Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 309: Wonderful Iron Armored Rhinoceros King

The man in black saw Li Zhenbang's sword stabbed straight, instead of dodge, he drew the double-edged axe horizontally, stabbing it straight like a spear.

The axe was originally longer than the Qingfeng Sword, and the tip was as sharp as the tip of a spear. If Li Zhenbang didn’t change the move, he must be the one who was stabbed first, and his Qingfeng Sword would not affect the people in black. Any threat.

However, Li Zhenbang still rushed forward without hesitation. The Qingfeng Sword clung to the face of the axe, and the blade of the Qingfeng Sword rubbed against the axe handle to create a dazzling cremation. The material of the axe was not ordinary, and the Qingfeng Sword did not leave any marks on the axe handle.

Just when the tip of the axe was about to pierce Li Zhenbang's chest, Li Zhenbang paused, and hit the head of the Qingfengjian with his palm, and the Qingfengjian suddenly accelerated towards the chest of the man in black.

Li Zhenbang slammed his toes and opened his arms, his body shape resembling a Dapeng spreading his wings, he retreated quickly, and quickly opened the distance between his body and the tip of the axe.

The man in black twitched the corner of his eyes when he saw the Qingfeng sword coming from his chest. He couldn't think that Li Zhenbang would use the weapon as a hidden weapon. Qingfeng's sword is no worse than his own Wujin double-edged axe, which is absolutely not good if it is stabbed.

The Qingfeng Sword shot straight along the handle of the axe. Between the flashes of electricity and light, the man in black was holding the Ujin double-edged axe with his right hand changed from the grip, lifting the handle of the axe to the top of his head, trying to introduce the Qingfeng sword into the air. What surprised him was that Qingfeng Sword suddenly turned over from the handle of the axe and ran towards his door.

This change caught the man in black off guard. He really couldn't understand why the Qingfeng Sword that had been released would change direction inexplicably, but he didn't have time to think about it. The time left for him was only enough for him to tilt his head.

The Qingfeng Sword slid over the shoulder of the man in black. Although the man in black escaped the fate of getting a headshot, the Qingfeng sword cut a hole in his shoulder. Observing him from a close distance, he discovered that there was a transparent thread connected to the hilt of the Qingfeng Sword. No wonder that the Qingfeng Sword could still change positions after it was shot.

Now that he saw this thread, the man in black would naturally not let it go. Holding Ujin's double-edged axe in his right hand, kicking the handle of the axe with his left foot, Ujin's double-edged axe rose up and hit the line.

But when the attack hit the line, the man in black was taken aback, because he didn't feel the line was taut, but rather loose. The warning sign in his heart rose, his steps moved in succession, and flashed to the side. The Qingfeng sword flew back from where he was just now.

It turned out that Li Zhenbang tied a transparent silk thread to the hilt of the Qingfeng sword. This silk thread was not an ordinary fishing line, but a silk thread spit out by a golden silkworm. This golden silkworm thread is not only transparent, it is thinner than hair, and it is not invaded by water or fire, and is extremely tough. The most important thing is that Li Zhenbang can inject internal force into the golden silkworm line, and in a short period of time, he can carry out the sword.

Qingfengjian rolled back and returned to Li Zhenbang's hands. The two sides resumed their confrontation again, and no one shot again for a while.

The back of the man in black was soaked in cold sweat. He knew that Li Zhenbang was difficult, but he didn't expect to be so difficult. Dealing with a summoned beast mage, he almost capsized the ship in the gutter. If this was known, there would be no place to put his face.

Li Zhenbang was not easy either, this air-spaced sword was very exhausting. I originally wanted to come by surprise, at least inflict a serious injury on the opponent, but I didn't expect the opponent to be so flexible, just being scratched on the shoulder by the Qingfeng sword. This kind of move is fine for the first time. The opponent already has a defensive heart, and it won't be effective again.

The man in black finally couldn't bear it, and took the lead to attack, Ujin raised his double-edged axe and ran towards Li Zhenbang. Li Zhenbang remained motionless. When he was unfamiliar with the other party, it was the best policy to remain unchanged and respond to changes.

The man in black had arrived in front of Li Zhenbang in the blink of an eye, and the double-edged axe instantly swung down. At the same time, the double-edged axe dragged out an afterimage, showing the speed of the swing.

With Li Zhenbang's mental strength barely able to capture the position of the double-edged axe, Li Zhenbang would naturally not be so stupid to use the Qingfeng sword to forcibly pick up the double-edged axe. What he is good at is speed, and power is not his strength.

Li Zhenbang's legs kept moving, and his figure was erratic. On the other hand, the man in black was attacking faster and faster, like a squally rainstorm, Li Zhenbang was almost attacked several times. In the most thrilling time, the double-edged axe clung to Li Zhenbang's body and slashed, directly slicing the corners of Li Zhenbang's flying clothes into pieces. At this moment, Li Zhenbang is like a flat boat on the sea in a storm, which is thrilling to see, as if it may capsize at any time.

Li Zhenbang's forehead also oozes sweat. Such a high-intensity evasion is not a small load for him, and it seems that the man in black has not fully developed his attack speed, as if there is no limit.

A cold light flashed in the black-clothed man's eyes, and the shadow of the axe in the sky seemed to lag behind for a while, and then suddenly attacked Li Zhenbang. The shadow of the axe in the sky enveloped Li Zhenbang and couldn't avoid it.

Li Zhenbang was shocked, because the message from his mental power was that the shadows of the axe all around the sky were no longer afterimages. Every shadow of the axe was a real attack. Any shadow of the axe could bring him a fatal blow. There is no way to go back.

Li Zhenbang's eyes flashed, and the armored giant rhinoceros king, who was already fully armed, appeared directly on top of the man in black and smashed down at the man in black.

If the man in black continues to attack Li Zhenbang regardless, then Li Zhenbang will undoubtedly endure several attacks, but the Giant Rhinoceros King will not hesitate to smash him, and he will definitely not end up better than Li Zhenbang.

The Iron Armored Rhinoceros King and the Iron Armored Rhinoceros are no longer synonymous with each other. Don't even think of them as being only one level higher, but they have evolved from the fifth to the sixth, but the difference between them is not a little bit. As long as any beast is the king of the same kind of beast, there will be one or two or more attack methods, and no attack method can be underestimated.

The man in black is helpless, he now has two options, one is to slash Li Zhenbang a few axes desperately, maybe luck will chop him to death, but this probability is very low. Another is to give up the good opportunity in front of him, pull away and wait for the next opportunity.

However, the man in black is obviously also a hard stubble. There is no choice between the two. Instead, he shrinks the shadow of the axe, one part continues to cover Li Zhenbang, and the other part attacks the giant rhinoceros king on his head.

If the black man's head is just an ordinary iron armored rhinoceros or a newly advanced iron armored rhinoceros king, his response may be fine. It's a pity that after all, he is an iron armor giant rhino king who has been advanced for a long time, and the skills it acquires after advanced are not ordinary attack skills, but further strengthen the petrified skin skills.

In addition to delaying the speed of the Iron Armored Rhinoceros King's descent, the black-clothed man's attack only made a few white marks on his body, and finally the Iron Armored Rhinoceros King fell on the ground with a thud without accident.

The man in black found himself unable to stop the whereabouts of the iron-clad rhino king, and at the last moment he escaped helplessly from the body of the iron-clad rhino king.

Seeing the man in black's response, Li Zhenbang's eyes flashed a sly. Reluctantly resisted a few attacks that could not be dodged, seized the opportunity to put the Qingfeng sword across his chest, and took an attack, forcibly breaking through the blockade of the man in black at the cost of internal injury and spurting blood. The power flew in the direction of the man in black.

Seeing Li Zhenbang flying towards him, the man in black was overjoyed. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and greeted him with a double-edged axe. Just when Li Zhenbang and him were less than two meters away, he suddenly felt his brain blank, his eyes turned black, and he felt the pointer dizzy. He held up the double-edged axe and stayed motionless.

The man in black avoided the Iron Armored Rhinoceros King’s Mount Tai, but ignored a skill of the Iron Armored Rhinoceros City-trampling. The iron armored rhinoceros is not immune to trampling, as long as it is attacked, anyone will enter the stun, the difference is only the length of the stun.

By chance, the general iron armored rhinoceros king is advanced to the iron armored rhinoceros king. They understand several attack skills. After all, their natural defense is already very strong. The powerful attack skills will make them have self-protection when the group faces foreign enemies. the power of.

However, Li Zhenbang’s Iron Armored Rhinoceros King has to be said to be a strange thing. After it has advanced to the Iron Armored Rhinoceros King, it has comprehended three skills. This is already very remarkable. The problem is that the skills it understands do not have an attack type. Belongs to the defensive category.

The skin petrification has advanced into skin tempering. Li Zhenbang used the Qingfeng sword to attack with all his strength, but it only left white marks on its skin. You should know that Li Zhenbang could cut wounds on his body even without attacking with all his strength.

The trampling skill has evolved into a powerful trampling. After hitting the target, the stun time is doubled. However, when encountering a person whose strength gap is too large, it will not be extended, only a forced stun for 0.1 second. But when you encounter opponents of the same level or with little difference, this is a skill that can change the game.

One point that strong trampling is stronger than trampling is that it is no longer just a single attack, but also a group attack within a range. The disadvantage is that if a group attack does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, of course Li Zhenbang as its owner will not be affected.

The reason why Li Zhenbang chose to summon the Iron Armored Rhinoceros King was because of its other skill-Transformation. After using the transformation, the giant rhino king can be transformed into armor or weapon.

When turned into armor, it has stronger defense than the body using skin tempering. After turning into a weapon, there is a certain chance to use trampling skills when attacking, causing the opponent to dizzy. Although it is not a forceful trampling, and the probability is very low, if the probability bursts out, it is very scary.

"Let's talk, who sent you to assassinate me." After the man in black recovered, he was shocked to see that Li Zhenbang, with blood on the corner of his mouth, had placed the Qingfeng sword on his neck.

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