Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 347: Silent Blade

Yuchen still stood motionless, as if he hadn't seen the sword shadow shaking in front of him, but he really couldn't see it with his eyes closed.

Simonsius did not relax his vigilance as before this time. Instead, the closer he got to Yuchen, the tighter his spirit, the faster his sword danced, and the more solid his sword shadow.

Suddenly, Yuchen moved, leaving behind shadows on the spot, followed by the sound of metal clashing. The speed of both sides is very fast, ordinary people onlookers can only see an afterimage when the two sides collide together.

The onlookers can't see it, doesn't mean that Li Zhenbang can't see it. Li Zhenbang clearly saw that every time Yuchen's dagger collided with Simmonsius's sword, it was at Simmonsius' power point. The two seem to be fighting hard, but Yuchen is actually taking the initiative.

As time goes by, the sound of the two sides' weapon confrontation decreases. Yuchen's changes are getting faster and faster. Simensius can only parry and defends desperately, but Yuchen doesn't go head-to-head with him and is always looking for Simmonsius' flaws.

Yuchen completely gave up the defense and devoted himself to the offense, Simmonsius had no chance to shoot. But Simonsius did not give up, the white light became more and more intense, enhancing his own defenses. As a Templar, what he is best at is not offense but defense.

Yuchen's attack seemed like a violent storm, without a break, but Simeonius was like a **** shrunk in a shell, motionless.

Seeing Simeonius passively beaten, the other eleven people were still very calm, as if they weren't the one who was beaten.

It has to be said that Simonsius' defense is indeed not covered, Yuchen attacked for two minutes, but he didn't break Simons' defense.

Li Zhenbang watched quietly, his brows gradually frowned, not because of Simmonsius' difficulty, but because of the game between the East and the West in the mainland. Simonsius is just a dark iron warrior, if every dark iron warrior is so difficult to deal with, then the game is really not optimistic!

Yu Chen's attack gradually eased, and Simon Xius breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If Yu Chen continued to attack like this, he didn't know how long he could hold on. However, in only two minutes, he had already consumed most of his fighting energy. The light magic they used consumed not magic elements but fighting energy, but it consumed less energy than fighting energy.

Simmonsius was still waiting for the opportunity to counterattack. He felt that Yuchen should have almost reached a limit. After all, attacking took more grudge than defense. However, he didn't expect Yuchen's attack speed to rise suddenly, and Simonius, who was caught off guard, had to release more vindictiveness to resist.

Although it takes a very short time for the grudge to transform into the light magic shield, it also takes a while. Yuchen took advantage of this time difference and slammed the Silent Blade into the shield whose defense strength had been reduced due to the slowing of the attack.

The Silent Blade made a light cut on Simmonsius' neck. It was not that Yuchen didn't want to make a deep cut, but that time simply didn't allow it, and it was enough to cut a little wound. The shield flashed past, repelling the Silent Blade, and Simmonsius' long sword had already swept towards Yuchen.

Yuchen turned over and retreated, able to avoid the attack of the long sword, but the long sword still cut off a corner of Yuchen's clothes.

The two of them did not continue to attack, Yu Chen slowly opened his eyes, narrowed his eyes into a slit, glanced at the corner of the clothes on the ground, and then looked at Simons. He did not expect that he was just Simon of the Black Iron Warrior. Husseus was so difficult, he was completely different from the person who had been panda-eyed just now.

Simonsius panted and looked at Yuchen, his teeth clenched and his body trembled slightly. The painful attack of the Silent Blade had already started, and he felt that his neck was not his own at all, and he was already a little numb with pain, and even had to turn a bit hard.

Simonsius could feel that this was not a toxin attack. He tried to use light magic elements to invade the wound to dispel the pain, but it worked. Although the wound has a tendency to merge, the pain has not diminished, but it has become more painful due to the healing of the wound.

Simonsius hurriedly stopped the act of healing the wound. He could feel that there was a trace of dark magic element inside the wound. Although the dark magic element was not strong, the light element and the dark magic element met like cold water dripping into hot oil. , And his body is the pan that bears all this.

It's not that the dark magic elements can't be removed, but you can't use a small amount of light magic elements to touch the dark magic elements like just now, you must use a large amount of light magic elements to instantly swallow the dark magic elements. But in this way, he couldn't fight, he had to keep his mental strength, and the person on the other side would obviously not give himself this opportunity.

At this moment, a beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Simmonsius, and Simmonsius' body returned to normal in an instant.

It turned out that this beam of light was sent by a person wearing gorgeous clothes. This person's strength is not strong. Depending on the magic fluctuations, it is the level of a third-level magician.

The people of the Holy See of Light are extremely sensitive to the elements of dark magic. After Simonsius was recruited, everyone in the Holy See of Light felt the fluctuations of the dark magic elements for the first time, so the first level of light magic was released— -Holy Light.

This holy light technique not only has no attack power on people, but also has a buff effect. It can speed up the recovery of people’s wounds and temporarily increase their physical fitness.

However, the lack of attack power does not mean that it is not harmful. This holy light technique has a certain threat to the dark attribute creatures, and it is also effective against dark magic elements.

After the Holy Light, the dark magic elements in Simonsius completely disappeared, and even the wound on his neck had healed.

"Who are you? Why do you use dark magic?" Simmonsius looked at Yuchen vigilantly, his tone was full of unkindness, and the other eleven people looked at Yuchen as if they were facing an enemy.

"Dark magic?" Yu Chen looked at the surrounding Guangming Vatican and curled his lips in disdain. He is not a magician, so where is the dark magic? The magicians of the Western Continent only have the five elements of the Golden, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, where did the Dark Element come from?

Yuchen held the dagger in front of his chest and watched vigilantly at everyone in the Holy See of Guangming. Seeing their appearance, it seemed that they were ready to attack in groups. Yuchen began to think about countermeasures. If he fights alone, he will not be afraid of any of them, but if he is a group attack, no matter how strong he is, after all, he will have two fists and four hands. He now wants to find a breakthrough, jump out of the encirclement circle, being encircled is not a good thing.

Seeing the dagger that Yuchen was holding, Simonius was a little surprised, probably not because of Yuchen, but because of the dagger.

"Hand over your dagger, we might be able to let you go!" Simmonsius stared at Yuchen and shouted.

The other people in the Holy See of Guangming heard what Simmonsius said, and they all looked at the dagger in Yuchen's hand with a clear expression.

"Want my dagger? Humph! It depends on whether you have a life to fetch it!" Yuchen said in a cold voice. This dagger was given to him by Li Zhenbang. He has always regarded it as life, how could it be casually Leave it to other irrelevant people.

"Boy, our Guangming Holy See has always been benevolent and our duty is to punish **** and eliminate evil. If you continue to do your own way, don't blame us for the people!" Simonius said proudly.

"Benevolence? Punish **** and eliminate evil? Eliminate harm for the people? Humph!" Upon hearing Simon's words, Yuchen snorted disdainfully.

A group of people who bully the poor on the street are full of humanity and morality and to eliminate harm for the people. This is simply a horror of the world.

There were waves of contemptuous boos from the onlookers, and even unpleasant shouts came from some inconspicuous corners. In the end, the scolding became louder and louder, converging into three words "Get out!"

At first the people in the front row were a little afraid to scream, but soon they were infected by the people behind them, and they waved their fists and shouted "Get out, get out!"

The movement here was so loud, it was no surprise that the city guards patrolling around were alarmed, and a group of city guards in uniforms rushed over in a hurry.

Seeing the city guards coming, the onlookers consciously stopped making any noise.

The leader of the city guard frowned and threw the long whip in his hand into the air with a sonic boom. The onlookers scattered towards the two sides without hesitation, revealing the people from the bright Holy See and Yu Chen in the center of the crowd.

"Where do you come from? I dare to embarrass the messenger of the Holy See! I wonder if His Majesty treats them with courtesy? Come here, catch him!" The leader is not tall, only 1.6 meters tall. From left to right, his body became fat and became a ball, his face was shiny, his eyes were small, but his eyes were full.

"Holy See adults, are you okay? Excuse your Yaxing, you continue to play, I will take away the Diao Min!" The fat man nodded and bowed to the Holy See and smiled flatteringly at the crowd of the Holy See.

Two people came out of the city guard behind Fatty, and walked towards Yuchen proudly.

"You can take away people, but you have to keep his weapons for me!" Simonsius saw the fat city guard leader, his eyes were full of disgust and disdain, and his tone was very rude.

"Weapon?" The fat man glanced at Yuchen suspiciously. When he saw the silent blade in Yuchen's hand, he was furious.

"Asshole! You dare to use murder weapons against the adults of the Holy See, you are a rebellion!" The fat man roared and waved his long whip towards Yuchen...

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