Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 310: Fight for honor

"Why? Are you still ready to fight to the end? Your professionalism is pretty good!" Li Zhenbang teased with a sneer.

The Giant Rhinoceros King was very cooperative and barked his teeth towards the man in black, snarled threatening him in a low voice, and even raised a leg. There was a big disagreement and a tendency to continue trampling. You should know that the feeling of dizziness is not good.

The black-clothed man looked at Li Zhenbang with weird eyes, and did not have the consciousness of being captured, but looked thoughtful.

Li Zhenbang looked at the expression of the man in black with confusion. Under normal circumstances, after the killer was captured, he would either yell at him but beg for death, or betray his employer to kneel for mercy. But this man in black felt very abnormal to him, and at the beginning he felt that the man in black had no intention of killing himself.

If the man in black hadn't kept his hand when he was about to attack him at the beginning, Li Zhenbang would not be able to back down so easily. However, it was precisely because he had reserved his hands and did not sprint with all his strength, so he had time to avoid the deadly sword, otherwise the man in black would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

The iron-clad giant rhinoceros king used his tail to pick up the black cloth on the face of the man in black directly, seeing the face of the man in black, Li Zhenbang exclaimed, and the Qingfeng sword in his hand was almost thrown to it. On the ground.

The man in black is not someone else, he is one of the academy's supervisors. He has always been known as the upright teacher Mao Keng Shishi.

"Mao... Teacher Mao Shi, what do you mean?" Li Zhenbang retracted the Qingfeng sword in his hand to his side, looking at Teacher Mao Shi with an incredible expression.

Teacher Mao Shi looked at Li Zhenbang with an awkward look, opened his mouth, shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "Actually, I came to test your strength. I didn't expect... alas!"

"Test my strength?" Li Zhenbang looked at Mao Shi in confusion, he didn't doubt Maoshi's words.

"It's not just you. All the students who graduated this year are included in the test. Of course, not everyone is tested by me, and I can't test it. We teachers take turns."

"Why haven't I heard about the test? When my two sisters graduated, why didn't I hear them say something like this?"

"Actually, this is a temporary intention of the academy. The academy has just received the King’s will. This year, the East-West Mainland Academy League will be held. Participants must not be over 25 years old. No students who graduated this year are over 25 years old. All are in the assessment."

"What are the criteria for passing the assessment? Do you have to beat you?"

"What do you think our teachers are? They defeated us!" Mao Shi said desperately. But after finishing speaking, Mao Shi's face became a little embarrassed, because he was defeated by Li Zhenbang just now.

"Did they pass the test, Dayou Zhang?" Li Zhenbang hurriedly changed the subject. He didn't care if the assessment passed. What he cared about was whether his four teammates passed the test. Lan Leshui hasn't left the college yet, so he has not yet been assessed.

"Then I don't know. When you came out, the teacher responsible for assessing them had not returned." Maoshi shrugged his shoulders.

"Then have I passed the assessment?" Li Zhenbang asked cautiously.

"Can it count if you defeated me?" Maoshi gave Li Zhenbang a roll of eyes and said angrily.

"Then what should I do after passing the assessment? Should I go back to the college now?" Li Zhenbang asked a little crampedly, rubbing his hands.

"I will return to the academy in a month. Dean Jin will personally arrange it. I don't know what to do. I've heard of this for the first time in the Continental Academy League." Maoshi looked at Li Zhenbang helplessly. Smiled.

You can't blame him if you lose to Li Zhenbang. Could it be that if you assassinate him yourself, can he fight back and wait to die? If the skill is not as good as the human, there is no way to lose, but the other party is a summoned beast mage, this face is ashamed, he can fully imagine the face of other teachers when they mock him.

"Then can I return to the college early?"

"Of course you can. Your dormitory bed will still be reserved for you. You will not be allowed to graduate until you come back from the competition."

"What about the others? What if they fail your teacher's assessment?"

"Regardless of whether they have passed our assessment or not, as long as all those who have passed the graduation assessment are delayed in graduation, even those over 25 years of age, everyone will not officially graduate until they come back from the competition, but they don’t have to be a month later. come back."

Li Zhenbang was a little excited. No matter whether Zhang Dayu and others passed the teacher's assessment, they would definitely come back to cheer for themselves. According to this, their brothers will be able to reunite again soon. This is the biggest good news in the past few days. Up.

"You must remember, don't be late, this time you are fighting for the honor of the Academy and the Carlo Empire! You must take back the trophy of victory!" Mao Shi said excitedly. Look at that, if he is twenty years younger, he will sign up without hesitation.

"Thank you, Teacher Mao!" Li Zhenbang excitedly gave Mao Shi a bear hug, making the monk Zhang Er confused. Although Li Zhenbang won himself, he doesn't need to be so excited, right? It seems that his own words are not enough to make him so excited, right? How did he know that Li Zhenbang was excited to be reunited with his brothers and fight together.

Saying goodbye to Teacher Mao Shi, Li Zhenbang came to the villa humming a song.

At this time, the day was bright, everyone in the villa had already gotten up, and the three of Yuchen and Lina were preparing breakfast for everyone. More than ten years have passed, and Yuchen has now successfully promoted from a bronze warrior to a silver warrior.

In the past ten years, Yuchen has never mentioned revenge. When the ten-year appointment came, he refused Li Zhenbang's helping hand.

He buried the matter of revenge in his heart and continued to practice hard every day. His aptitude is not excellent. Even after using the Puppet Talisman, he has several times the speed of cultivation. After more than ten years, he has only just entered the silver warrior's strength. If he wants to rely on his own strength to avenge, I am afraid that time is still needed. Extend for a long time. But he was not discouraged. On the contrary, he became more diligent in his cultivation, and Li Zhenbang was a little ashamed.

Li Zhenbang told Yuchen two stories specifically for this, one is King Xiang Yu breaking the boat, and the other is King Yue Goujian. At the same time, he gave him a pair of couplets.

Those who have aspirations, things will come to pass, and the Baier Qin Pass will ultimately belong to Chu.

Painful people, the sky is worth it, and you can eat the courage. Three thousand more can swallow Wu.

Yuchen liked this couplet very much, and hung it in his room, always reminding himself.

"Master, you are back!" Yuchen cried out in surprise when Li Zhenbang came in.

"Master Zhenbang, do you miss me?" Carter jumped to Li Zhenbang's side, hugged Li Zhenbang's arm and swayed like a baby. Living this kind of carefree life all year round has not changed her character, and she still looks like the clever ghost before.

Seeing Carter close at hand, Li Zhenbang's face turned red, but he dared not pull his arms out for fear of hurting her.

"Think, think, I always miss you! Sister Carter, can you let go of my arm." Li Zhenbang felt the elasticity of his arm, feeling helpless.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's flushed face, Carter chuckled, cast a wink at him, and then jumped to continue preparing breakfast.

Among the three beast girls, Carter and Long Miaomiao have the best relationship, perhaps because they have similar personalities.

Lena's personality is gentle, gentle and considerate, a bit like the big sister next door. Kalai is introverted, shy and shy, and feels a bit Xiaojiabiyu. Carter is the most lively of the three, and everyone's pistachio. He bounces around every day, carefree, and his favorite is to tease Li Zhenbang.

Carter never seemed to realize that the damage to Li Zhenbang's soul caused by his figure and the baby face was absolutely holy. Li Zhenbang has always wondered why everyone turned a blind eye to Carter's actions. Even Long Miaomiao never opposed it or expressed any dissatisfaction. Everyone even laughed at Li Zhenbang's shy appearance.

"Brother Zhenbang, you are here! Did you pass the graduation examination?" Long Miaomiao heard the voices of everyone in the living room saying hello to Li Zhenbang, and hurried out.

Seeing Long Miaomiao's blushing face, Li Zhenbang's heart moved a little, and he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water, but he quickly covered it up.

In the past ten years, the relationship between Long Miaomiao and Li Zhenbang has become closer and closer. Everyone can see that Long Miaomiao has a real affection for Li Zhenbang, but Li Zhenbang has always been a little tepid to Long Miaomiao, but everyone sees it. When he came out, Li Zhenbang actually liked Long Miaomiao, but he didn't know why he chose to escape.

"Of course it passed, and I don't look at who I am! But I will go back to the college after a month."

"Back to the academy? Why? Did you choose to stay as a teacher at the academy?" Long Miaomiao frowned, asking somewhat puzzledly.

"Of course not. I don't know why. The East and West Mainland are going to hold an academy competition inexplicably, so all the students who graduated this year have postponed their graduation." Li Zhenbang shrugged and said helplessly.

"Are you all going to the competition? Where is the competition?" Long Miaomiao asked a little excitedly.

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