Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 288: It's all caused by the house

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with you, I have to go downstairs quickly. In case my armored rhinoceros gets injured, I can ask you for medical bills! What a broken house, it looks good, so not strong !" Li Zhenbang finished angrily and jumped directly from the pit.

Capecchi took a few deep breaths, trying to calm the anger in his heart. He would not believe Li Zhenbang's nonsense, which was a naked demonstration and provocation against him. However, Capecchi was also settled in his heart. As the so-called praise and criticism are buyers, if Li Zhenbang is a stance of stubbornness or resistance to the end, then he really needs to think about it.

"Zhenbang, is your iron-clad rhinoceros all right? Do I need to pay you some medical expenses?" As the next Duke of Violet, the city will not be very shallow. Standing next to the big hole on the floor, looking up, his tone was full of teasing. If you can get injured in such a fall, the iron-clad giant rhinoceros can simply be renamed Crispy giant rhinoceros.

"That feeling is good! Give me a thousand or eight hundred gold coins as mental compensation. When I fell from such a high place, my iron armored rhinoceros was terrified and very depressed. I have to buy it some magic core to compensate. "Li Zhenbang's voice came from below.

Even if Capecchi had restraint, he became angry when he heard Li Zhenbang's shameless request.

"Get out of here, get out now, I never want to see you again."

"Let's discuss it! If you don't give a thousand gold coins, it's okay to give 800! Or you can make a half-fold and give me five hundred! It can't be any less!" Li Zhenbang jumped onto the back of the giant rhinoceros and raised his head. Looking at Capecchi, he said aggrievedly.

"Get out, get out! I won't give you a copper coin today!" Capecchi roared at Li Zhenbang.

"The anger is too high. If you don't give it, you won't be chanting! It's stingy! You let me go. I don't blame me for anything that happens here." Li Zhenbang said helplessly.

The huge body of the giant rhinoceros suddenly shook, and then Capec was astonished to see that the giant rhinoceros had really rolled up.

Only the ruined walls were left where the iron-clad rhinoceros rolled over. When Li Zhenbang followed the iron-clad rhinoceros and ran out of Capecchi’s residence, Capecchi discovered the black iron warrior who had been crushed by the iron-clad rhinoceros before. .

Although the chest of the dark iron warrior is still undulating, he no longer has a human shape. His arms and legs are in an irregular shape lying there motionless, his eyes closed, it seems that he will not want to make a difference in a short time. .

Just when Capecchi was about to scold his mother, the house suddenly shook. Just before Capecchi and others did not react, the house collapsed with a bang.

There are a lot of people in the lodging area of ​​the nobles. They were all surprised when they saw Capecchi walking out of the house with a disgusting face. They had never heard that Capecchi wanted to demolish the house!

"Capechi! What are you doing? Don't you know that you need to apply to the college if you want to renovate the house? What's more, why did you demolish the house directly? What do you mean?" She Guan teacher asked loudly.

Capecchi saw the warding teacher who rushed over for a while. The warding teacher was called Mao Shi. He was a famous guy who didn't buy in oil and salt and didn't pay for his face. In private, everyone called him Maokengshi.

Capecchi was tickling the roots of Li Zhenbang's hateful teeth, but there was no other way. He did tell him to roll, but he did not expect that he would actually make the giant rhinoceros roll.

"Mr. Mao,'s okay, I will fix the house as soon as possible." Capecchi replied bitterly.

"One week, I only give you one week. This week you will find a way to solve the accommodation by yourself. I don't want something similar to happen again." Teacher Mao Shi pointed to Capech with a cold snort.

"Okay, it's all gone, it's okay!" Teacher Mao Shi waved away the surrounding students, and it was considered a step down to Capecchi. After all, so many students watched a future like a monkey. Lord Duke is a little out of style.

Whether they wanted to come here to help or to watch a joke, the onlookers saw that the Mao Keng was bombarded with rocks and had to stray away, for fear that it would be miserable if he was caught late.

Maoshi saw that the students were all gone, so he turned and looked at Capecchi with satisfaction.

"Capec, I don't care what you use, you must build the house for me a week to live in, otherwise I will definitely report to the Lord Duke."

Capecchi breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly nodded and agreed. He thought that today's teacher Maokengshi is still very cute. Although the matter is not big, the college is no better than other places. If I let my father know, I will definitely have a fat beating.

"Mao... Teacher Mao, don't worry, I will try my best to build the house within a week, and I promise to be better than before!"

Teacher Mao Shi nodded, said nothing, turned and left.

"Master... this... inside the academy is no better than the outside, not everyone can come in. If it is outside, I can hire enough people to build the house in three days, but this is in the academy, one Weeks are too short." A dark iron warrior beside Capecchi said embarrassedly.

Capecchi clenched his fists, his hands violently violently, gritted his teeth, his eyes narrowed, and suddenly Capecchi laughed.

The Dark Iron Warrior was taken aback, startled, and hurriedly asked: "Master, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me!"

"It's okay, you go with me, let's find someone to build a house!" Capecchi swept away his previous decadence, and his face returned to the old look...

"Zhenbang, hurry up and save my brother and me! Otherwise, our civilian committee will be miserable!" Wang Peng wailed in pain.

Li Zhenbang shook his head helplessly. In the final analysis, this matter was caused by himself. In the end, he has to solve it by himself!

It turned out that Capecchi directly found the civilian committee and forced Wang Peng to build a house for him. Of course, he had already paid a huge deposit for the money needed to build the house. When the money was spent, he asked him at any time. His request was within a week. The house must be built and decorated.

Capecchi’s reason is simple. Li Zhenbang destroyed the house for him. Li Zhenbang is the vice chairman of the civilian committee, so the civilian committee must take responsibility. He is very kind without letting Li Zhenbang pay for the house!

Where did Wang Peng build a house, but he was facing the son of Duke Violet and the future Duke Violet, and Li Zhenbang was involved in this matter, and he couldn't avoid it because of reason. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and proceed, but the next step was easy and difficult to do. If there was no way, he wouldn't find a way to Li Zhenbang.

"Brother Wang, don’t worry. I know a little bit about the steps to build a house, and I am a little sure about building a house, but now you have to convene all the members of the committee who are still in the academy. Only a few of us will definitely not work! All the members are mobilized. Didn’t Capecchi say that the funds are sufficient? Then we will hire members to build houses at a high price." Li Zhenbang said decisively.

"I can still understand the use of warriors to build a house. Should this magician be summoned too? Although there is no shortage of money, we can't let Capecchi find fault with money." Wang Peng looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously.

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements for everyone to gather in the noble dormitory area tomorrow, regardless of gender. Although it is not easy for a large number of girls to enter the male noble dormitory area, as long as there is a certificate issued by the college, I believe that the problem is not big. But you must make sure to manage them well and don't have extra branches. They are only here to work, not to catch beetles. You must make it clear to them!" Li Zhenbang said solemnly.

Although the college does not boycott early love between boys and girls, it firmly resists girls staying in the boys' dormitory area. Li Zhenbang is very clear that this is the red line of the academy and must not be touched.

"Zhenbang, rest assured, I will make girls and boys mixed into a group. Even if only one girl in the group leaves without permission, all members of the group will be expelled from the committee and will never be hired. Even if one person wants to go to the bathroom , Also report, and then the group will go together." Wang Peng said without hesitation.

Li Zhenbang nodded. Although this method is not the best, it is definitely the most effective. Now the income of each committee member is not low, and more importantly, it is stable. Almost all civilian students without background have become members of the civilian committee, and even some of the students who have fallen into the little nobleman have also become members of the committee.

After Li Zhenbang and Wang Peng discussed the details, Wang Peng went back to prepare. Li Zhenbang did not stay idle either, but went directly to the Jucaiyuan Chamber of Commerce and asked Chairman Wu Mingzhe. On the same day, someone was asked to design the drawing of the house, and even the size of the decoration was designed.

In the early morning of the next day, nine people with Li Zhenbang and his party arrived at the office of the civilian committee. As a result, there were already many people waiting here in the open space outside the office building. These people were in groups of three or five, standing or sitting and discussing. What are you holding.

When they saw Li Zhenbang and others coming over, they stopped talking and stood up, and shouted respectfully at Li Zhenbang: "Hello vice chairman!"

Li Zhenbang was stunned by them, and nodded at them with weird expressions, as if he had greeted everyone.

"Brother Wang, are all those outside members members?" Li Zhenbang opened the door of the office and hurriedly called. He has been a hand-off shopkeeper for a long time, and he has no idea about the current development of the civilian committee.

"Brother Zhenbang, you are here too." It was not Wang Peng who took Li Zhenbang and them first, but Lin Wan'er. It seemed that she had already come.

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