Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 350: Saint

"Your Majesty has a purpose, Li Zhanfeng, the patriarch of the Red Maple Leaf Family, and Li Zhenbang, the son of Li Qishan, should not kneel to accept the decree..." A sharp shout came from outside the house.

Hearing the shouts outside the house, Li Zhanfeng's face changed, and he secretly said in his heart: I am really afraid of what will come, I am afraid that your majesty is here to be held accountable, but this avoiding kneeling and accepting orders made him more or less relieved.

"Criminal minister Li Zhanfeng took the order!" Everyone hurried to the yard to meet the envoys. Li Zhanfeng's palms were facing inward, his middle fingers were touching, and he bowed to take the order.

Li Zhenbang glanced at the visitor somewhat nervously, then lowered his head and said, "Summoned Beast Mage Li Zhenbang took the order."

The magician itself has the privilege of avoiding kneeling, and the summoned beast mage is also a magician. Li Zhenbang specially emphasized that he is a summoned beast mage, just to tell the other party that you just want me to kneel and I don't need to kneel.

Laizhi didn't show any dissatisfaction, the members of the Red Maple Leaf Clan, that was the minister of the brachial stock, and he did not dare to offend easily.

"His Majesty the King said that Li Zhanfeng, the patriarch of the Red Maple Leaf family, and Li Zhenbang, the son of Li Qishan, should enter the palace." After the arrival, he reached out and helped Li Zhanfeng up.

"My Excellency, I don't know what your Majesty is going to do this time? Why do you still bring this ineffective Li Zhenbang?" Li Zhanfeng got up and quietly stuffed a small cloth bag into his hand. The cloth bag contained some gold coins.

When he took the cloth bag, he put the cloth bag in the space ring on his finger with a turn of his wrist. The whole process is very secretive, apparently an expert.

"Zhanfeng Patriarch, this is not good for me, but there is no sign of anger from your majesty's expression, just let me take you into the palace face saint quickly." Laizhi said with a smile.

Hearing the words of the messenger, Li Zhanfeng was determined in his heart, not only to prevent him from kneeling, but also to be furious, it seemed that there should be nothing serious.

"Thank you, thank you! Let's clean up, and then we will go to the palace to see His Majesty the King." Li Zhanfeng said respectfully.

"The miscellaneous family will go back to life, Zhanfeng Patriarch must hurry up! Your Majesty the King is very anxious." Before coming, he urged again.

"Definitely, surely, we will be there soon!" Li Zhanfeng sent him out before returning to the inner courtyard.

"Patriarch, what can I do?" Ye Wanqiu asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Zhenbang and I will enter the palace together. There will be nothing wrong. You go and help Zhenbang change his clothes. What is it like?" Li Zhanfeng asked.

Ye Wanqiu and Li Zhanfeng bid farewell, took Li Zhenbang back, and kept chattering along the way, asking Li Zhenbang to listen to the patriarch and not to run around after entering the palace...

Li Zhenbang, who wore a noble costume, looked even more heroic. Originally, Li Zhenbang wanted to enter the palace in the robe of the summoned beast mage, but Ye Wanqiu strongly stopped him, and finally had to wear noble costumes that he had almost never worn.

Entering the palace noodles is not a trifling matter. When I was a child, I could say that now I am an adult, so I can't be so casual.

Li Zhenbang looked at himself in the mirror and sighed helplessly. Although his appearance has changed a lot from his previous life, he can still be described as handsome. Especially after practicing internal strength, the temperament of the whole person is even more different.

Li Zhenbang, who was already seven-point similar to his mother Ye Wanqiu, looked more like his mother after Ye Wanqiu's careful dressing.

"It's my son, he looks like me!" Ye Wanqiu held Li Zhenbang's face and looked at it carefully, as if he had forgotten that Li Zhenbang was summoned by His Majesty the King this time because of the people who provoke the Holy See of Light.

Li Zhenbang grinned helplessly, grinning bitterly, feeling like a doll being manipulated, unable to resist at all, and can only bear it silently...

Li Zhanfeng led Li Zhenbang to the door of the imperial study room, and the little **** went in to pass the message.

Li Zhenbang thought that before leaving the house, Ye Wanqiu took out a set of court ladies' costumes and asked Li Zhenbang to hide it after entering the palace just in case, and couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

If His Majesty the King really wants to clean up him, let alone put on the clothes of a court lady, or even put on the clothes of an eunuch, I am afraid he will not be able to escape.

Before everyone meets with His Majesty the King, their weapons and space storage items will be kept separately, and Li Zhenbang's space bracelet is naturally no exception.

However, the acquired pouch on Li Zhenbang's waist was not taken up. How could other people easily find items in the space that even the Elf Rats could not detect!

Soon the little **** who passed the pass came out quickly and whispered: "Your Majesty the King has an order, let you follow me to the side hall and wait. Your Majesty the King will go there to see them later."

Li Zhanfeng nodded, and said softly: "Thank you!"

Then he followed the little **** to a side hall, where well-made tables and chairs were placed, and some fruits were placed on the table.

After entering the side hall, Li Zhanfeng stood quietly, watching his nose, his nose, his mouth, his mouth and his heart, like a sculpture, motionless.

Li Zhenbang circled the side hall a few times, carefully looking at the various ornaments and accessories in the house, especially those made of precious wood, frowning and shaking his head from time to time. Finally, he walked to the chair, hesitated, sighed, and sat directly on the ground.

When the two waited, they were quiet and no one spoke. In the end, Li Zhenbang yawned boredly, and simply lay on the ground to sleep. The floor is very clean, covered with a carpet made of precious beast fur, so there is no need to worry about staining the clothes or losing a piece of fur.

Suddenly, the door of the side hall was pushed open with a "creak", and a majestic figure slowly walked in.

Seeing the visitor, Li Zhanfeng hurriedly knelt down to salute, and shouted: "Criminal Li Zhanfeng, see Your Majesty the King!"

Li Zhenbang heard Li Zhanfeng’s voice, rubbed his sleepy eyes, glanced at Zhao Tianlong in a dragon robe, yawned, slowly got up, and bowed to Zhao Tianlong, saying: "Summon Beast Mage Li Zhenbang sees His Majesty the King, and wish His Majesty the King, long live, long live!"

Zhao Tianlong, who was a little dissatisfied with Li Zhenbang's performance, was a little bit inexplicably happy when he heard Li Zhenbang chanting Long Live Long Live Long Live. It was the first time he heard such a call. I could not help but read it silently: Long live long live long live long live.

"Li Zhenbang, you can always give me a different feeling. Long live long live long live long live long live it is quite interesting. But you are suspected of deceiving the emperor!" Zhao Tianlong said with a stern face. Happy or angry.

"Back to His Majesty the King, how can I be deceived? This is a good wish! I wish you long live long live long live long live long live long live long live long live long live you, does not mean that you will be long live long live long live long live long live long live!"

"Li Zhenbang, you are very eloquent!" Zhao Tianlong said flatly.

"Back to Your Majesty, you have wronged me greatly! I really look forward to your horses and whips, galloping on the battlefield, opening up the frontiers and expanding the territory, collecting the East Continent in your pocket, and letting that **** bright **** go to hell. Right! But although you have not done it now, who can guarantee that you will never do it! You can never say that I am destroying the friendship between the two countries? This is my lifelong wish! Is it because I want you to be unified The whole world, are you going to convict me of a felony?" Li Zhenbang replied with his head down, neither humble nor humble.

"Zhenbang, don't be rude to your majesty, speak carefully!" Li Zhanfeng tugged at the corner of Li Zhenbang's clothes and whispered. Things in the East and West are not a topic that can be ridiculed. If one is not good, it will really bring disaster.

Zhao Tianlong stared at Li Zhenbang with scorching eyes, and his voice was calm but full of majesty and asked: "If there really is a war in the future, will you help me to break through the barriers?"

"Don't dare!" Li Zhenbang said very bachelor.

"Don't dare?" Zhao Tianlong was stunned for a moment. He thought of Li Zhenbang's many answers, some declined, some sworn, and some were ambiguous, but he didn't think that he didn't dare.

"Zhenbang, Hugh is so gibberish, don't hesitate to apologize to your Majesty!" Li Zhanfeng was really anxious this time, and his rebuke was much louder. He was afraid that Li Zhenbang would continue to talk such nonsense, so he could only take his The corpse went back.

Zhao Tianlong glared at Li Zhanfeng, Li Zhanfeng's scalp was numb, he hurriedly shut his mouth and lowered his head, but his heart was already like an ant on a hot pot.

"Don't dare! Why are you afraid of the law? Are you afraid of death or afraid to kill?" Li Zhenbang's fear obviously aroused Zhao Tianlong's interest, and Zhao Tianlong looked at Li Zhenbang with a playful look.

"Kill! The **** person is killed, and there is nothing terrible. To be afraid of death! To be honest, afraid! Ants are still alive, let alone people!" Li Zhenbang shrugged his shoulders.

"Then you don't dare to say that you are afraid of death?" Zhao Tianlong smiled and looked at Li Zhenbang, his eyes flashing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"It's kind of related! But it's not the main thing." Li Zhenbang thought for a while, shook his head and said.

"Then what do you mean?" Zhao Tianlong squinted at Li Zhenbang, the smile on the corner of his mouth looked very mysterious.

"First of all, I am a student. If you need to force students to go to the battlefield after the war, then this country is not far from extinction. I believe that this will never happen to our Carlo Empire under your wise leadership. "

Seeing that Zhao Tianlong's expression was a little uncomfortable, Li Zhenbang hurriedly slapped a flattering, Zhao Tianlong's expression was a little softened.

"Secondly, I am a summoned beast mage. Although it belongs to the magician sequence, it is different from those capable of fighting magicians. As far as I know, there does not seem to be a summoned beast mage in our Karo Empire. Your own strength is yours alone!" Li Zhenbang shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, looking helpless.

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