Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 346: Arrogant emissary of the Holy See

With Li Zhenbang's acquiescence, Yuchen took a reassurance in his heart.

Without Li Zhenbang's permission, he would never dare to make a move. This is the messenger of the Holy See of Light. He didn't want to make Li Zhenbang trouble.

But Yuchen has forgotten, is Li Zhenbang someone who is afraid of trouble? And it's all on his own territory, what else does he have to be afraid of, as long as he doesn't kill him, he won't be afraid even if he makes trouble with His Majesty the King.

"Smelly old man, are you looking for death?" Seeing the old man's reluctance, a warrior in armor raised his hand high, preparing to give the ignorant old man a mouth.

However, he raised his right hand but found that he could not move it. When he turned his head, he saw that there was a left hand grasping his wrist tightly like iron tongs. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a young man in his early twenties. .

"What do you want to do? We are members of the Holy See of Light on the Marina Continent, and guests of your Carlo Empire. Are you the messenger who wants to murder the Holy See of Light?" The armor warrior raised his head proudly and looked at Yuchen with contempt. .

"Murdering your mother!" Yuchen didn't hesitate with an electric cannon, and the armored soldier screamed and flew out while covering his eyes. The armor warrior is just the strength of a black iron warrior, but Yuchen is a real silver warrior.

The people of Guangming Vatican were taken aback. Since the last time the person who wanted to deal with them was arrested by the city guards, no one had dared to be so arrogant for a long time. Unexpectedly, another stunned boy would pop out at this moment.

When Yuchen moved his hands, the onlookers not only did not escape, but gathered together, and surrounded Yuchen and the people of Guangming Vatican for three tiers and three tiers outside. The surroundings were called a water barrier. If it hadn't been for Li Zhenbang to walk over in advance, he would not be able to get in now.

Some older people secretly shouted at Yuchen: "Young man, run quickly, it's time for the city guards to arrest you."

Some young people cheered loudly and shouted: "Come on hero! We support you! Kill these bastards!"

Although some people didn't speak, they just watched, but their eyes sparkled with excitement.

Obviously these days, these people from the Bright Holy See have offended people, and everyone has no good impression of them.

After the Guangming Vatican and his party froze, some of the soldiers hurriedly surrounded Yuchen, separating him from the gorgeously dressed people. Some soldiers looked around vigilantly, for fear that someone else would come out and cause harm to those gorgeously dressed.

The gorgeously dressed people began to flicker with white light, and there were magical fluctuations, but it was not a common five-level magic, it seemed to be a light-type magic.

Li Zhenbang was not prepared to intervene. There are no people at the level of golden warriors in the Holy See. Although there are a few people at the level of silver warriors, if Yuchen can't even deal with these people, how can he even get revenge! Among his enemies are not only two golden warriors, but also a sixth-level magician!

Yuchen watched the warriors around him vigilantly. These warriors gave him a different feeling. They weren't ordinary warriors. He could feel the faint magic wave from these warriors.

Facing the unknown, some people choose to retreat, some people choose to wait and see, and some people choose to take the initiative. Yuchen obviously belonged to the latter, he chose to take the initiative without hesitation.

The people in the Holy See didn’t expect that Yuchen was already surrounded and they even dared to choose to take action. The closest to Yuchen was the black iron warrior who was beaten just now. He wanted to say a few ruthless words, but it turned out again. Yu Chen flew out with a punch.

When the others reacted and wanted to attack, they found that Yu Chen had already jumped out of the crowd under the cover of the body of the black iron warrior that was knocked out.

Seeing that Yuchen was so difficult, two more silver fighters joined in the operation to round up Yuchen. Yuchen was delayed by a silver warrior, and soon he was surrounded again.

This time the people who surrounded him became five silver warriors and seven black iron warriors. The hapless black iron warrior who had been beaten twice in a row looked at Yuchen angrily with a pair of panda eyes. What made him even more angry was that Yu Chen didn't even look at him at all. He hadn't seen him straight up, just paying attention to the five silver warriors.

As a sixth-level Templar of the Holy See of Light, Simonsius has his own pride. The Templars are people who claim to have bathed in the light of the God of Light before they were born. They are all the children of the God of Light and the children of the God of Light. When have they been so insulted?

On the Eastern Continent, as long as you are not a Templar, even if you are a semi-holy golden warrior, you have to respect first-level Templars. In the kingdom of God of Light, people who have not been favored by God can only be servants of God of Light.

The white light on Simonsius flickered, and the panda eyes on his face gradually faded back to normal, but his heart couldn't calm down.

Simmonsius' abnormality was naturally seen in Yuchen's eyes, and when he saw Simmonsius' eye sockets return to normal, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that a powerful warrior of Kong Wu would use light magic, and this light magic had such a magical effect.

The twelve Templar knights surrounding Yuchen all emitted dazzling white light, like twelve shining suns. Yu Chen couldn't open his eyes because of the white light. He simply closed his eyes, relying on his ears to distinguish the positions and attacks of the twelve people.

Seeing that Yuchen was forced to close his eyes, Simonsius took the lead to attack Yuchen. The other eleven people didn't know if it was discovered by their conscience, or felt it was unnecessary, and they didn't rush to them, they just surrounded Yuchen to prevent him from escaping. They seemed to have confidence in Simonsius, who was only a black iron warrior, and did nothing other than interfere with Yuchen's sight.

Although Simmonsius had a long sword slung on his waist, he didn't intend to use it. Instead, he raised his fist and slammed it towards Yu Chen's face. It seemed that he wanted to give Yuchen an electric cannon in response, after all, Yuchen just humiliated him like that.

Simonsius' fist was about to touch the tip of Yuchen's nose, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He seemed to have seen Yuchen's nosebleeds and his eyes were pitifully black.

Just when Simonsius was a little proud, Yuchen suddenly disappeared in front of him. It turned out that Yuchen was about to touch his nose when Simmonsius was about to touch his nose. He leaned back, supported his body with his left leg, and ejected with his right leg.

There was an intimate contact between Yuchen's right toe and Simmonsius' chin. Simmonsius was kicked directly and flew away, unexpectedly a few points faster than the speed he rushed over.

A silver warrior drew Simmonsius down while he was still in the air. Although Simmonsius was a dark iron warrior, his ability to resist was not covered. If an ordinary black iron warrior withstands this blow, even if his chin is not broken, he will suffer damage, but after the white light flashes, Simonsius is like a okay person, just rubbing his chin, grinning and biting up and down a few times. , It returns to normal.

Li Zhenbang has been paying attention to the form of the field, so he can see clearly. Although Simeonsius resisted the beating, Yuchen's just a moment ago also caused a lot of damage to him, but this guy's repair ability was too strong, and he recovered in the blink of an eye.

Li Zhenbang smacked secretly, if the people of Lu Zhai had such a strong repair ability, he would definitely save a lot of money.

Simonsius's face was ugly now, and his chin was almost broken by a young man with his eyes closed. This was no longer a shame for him.

Although the two sides are one level different, he is a Templar. In the knowledge of these Templar knights, they can defeat fighters of the same level in the Western Continent, and even leapfrog the challenge. He attributed all this to his own care.

It has to be said that if he is facing a silver warrior like the Poison Sect who is promoted by the secret method of medicine, he will recover his abilities with this, the chance of winning is still very large.

Simonsius closed his eyes and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling the breath, and then slowly opening his eyes, the whole person's temperament completely changed. It is not that his strength has improved, but that his spirit and energy have reached the best state through this adjustment of breathing and breathing.

Yu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. This black iron warrior who had made himself feel like a clown just now had to make him look at him with admiration. But to Yuchen, the black iron warrior is the black iron warrior, he doesn't even look at the other silver warrior, let alone this black iron warrior.

Not paying attention does not mean not taking it seriously. Li Zhenbang's warning is still in his ears. Don't underestimate any opponent, you must despise the opponent strategically, but you must attach importance to the opponent tactically, and the lion and the rabbit must also go all out.

Simmonsius pulled out the long sword from his waist. The long sword did not know what material it was made of. It looked unpretentious, but it gave people a heavy feeling.

This long sword is the standard equipment of the Holy See of Light, and it has a strong inhibitory effect on the dark attribute. Of course, it can also be used as an epee, and it is quite easy to chop.

Yuchen also took out the Silence Blade from the space ring, and closed his eyes again. The light of these twelve people was really dazzling.

The Silent Blade is actually more suitable for dealing with magicians, because its negative state is pain, piercing pain. If the magician is stabbed, he will be speechless in pain. Even if a soldier is stabbed frontally, it is difficult to speak. Of course it is not absolute. When encountering someone who doesn't feel pain, this silent blade is just a sharp dagger.

Simon Xius did not delay, the long sword danced a sword flower in his hand, and then stab towards Yuchen. The tip of the sword turned into countless phantoms, erratic, and the naked eye could not tell which was true and which was false...

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