Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 290: Architectural disturbance

Everyone nodded thoughtfully when they heard what the middle-aged man said. This is indeed a problem. After all, colleges are not society, and they cannot contribute to such unhealthy trends.

With a smile on his face, Old Yan nodded at the middle-aged man with satisfaction. The middle-aged man and his personal relationship are still good, and the middle-aged man still calls the old Yan Uncle Yan in private.

"I think that the civilian committee responsible for building the house should at least be given a demerit penalty. Although they have brought some benefits to the civilian students, we can't tolerate the traitors just because it makes a difference. The punishment still needs to be punished. It is enough to restore the original house, you have to make an alternative. This is absolutely undesirable!" The middle-aged man seemed to be moved when he saw everyone, and he continued to speak.

The middle-aged man is of aristocratic origin and is a high-level member of the academy. The civilian committee has no threat to him, but he is very dissatisfied with the status quo of the civilian committee. Because the civilian committee raised the value of civilians and lowered the value of the nobles, he had no suggestion to dissolve the civilian committee, which was already very kind.

"Mud, I have different opinions. I think we should respect the diversity of students. What our college cultivates is not a unified puppet, but a person with self-thinking. People must have their own likes and dislikes, and we need to do what we need to do. It is just to guide them to be moral and loyal to the country. As for their hobbies, I think that is their freedom." A middle-aged woman in her forties objected.

"Yao Ruhui, what do you mean is that the students want to tear down the academy and just tear it down at will?" Mord sneered.

"Of course it's impossible. If students want to make big changes, they must report to the college. For example, for the rebuilding of houses, they must provide drawings and construction time. We must arrange for approval before they can start construction." Yao Ruhui calmly Looked at Mod.

"Then what if each of them is like Capecchi, destroying the house first, and then applying?" Moud curled his lips in disdain.

"Then let them triple the compensation. We will rebuild in the same place. During this period, they are not allowed to stay at anyone's premises and sleep on the construction site at night. Mord, what do you think of this treatment?"

"They are nobles, how can they sleep on the construction site! This is an insult to the nobles, you are blaspheming the dignity of the nobles!" Mould stood up from his chair in anger and roared.

"Then you let them settle down, treat their residences well, and don't forget their noble status." Yao Ruhui hummed coldly, Yao Ruhui was not from aristocratic background, and was not cold about the so-called aristocratic dignity.

"You are fooling around!" Mould glared at Yao Ruhui, panting heavily and sat back on the chair.

Others also expressed their opinions. Dean Jin Wannian, who was sitting in the chair, didn't say a word, and seemed to be listening carefully to everyone's speech.

At the beginning, everyone was able to speak one by one, or refute or support it, but afterwards, the whole venue became chaotic, and everyone was trying to persuade the other party to agree with their views.

"Cough! Cough!" Two soft coughs made everyone quiet. Everyone looked at Dean Jin Wannian, because this was the voice made by Dean Jin Wannian.

"It feels good to be quiet!" Jin Wannian stretched his waist under the surprised gaze of everyone.

Jin Wannian tilted his head and fished out his ears. He scanned the crowd with scorching eyes, and continued: "What you say makes sense. It's really fair to say that the public is reasonable and the mother is reasonable. Who do you think I should listen to? "

Everyone stared at Jin Wannian unblinkingly, wondering what kind of medicine he sold in the gourd.

"Teacher Mao Shi, today you participated in this meeting as an exception. You did not say a word from beginning to end. Now you can tell me your opinion! Don't be official with me. I know you are a honest person, a student. We all gave you a very indecent nickname. You know it too. But I don't think this is a big deal. At least it proves that you are a principled person." Jin Wannian said with a smile while looking at Maoshi.

Maoshi's face blushed, he naturally knew that indecent nickname, but he didn't expect Dean Jin Wannian to bring it up, and he seemed to be interested in this nickname.

"Yes, everyone who is doing it probably knows the nickname of my Maokeng Stone. If you want to laugh, just smile. I don't care. In fact, I think I am a stone in the pit, smelly and hard. The identity and feelings of the other party." Maoshi shrugged his shoulders and curled his lips, looking indifferent.

"Haha, good, well said, Teacher Mao Shi, I like your personality! Haha!" To everyone's surprise, the first one who laughed and applauded was actually the old Yan who wanted to punish him from the beginning.

"But I still insist on my point of view, the punishment should be punished, the responsibility should be responsible. But no matter what the result is, I will just say this to you, I will invite you to drink at night, haha!" Yan Boss smiled and looked at Mao Shi, because Maoshi's character is very to his temper.

"Lao Yan invited me. If I didn't go, I wouldn't know how to promote it. No matter what happens tonight, I will push it away and I must go and ask for a drink." Mao Shi slammed his fist and replied with a smile.

"A cup is not good, let's not get drunk tonight!" Old Yan said with a smile.

"The old man is fine tonight. I don't know if Old Man Yan has wine to entertain me?" Jin Wannian raised his eyebrows at Old Yan and asked with a smile on his face.

"It's like you drank less of my wine! When did you go to my place, you didn't even drink it!" Old Yan gave Jin Wannian a dissatisfied look, but did not refuse.

"No way, who made the wine made by you, old man Yan, taste good! It's hard to find a daughter outside!" Jin Wannian didn't have any guilt at all, but made people feel that he was very proud.

"You won't take the wine that I passed by and sell it on the market?" Yan Lao looked at Jin Wannian with an unkind expression.

"Cut, I lack that little money? If you can't open the pot and go to the market to sell alcohol, you must notify me, I will definitely buy it all without a drop!" Jin Wannian raised his eyebrows at Elder Yan.

Old Yan's expression eased, he snorted coldly, nodded at Mao Shi, and stopped talking.

Maoshi glanced at everyone sitting, then looked at Dean Jin Wannian. Jin Wannian smiled at him and nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"We are an academy, not a prison. Our students can obtain corresponding freedom within a certain range, but this cannot be a student's personal behavior, and must be authorized by the student family, so as to avoid malicious comparisons among students It can also prevent the overstepping mentioned by Yan Lao. The property rights of the house must belong to the college. The students only have the right to use the house during the school. A house can only be signed by one student. After the student graduates, the college will take back the house. Right to use." Maoshi said neither humble nor overbearing.

"The status of aristocrats cannot be ignored. Therefore, the college must provide accommodation when students rebuild their houses, or allow students to stay outside. If you go to stay outside, you must sign an agreement. Any problems that occur during the stay outside the academy have nothing to do with the college. It’s not that we shirked our responsibilities, but that many accidents were unforeseeable. We can guarantee the safety of our students in the academy, but outside the academy is not our scope of supervision.” Maoshi’s tone is very firm, showing that he is here. Perseverance at one point.

"Teacher Mao Shi, don't worry about this. The college will definitely provide a place to stay. We have to kill all possible dangers in the bud. After all, this is Dragon City, and no one can guarantee absolute safety outside the college." The person Yan Lao called Xiao Sun nodded affirmatively.

"I have another idea. The materials for building houses of students must be purchased from the academy, so that we can strictly control the quality of the materials, and at the same time, there will be a lot of income, and this income is used to improve the food of civilian students. When the children were growing up, they didn't have any money and were reluctant to eat. We can help as much as we can." Maoshi looked at Jin Wannian.

Maoshi originally graduated from Carlo Royal Academy. He was also a civilian. He always hoped to do more for civilian students, but his ability was limited, and the original civilian committee disappointed him too much.

Now he sees what the civilian committee does, and remembers it in his heart. He is strict with the noble students, hoping that they will guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and he will be more strict with the civilian students, hoping that they can continue to improve themselves.

"Teacher Mao Shi, I have a few questions I want to ask you. If your answers satisfy me, I will support you." Old Yan suddenly asked.

"Excuse me, Mr. Yan, I must know that everything is endless."

"First of all, we are an academy. If students design their own houses in all sorts of weird ways, this will damage the image of the academy. Another, if your idea is successful, the academy's construction staff is obviously insufficient, but the academy will definitely not Will recruit people easily, what are you going to do?"

"Old Yan, let me answer your last question first! This time, you must know some details about the house reconstruction of Capecchi. The architects of the academy have been invited by the civilian committee to help guide the civilian students. I got a lot of extra income. After the construction of Capecchi’s house, I personally went to see it. The materials are exquisite and the structure is sturdy, so I think this thing can be done by them, not only can increase civilian students. The income can also create their own ideal residence for the nobles."

Old Yan thought for a while and nodded, "Then you can talk about my first question!"

Maoshi showed a mysterious smile, "Old Yan, I don't think I need to answer your first question. Call the person in charge of the civilian committee, and they will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

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