Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 342: To subdue Bai Shangwu

"I'm loyal to you? Are you crazy? If I become the Poison Sect Sect Master, won't that Poison Sect become yours?" Bai Shangwu's pupils shrunk slightly, staring at Li Zhenbang firmly. This Li Zhenbang's appetite makes him really feel good. Somewhat unacceptable.

"Don't worry, if you become the Poison Sect Master, unless you threaten me or my family and friends, I will not give orders to you." Li Zhenbang did not fear Bai Shangwu's eyes, his face still hanging A faint smile.

"You are dreaming! This is impossible! I can't be loyal to you!" Bai Shangwu looked at Li Zhenbang as if looking at another madman.

Bai Hanwen still wanted to struggle, Omega kicked him impatiently and knocked him unconscious.

"It seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet. If you die here, there is nothing left. Although I said not to kill you, it was under the premise of your cooperation. If you can't use it for me, then Why do I want to let the tiger go back to the mountain? Since I have to face the Poison Sect after all, it doesn't matter to me facing Bai Zeming or facing you." Li Zhenbang shrugged his shoulders, his body exuding killing intent.

"Are you threatening me?" Bai Shangwu narrowed his eyes and his tone became colder.

"If you have to say that, that's fine. In fact, I am not only threatening you, but also forcing you. You must be loyal to me, I am not discussing with you." Li Zhenbang bowed his head and fiddled with his fingernails. , I didn't bother to look at Bai Shangwu again.

Hearing what Li Zhenbang said, Bai Shangwu felt like he was about to vomit blood, and Li Zhenbang didn't play cards according to the routine at all.

Originally, Bai Shangwu thought that Li Zhenbang was just a lion's mouth, waiting for him to bargain. This was originally a business. As the saying goes, starting from the sky, paying back the money, and finally the two sides discussed a price that meets the acceptable level of both parties, and this matter is over.

Who knew that Li Zhenbang would not let go. Is his real purpose really to make his brothers loyal to him? This is just a joke.

"Li Zhenbang, you know that this is impossible, so don't make a joke. Let's talk about business! How can you let us go?" Bai Shangwu looked at Li Zhenbang seriously.

"Allegiance to me!" Li Zhenbang said in a flat voice, the smile on his face has subsided, it seems that he is serious, not joking.

"Li... Zhen... Bang!" Bai Shangwu looked at Li Zhenbang angrily, and said every word.

"Over and over again, I don't want to say it again." Li Zhenbang's voice was a bit cold, without any emotion.

Bai Shangwu stared at Li Zhenbang for a long time, then lowered his head, sighed, and whispered: "You are the sword, I am the fish, do I still have a choice? I swear my allegiance to you and never betray it?"

"So you agree?" Li Zhenbang didn't have any surprises, and his tone was still very calm. In this situation, he didn't believe that Bai Shangwu would disagree with his request.

"Yes, I can swear to the God of War, with the honor and life of the warrior." Bai Shangwu stretched out his three fingers and pointed at the sky, bowed his head with a pious look.

No one saw a glimmer of light flashing in Bai Shangwu's eyes with his head down. Bai Shangwu's previous performances were just a disguise.

Swearing this kind of thing, although there is a lesson for Bai Yanlang, it does not mean that he will be afraid. Besides, this kind of oath made against one's heart to live and die, will it really be fulfilled? Anyway, Bai Shangwu didn't care.

"To be honest, although I am in awe of oaths, I am somewhat skeptical." Li Zhenbang said nonchalantly.

"Then what do you mean? I will write you a letter of allegiance?" Bai Shangwu looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously. He didn't mind this kind of written promise. Even if Li Zhenbang took it out in the future, he could deny it with various reasons and excuses, or simply refuse to admit it.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Bai Shangwu thought, even if Li Zhenbang couldn't guess all of them, he could guess all the same, so he looked at Bai Shangwu with a playful smile on his face, and Bai Shangwu was watched by Li Zhenbang. A little hairy in his heart.

"Then what do you want? Don't you want to put on me a slave collar? Not to mention that I will not wear it when I die, even if you forcibly wear it on me? That thing is so obvious, you think that after wearing it, I Can you get back to the Poison Sect? If I can't get back to the Poison Sect, it doesn't make any sense to you!" Although Bai Shangwu appeared calm and his tone was full of sarcasm, Li Zhenbang saw a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Slave collar? I have no interest in that kind of stuff." Li Zhenbang took out a dagger from the acquired bag, hehe sneered and walked towards Bai Shangwu.

"What do you want to do?" Bai Shangwu unconsciously took a step back when he saw the cold light of the dagger in Li Zhenbang's hand, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

However, Bai Shangwu quickly reacted and took another step towards Li Zhenbang, saying that he was not afraid of death.

Seeing Bai Shangwu's child-like actions, Li Zhenbang couldn't help but smile a little, and looked down at him a little bit, he even began to wonder if his choice was a mistake. But the matter is over, he has no choice, the living Bai Shangwu is always more valuable to him than the corpse.

Li Zhenbang grabbed Bai Shangwu's wrist and said with a gentle smile: "Don't be nervous, don't be afraid, I just need a little blood from you, I can't die!"

Bai Shangwu didn't know what medicine Li Zhenbang sold in the gourd, frowned, and did not resist. He knew that it was useless to resist, so he might as well just watch the changes.

Seeing Bai Shangwu's cooperation in this way, Li Zhenbang didn't feel like he wanted to play a game. Cut Bai Shangwu's fingers with a dagger, and took a small cup of blood. Then he took out a piece of yellow paper and dipped it in blood with a brush and painted weird symbols that no one could understand.

After finishing the painting, Li Zhenbang burned the talisman paper to ashes, and carefully put the ashes in a bowl full of clear water.

"Drink it!" Li Zhenbang handed the bowl with Fushui to Bai Shangwu.

Bai Shangwu looked at Fu Shui and then at Li Zhenbang. He really couldn't understand the use of this stuff? As a member of the Poison Sect, he could see that Li Zhenbang had not poisoned him in the process.

He could vaguely feel that Li Zhenbang seemed to be performing a certain ritual, but he did not feel any fluctuations of magical elements in the process, proving that this was not magic. But if it's not magic, what use is this thing? Bai Shangwu is very puzzled. But the incomprehensibility does not mean that he has no brains. Li Zhenbang must have his intention to do this.

"What's the matter? Don't dare to drink? Since I said I don't want your life, as long as you are obedient, I will definitely not break your promise. But if you are not obedient, then I don't mind making you a little bit stubborn." Li Zhenbang put his arms around his chest, curled his mouth, his eyes flashed with excitement.

"What the **** are you?" Bai Shangwu looked at Li Zhenbang warily.

"You don't need to know what this is, I can tell you very responsibly, this can increase your cultivation speed without any side effects! Although it won't make you jump to the silver warrior all at once, it will definitely benefit you a lot. ."

"I'm not a three-year-old kid, do you think I will believe you?"

"Now do you still have the right to choose whether to believe or not? You only have to obey or refuse. To be honest, I am still looking forward to your rejection, because after you refuse, we will all have a good show!" Li Zhenbang seemed to think Something interesting, couldn't help but laugh.

"What's a good show?" Bai Shangwu couldn't help trembling when he saw Li Zhenbang's smile.

"Have you ever seen someone ***, match? Do you want to try it? Give you and the boar aphrodisiac and medicine, and then seal your vindictiveness and put you together. I believe you. You should also want to see your demeanor, right?" Li Zhenbang raised his eyebrows at Bai Shangwu, smiling very wretchedly.

"You..." Bai Shangwu's eyes widened, staring at Li Zhenbang, his mood fluctuated very severely.

Suddenly Bai Shangwu's eyes became confused, and he slowly reached out his hand to take Fushui, then hesitated looking at Fushui, and finally drank Fushui.

Seeing Bai Shangwu drank Fushui, Li Zhenbang was relieved. He just took advantage of the violent fluctuation of Bai Shangwu's spirit, and controlled Bai Shangwu with mental power. Although it is only a short ten seconds, the consumption of mental power is very huge.

"What did you do to me just now?" Seeing the empty bowl with Fushui in his hand, Bai Shangwu looked at Li Zhenbang nervously.

"I didn't do anything." Li Zhenbang shrugged, indicating that he was innocent.

"Then...this water..." Bai Shangwu pointed at the bowl and frowned at Li Zhenbang. He was in a daze just now. If Li Zhenbang didn't do anything, he wouldn't believe him.

"You drank it by yourself, probably because you are thirsty." Li Zhenbang nodded, with an expression that should be like this.

"You...vomit..." Bai Shangwu couldn't help quarreling with Li Zhenbang, put his finger into his throat, and wanted to spit out the water.

"You don't have to work in vain. You can't spit out the talisman you drink." Li Zhenbang patted Bai Shangwu on the shoulder and comforted.

"You...what are you giving me a drink?" Bai Shangwu questioned Li Zhenbang with a trembling voice. Unknown things are often the most terrifying.

"Of course it is a good thing, as I said, this is a good thing that can increase your cultivation speed without any side effects." Li Zhenbang's eyes were full of sincerity.

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