Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 123: Mastermind

" can't be like this! I'm just an errand! You two groups are fighting for the world, so why make me a villain!"

Li Zhenbang was taken aback for a moment, but soon recovered, and said in a voice full of temptation: "Then you say or not? I can kill you, and naturally I can save you! Who do you want to die for? It’s your choice, but is it worth it to miss your family’s life?"

"Can you guarantee the safety of our village?" Nick's psychological defense has been somewhat loosened.

"I have said that I am good at everything. There is only one shortcoming, which is to be careful. Keeping promises is obviously not a shortcoming, and I can tell you clearly, as long as you are obedient, our previous things can not only be written off, but I I can also give you a sum of money, enough for you and your grandma to stay incognito for a few lifetimes!" Li Zhenbang continued to tempt.

"You have to know that in this situation, no matter what happens in the end, you will not have any good results. Incognito is your ultimate destination." After Li Zhenbang finished speaking, he did not speak any more. He wanted to give Nick time to think. .

Nick lowered his head in thought for a while, then raised his head and looked at Li Zhenbang.

"What you said is true?"

Li Zhenbang didn't speak, and took out two amethyst stored-value cards from the space bracelet and threw them directly. Nick reached out subconsciously to take it, and saw the full amethyst stored-value card emitting a purple light, and could no longer control his emotions.

"Okay, Li Zhenbang. We are all men, we have the words to say. I tell you the mastermind behind the scenes, you let me go, these two stored-value cards belong to me, I immediately disappeared with my grandma." Nick gasped.

"I believe you also know the fate of Bai Yanlang. I asked you about it. I definitely need you to swear. If you die because you lied, then all the people in your village will go with you!" Li Zhenbang Said with a smile.

"Don't worry, with these two cards, why should I ask for trouble! I have been with him for so long, and only a few hundred gold coins were given to me in a month." Nick said with a curl of his lips.

"A person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man, you are good! Let's talk, who is your master?" Although Li Zhenbang was excited, his tone was still calm.

"My master is Capecchi, son of Duke Cario, and Capecchi’s master is the third prince! I don’t ask or don’t want to know who you are, and don’t tell me. I understand the rules. I just take the money. People, I don’t know anything else!"

"You are very smart, I like to deal with smart people, but I have to make you feel wronged for staying here for two days. Don't worry, I will say what I have to say, and you will collect those two cards. Since the level is very cooperative, I will naturally not treat you badly. !"

After Li Zhenbang finished speaking, he got up and walked out, Omega and Alpha also followed, leaving Nick in the interrogation room alone.

"Zhenbang, what's the matter? Why do I listen so confused!" Omega asked with some confusion.

"You are so stupid! Zhenbang was misunderstood by Nick as the eldest prince. The prince and the third prince are the most powerful contenders for the throne in the future. But this is also good and saves a lot of trouble. Zhenbang, do you think this is Will the third prince deal with you?"

"Impossible, how could the third prince be interested in me as a civilian, I am afraid this was planned by Capecchi. You must know that the civilian committee has always been for the nobles, and the civilian committee has always been in the hands of Nick, This is even Kapage’s power. But when I came, my nature changed. As a leader of the nobility, naturally I would not allow this to happen, so it was natural to want to get rid of me."

Alpha and Omega both thought about it, and nodded seriously.

"Zhenbang, what do we plan to do next?" Omega asked with some confusion. Son of the Duke, it is not so easy to pack it up.

"Oh! A Hussein hasn't figured it out yet, and another Cappucci comes out. Is it because I am born incompatible with the nobles? What can we do? We can't kill Capec, we can only take a step to see One step!" Li Zhenbang sighed helplessly.

"If Nick disappears, it is estimated that he will be reminded. If Capecchi never troubles me, then this page will pass. If Capecchi does not know the current affairs, then I will not care about it. Too much." Li Zhenbang squinted his eyes and said in a cold voice.

"By the way, how is Miaomiao?" Li Zhenbang suddenly thought of Miaomiao, and asked worriedly.

"You still know to ask Miaomiao! I thought you had forgotten her!" Alpha said with a teasing smile.

"Uh... how can it be! That's my niece! Hehe." Li Zhenbang pretended to be stupid and smiled.

"Let's go, go see her! It's still the same, but I feel that she should be awakened soon. When she wakes up, her strength must not be underestimated! At least she is much stronger than you!" Alpha looked at Li Zhenbang with a face. Said with a smirk.

"Sister, don't hit me like that! I'm a summoner, not a fighter. How can I compare my strength to yours? I'm lucky!" Li Zhenbang lowered his head helplessly.

"Luck is also a manifestation of strength, hehe!" Omega said suddenly.


Recently, Li Zhenbang is in a very unbeautiful mood. Although there are no threats from foreign aggressions, his internal worries are a bit caught off guard. The duke is a high-powered existence in the empire, and his father is just an earl, two full ranks behind.

Li Zhenbang was in a bad mood, and there was another Capecchi in the same bad mood.

Nick's disappearance made Capecchi feel very annoyed. He didn't care about a man who was half-footed into the Dark Iron Warrior, but he still cares about someone who is only 18 years old and may become a Dark Iron Warrior at any time. of. Dark iron fighters under twenty years old, that means talent!

Not surprisingly, Nick is very hopeful that he will reach the golden warrior before the age of forty, the last time he is also a silver warrior!

Moreover, the current civilian committee is a big piece of cake. He still wants to let Nick go back to power after he kills Li Zhenbang!

"Didn't Nick say he went home? How did he disappear? How did you do things?" Capecchi broke a teacup angrily and yelled at the person next to him.

"This time Nick is the same as usual, nothing unusual! He used to go home and came back soon!"

"Have you looked for him at his house?"

"Go, but the people in the village don't know where he has gone."

"Trash, it's all a bunch of trash, why should I raise you? I can't even find it personally!" Capecchi roared angrily.


"But what?" Capecchi asked with staring eyes!

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