Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 124: Li Zhenbang, someone is looking for

"I heard from their villagers that Nick seemed to have been taken away by three people, a man, a woman, and a little boy. The man is tall, almost two meters away, and the woman is very beautiful, tall, with extraordinary strength. Years old."

"a family of three?"

"I don't know, they have never seen it. After Nick was taken away, Nick's grandma suddenly disappeared, as if she had disappeared out of thin air. No one had seen her leave."

"Damn it! Where the **** did Nick go? Who are those three people? You use all the power of your family to send someone to check it out! After you find it out, tell me as soon as you can. Fuck off!" Capecchi stood up and shouted angrily.

The faces of several people in front of Capecchi were bluish, but there was nothing they could do, they bowed back. They are all children of nobles, and Capecchi is the only heir to the Duke in the future, and he is also a member of the Third Prince. Only by relying on him can they have much success in the future.


"Is Li Zhenbang here?"

"Do you have anything to do with Zhenbang?" Wang Peng asked an 18-year-old student at the door of the committee in confusion. He didn't know this student, but he seemed to be a nobleman in his clothes.

"My friend wants to see him."

"Who is your friend?"

"Sorry, I can't say, Li Zhenbang knew it when he saw him."

"Zhenbang didn't come today, and I don't know where he is."

"Where can I find him?"

"I don't know this, he never reports to me where he goes, sorry!"

"Oh, thank you!" After thanking the student expressionlessly, he turned and left.

Looking at the background of this student, Wang Peng felt a little inexplicable, and always felt that something was wrong. Putting aside the work at hand, rushed to Li Zhenbang's dormitory...

"Is Zhenbang there?"

"Hey, isn't this President Wang Peng? Come in!" It was Sha Hanshan who opened the door and saw that it was Wang Peng. He hurriedly invited Wang Peng into the room.

"Brother Wang, what's the matter? Why did you come to see me personally? It's fine if you have something to let Dehai come over." Li Zhenbang asked in surprise when he saw Wang Peng personally come over.

"Today, an aristocratic student I don't know came to the committee to find you, saying that he was looking for you for a friend. I asked him who his friend was, but he refused to say it. I think it's strange, so I should come and let you know." Wang Peng said with a little breath, in order to hurry up, he ran over this way.

"It's okay. Soldiers will cover the water and soil. There should be nothing in the academy." Li Zhenbang thought for a while, a smile leaked from the corner of his mouth, comfortingly said.

Li Zhenbang secretly said in his heart: Is it a bit unbearable after only a few days? Take the initiative to find the door.

"Bang bang bang! Is Li Zhenbang there?" At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"It's this person, his voice can't be wrong, I didn't expect him to be here so soon." Wang Peng heard the voice and said with certainty.

"Brother Wang, don't go out, I'll go out and have a look."

"Okay! But be careful, I always think he is weird!" Wang Peng said with some worry.

Zhang Dayu and others were going to accompany Li Zhenbang to take a look, but Li Zhenbang was stopped. If they didn't guess wrong, they should not be greedy about this matter.

"Hello, I am Li Zhenbang, what do you want me to do?"

"My friend wants to see you, please come with me."

"Who is your friend?"

"You will know when you go."

"Since you are so insincere, why should I go? Let your friends come to me by themselves!" Li Zhenbang said disdainfully.

"You... don't go too far! My friend asked you to come over to save you face!"

"Your friend? Humph! If I see him and tell him you say he is your friend, guess what he will do with you?"

"Uh...huh! Do you know who is looking for you?" A cold light flashed in the student's eyes, and he said with a cold snort.

"Cut, I also want to know who is looking for me, but you can tell by your attitude, you are just a runner."

"You... don't dare to follow me, don't you? Don't worry, you won't leave the college." Hearing Li Zhenbang's words, the student was very annoyed, but he soon recovered, but there was still some irritation between his eyebrows. It wasn't that person who asked him to invite Li Zhenbang, he was ready to take action.

"Exciting general method is useless to me, but I am very interested in the people above you, let's lead the way!" Li Zhenbang curled his lips and said dismissively.

Even if the students are dissatisfied, at least the task is completed and they will not be cleaned up.

The student put the anger in his heart under his feet, and the wind was blowing under his feet, and he ran like crazy. He was going to see Li Zhenbang's joke. However, he found that Li Zhenbang followed him as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, hanging from a short distance, unable to get rid of it.

He had already used his speed to the limit, and Li Zhenbang seemed to have room for him.

Under the leadership of this student, Li Zhenbang came to a tall building in the noble dormitory area.

The student knocked on the door rhythmically, the door opened, and a twenty-four-year-old young man came out. He nodded slightly when he saw the student leading the way, and then stepped aside to clear the way. Li Zhenbang followed the student into the house.

"Li Zhenbang, please wait here for a while, I'll tell you." This student's tone is no longer as disdainful as it was at the beginning.

Those who can follow at full speed and have room for themselves, have to make him take it seriously. I thought it was just some good luck being taken by that person, but now I don't have that contempt in my heart. Where did he know that Li Zhenbang was just fast.

After a short while, the student who had brought Li Zhenbang came out and led Li Zhenbang to the study room upstairs. Standing outside the study room, the student knocked gently on the door.

"My son, Li Zhenbang is here!"

"come in!"


The student gently opened the door, signaled Li Zhenbang to go in, and closed the door by himself.

Behind the table facing the study door, a person was sitting with his back to the door. There is a stack of books on the table, the cover of which is made of gold. An opened book is placed on the table, and the pages of the book are made of gold leaf.

"Li Zhenbang, you are here!" As he spoke, the person sitting in the swivel chair turned around.

This person is not outstanding, he is about twenty-seven years old, but his whole body exudes a strong aura of being a superior person. The triangular eyes are shining with cold light, and there are a pair of thin lips under the nose of the hook, which gives people a bitter and harsh feeling.

"Who are you? What can I do for you?" Li Zhenbang looked at him warily.

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