Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 541: Powerful Qiongqi

Gu Jun raised his pale right hand, his hand flickered with gray light, and Li Zhenbang felt as if he was pinched by someone and lifted up.

Li Zhenbang's face turned red, and he felt that his breathing was becoming more and more difficult. He held his neck with his hands, his toes point on his feet, and then slowly lifted off the ground. He was lifted into the air by an inexplicable force.

When Qiongqi saw Li Zhenbang's appearance, he didn't need to guess that it was Gu Jun's ghost. With a low growl, his hind legs pressed hard, opened his big mouth, exposing sharp fangs, and rushed towards Gu Jun.

Li Zhenbang didn't have fighting spirit and magic power, but he could defend against beasts. He was obviously a summoned beast mage. This Qiongqi was naturally Li Zhenbang's summoned beast.

From Gu Jun's eyes, it was natural to see that Qiongqi was Li Zhenbang's contract summoned beast, not the time-limited beast summoned.

Although Qiongqi looked like a Tier 8 monster, and Gu Jun didn't know anything about him, Gu Jun felt a hint of danger from Qiongqi, which was one of the reasons why he liked Li Zhenbang.

With a mysterious and powerful summoned beast, the body is not as weak as other summoned beast wizards. If he is equipped with a pure defensive warrior for protection, there will be no problem.

Seeing Qiongqi who was rushing towards him, Gu Jun didn't panic, raised his left hand, and a wall of bones rose to the ground and stopped in front of Qiongqi.

Gu Jun thought that even if the Bone Wall couldn't stop Qiongqi, it could stop him. Unexpectedly, a big hole melted in the bone wall, and Qiongqi, who was full of black light, jumped out of the hole.

Qiongqi's open mouth was gleaming with black light, and a black beam of light went straight to Gu Jun's face.

Gu Jun frowned and made a fist with his left hand, and a palm-sized bone shield with the color of jade appeared on the only path of the beam of light.

The beam of light and the bone shield collided and there was no earth-shaking sound. After the beam of light and the bone shield met in the air, they would not yield to each other and wrestle with each other.

Although the bone shield had the upper hand and suppressed the light beam slowly retreating, the bone shield was also melting a little bit. The scene fell into a stalemate for a while. Although the beam of light was suppressed and retreated, there was no sign of weakness. Although the bone shield is slowly recovering, it does not ablate as fast.

Qiongqi's strength was suppressed, but it didn't mean he had no strength. Those suppressed strengths are similar to being sealed and cannot be displayed, but they have no effect on being called. Therefore, although Qiongqi can't display his own strength, he has a lot of information, and the least fear is consumption.

Gu Jun focused his attention on Qiongqi's side. Li Zhenbang finally took a sigh of relief. There was still a sense of restraint on his neck, but he could breathe in after all, and he could not die for a while.

The mental power of Li Zhenbang who was slowing down instantly merged with the demon and released, and everything became very clear where the spiritual power passed.

I saw a gray energy line extending from the palm of Gu Jun's right hand and wrapping it around his neck. No matter how he struggles, this gray energy line will sway with him.

Li Zhenbang slowly injected his internal force into the Demon-Reducing Sword, and severely chopped off the gray energy line. Under the dual action of internal force and the sword of descending magic, the gray energy line was directly cut off. Li Zhenbang felt his neck loosen and he fell from the air to the ground.

Sitting on the ground, Li Zhenbang was breathing desperately. He had already had signs of hypoxia just now, his eyes were bloodshot, his lips were a little purple, purple spots appeared on his face, and his eyes were already a little protruding.

Gu Jun snorted, his steps staggered, the energy line attached to his mental power, the energy line was cut off, and his mental power was slightly injured.

If it is normal, this kind of minor trauma is completely negligible, but now he is concentrating mentally and wrestling with Qiongqi. The mental power is affected, which indirectly affects the result of the wrestling.

Naturally, Qiong Qi would not let this opportunity pass. He gave a soft drink, and the beam of light strengthened again. This thread seemed to be the last straw to overwhelm the camel, and the bone shield was pushed by the beam of light to quickly hit Gu Jun.

Gu Jun hurriedly raised his right hand, palmed his right hand, and pushed forward. Another bone shield with the same palm size as before appeared, and it hit the back of the previous bone shield.

Although the two bone shields were superimposed on each other, they still did not stop the retreat trend, but greatly slowed down the retreat trend, and the first bone shield was corroded more and more severely, and it was about to disappear by a quarter.

Gu Jun's eyes condensed, his right hand clenched a fist, and he whispered, "Hey!"

The two bone shields merged into one in an instant, with almost no change in size, but the color became more and more crystal clear. If one side of the bone shield is like jade, after the two sides of the bone shield are fused, it will look like a crystal.

After the fusion, the bone shield slowly stopped the trend of retreat, and even started to counterattack a little bit, pushing the black beam of light back, even faster than before.

Qiongqi frowned, the black light on his body became more solid, and the black of the beam of light became deeper, as if it could absorb all the light.

"Boom...boom...boom...boom..." A sound like a crash came from the bone shield and the beam of light. As the boom became more and more rapid, the bone shield began to shake slightly Get up, the speed of advance gradually decreases, and finally stops altogether.

The interval of the impact sound is getting shorter and shorter, and in the end it almost becomes a piece. If you don't distinguish it carefully, it seems that there is only one elongated bang. The bone shield began to retreat slowly. Although the retreat speed was slow, it was retreating after all.

It turned out that Qiongqi turned the beam of light into a hollow ring in the middle, and the color of the beam became thicker because the energy at the center of the beam was compressed into the ring. Then Qiongqi used the energy in his body again, compressed it into individual energy blocks, and shot them directly onto the bone shield continuously from the central area of ​​the ring.

After Gu Jun was surprised, he was even more delighted. He has seen a lot of powerful monsters, but such monsters with extremely high combat intelligence are rare.

He is obviously inferior to himself, but he can use skills to make himself at a disadvantage, and this beast is obviously a dark attribute, but the attribute seems to make him feel suppressed. This also indirectly made him admire Li Zhenbang more, and even wanted to earn Li Zhenbang under his command.

Gu Junjie smiled, his body exuded a burst of gray smoke, and the bone shield disappeared. Without the barrier of the bone shield, the black beam of light shot into the gray smoke without hesitation.

To Qiongqi's surprise, after the beam of light was shot into the gray smoke, it didn't touch anything but directly penetrated the gray smoke.

Qungqi shook his head deliberately, letting the beam of light sweep through the gray smoke, but still did not feel blocked.

After several shots, Qiongqi closed his mouth cautiously, approached Li Zhenbang cautiously, and looked around vigilantly. He did not find Gu Jun in the smoke.

Li Zhenbang also got up from the ground at this moment, just shrouded the ten meters in front of him with his mental power. He didn't dare to release his mental power too far. The mental power gap between him and Gu Jun was really a bit big, in case he was caught Gu Jun would be in trouble if he attacked.

The gray smoke gathered slowly, and changed back to Gu Jun's look in Li Zhenbang and Qiongqi's surprised eyes.

"You...what the **** are you?" Li Zhenbang looked at Gu Jun with disbelief. He knew very well that Gu Jun didn't use illusion techniques. All of this was true. But this is too unbelievable, how can a person turn into a cloud of smoke.

Li Zhenbang and Qiongqi were surprised, and Gu Jun was also very surprised, because Qiongqi's skills could consume the smoke of his illusion.

In fact, Gu Jun was able to live so long not because of how strong he was, but because he was no longer a human being. In human terms, he has become a lich.

The necromancer wants to become a holy powerhouse, and transforming into a lich is the only choice. After the undead magician is completely transformed into a lich, his strength will naturally reach the holy level, and his life span can be almost extended to thousands of years or even longer.

It is not so easy to become a lich. Many necromancers are afraid to try that step. One is because it needs to abandon the flesh, and the other is because the success rate is too low. Failure means death without death. place.

Heaven is sometimes fair. Other magicians in other departments practice step by step, so they have a solid foundation. Breakthrough requires chance, talent, and time. Even if the breakthrough fails, they just stay at the eighth-level magician. That's it, but the Necromancer is not.

The strength of necromancers of the same level is much stronger than other magicians, and even the cultivation is very simple. As long as they kill on a large scale and absorb the nutrients from the soul, they can easily upgrade, but when they reach the bottleneck of the magician , What they will face is a life and death choice.

If the breakthrough succeeds, then they will become a powerful lich, an undead saint magister who everyone talks about, but if they fail, they will fly away, and they will never live beyond life.

Many undead magicians who were well-known on the mainland and caused many horror incidents eventually disappeared, one because they went into hiding, and the other because many of them failed in transforming the lich.

However, after the transformation is successful, their bodies will be completely transformed into elemental bodies, as long as there are undead magic elements, they are almost immortal.

In fact, the ideal state for other magicians is to transform their bodies into elemental bodies, but they are magical elements that improve their bodies peacefully, not as extreme as undead magicians. After reaching the Saint Grade Magister, their bodies can already be regarded as half elemental bodies.

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