Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 540: Catch up with Gu Jun

"My other talent?" Qiongqi was very puzzled. He thought for a long time and didn't come up with any other talents besides being talented for doing bad things.

Qiongqi asked Li Zhenbang, and Li Zhenbang suddenly had an inspiration. Qiongqi has talent and he has no assassins, and he is also a special assassin for dealing with evil spirits. Thinking of this, confidence greatly increased.

"Yes, your other talent is something the other three fierce beasts don't have."

"What the other three fierce beasts don't? How can they compare to me, none of them I have! Gourmet is a foodie, what you see and eat, if you make a shit, if you make it more beautiful, just don't tell him, It is estimated that he can eat it; Ying Xiao is a mallet, I am not as **** as him; As for Chaos! It is a lack of heart, knows nothing, he and I are not comparable at all! "Qingqi mocked others triumphantly. The three fierce beasts used this to raise their own worth.

"Your arrogance is indeed incomparable to the other three evil beasts!" Li Zhenbang unceremoniously poured a scoop of cold water.

"Uh...what kind of talent do I have that I don't know myself?" Qiongqi has long been accustomed to Li Zhenbang's verbal attacks. If he doesn't stimulate himself, it will make him feel a little abnormal.

"I don't know if you remember Tengen?"

"Tenggen? What did you mention him for?"

"Have you forgotten that you have the same ability to get rid of poisons like him? And you are an expert in getting rid of evil spirits! Isn't this Gu Jun a person of evil spirits? Surely you should have a way?"

"There are ways to use ass. Now the difference in strength is so great, and the effect is limited. If my strength is restored, let alone Gu Jun, I will not be afraid of coming three or five more!" Qiongqi can't exert his strength. Always brood.

"Oh! A dead horse as a living horse doctor! Effectiveness is better than nothing. We have no choice but to fight back. If you are afraid, then you can run away."

"I'll stay with you! Even if the strength is not enough, I can count as a helper." Qiongqi said nicely, but he had already scolded Li Zhenbang thousands of times in his heart. You know, if Li Zhenbang died, he would not be able to live alone. The contract is not a joke, it will really be fulfilled.

"By the way, aren't you the summoned beast mage? Am I the one who you summoned? Or you can try again and summon my three ineffective brothers, so that you can definitely give the guy named Gu Jun Pack it up!" Qiongqi rolled his eyes and offered Li Zhenbang suggestions.

It's not that he really wants the three fierce beasts to help, mainly because he wants to get the three of them together even if he is dead! Otherwise, only he is dead, and the three guys are still alive, which makes him really unhappy.

"Do you think I am a god? Call anyone who wants to call! I still don't know what I can call!" Li Zhenbang's tone was helpless.

He can only feel that the success of the summoning has a lot to do with his state of mind. When his mood fluctuates sharply, he is likely to summon some powerful monsters, but if he summons only for the sake of summoning, most of the time They are all low-level beasts that are ineffective, maybe even just ordinary beasts.

"Should I say that I was unlucky, or that you were lucky? I didn't expect your profession to be so rubbish!" Qiongqi said a little discouraged.

"What about garbage? Garbage specifically summons garbage, are you not convinced?" Li Zhenbang punched Qiongqi in the back.

He can shout his professional garbage every day, calling the summoned beast mage is useless, but if others say that, he will feel very awkward, not to mention his summoned beast. Being ridiculed by one's own summoned beast, it is simply awkward to the extreme.

"No, no. I mean that your profession is very rubbish, but you are very good. You are the pride of the summoned beast mage, and you are the hope of the summoned beast mage for rejuvenation!"

"Don't talk to me about these useless things, how long can we catch up with them?"

"Five minutes, five minutes at most, I can catch up with them, I can already smell the sweat on their bodies!" Qiongqi exaggerated.

This time, Li Zhenbang was surprisingly not stunned. It was not because he had nothing to say, but because of the tight time. He was seizing every second and quietly sorting out everything he could rely on.

After that, he carefully recalled his assassin's key to make sure there was no problem, and then he was relieved, but his nerves were still tense.

What he was about to face was the undead holy magician who even Deli Leka and Yang Bing found tricky, and even Bartlett, who restrained Gu Jun in attributes, was at a disadvantage.

Li Zhenbang is also not sure whether his killer will work. Even if it works, he can't guarantee how useful it will be. After all, the difference in strength between him and Gu Jun is too great, and Gu Jun now has helpers. . Even if he took out all his wealth, he might not have been able to do the two helpers.

A little bit of time passed, the strong wind whistling in the ears, and the surrounding scenery flew past his eyes. Li Zhenbang became more and more nervous, his palms were already sweating, but there seemed to be a kind of excitement in the faint.

"Be careful!" After Qiongqi issued a warning to Li Zhenbang, a sudden brake stopped his progress.

Because the master they were following had appeared in front of them, but the two helpers continued to escape. Obviously, Gu Jun had discovered them and personally stayed behind.

"Jie Jie, it's kind of interesting! You are from Carlo Royal Academy? I didn't expect that I lied to the old Bartlett, but you were spotted by a little guy. You have some talent for you Come on, follow me in the future!" Gu Jun didn't fight as soon as he got up, but chose to persuade him to surrender. After all, talents are rare and will be valued everywhere.

"You hand over the people to me?" Li Zhenbang glared at him, and the Demon Sword came directly into his hands. To deal with these evil people, the Devil Sword is more powerful than the poisonous dragon thorn.

"People? Who? I'm the only one here! I want to hand over myself, but do you have this strength? can hand over yourself so that everyone is happy, you enjoy the glory and wealth, I accept A kid with good potential. This is a win-win situation! Jie Jie." Gu Jun stood with his hands behind his hands, his laughter was harsh, and he had no intention of doing anything.

Even if Li Zhenbang and Qiongqi were tied together, they would not pose any threat to him. If he wants to solve the battle, he can do it in a blink of an eye.

He felt that Li Zhenbang could find himself, indeed he had some talents, at least much better than Bartlett and others. Moreover, he lost a large number of his subordinates this time. It was just when there was a shortage of people to hire people. It was also a good choice to use Li Zhenbang to fill the vacancies.

"I don't want to wrestle with you here, hurry up and hand over the people from our Carlo Royal Academy!" Li Zhenbang Jiang Mojian pointed at Gu Jun. He has not seen Li Ruoyue's figure yet, and he suspects Li Ruoyue was caught by those two. The helper was taken away.

"You guys! Obviously you are already hard to protect yourself, but you still miss other people. Why? That girl is your lover? I think she is much older than you!"

"Asshole, look for death!"

Hearing Gu Jun's ridicule, Li Zhenbang couldn't hold back anymore, put his toe a little on Qiongqi's back, pointed the sword downward, and rushed towards Gu Jun.

Gu Jun did not expect that this seemingly unthreatening Li Zhenbang dared to take the initiative to attack him. He couldn't help but appreciate Li Zhenbang's courage a little bit more, but for Li Zhenbang's recklessness, there was a bit of contempt in his heart. Young people always So easy to be impulsive.

Seeing Li Zhenbang getting closer, Gu Jun just raised his hand and waved it casually, as if driving away flies. Immediately afterwards, a gloomy wind suddenly hit Li Zhenbang's face.

Feeling the oncoming chill, Li Zhenbang's heart tightened, his mind became clearer immediately, and he was annoyed that he was so impulsive to face a Holy Magister.

But annoyed to annoyed, this yin wind still has to be avoided. Although his body had nowhere to take advantage of it in the air, Li Zhenbang sank his dantian anger, and slammed his body diagonally toward the ground.

The wind swept through Li Zhenbang's back. Fortunately, Li Zhenbang reacted quickly, and this was enough to escape this attack.

When he was about to land, Li Zhenbang rolled in the air and landed steadily with his feet. After landing, Li Zhenbang didn't stop. As soon as he exerted force on his feet, he jumped forward for a few meters, which stopped his figure. He did this because he was afraid that Gu Jun would sneak attack behind him.

When Li Zhenbang stood firm, he raised his head and looked intently. Only then did he discover that Gu Jun hadn't pursued him after the attack.

Seeing that Li Zhenbang was okay, Qiongqi hurriedly landed from the air, stood beside him, and looked at Gu Jun in the air vigilantly.

"Boy, I'm more interested in you!" Gu Jun put in a leaf like a leaf, and fell on the ground lightly, watching Li Zhenbang's eyes without concealing his satisfaction.

"I guess you definitely didn't come by yourself. If I didn't expect it to be wrong, maybe it should be the giant emerald dragon following you?" Gu Jun raised his head and looked in the direction where Li Zhenbang came.

Although he did not feel the aura of the emerald dragon approaching, he believed that his inference and hunch could not be wrong.

"Just know, I advise you to hand over the people honestly, otherwise, when the emerald dragon arrives, you won't be able to escape even if you have wings!" With Qiongqi by his side, Li Zhenbang's courage has grown a lot. He is still very confident of Qiongqi's ability to exorcise evil spirits.

"If that's the case, then I'll just take you away. As long as you get into my hands, am I afraid that you will be disobedient? Jie Jie!"

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