Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 349: Jin Yiwei

When a large number of city guards arrived, there were no warriors on the street. On the ground were the entourage of the Holy See of Light, the city guards carried by the fat man, and some unarmed civilians lying in a pool of blood.

These injured civilians were all hacked by the Holy See of Illumination at the beginning. This is evidence that the Holy See of Illumination wounded people. The injuries were not serious, so they were not saved. Although their injuries were not serious, their screams were more mournful. That is really sad for the listener, and tears for the listener!

During this period of time, everyone's hatred of the city guards even surpassed the Holy See of Light. Before this incident, the Holy See of Light had only bullied people and did not hurt people. Only today can it be regarded as a real slaughter of civilians.

These city guards have been bullying ordinary civilians during this period of time, and have even taken several heroes who dared to resist the Holy See in the prison.

This time, everyone has grievances, revenge, and revenge. The people of the Bright Holy See, no matter how good at defensiveness, can't stand the crowd, and they are finally submerged in the people's ocean.

Fatty’s team of city guards became the scapegoat for all the city guards. Maybe it was because they didn’t use magic alone. Maybe it was because people hated them too much. Although they wouldn’t lose their lives, everyone did. Broken bones and broken tendons, it is not so easy to fully restore the best condition.

The city guards couldn't help but slap their tongues secretly when they saw the tragic situation of these people. At the same time, they were also fortunate in their hearts. Fortunately, they were not here on duty at the time, otherwise they would not be any better than these people.

No one dared to conceal this vicious incident in the imperial capital. In the end, the officials passed on the news to Zhao Tianlong's Long Shu case.

In fact, Zhao Tianlong knew the ins and outs of this matter for a long time, and even knew that this matter had nothing to do with Li Zhenbang. The kid named Yuchen who is picking up things is the younger brother of Li Zhenbang's men.

Zhao Tianlong couldn't tell whether he approved or opposed Li Zhenbang's actions this time. This group of people from the Holy See of Guangming is so arrogant that they dare to promote the belief in God of Guangming in the imperial capital of the Carlo Empire in broad daylight. Moreover, he openly denied his imperial power, and the divine power is supreme.

During this period of time, he was also very clear about what the people of the Holy See had done on the market, so Li Zhenbang was still a little happy in his heart to clean up them.

But the reason why they didn't deal with them was their own difficulties. Now that Li Zhenbang is making such a fuss, I am afraid that things will change, and the atmosphere he has finally created will probably be broken.

Zhao Tianlong shook his head helplessly, wanted to drink tea, but found that the teacup in his hand was cold.

Gently put down the teacup and looked at the moonlight outside the window. To untie the bell, you still need to tie the bell. The aftermath of this matter is to let the members of the Red Maple Leaf family find a way. The misfortune was caused by Li Zhenbang, he couldn't wipe his **** for him, and he was not his own son. Thinking of this, Zhao Tianlong couldn't help but feel a little lost...

"Master, I'm sorry, I seem to have caused great trouble." Yu Chen said timidly.

"Don't overestimate yourself!" Li Zhenbang patted Yuchen on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Yuchen looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously, he was a little confused by the second monk.

Li Zhenbang moved his lips without making a sound. When Yuchen saw Li Zhenbang’s mouth, he couldn’t help being amused, because Li Zhenbang’s mouth was a **** god...

"Zhenbang, I heard that people from the Guangming Holy See were severely beaten in the street today. It has nothing to do with you?" As soon as he entered the door of the Red Maple Leaf family, he happened to ran into the Fourth Elder Li Xiangyang, and Li Xiangyang asked casually.

", no!" Li Zhenbang was taken aback for a moment and said hurriedly. They had just returned from the fight, and they didn't expect Li Xiangyang to already know the things on the street.

When Li Xiangyang saw Li Zhenban's appearance, his heart suddenly became clear. He touched Li Zhenbang's shoulder with his finger, sighed, and shook his head. After all, he said nothing.

With a guilty conscience, Li Zhenbang realized that his thoughts were being seen by the four elders, shrugged his shoulders, and led Yuchen to his room. After Yuchen settled down, he went to see his mother Ye Wanqiu.

Time did not leave a trace on Ye Wanqiu's body. More than ten years have passed. Ye Wanqiu is still gentle and beautiful. Standing with Li Zhenbang will only make people think that they are a pair of siblings. To mother and son.

Ye Wanqiu looked at her son who was seven-pointed like herself and three-pointed like Li Qishan, and her heart was full of pride.

At first, when she learned that Li Zhenbang had become a summoned beast mage, she thought he would be very depressed and depressed, and she wanted to comfort him, but she didn't expect that he was not affected much, but walked out instead. A way of its own.

Ye Wanqiu sometimes even wondered if Li Zhenbang did all this deliberately now, his share of maturity is different from that of his peers, those whimsical ideas. But no matter what Li Zhenbang thinks, this is his only son, and he has always cared for him.

"Mother, father is not at home?" Li Zhenbang went into his mother's room and looked around suspiciously, but did not find the shadow of his father Li Qishan.

"Your father is very busy now. Recently, a group of people from the Marina Continent have arrived in the Imperial Capital. Your father is in charge of security work in the imperial palace." Ye Wanqiu said with a helpless smile.

Since joining Li Qishan, Li Qishan has stayed in the palace longer than at home. With Li Zhenbang, this kind of situation is less, only some important things and occasions will often stay overnight.

"It's those nasty guys again, they are always so disturbing." Li Zhenbang shook his head and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Have you seen those people?" Ye Wanqiu frowned and looked at Li Zhenbang. He seemed to be in conflict with those of the Bright Holy See. Now it is a special time, she doesn't want Li Zhenbang to have too much ties with those people, especially contradictions.

Li Zhenbang hesitated, and in the end he explained what happened on the road. He didn't want to hide too much from his mother. Of course, there were some things he couldn't say or he would never say.

After listening to Li Zhenbang's words, Ye Wanqiu's brows frowned. She knew the seriousness of this matter.

Not only will the people of the Bright Holy See not just let this matter go, they will make a big fuss. Although it was the people of the Holy See of Illumination who first cut and wounded a few civilians, the civilians could not get on the stage after all.

It wasn't that Ye Wanqiu looked down on civilians. She was born as a civilian, so how could she be biased against civilians. But because this world is like this, people of humble backgrounds can't be allowed to talk about it in the temple! This is an insult to them in the eyes of those superiors.

Even if they are given this opportunity to face people who have been in the top for so long, I am afraid that they will have two battles at that time, and they can't speak, and they will only make those people of the bright Holy See laugh at jokes.

"Go, follow me to see the patriarch, I'm afraid this thing won't be good anymore." Ye Wanqiu took Li Zhenbang's hand and went to find Li Zhanfeng.

"Mother, don't worry, what I did is very concealed, no one will know!" Li Zhenbang was honestly grasped by Ye Wanqiu's wrist, did not dare to struggle, he was afraid that his carelessness would hurt his mother, but he was still unwilling. Said.

"Zhenbang, luck is bad. I can assure you that what you did at that time must have been placed on His Majesty the King’s Long Book case, and it is even possible that when His Majesty the King knew about it, the news had not yet passed the copywriting. To the palace." Ye Wanqiu couldn't help but shudder at the thought of His Majesty the King today.

"How is it possible? Then he is not a god? He still knows everything?" Li Zhenbang said with some disdain.

"He is not a god, maybe he can't grasp what happened in the entire Karo Empire right away, but he doesn't know what happened in the whole Emperor. Even if you go to the toilet several times a day, if he wants to know, he can. Know it all." Ye Wanqiu said firmly, and there seemed to be a trace of fear in her eyes.

Seeing Ye Wanqiu's expression, three words suddenly appeared in Li Zhenbang's mind-Jin Yiwei. Of course, there is no Jinyiwei here, but it does not mean that there is no similar organization.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenbang couldn't help but probed around nervously.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's nervous look, Ye Wanqiu shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, maybe someone outside our earl's mansion is monitoring, but there won't be in the mansion, but I'm not sure about other families."

Seeing Li Zhenbang's dubious expression, Ye Wanqiu did not explain anything, but took him to the patriarch Li Zhanfeng.

Li Zhenbang was still thinking about Jin Yiwei, so he didn't resist any more, but let Ye Wanqiu pull away.

What happened to Jin Yiwei was a bit shocking to Li Zhenbang. It was not that he was afraid of Jin Yiwei, but that he was worried about whether many of the secrets he had deliberately hidden had already been known by someone.

"Patriarch, Zhenbang, he..." Ye Wanqiu took Li Zhenbang to see Li Zhanfeng, bowing and saluting, her expression a little unsightly.

Li Zhanfeng stretched out his hand to interrupt Ye Wanqiu's words, nodded and said, "The Fourth Elder has already told me about Zhenbang."

Li Zhanfeng looked at Li Zhenbang, nodded his finger at Li Zhenbang, shook his head, sighed and said, "Oh! Your kid will make trouble for me as soon as he comes back! Who are you offended right now? Put eye drops on His Majesty the King!"

"Patriarch, Zhenbang, he knows that he was wrong, what should you do next?" Ye Wanqiu said anxiously. With her understanding of Zhao Tianlong, he did everything to achieve his goals.

"What can I do, I can only take one step and count one step!" Li Zhanfeng shook his head.

"Your Majesty has a purpose..."

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