Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 325: Scar fiasco

The surface of the scar's tiger-head sword was no longer a silver ray, but was shining with a mysterious red. The red color was not strong, and it looked like a red film on the tiger-head sword.

Bai Zeming didn't take it to heart when he saw this weird scene. He was a genuine golden warrior who had cultivated step by step, and was completely different from the golden warrior who had been promoted through secret methods without any future. Although the silver warrior on the opposite side was weird, it was only a silver warrior after all. This level of difference could not be easily made up with weird techniques.

Not paying attention to it does not mean that he will be careless. Bai Zeming strode steadily, golden vindictiveness covering the horned dragon stick. After rotating the horned dragon stick on his head for a few weeks, Bai Zeming held the tail of the horned dragon stick with his left hand and the middle of the horned dragon stick with his right hand and swept toward the scar. past.

Scar did not back down, rounded the tiger's head sword, and slammed it towards the horned dragon stick. A fierce color flashed in Bai Zeming's eyes, and the golden grudge on the horned dragon stick became stronger.

"Hey!" With a loud noise, the two weapons slammed together. Everyone felt a tingling pain in their eardrums, as if someone suddenly rang a gong in their ears. People with lower strengths covered their ears with their hands and shook their heads slightly, feeling the whole head groggy, and some people were even stunned by the loud noise.

A silver warrior and a golden warrior wrestled, and the ending did not surprise everyone. Scar was smashed out.

The strength of Scar itself is much weaker than that of the Golden Warrior, and the previous battles made him consume his physical strength. What's more, he still has injuries on his body now, and the bones of his arm can be seen from the wound on his arm.

Scar directly hit the back of the courtyard wall of Lu's house, then stopped and slid down on the ground. The cracks on the courtyard wall seemed like a spider web, silently showing the power of this stick.

Bai Zeming paused the horned dragon stick on the ground for a while, and the remaining dark energy after the horned dragon stick and the tiger-head treasured sword struck each other was directed to the ground, and a square brick on the ground suddenly cracked. Bai Zeming raised the horned dragon stick and pointed it at the scar sitting on the ground, his eyes full of provocation.

Scar shook his head, stood up slowly, moved his joints, and the blow just now obviously did not cause any harm to him.

Although Bai Zeming didn't know what the red light film on the Tiger Head Treasure Sword was, he could feel a fierce breath rushing toward his face when the weapons were engaged. If it weren't for being cautious and protecting the body with gold vindictiveness, and covering the horned dragon stick with a strong gold vindictiveness, I am afraid that this fight would suffer a big loss.

Even so, Bai Zeming still feels a surge of energy and blood, not injury, but an inexplicable emotion affecting him. Emotions are not single, they seem to be made up of many kinds of negative emotions. Carefully experience the seemingly fear, regret, confusion, helplessness, sadness, etc. Bai Zeming's fighting spirit rushed out, and this weird emotion was driven out of the body.

Bai Zeming looked at Scar with excitement, he hadn't fought so happily for a long time. None of the golden warriors of the sect dared to attack him with all their strength, and they all deliberately defeated after two blows. When the Silver Warrior saw him, it was like a mouse meeting a cat, with respect in fear, where he dared to attack him.

Although the person opposite today is a silver warrior, he still burns up a fighting spirit that is about to extinguish. Fighting is often the best interpretation of a warrior.

The horned dragon stick pointed obliquely to the ground behind him, and Bai Zeming strode towards the scar. Scar placed the Tiger Head Treasure Sword across his side and rushed towards Bai Zeming.

The weapons of the two sides fought together again, this time the Scar was not knocked out, but backed more than a dozen steps. Bai Zeming frowned, this time the power of the scar was obviously stronger than before, and the emotion that could affect his mind became stronger.

Neither side chose the dexterous posture and powerful martial arts, but attacked each other with their weapons wrapped in vindictiveness.

During the battle, Bai Zeming discovered that the power and vindictiveness of Scar had actually increased a little with the fighting spirit. Now although he can repel the scar, the distance the scar retreats is getting shorter and shorter, and his negative emotions are becoming more and more obvious.

In the current situation, although it is certain that the scar cannot reach the strength of the golden warrior, it is not a good thing for himself. This inexplicable negative emotion has begun to affect his performance and makes him very uncomfortable. .

Although Bai Zeming's fight with the scar was very exciting, it did not mean that he wanted the scar to get stronger. He had played enough, a silver warrior had fought with him a few times, it was enough for him, and more would affect his prestige. He stood in place and began to slowly accumulate his strength, the golden vindictiveness slowly gathered towards the horned dragon stick, and at the same time, he was distracted and watched for the scar. If the scar wanted to take the opportunity to attack, he wouldn't mind giving him a thunderous blow.

Obviously, Scar was not prepared to continue to face Bai Zeming with his weapon, and he also stood in place and began to accumulate strength. The silver vindictiveness on his body was all turned into red, and the red color flowed to the tiger-head sword like a stream of water. The scar's red eyes turned back to their normal color at this moment. There was no longer a pale red film on the Tiger Head Sword, but a little blood red.

Everyone was quiet, even the two sides fighting with each other stopped and watched the scene quietly.

The people of Poison Sect naturally knew the strength of Young Sect Master Bai Zeming, who was a real golden warrior. What they didn't expect was that the man with a scar on his face, with the strength of a silver warrior, had no harm after several head-to-head encounters with Bai Zeming, and there was a tendency for the war to become fiercer.

The people on Lu Lianggong's side looked forward to Scar. If Scar can defeat Bai Zeming, then they are not without a chance to survive. Who would want to die if they could live?

Bai Zeming's horned dragon stick was full of golden light, and the horned dragon hovering on the stick body seemed to be alive, wandering around on the stick. The horned dragon stick danced like the wind, and everyone even had the illusion that they heard the sound of the dragon.

The scarred tiger-head treasured knife has completely turned blood red, even the handle is blood red, blood red is flowing on the knife, as if blood is flowing on the knife, and everyone’s ears sounded like tigers. Voice. This is not an illusion, but the sound of the tiger's roar.

After the energy accumulation of the two parties ended, they raised their heads almost at the same time and looked at each other. Everyone only felt that the eyes were dark, as if there were four dazzling golden lights gushing out.

The two rushed towards each other at the same time, almost pulling out two afterimages at a fast speed. The low-powered people only feel that there is a flower in front of them, and the two have disappeared.

Everyone only felt that the golden light and red light were flashing in front of them, and the sound of weapons striking was endless. This time, the clash was not like the beginning. The shocking person's head was dizzy. Not only did it sound not harsh, but there was an inexplicable sense of rhythm of metal percussion.

Suddenly this sense of rhythm became more and more compact, and even began to be messy and no longer harmonious, and then everyone heard the sound of puff puff metal colliding with the flesh.

Everyone only saw the golden light dimmed a little, the blood-red light flickered a few times, and then disappeared. A figure flew out and rammed into Lu's house directly, leaving a big hole in the wall.

The golden light slowly dissipated, and it was Bai Zeming, the young master of Poison Sect, who was exposed. There were some beads of sweat on Bai Zeming's forehead, and his face was a little pale, obviously his consumption was not small. Although his clothes have some wrinkles, there are no injuries on his body.

Seeing that Bai Zeming appeared intact, the people of the Poison Sect burst into enthusiastic shouts, shouting long live the Young Master!

The complexion of the people in Lu's house changed suddenly, and several disciples ran into the house one after another, and hurriedly lifted the second senior brother Scar who was vomiting blood out with a door panel.

The crowd hurriedly gathered around, Scar's spirit a little weak, but his eyes were unusually bright. Lu Lianggong looked at Scar nervously, his eyes full of concern, but he did not speak.

"Scar, you..." Liu Zhengde saw that Scar's arm was twisted strangely, his chest had collapsed, and he didn't know what to say.

"I... it's okay... and can't die..." Scar was panting violently, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, trying to show a smile, but it seemed to have affected a certain part of the body, and the smile turned into a hissing cock. Angry.

"Don't talk, take a good rest." Liu Zhengde wanted to pat the shoulder of Scar, his hand was already stretched out, and finally he shook his head helplessly and put his hand back. Scar is now covered in wounds, he dare not touch it easily.

"Are you ready to continue resisting?" Bai Zeming patted the folds on his clothes lightly, and smiled at Lu Lianggong.

Lu Lianggong looked at the scars that had already vented more and less, then looked at the bodies of other disabled disciples and the sixth disciple, his eyes flashed.

"Teacher, don't make unnecessary sacrifices! If you and the brothers died like this, it would not be worth it! This may be my life!" Lin'er smiled with tears in her eyes, and her eyes revealed determination.

This smile is so helpless, so heartbreaking. This smile is so beautiful and indispensable. At this moment, everything seems to have lost its luster.

Bai Mingze heard Lin'er's words and saw Lin'er's poignant smile, his pale face became ruddy, and his breathing became a little quicker.

After Lin'er finished speaking, she stood up and walked towards Poison Sect without hesitation. But she didn't get her wish because she was grabbed by her hand...

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