Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 308: Silent parting

Holly had already drunk the amount long ago. As the so-called sorrow of alcohol was even worse, he lost his consciousness completely after drinking this bottle of wine, and he lay on the table motionless.

Everyone looked at Holly dumbfounded, and couldn't help feeling that this kid was too vigorous, and it caused everyone a big surprise.

Lin Qiushan looked at Holly, who was already unconscious, shook his head helplessly and sighed. Holly liked his younger sister. He knew that from the bottom of his heart he still hoped Holly could become his brother-in-law, but he would not interfere with his sister's lifelong happiness. He respected his sister's own choice.

Li Zhenbang looked at Holly, and then at Lin Qiushan's brothers and sisters. Naturally he would not interrupt such things. Looking at Lin Qiushan's expression, he knew that he did not object, and Lin Wan'er did not directly refuse. After half the chance, it will be his own good luck in the future.

Li Zhenbang and his party supported each other and swayed away from the hotel, leaving behind the unconscious Holly and Lin Wan'er who had not drunk. Lin Qiushan originally wanted to help, but when he saw Li Zhenbang's eyes, he dangled and left with everyone. Everyone had done their best to help these two people.

Lin Wan'er looked at Holly who was sleeping on the table like a dead pig, her face flushed. She naturally knew what everyone meant was to create opportunities for them to be alone, but she was a little embarrassed.

My good impression of Holly is not enough to reach the relationship between boy and girl friends. The problem is here. If you don't have a good impression, you can refuse it completely, but because of this good impression, he hesitated, and as a result, Holly fell on the table. Lin Wan'er was also very helpless, she was a little confused now, and she didn't know how to face Holly in the future.

Lin Wan'er sighed helplessly, and she hated these brothers in her heart, especially her brother Lin Qiushan. Not only did they not help themselves with ideas, but instead threw the trouble to themselves, they must take care of them in the future. Thinking of this, Lin Wan'er felt a pain, because after today I don't know when I can see you again.

Everyone has discussed it. Tomorrow, everyone will leave separately and go to their own way. There is no need to send each other off, and there will be a chance to get together again. Everyone knows in their hearts that this opportunity is so easy to come across. In fact, it’s because everyone didn’t want to face tomorrow’s parting, and they chose to escape...

It is rare that Li Zhenbang did not meditate cross-legged this night, but lay on the bed. If someone looks at him closely, he will find that his eyes are open, not just him, everyone in the dormitory hasn't closed their eyes, everyone's eye circles are a little red, but no one makes any noise.

Before dawn, Zhang Dayou was the first to sit up, and when he saw Zhang Dayou sitting up, everyone closed their eyes for fear of being discovered by him.

Zhang Dayou quietly packed the bedding and put it in the space ring. Over the past ten years, with the help of Li Zhenbang, the ten-man team has long armed themselves, whether it is weapons or this kind of portable space ring. Although the ring space is not large, it is enough for everyone.

Zhang Dayou gently opened the door of the dormitory and looked back at these roommates, comrades-in-arms, and brothers. Tears couldn't help falling from the corner of his eyes, and quietly closed the door of the dormitory without making a sound. Standing outside the door, Zhang Dayou had already burst into tears. He raised his head with his eyes closed and clenched his fists. It was difficult to calm his heart.

A few minutes later, Zhang Dayou finally took a sigh of relief, opened his eyes and looked at the morning sun just rising from the horizon, slowly loosened his clenched fists, and walked outside the academy without looking back.

Hearing the footsteps of Zhang Dayou leaving, everyone quietly opened their eyes...

After a while, Chu Linfei also got up, and tiptoedly packed his bags. After he finished packing his things, he carefully took out a quilt from the cabinet. The quilt had become a little pale due to multiple washings. Chu Linfei would be dumbfounded while holding the quilt.

This quilt was given to him by Li Zhenbang when he first started school. He had already used it, but he still treasured it. Chu Linfei held the quilt and came to Li Zhenbang's bed, bowed deeply to Li Zhenbang who was lying motionless on the bed, and then quietly left.

Li Zhenbang felt helpless. He felt that Chu Linfei did farewell to the remains. Fortunately, it was not three bows, otherwise it would really be a farewell to the remains.

Soon after Chu Lin flew away, Sha Hanshan quietly left, leaving only Li Zhenbang, Stanley and Paul in the dormitory. In the past, even if there was only one person in the dormitory, I didn't feel lonely. Now although there are three people left, there is a kind of loneliness and desertion in everyone's heart.

Li Zhenbang hesitated for a moment, and sat up. It was already lit up outside, but it was still a bit early for the students who had breakfast.

He simply packed his clothes and looked at the two people lying motionless on the bed. He originally wanted to talk because he knew that Stanley and Paul were still awake and not asleep, but in the end he gave up and wrote. A note was placed on his bed, and then he quietly left.

After Li Zhenbang left, Stanley and Paul sat up almost at the same time and looked at each other. Their eyes were full of complex emotions. There were six people in the dormitory, and even the youngest Chu Linfei had already graduated. But the two of them had already graduated. Did not meet the graduation standards, and did not even have the qualifications for assessment.

The two got out of bed silently and came to Li Zhenbang's bed. Stanley picked up the note left by Li Zhenbang, and both of them leaned forward at the same time. After reading the note, they were already in tears.

There are only twenty words on the note: There is a confidant in the sea, and the world is close to each other. Inaction is on the wrong road, and the children share the towel...

Li Zhenbang's departure from the college does not mean that he, like everyone else, will leave Dragon City immediately. There is still a family in the villa! After eating breakfast happily at the roadside stall, he left slowly.

"You have followed all the way, aren't you tired?" Li Zhenbang asked with a sneer, standing beside a residential building that had been abandoned for many years.

"You are so courageous, you dare to lead me to such a desolate place." The man in black has a hoarse voice, which makes people sound very uncomfortable.

Soon after leaving the school gate, Li Zhenbang had already found a silver soldier following him. Although Li Zhenbang cannot stand alone against the Golden Warrior, he still has nothing to fear when facing a Silver Warrior. Even if he didn't use the contract beast, he was sure to escape. If you use a contract beast, just summoning one to cooperate with him is enough to easily defeat or even kill the silver warrior.

It used to be a residential area, but it has long been abandoned. Fighting with a silver warrior can not be said to be earth-shattering, but it will never be silent. Li Zhenbang does not want to cause unnecessary trouble to other people because of the battle.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" Li Zhenbang looked at the man in black with some doubts. Although there were many enemies in the past, those enemies should have done nothing recently.

His identity has been exposed. Although he is not the heir to the patriarch of the Red Maple Leaf family, he is also the core child of the family. To dare to assassinate the core children of the Red Maple Leaf Family in a fortress like Dragon City is no different from treason. Let alone Capecchi, even if it is his father, Cario, his master's third prince dare not do it lightly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that someone is going to buy your life." The man in black took out a long-handled double-edged axe from the space ring and slowly approached Li Zhenbang.

The axe blades on both sides gleamed with a dignified cold light, and the tip and tail of the axe's handle looked like a spear, so sharp, even if it was used as a spear.

Li Zhenbang had suffered a big loss because he despised his opponent. If he hadn't been wearing the soft armor of the silkworm, he would have been waist-high. Therefore, Li Zhenbang would not despise the opponent because he is a silver warrior. He knew very well in his heart that the strength of such a person who uses a large axe with both hands is not small. Will be slow.

When the man in black walked towards Li Zhenbang, his momentum was slowly released. He wanted to use his momentum to suppress Li Zhenbang and win the first move.

However, the plan of the man in black could only end in failure. Li Zhenbang was once trained by the dragons of Omega and Alpha in order to increase his strength. It is almost impossible for an ordinary Saint-level powerhouse to suppress him with his aura, not to mention that the opponent is just a silver warrior.

The man in black saw that Li Zhenbang was not deterred by his aura, and did not show any surprises. Obviously he knew something about Li Zhenbang, at least he had done his homework before coming, knowing that Li Zhenbang was not an ordinary summoned beast mage.

Seeing that the aura deterrence was ineffective, the man in black still walked towards Li Zhenbang unhurriedly. Every step he took would increase his aura by a few points. The aura was invalid for Li Zhenbang, but it could improve his combat effectiveness.

Li Zhenbang didn't wait for the man in black's aura to reach its peak, he took the initiative, and the Qingfeng sword pierced the man in black's chest straight. He knows very well that when the popularity of black clothes rises to the apex, when his strength is most likely to explode, he may even perform supernormally, which is very disadvantageous for him.

However, Li Zhenbang still did not release any contract beast. One was that he wanted to see how strong he was, and the other contract beast hiding in the dark would make the other party hesitate and dare not go all out.

The outside world only knows that he has two contract beasts, one is the iron-clad giant rhino king, and the other is just a demon. Everyone knows that the Giant Rhinoceros King of Iron Armor is that all the monsters have always thought it was just an auxiliary Beast that increases his mental power.

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