Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 137: Special task

Everyone looked at each other suspiciously, this old man who seemed to be once powerful had lost his memory, could it be a sequelae of a delusion.

"Old man, don't worry and think slowly. Maybe you are in a delusion. If you really can't remember it, don't think about it." Li Zhenbang comforted softly.

"Who am I? Why am I here? What's wrong with me?" The old man muttered to himself, sitting cross-legged, eyes dull.

"Zhenbang, he won't be a fool, right? It was fine just now, why did he become like this when he asked his name? I think let's go!" Zhang Dayou looked at the old man who was already intoxicated in his own world, and dragged him. He pulled Li Zhenbang's sleeve and said softly.

Li Zhenbang glanced at the old man on the platform and frowned. Why does a powerful light system expert appear here? Why did it become like this? Why does the mental power perceive that he is not just a bunch of energy? But when I was in contact with him just now, I clearly felt that he was a person of flesh and blood!

At this moment, a voice rang in Li Zhenbang's mind, successfully saving the light system powerhouse and opening a special task-to retrieve the memory of the powerhouse!

Li Zhenbang looked at his companions in a daze, and they also looked at Li Zhenbang in disbelief. Obviously, they also received such a nonsense message.

Retrieve the memory? How to get it back? Do you want to kill some monster or find something that carries the memory of the old man? There are no hints, how can this be done? Who else prompted them? Is this what the middle-aged teacher meant when he came in?

This is the first task received so far, and it is a special task according to the prompts. What is a special task? A word from his previous life when he played large-scale online games suddenly flashed into Li Zhenbang's mind-side mission.

Is this a side task triggered by yourself? What is the main task? The completion of the main task should be considered as the completion of the assessment, but until now, I have no idea what the main task is!

Thinking of this, Li Zhenbang suddenly became clear. No wonder his mental power felt that the old man was an energy body, but when he came into contact, he felt that he was a real person of flesh and blood.

The old man is a part of this world at all, or the old man is not a human at all, but a part of their mission, it is an NPC in this world. Since all the monsters in this world are entities composed of energy, this old man will naturally be no exception.

After Li Zhenbang explained the situation he thought of in words that everyone could understand, Zhang Dayou nodded and asked, "Zhenbang, what should we do next?"

"I have no choice but to take one step and count one step. I guess Lao Bai can't count on it anymore."

"Lao Bai?" Everyone looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously. Li Zhenbang shrugged his shoulders and pointed at the old white-bearded man who was still sitting cross-legged on the platform and talking to himself.

Everyone couldn't help but smile, Lao Bai seemed to be quite suitable for this old man.

"Should we continue to go down or back?" Li Zhenbang gathered everyone together and began to discuss the next step.

"Go on! If you go back, the ghost knows what other tasks will be encountered, and how to solve the group of bats overhead? I don't believe that our luck will always be so good." Zhang Dayou curled his lips. One spoke aloud.

Thinking of the bats hanging over their heads, everyone couldn't help but shudder. Everyone hadn't thought of a good way to solve them for the time being. It seemed that they had to continue on this path.

Li Zhenbang took out food, jerky and water bags from the space bracelet and distributed them to everyone. After eating, everyone simply took a rest and continued on their journey.

During this period, Li Zhenbang reluctantly ran to Lao Bai again, hoping to get some useful news from him, but Lao Bai still talked to himself and ignored Li Zhenbang at all.

When Li Zhenbang asked him how to retrieve his memory, his eyes would become confused, and then he held his head and screamed in pain, Li Zhenbang had no choice but to give up.

During the rest period, Li Zhenbang tried to use the summoning technique twice, hoping to summon the beasts of this plane to give himself some reference.

Unfortunately, the two summoned were beasts, a wild boar, and a bison. Although it is not a Warcraft, it is barely useful. Wild boars and bisons can be considered to have some fighting power, and they are good for walking on the road. Moreover, the bison has a wide back and good strength and endurance. They have become Lin Wan'er's means of transportation.

Although fighting continued on the way forward, they did not encounter any great dangers. Occasionally, they encountered two more powerful monsters, which were solved without danger under the command of Li Zhenbang.

"Brother Zhenbang, do you think something is wrong?" Sha Hanshan asked suddenly.

"Well, there is something wrong, but I can't say why. Wait a minute, let me check." Li Zhenbang finished speaking, expanding his mental power to the extreme, and the surrounding vegetation and the internal structure were clearly presented to him. In his mind.

"Be vigilant, we seem to be in trouble." Li Zhenbang's expression changed drastically, and he shouted directly.

Although everyone didn't know what the trouble Li Zhenbang was talking about, but out of trust in Li Zhenbang, they still prepared for the fight as soon as possible.

"What's wrong, Zhenbang?" Zhang Dayou asked in confusion.

"We seem to be in the illusion!" Li Zhenbang said uncertainly.

His mental power probed the surrounding environment and there was nothing abnormal. If it hadn't been probed that the internal environment of Xiaocao was static and did not conform to common sense, he would not have found any abnormality.

When everyone heard Li Zhenbang talk about the phantom array, their expressions changed.

Li Zhenbang contacted Duoduo for the first time, but Duoduo's reply was that he could not help it, because this was not an illusion, but an illusion. The illusion has no effect on it, but it has no ability to break it.

The magic array is a magic array composed of various rare materials. As long as the eyes are broken, the magic array will naturally be broken, and the main function of the magic array is to confuse and consume.

However, the illusion directly affects the spirit, and there is no way to eliminate it. Unless the person who releases the illusion is killed or the spiritual power is much higher than the person who releases the illusion, there is no way.

The illusion acts directly on the mental power, so if hurt in the illusion, the brain will think it is real. If an arm is chopped off in the illusion, the brain will think that the arm is gone. Even if the illusion is finally broken, it is not easy to restore the mobility of this arm.

Li Zhenbang didn't tell everyone that this is an illusion, otherwise everyone might not even have the courage to struggle.

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