Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 343: 150,000 a month

"I have already drunk it, aren't you ready to tell me the truth?" Bai Shangwu's complexion became very calm, without the fear at the beginning.

Li Zhenbang looked at Bai Shangwu in surprise, perhaps Bai Shangwu was not as white as he thought. He had a feeling that the fear that Bai Shangwu had shown before was just to confuse himself.

Li Zhenbang's expression moved, but he didn't speak, but Bai Shangwu's eyes were wide open, looking at Li Zhenbang incredible. He actually received Li Zhenbang's order in his mind, asking him to persuade Bai Hanwen to drink the rune water, and he clearly felt that he could not refuse this order, and he must complete it unconditionally.

"What the **** did you do to me...Ah!" Bai Shangwu wailed in pain, holding his head, he felt that he had a splitting headache, and he couldn't even breathe.

"I already said, surrender, surrender without any conditions. If you dare to have any unrealistic ideas, even if you are thousands of miles away, I can destroy you for the first time! It is the destruction of the soul!" Li Zhenbang is very Understand this kind of person if he doesn't teach him a lesson to make him afraid, he will definitely not be obedient.

Bai Shangwu hugged his head and panted violently. The people of the Poison Sect looked at Li Zhenbang with horror. Although they didn't understand what Li Zhenbang did to Bai Shangwu, they saw Bai Shangwu's pain in their eyes. Their young master's tolerance and endurance are top-notch, and he didn't expect to be so miserable howling.

"Do you still want to challenge my authority?" Li Zhenbang looked at Bai Shangwu calmly. After Bai Shangwu became his puppet, he understood Bai Shangwu more comprehensively.

This Bai Shangwu is not only not a counselor, but also a character like a demon king. If the time is right, Bai Zeming may really be able to dismount Bai Zeming, but he and those mysterious people may sooner or later play with fire and self-immolate. Will the Poison Sect still be a Poison Sect?

It doesn’t matter to Li Zhenbang whether the Poison Sect is a Poison Sect or not. He doesn’t have a good impression of the Poison Sect. His ultimate goal is not to take the Poison Sect as his own, but to completely destroy the Poison Sect. The Poison Sect is in Li Zhenbang’s heart. It's already heinous.

"I...ah..." Feeling the dissatisfaction in Bai Shangwu's heart, Li Zhenbang punished Bai Shangwu again. This punishment is directed at the soul, and there is no defense at all.

"When answering my question, you must first call the young master." Li Zhenbang said calmly, and he could feel the resentment in Bai Shangwu's heart. But Li Zhenbang didn't care. Sometimes resentment can also inspire powerful forces, but Bai Shangwu must be honest when he is in front of him.

Li Zhenbang didn't tell Bai Shangwu that the puppet talisman could spy on his thoughts. Bai Shangwu now only thought that Li Zhenbang had controlled his thoughts through some method, and he was still considering ways to remove this restriction.

"Don’t try to find anyone to help you get rid of it, and don’t talk to anyone about this, otherwise you will suffer ten times a hundred times more than you are now, or even directly destroyed. You should still be your young master, and you may become Sovereign. The premise is that you are absolutely loyal to me and surrender to me. Otherwise..." Li Zhenbang's eyes condensed, and Bai Shangwu screamed and rolled with his head.

"Master...Master..." Bai Shangwu couldn't bear the pain, and finally called out.

Li Zhenbang nodded in satisfaction. He didn't need Bai Shangwu's absolute surrender, and he didn't need Bai Shangwu to do anything. All he needed was absolute control. Something happens between Bai Shangwu and Bai Zeming sooner or later, no matter who loses or wins, it is a good thing for him. However, the later the fight between the two took place, the better for him.

After subduing Bai Shangwu, things became simpler, and Bai Hanwen also obeyed the puppet talisman honestly.

After both Bai Shangwu and Bai Hanwen took the puppet amulet, Li Zhenbang ignored the other members of the Poison Sect. Instead, he led them to the direction of Karo City. As for how Bai Shangwu dealt with his subordinates, it was not what he should be doing. What to worry about...

"Miaomiao, do you think the air in the imperial capital has an extravagant taste?" Li Zhenbang looked at Long Miaomiao flatteringly, and Long Miaomiao still ignored him in response.

On the way, Li Zhenbang was about to crash Long Miaomiao and Liu Lin.

Liu Lin has always been a handmaid's posture, reticent along the way, her eyes are full of sadness, no matter what Li Zhenbang said to her, she nodded and said yes, as if she was a doll without thinking.

Of course, Liu Lin didn't rely on Li Zhenbang for everything. She always kept a safe distance from Li Zhenbang along the way. Li Zhenbang didn't even touch the corners of her clothes.

Long Miaomiao was even more amazing, talking and laughing with everyone along the way, and even chatting with the taciturn and ignorant, but just ignored Li Zhenbang and Liu Lin. No matter what Li Zhenbang said to her, she didn't seem to have heard it, and treated Li Zhenbang as air.

After being boring about Long Miaomiao, Li Zhenbang had to look at Liu Lin.

Liu Lin saw the look in Li Zhenbang's eyes, smiled slightly, and said respectfully, "Master, you are absolutely right."

Hearing Liu Lin's words, Li Zhenbang had a black line on his forehead. Knowing Liu Lin's answer, he couldn't help but look at her.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's sad reminder, Omega held back a smile on the side, patted Li Zhenbang on the shoulder, shook his head, and sighed softly: "The road is so long, you'll be searching for it slowly!"

Li Zhenbang's desire to die is all there. This is what he once said to Omega, but he didn't expect that he would give the original words to himself at this time. This really complies with that sentence, it is not that the time is not reported. To.

In the past, every time Omega wanted to get a little relationship with Alfa, he would be ruthlessly cleaned up by Alfa, so Li Zhenbang gloated and said to Omega: The road is long and long, you have to search slowly!

Li Xiangyang and Li Hongjun took the members of the Red Maple Leaf family back to report the letter, and Li Zhenbang and Omega went straight to the Wizards’ Union. Li Zhenban is going to visit Teacher Yang Bing first, and by the way, solve the follow-up problem of Lu Zhai. Then, after settled in Omega, he returned to the family. There are no special circumstances, it is better not to meet with family members...

"Teacher, I want to kill you!" Li Zhenbang jumped up and gave Yang Bing a bear hug.

"Zhenbang, lightly, lightly, my old bones can't stand it anymore. You said you are like a summoned beast mage, you are a warrior." Yang Bing shook his head and said helplessly.

Yang Bing and Delileka have been looking for a solution to the accident that occurred when Li Zhenbang awakened, but there is no clue yet. This incident has always been his heart disease. Fortunately, Li Zhenbang is doing well now, and he has not given up on himself because he failed to awaken and become a summoned beast mage.

"Teacher, when we came back, we saw the city guards patrolling everywhere. It was completely different from before. What's the situation? Is it going to be a war?" Li Zhenbang looked at Yang Bing suspiciously.

"You haven't come home yet? It's no wonder you don't know. The God Blessing Alliance of Marina Continent has sent envoys to Karo City. His Majesty is afraid that they will have any accidents. Not only does he send someone to protect him, he is still on the street. Arrange for the city guards to step up patrols." Yang Bing said with a shrug.

"The people of the Holy See are not so fragile? They don't even have the ability to protect themselves? Then why do they travel so long?" Li Zhenbang curled his lips in disdain. He felt that His Majesty didn't need to be so inspiring.

"Protect the people of the Holy See? You are wrong. His Majesty the King is to protect the common people. You have not seen how arrogant the people of the Holy See are. It is good to eat or not to pay. If you don't move, you will beat people. It's not that the city guards stopped, I'm afraid the Imperial Capital has long since jumped." Yang Bing said helplessly.

"Then your Majesty just let it go? Let them behave?" Li Zhenbang frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"The war between the two countries is not to be cut! What's more, they are here to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the East-West Continental College Competition. As long as they are not too outrageous, His Majesty the King is not easy to intervene, and can only advise. Zhenbang, I also advise you, sometimes you can turn one eye and close another!" Yang Bing shook his head and said.

As a superior person, there is naturally a superior person's consideration, and you can't look at the problem from the eyes of the people in the market. As a holy magister, Yang Bing has a deep understanding.

Li Zhenbang hesitated for a moment, and instead of answering the question, he changed the topic.

"Teacher, what happened to Luzhai? We were in a hurry at the time, and many things were left to President Martin."

"You don't have to worry about Lu's affairs. There is absolutely no problem with safety. Just remember to pay the bill on time." Yang Bing looked at Li Zhenbang with a smirk.

"Teacher, I'm your own disciple, you won't kill me a lot, right?" Li Zhenbang looked at Yang Bing with some horror.

"We are affordable, and we are not deceived. The most important thing is that we guarantee absolute safety. At your current worth, tsk, would you care about the money? We are not forced to buy and sell, if you don’t If we are satisfied, we will withdraw the people." Yang Bing raised his eyebrows at Li Zhenbang, his eyes flashed with the light of profiteers, there is no such thing as a holy magician.

"Teacher, tell me the price! I admit it!" Li Zhenbang said dejectedly.

"Zhenbang, don’t look like this! In fact, we have already given you a very discount. We have sent a half-holy magister-level elder to sit for you. Only one hundred and fifty thousand gold coins are collected a month. If you pay for one year, you will only be charged 1.5 million gold coins." Yang Bing patted Li Zhenbang on the shoulder and said earnestly.

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