Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 326: Foreign aid is coming

"Teacher, you don't have to stop me. I'm determined. I can't just watch you die." Lin'er saw that it was Lu Lianggong who was holding her hand. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Well out of the eyes.

"Lin'er, although I have no ability to protect you, I can keep my promise. Unless I die, they will not take you away." Lu Lianggong looked at Lin'er lovingly, as if watching My own daughter is average.

"Teacher..." Lin'er couldn't help it anymore, she threw herself into Lu Lianggong's arms, and burst into tears.

Lin'er lacked the love of her father since she was a child, and since her mother died, she felt that she had no support. At this moment, she felt a mountain of paternal love in Lu Lianggong's body. Although the time was short, she cherished it very much, and she couldn't wait for the time to stay at this moment in her heart.

"All disciples follow the orders! Put down their weapons and give up resistance!" Lu Lianggong's vigorous voice resounded through all the disciples' ears.

All the disciples looked at their teacher in amazement. They didn't understand why the teacher would let them lay down their weapons and give up resistance. Although many of the weapons in their hands had been broken, or even had no weapons at all, they still did not give up and were still confronting the people of the Poison Sect.

"Teacher..." Liu Zhengde called out. He has been following Lu Lianggong for the longest time, so he naturally understood what the teacher meant.

The teacher doesn't want everyone to increase casualties. If you continue to resist everyone, there is only one dead end. If the poisonous people's purpose is achieved, they may be spared. In the final analysis, there is no deep hatred between them.

Now the people who were seriously injured were their own people. Except for the two people killed by the scar, the people of the Poison Sect were at most lightly injured, and there were no serious injuries at all.

If the Poison Sect is really pursued, I am afraid that the teacher and Scar will definitely not survive. Judging from the appearance of the scar, it must be difficult to survive. Even if he survives, it is not a simple matter to fully recover from the injury. In addition, Scar had already killed two Poison Sect members, and with the character that Poison Sect Jacques would repay, it seemed that he would never spare him.

The other juniors did not cause any harm to the Poison Sect, but it was inevitable to be humiliated, and might even be punished, but after all, they could barely save their lives, and it was better to live than die.

"Zhengde, I'm afraid I have to take a step forward as a teacher. You are all burdened by being a teacher. I can only say sorry!" Lu Lianggong sighed.

"Teacher, I am not afraid of death, even if I die, I will accompany you!" Liu Zhengde, a man of seven feet, could not help but shed tears with red eyes.

"Teacher, we are not afraid of death, even if we die, we must be with you!" The other disciples helped each other stand up and shouted.

"Asshole! I'm not dead yet! Have you started to be disobedient?" Lu Lianggong shouted angrily, looking at the hateful disciples on their faces.

These disciples were all cultivated by him with great pains. They were still young and had a great future. How could he just watch them die.

Many of these disciples have suffered a lifelong disability because of their own impulse, so how can they bear to let them continue to follow their own mistakes? His heart has begun to bleed.

Liu Zhengde let out a long sigh, and first threw the larch in his hand aside, then sat down beside Scar, looking at Scar.

Others saw that the big brother Liu Zhengde had already put down the weapon in his hand, and sighed and threw the tool and the broken wooden stick on the ground fiercely, squatting on the ground in annoyance.

"I used to think you were wrong and fighting shouldn't be right. All things should be resolved through communication and negotiation, but I am so eager for power now." Liu Zhengde said with a bitter smile.

" are right, everyone...has...has their own way." Scar smiled slightly, his eyelids were already fighting, and he was barely holding on.

"Master Lu Lianggong, your choice is wise, but don't you think it's a bit late?" Bai Zeming said with a sneer.

"It’s all my disciples who have been injured so far. I don’t think it’s too late. This experience let them know that the truth is good, at least they won’t get muddled easily in the future. I believe that Poison Sect is not unreasonable. Sect, otherwise, wouldn’t it be a demonic cult? If you spread it out, I’m afraid this will damage the reputation of the Poison Sect who is about to reborn!” Lu Lianggong looked at Bai Zeming with a kind face.

"You threaten me?" Bai Zeming squinted his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"How dare the old man, now that the king is a swordsman, and I am a fish, there is no reason to threaten it. This matter was initiated by the old man alone, and my life alone is enough to quench the fire in the heart of the king, so that the poisonous sect can rise and win If you don't want to kill innocent people, why not do it?" Lu Lianggong said calmly.

"Haha, okay! He killed two disciples of my Poison Sect. I can't forgive this life. Otherwise, how will my Poison Sect's face survive?" Bai Zeming snorted coldly with a horned dragon stick pointing at the scar.

"Young Sect Master, he has been seriously injured now, and I am afraid he will die soon, why bother with a dying person? Take a step back and say, even if he is not dead, he wants to recover as he is now. It is also impossible. The cultivation base may even regress. This kind of torture must be better than death for him, so why bother with such a person?" Lu Lianggong's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly persuaded him.

"Hmph, you old fellow can talk very well? No wonder there are so many disciples following you desperately!"

"Sect Master is joking."

"You send Bai Nianxue to me now, but I can consider your request." Bai Zeming looked at Lu Lianggong with a playful look.

"Young Sect Master, why should you do this more! The old man is already a dying man. After I die, who dares to stop you? Why do you bother me as a bad old man?" Lu Lianggong shook his head, his voice The low, straight body was slightly bent down, as if he was a teenager in an instant.

"If you don't agree, I will kill them all!" Bai Zeming pointed at the people in the yard, with a cruel smile on his face.

"Teacher, you can hand me over!" Lin'er struggled to get rid of Lu Lianggong's hand.

Lu Lianggong shook his head and said with a sigh: "I said, unless I die, I won't hand you over. Although I can't protect you, I can die before you, and it's me. I have not broken my promise."

"Old guy, don't be shameless. If you choose to commit suicide, no one in this yard will survive." After hearing Lu Lianggong's words, Bai Zeming naturally understood his thoughts and said coldly.

"You..." Lu Lianggong raised his head and glared at Bai Zeming. He wanted to stop himself, but he didn't expect that Bai Zeming would not even give him this opportunity.

"Give you two minutes to think about whether to send her over, or let me kill all the people in the yard and then kill you." Bai Zeming looked at Lu Lianggong with a smile on his face, as if saying something very tense. Trivial things are average.

"Teacher, you can hand me over!" Lin'er looked at Lu Lianggong with tears on her face. She really couldn't bear to continue to see everyone hurt or die for her.

Lu Lianggong looked at Lin'er with a sad expression, and closed his eyes in pain. He would have thought of what kind of treatment Lin'er would receive if it were in their hands. That is definitely not to survive, to die, and to die in humiliation in the end. How could he bear to see this happening, but if he didn't hand over Lin'er, even if he died, the disciples in this yard might not be able to survive...

"Two minutes passed so quickly, how are you thinking about it?" Bai Zeming smiled and looked at Lu Lianggong. His smile was very sunny and bright, but in the eyes of everyone, this smile was not much worse than the devil.

"I thought it over! You let everyone go, I'll leave it to your disposal, otherwise, I'll die in front of you immediately." Lin'er took out a dagger from nowhere and put it on her neck.

"You..." Bai Zeming's face changed, he didn't want to spend all his hardships, and finally got a cold corpse, he had no interest in the corpse.

"If you dare to mess around, I will kill them all!" Bai Zeming looked at Lin'er and said viciously.

"Even if I didn't mess around, would you still let them go?" Lin'er glared without fear. Although she left the Poison Sect at a very young age, it does not mean that she knew nothing about what the Poison Sect did.

Bai Zeming was speechless for a while, he didn't even want to let these people go, he just wanted to give them hope, after playing with them, he would kill them all.

"Unexpectedly, the Young Sect Master of Poison Sect is such a cruel and cruel person, it is really admirable!" A voice full of disdain and contempt came from behind Bai Zeming and others.

Bai Zeming frowned and turned to look, his expression could not help but be dazed, the visitor was not someone else, it was their most wanted criminal in the Poison Sect, Li Zhenbang, the son of the Red Maple Leaf Family.

Li Zhenbang should have arrived long ago, but was stopped by someone from the Red Maple Leaf family on the way. The Poison Sect was born again, and the most nervous is naturally the Red Maple Leaf family. Although Li Zhenbang is not a candidate for the patriarch, he is an important part of the family's future development and growth.

Therefore, the Red Maple Leaf family also scattered their hands to find Li Zhenbang, and met Li Zhenbang here, and the people of the Poison Sect were still here, how could they let Li Zhenbang do whatever they wanted. Li Zhenbang finally got rid of everyone, and then rushed over, but he was still a step late.

"Li Zhenbang! There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you just break in! It's okay to just clean up you together." Bai Zeming's eyes heated up.

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