Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 289: Build a house

"Huh? Wan'er early! Why are you here too?" Li Zhenbang was taken aback when he saw Lin Wan'er, but he didn't expect Lin Wan'er to also come.

"I'm also a member of the Civilian Committee! Didn't you mean that all the members were assembled? Didn't you all come too!" Lin Waner glanced at Li Zhenbang and others and said with a smile.

"Zhenbang, don't you want to gather all the members! Those outside the door are not all, and some should be there in a while, except for those who are no longer in college, almost all have been notified. I heard that the treatment is good, some fifth graders who rarely show up The members said they would come over." Wang Peng said with a smile.

"Our civilian committee is already this big? I thought it would have a hundred and eighty people!" Li Zhenbang asked dumbfounded.

"Then what to do? They have already said hello, so I can't let them go back again!" Wang Peng said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, more people are better, more people are more powerful! Look at this." Li Zhenbang put a stack of design drawings on the table.

Everyone gathered around, and they couldn't help but sigh when they saw the drawing. If this house is built, and nothing else, it looks pleasing to the eye, let alone living in it, it would definitely envy others.

"Zhenbang, what are you..."

"This is the blueprint I bought at a high price. How can I build a house without a blueprint? Don't forget that this is for bookkeeping. We can't save Capecchi. He promised Mr. Maoshi to build a better than before. one's house."

Hearing that it was Teacher Mao Shi, all of them smiled uncontrollably. Teacher Mao Shi was not so foolish.

"Zhenbang, what should we do about the stone and wood needed to build a house? We can produce them, but these materials can't be collected in a short while." Wang Peng looked embarrassed.

"Relax, I have arranged everything. The Jucaiyuan Chamber of Commerce will provide all the materials we need. Those materials should be shipped to the gate of the college before noon. Don't worry, there will only be more than a lot. By the way, responsible for the construction of the college. Have you contacted the masters?"

"We have already contacted, and they will come over and give us instructions. Now that the drawings are available, I will contact them to notify them. They are very excited to be able to direct a large number of magicians and warriors, and the salary is not cheap." Wang Peng shook his head helplessly. These were all discussed with Li Zhenbang yesterday. Originally, he thought there would be some difficulty, but he didn't expect Li Zhenbang to figure it out.

"Although the salary for building a house is quite high, the work on hand of our committee cannot be put down, and normal daily work cannot be stopped." Li Zhenbang said solemnly. After all, building a house now is temporary, and the bulk of the committee is still the usual daily work, and it is impossible to leave everything behind.

"Zhenbang, rest assured, I have arrangements for these, and I also know which is the lighter and the heavier. But what I am most worried about now is how we use so many people!" Wang Peng frowned and said.

"From now on, let all gold magicians practice carving these patterns on stone, and wood magicians use wood to practice carving. Remember to distribute according to your work, and all negative ones will be eliminated. If the efficiency is obvious, don't be stingy with rewards. People don't suffer from lack and unevenness." Li Zhenbang said earnestly.

Wang Peng nodded. He hadn't thought of this. Maybe it would be nothing in a short time, and it would be easy to cause problems over time.

"I think this matter is an opportunity. If conditions permit, maybe this will become a way for our committee to get rich in the future."

"Aren't you planning to let us build a house in the future?" Wang Peng looked at Li Zhenbang in surprise.

"If you make money, why not? The original intention of our committee is not to let everyone make money?" Li Zhenbang raised his eyebrows.

Wang Peng opened his mouth, as if there was nothing to refute, and shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, let's finish the work now! If you can't do it well, let alone the house in the future, even our current office will not stop."

In a short while, all the members who could come were basically over. Li Zhenbang asked Lan Le Shui and Holly to go to the entrance of the college to wait. If the people from the wealth gathering came over with the building materials, let Holly go to Capech. Find yourself in your house.

After Lan Leshui and Holly left, everyone rushed to the noble dormitory area mightily. The house must be cleaned out of the broken house on the ground in Capecchi before it can be built, and the foundation needs to be laid. There is no need for stone or wood to dig a hole.

Demolition of the noble dormitory house is a new thing for everyone. Usually they don't have the opportunity and the courage to go to the noble dormitory area to demolish.

The house on the ground in Capecchi was completely reduced to ruins amid the cheers of everyone.

Li Zhenbang took the lead in pulling a cart with a giant rhinoceros and dragged these wastes to the garbage dump of the academy. Other summoned beast wizards with powerful contract beasts also followed suit. Summoned beast mage is a minority after all, and civilians with contract beasts are even rarer. In the end, many soldiers personally went into battle, pulling away the construction waste in carts.

After the **** was cleared, the earth-type monsters began to dig pits, and many soldiers joined them, and other soldiers went to the door to help carry building materials. Now steel has not been used in construction, and the cost of steel is too expensive. Building houses mainly rely on stone and wood.

Gold magicians and wood magicians started to operate after a brief familiarity. Pieces of exquisite stone carvings and wood carvings gradually took shape.

The division of labor is clear. With sufficient labor, a beautiful building is gradually taking shape.

Since Li Zhenbang and Wang Peng discussed a lot of regulatory details before, there were no surprises in the whole process. The civilian members are very disciplined. They all act in accordance with the rules and procedures. They are all soldiers who are responsible for building. Ordinary minor troubles are not a problem for them.

In just three days, Capecchi's house was completed, and there should be no problem with the decoration of the remaining details within one or two days.

Everyone was full of excitement when looking at the results of their labor. Compared with the previous one, this house can be described as magnificent. If the previous house was a high-end residential area, now this house is completely a high-end villa.

The villa has three floors, one floor higher than before, towering in this aristocratic lodging area, giving people a sense of standing out from the crowd.

The surrounding houses looked eclipsed by the villa, and many nobles walked out of their houses and talked about the three-story villa.

Capecchi was actually very angry these three days, because he had already spent nearly six times the price of the house before he saw it. But when the house was completed, all the grievances in his heart were gone. The envy and jealous eyes of the people around him cannot be faked, and his vanity is greatly satisfied.

Teacher Mao Shi personally visited the villa for a while when it was completed, and the evaluation was extremely high. He was even afraid that Cappucci would demolish the villa again, and he deliberately changed his room to Cappucci. However, under Cappucci's repeated guarantees Teacher Mao Shi finally gave up his idea. Although this villa belongs to the property of the academy, it was built by Capecchi with money after all. It is indeed impossible to prevent Capecchi from living.

Some nobles have quietly found Wang Peng in private, hoping to build a room for them, but Wang Peng adopted the drag formula, and neither agreed nor refused...

"No, this kind of thing must be resolutely eliminated, and such an alternative house is absolutely not allowed. Maoshi, you have to bear part of the responsibility for this matter." The management of the college has already quarreled over this matter. Teacher Mao Shi of the party was also among them, but he just watched from the sidelines and did not make any comments.

"Old Yan, what's wrong, I think it's good. The more luxurious they build, the better. In the end, they are all property of the college."

"Short-sighted. If everyone pursues alternatives, what about the traditions of the college? That aristocratic dormitory area will not be able to say what it will become! Go and see, the house is built, where is it like a student living? A residence of His Majesty the King!"

"Old Yan said cautiously, be careful to speak out!"

"There is something to be cautious about, even if His Majesty is here, I dare to say! He is only the son of the duke, the future duke, he is called arrogance!"

"They don't have dragons and phoenixes, but they are more luxurious. Where is it?"

"Xiao Sun, he is not a Duke yet, so you start to squeeze your feet. When he is a Duke, you will think it smells good to fart!" Yan Lao looked at the man who denied him the arrogance.

The man named Xiaosun had a livid face and gave a cold snort and ignored him.

Yan Lao has a straight-tempered, fiery temperament, older qualifications, and a seventh-level fire magician, so most people would not be true to him.

"Old Yan, you can't see when you look down. Don't say things so badly, it's not good for anyone." An old man with a big beard said.

"For the sake of your face, I won't say anything, but I still said that. I can't open this head. I suggest that the college pay the money to buy the house and tear it down and rebuild it. There is also the civilian committee, The punishment must be accepted." Elder Yan saw the old man speak, his tone relaxed a little, and then he made his position clear.

"In fact, what Yan Lao said is not unreasonable. Think about it. If he wants to change the house and rebuild today, Zhang San wants to rebuild tomorrow, and Li Si wants to rebuild the day after tomorrow. This is a waste of resources. The other one is also an irrational comparison. Going further, after Cappucci graduates, who will live in his house? Is it a new student or an old student? In what way? According to the family title or the family official position? Is it? Can't draw lots?" said a middle-aged man with white sideburns.

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