Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 136: Mysterious old man

Lin Qiushan nodded and said: "What the big friend said is not rough, we have no choice at all. Unless we retreat and take another fork, the other fork will probably not be much better than this fork. Now that we have already gone. Now that we are here, let's just go and take a look first, and we will withdraw it later!"

Li Zhenbang saw that everyone had no opinion, and he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go and see what the sacred person is! I don't believe it anymore. Can a third grade promotion assessment give us a nine Unable to come out of Tier Beast!"

Li Zhenbang said with some worry: "But everyone must not be impulsive and act by chance. But everyone must be careful. If you cannot do anything, you must not be stingy. Crushed the jade pendant at the first time, don't hesitate!"

Everyone glanced at each other and nodded heavily. After all, there is only one life, and no one wants to make a joke about his life. The promotion assessment will not take the exam next year. Anyway, there is a chance to graduate before the age of 30.

This time Li Zhenbang took the lead, Zhang Dayou and Xiaopang stood beside him, Li Zhenbang was full of energy, and walked in the direction of the old man he felt.

It was quiet along the way, and there was no Warcraft blocking it, but the quieter it was, the easier it was for people to feel scared, especially in such a dangerous place. Quietness gives people a very depressing feeling, as if it is the tranquility before the storm.

Everyone turned the corner at the end of the road, and what appeared in front of him was a circular platform on which sat cross-legged an old man with white clothes, white hair and white beard.

Everyone cautiously approached the platform where the old man was. Li Zhenbang had already wrapped it all up with mental energy, and even a little disturbance could not escape his perception. At least until now, he had not noticed any dangerous aura.

Everyone followed Li Zhenbang close to the platform quietly. Li Zhenbang stood on the steps below the platform and did not move any more.

The old man exudes a white light, giving people a familiar and comfortable feeling. The white light shines on everyone, and everyone feels that the previous fatigue has been wiped out, and the energy is also energetic.

Li Zhenbang is no stranger to this light, which is the effect of light magic elements.

"Hello, old man!" Li Zhenbang bowed respectfully and said softly.

The old man still closed his eyes and said nothing.

Li Zhenbang increased his voice slightly, but the old man still didn't talk.

Li Zhenbang frowned, not because he was dissatisfied with the old man's indiscretion, but because he felt that something was wrong with the old man, but he couldn't tell.

Li Zhenbang slowly walked up the steps to the platform, waved to stop Dayou Zhang and Xiaopang who wanted to follow him. Although Zhang Dayu and Xiaopang did not follow, their vindictiveness was covered on the body surface, ready to rush to protect Li Zhenbang at any time.

Li Zhenbang walked in front of the old man and looked closely at the closed old man. The old man's brows were frowned, as if he was suffering from some pain. The white light was just the light element escaping from the old man's body.

Li Zhenbang's face changed drastically. The old man with his eyes closed seemed to be in a delusion. The light element in the old man's body is very unstable. According to the current situation, if the old man can't hold on, he may burst into death.

Li Zhenbang hurriedly sat cross-legged behind the old man, and stretched out his palms to cling to the old man's back.

Under normal circumstances, only people who practice light magic fighting energy can give the old man a certain amount of help. If people who cultivate other elements and fighting energy rashly introduce their own fighting energy into the elderly, it can only be counterproductive.

However, Li Zhenbang's body is an authentic internal force. The internal force itself is neutral and peaceful. Healing internal injuries and this kind of insanity will have certain effects.

Li Zhenbang input his internal force into the old man's body along the palm of his hand. The light element in the old man's body has been very disordered. Li Zhenbang dare not rashly guide these light elements to move. Li Zhenbang just slowly moved his internal force along the opponent's meridians, combing and repairing the opponent's already somewhat blocked and damaged meridians.

A little bit of time passed, Li Zhenbang's forehead was already full of sweat, and his internal strength was almost exhausted. If it hadn't been for the light element from the old man's body to enter his body to feed back, I am afraid Li Zhenbang would have long been unable to hold on.

The old man's forehead gradually unfolded, the meridians in his body have been repaired, and the disordered light element gradually calmed down.

"My little friend can stop, the old man is fine, thank you!" the old man said.

Hearing the old man's words, Li Zhenbang calmed his mind, took a deep breath, his body shook slightly, obviously it was not easy for him to treat the old man. Li Zhenbang continued to meditate cross-legged, regaining his internal strength.

After the old man finished speaking, he did not get up, but closed his eyes and combed the unstable light element in his body.

Everyone stared at the two people on the platform nervously. The two recovered motionlessly. Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and no one moved.

Li Zhenbang just consumed his internal strength, so he would naturally recover much faster. About an hour or so, Li Zhenbang suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed brightly, and his peace was restored.

When everyone saw that Li Zhenbang was unharmed, they took a sigh of relief and relaxed, only to realize that they had a sore back. Maintaining a posture for more than an hour without blinking the eyelids is indeed not easy.

Li Zhenbang stood up and observed the old man. The light element on the old man's body had been completely restrained, and his brows were also stretched out. It seemed that there should be no major problem, and he walked off the platform and returned to the crowd.

"Zhenbang, you are too foolish! What if something happens?" Zhang Dayou whispered blame.

Li Zhenbang responded with a smile: "Don't worry! There will be no next time."

Zhang Dayou curled his lips in disdain, and Li Zhenbang felt a little embarrassed with a strange expression that believed in you. If this kind of thing happened again, he might do it again.

After a while, the white-haired old man also opened his eyes, but his eyes were much muddy, and it was obvious that his body had not fully recovered. The old man did not get up, but was still sitting cross-legged on the platform, a beam of light still shining directly on him from the top of the old man's head.

"Thank you for saving my life, little friend, please forgive me for not being able to leave here, I can't get up and thank you!" The old man threw a fist at Li Zhenbang and said apologetically.

"Senior is polite, I don't know the name of Senior Gao?" Li Zhenbang arched his hands at the old man, asking with some doubts. Looking at the light magic elements emanating from the old man, he knew that he was not a mortal, but he was trapped here for some reason.

"Name...I don't remember, and I don't know how long I have been here. I remember what I came here for, but I can't remember it anymore!" The old man frowned, showing a painful look.

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