the world was coming.


The heavy rain suddenly poured down, and in an instant, everyone who had not yet reacted to their heart palpitations was soaked in their hearts.

The raindrops were dense, urgent and big, and also extremely cold, as if they had just been soaked in mysterious ice for thousands of years. When hitting a person, it is not only cold and deep into the bone marrow, but also very painful, as if there are thousands of knives cutting meat on the body.

Although everyone knows that all of this is just an illusion, but all of this is so real, not only visually, but also emotionally, no one can do nothing without being exposed to this kind of rain.

There are no caves and places to avoid heavy rain. Two thin orcs ran under a small tree and shrank their bodies as much as possible. The whole body was attached to the tree, which could reduce some rain damage.

Others saw this scene and wanted to find a big tree to hide from the rain, but the towering trees were almost cut down by them. There were stout stumps everywhere, and only a few small trees escaped the catastrophe just now. .

Everyone rushed towards the nearest small tree, and some physically strong and powerful people directly squeezed others out.

The two thin orcs had already been squeezed out to get in the rain, and the trees were already occupied by some more powerful orcs.

Niu Ben saw everything in his eyes, but didn't stop it. He was tacitly acquiescing to this rule of respect for the strong, but he didn't squeeze under the tree, but instead covered his body with vindictive energy, relying on vindictive energy. To resist raindrops like a knife.

The other orcs who didn't grab the little tree had no choice but to rely on vindictiveness or magic elements to get wet like Niu Ben.

No one from Ciaohua Village went to grab the small tree, but chose to resist raindrops hard. If they go to **** it, the strong Xiong Lin and the black iron warrior's Gou Dan'er dad are still very hopeful to **** them, but they are stopped by Shiha.

Siha also discouraged those who hid under the tree, but they chose to ignore Siha's dissuasion. They all believed that Siha's so-called rainy days under the tree is easy to be struck by lightning. It is simply alarmist, and it must be that Siha wants to get it. Under the tree to shelter from the rain, but did not grab it, so he could only fool others out, so that he could come in by himself.

"Siha, if you also want to go under the tree to avoid the rain, with our strength, it is not a problem to grab a tree by one person, you don't have to say that at all." Xiong Lin's thoughts are obviously the same as others. , Even the other people in Ciaohua Village had the same thoughts as everyone else.

It's not uncommon for thunder to hit trees, but they just heard that they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, so they were skeptical about this kind of thing. Compared with standing in the rain, the rumors that have not been seen obviously cannot convince them.

"My life was saved by the people of Cry Flower Village. Do you think I will harm you? This kind of weather is dangerous under normal conditions, not to mention that we are still in an illusion controlled by others. Don't take a chance. In my heart." Siha shook his head to discourage.

"Oh!" Xiong Lin sighed, shaking his head, "Then it's no way for us to fight hard like this! I think..."

Just when Xiong Lin wanted to persuade Shiha, a flash of lightning suddenly pierced the sky and struck a small tree directly.


With a loud noise, a huge fireball soared into the sky above the canopy of a small tree, and the two orcs clinging to the tree stiffened, and then lay straight on the ground, motionless.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, and then the orcs under the tree hurried out all at once, and none of them wanted to be the next person to be smashed.

And those who were not hiding under the small tree, and were using vindictiveness or magic to resist the rain in the open space, secretly relieved in their hearts, even with a hint of schadenfreude.

Especially the four thin orcs who were the first to hide under the small tree that was smashed. If the four of them were not forced out by those two people, I am afraid that the four of them lying under the tree at this time are likely to be the four of them. NS.

The rain is still falling, and there is no tendency to weaken at all. It has even become more urgent and denser, and it hurts more when hitting the body. Everyone tried to find an emergency shelter from the rain, but they didn't make any progress.

It's not over yet, the gale that hasn't moved for a long time also rushed to join in the fun, the wind whirled, wrapped in raindrops, desperately hitting everyone. The wind takes advantage of the rain, and the rain helps the wind and the wind, and the whole world has changed its color.

Fortunately, the people here are not ordinary people, and they all have a certain strength, otherwise, if an ordinary person comes over, I am afraid that they would have been frozen into popsicles.

Even so, everyone's fighting spirit, magical power, physical strength, etc. are all rapidly consuming. Some people are already about to be unable to hold their bodies and start to tremble. It is only a matter of time before they are drenched or frozen to death.

But no one chooses to stop, because stopping will only make them die faster. Finding shelter from the wind and rain earlier will allow them to survive.

"Boom... boom..."

A huge roar suddenly came from a distance, and the sound got closer and closer. Obviously, the speed of this sound was extremely fast.

Everyone looked suspiciously in the direction of the sound. When they saw that the source of the sound turned out to be the surging waves, they all turned pale with fright, and rushed towards the front as they went crazy. There were even some orcs. In order to speed up the running speed, he had lost his weapon and ran wildly on all fours.

Some flying orcs were flapping their wings desperately, but as a result, some orcs were flying too high and once again attracted the blessing of lightning in the sky...

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