Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1054: Guest guardian

The first thousand and fifty-four chapters

The two found an elegant room in Duobaoju, chatting while drinking the fairy wine.

The heart is very curious about the situation of the Holy Immortal, and Takuya also knows the master.

The two were very speculative and even chatted all night long.

"Xuanyu brothers, it is so happy to be able to meet you." Mingxin said.

"Mingxin brother, I am very happy to know you," said Takuya.

Ming Xin asked: "Xuanyu brothers, why did you come to the holy Buddha world this time, is there any help I can help?"

"I don't care about each other. I came to the holy Buddha world this time, mainly to collect the secrets of Buddhism. I cultivated the gods and devils. One of them is the body of the gods and Buddhas. It is necessary to enlighten the secrets of many Buddhas to cultivate. "Takino said.

He did not disclose the things of Jiuyin Shui and Jiuyanghua, and his speech was half-truth.

It is not that he intends to hide his heart. It is really a lot of things that cannot be said.

"I really can't think of it, Xuanyu brothers practiced the most difficult to practice the refining body flow method, and there is still cultivation, it is really rare." Mingxin shocked.

Takuya wild smile: "I regret it now, whether it is the body of the gods or the body of the gods and Buddhas, we must collect a lot of secrets. It is easy to collect the collection. I have been in the holy world for some time. The secrets of the Buddhas collected. It’s so pitiful, I don’t know when it’s time to collect it.”

"Xuanyu brothers, in fact, there is still a way for you to collect enough Buddha secrets as soon as possible." Mingxin said.

He knew the origins of Takino and suddenly moved his mind.

If a talent like Takuno is able to help him, then his chances of becoming a heir will increase greatly.

"Why is there any way for Xiongtai? I am listening." Takuya is very modest.

In fact, he has collected enough secrets of Buddhism, and it is enough to have a high-grade fairy secret.

However, he had to lie in order to be able to enter Tianwang Mountain.

He has already guessed the idea of ​​a clear heart, and his chances are coming.

"Xuanyu brothers, you can choose to join a sect, and then you can learn some Buddhist secrets as long as you contribute to the sect. It is much easier than collecting the secrets of Buddhism outside, and after joining the sect, you can also buy outside. The secret of Buddhism, a two-pronged approach, must soon collect enough Buddha secrets." Mingxin said.

Takuya was surprised: "Brothers, I am a cultivator, will the Buddhist sects recruit me?"

"Of course, there are many fairy beasts in the Buddhism sects. There is nothing strange about the immortals." Ming Xin said: "If the Xuan Yu brothers are willing, I can introduce you to Ming Wangzong. As long as you can contribute, you can enter. Ming Wangzong’s collection of books chooses the secret of Buddhism."

"Is it really ok?" Takuno is very excited.

"Of course." Ming nodded.

"Then it is a trouble to be a brother, as long as I can collect the secrets of Qifomen, I am willing to join Mingwangzong." Takino said: "Just, I may leave the holy world in the future. How can this be good?"

"Xuanyu brothers, you don't have to worry about it. You join Ming Wangzong as a guardian, and you can leave at any time, but you have to get the secret of Buddhism, you must make corresponding contributions, and it is different from our disciples." The heart smiled.

"Xietai, as long as I can enter Ming Wangzong to study, I will go all out to make contributions." Takuya said.

"Xuanyu brothers, I will introduce you to become the guardian of Ming Wangzong, and we will be a family in the future." Mingxin is also very happy.

Takino is the peak of the fairyland, not much worse than the heart.

What's more, I can see that he is very young and has great potential.

Such a talent can become the protection of Ming Wangzong, and it is also good for Ming Wangzong. He is an introducer and can contribute to Ming Wangzong.

What's more, Xuan Yu is recruiting him into the Ming Dynasty. He will definitely be with him all the time, and he will be very helpful to his heirs.

Takuya has seen the idea of ​​a clear heart, and he is also pushing the boat.

Originally, he would not be so easy to decide, but he became more and more convinced of the Buddha's fate, so he decided to let it go, first join Ming Wangzong.

He knows that a law guard like him is not qualified to enter Tianwang Mountain. It is estimated that he needs to make a big contribution before he has the opportunity to enter Tianwang Mountain.

He is not in a hurry. He believes that his own strength will definitely make a great contribution to Ming Wangzong and smoothly enter Tianwang Mountain.

As long as he can enter Tianwang Mountain, his chances will come.

At the beginning, in order to inquire about the situation of the saints, he lurked for so long in the flying fox to complete the task.

Nowadays, for Jiuyin Shui and Jiuyanghua, he will not hesitate even if he is lurking for a longer period of time.

Of course, if he can complete the task as soon as possible, he will be happy.

"Xietai, please take care of it in the future." Tuo Yuye arched.

"Xuanyu brothers, you can rest assured, you are my person, of course I will take extra care of you." Mingxin said the words very clearly.

Takino nodded and said: "Xuanyu thank you for your kindness, and if you have a son, I will do my best."

"Xuanyu brothers, you still call me Mingxin brother, don't call the son, so too big." Mingxin smiled.

"Minding the son, this can't be done. If I didn't join Ming Wangzong, whatever I can call it. If I became the guardian of Ming Wangzong, then I must follow the rules." Takuno said.

The rules of the big sects like Ming Wangzong are very strict and must be observed.

In terms of salutation, such a law of protection must be called a core disciple of the heart.

On the status, it is not as good as the five core disciples, or even the inner disciples of Ming Wangzong.

After all, his protection of the law, strictly speaking, does not count the disciples of Wang Zong, can only be regarded as a guest.

"Well, Xuanyu brothers, you go with me to the Ming Dynasty Wangchengcheng government, when it is likely to test your strength, you reveal a hand, join Ming Wangzong no problem." Mingxin can't wait.

He did not think that he only gave Xuanyu a four-character Buddha treasure, and the result was a powerful helper.

It is possible to come to the holy world of Buddhism from the Holy Immortal. It is this point that shows the extraordinary of Xuan Yu.

What's more, Xuan Yu's cultivation is a change of the devil, and it is even more incredible.

The devil is the most difficult to practice the refining body. No one does not know that there are many people practicing, but few people can cultivate and succeed. Those who can cultivate the devil and the devil are all with great wisdom and perseverance. The genius of great ability.

Tuobaye followed the clear heart and soon rushed to the city government.

The city government has special places for recruiting people, most of whom are recruiting foreign students and guarding the law.

The city owner listened to his heart and came out to meet him.

"There is a far-reaching welcome to see the bright heart of the son."

"Lingcheng Lord, you don't need to be polite, I came here mainly to introduce one person to Ming Wangzong to become a law-abiding law. You follow the rules, I am waiting for news." Ming Xin Ping.

"Since it is introduced by the Mingxin son, of course there is no problem."

"No, I still do things according to the rules. I believe that he can pass the test and smoothly become a law-protection. In doing so, to avoid people talking gossip." Mingxin said.

"I still think about the thoughtfulness of the mind, I will arrange for people to test."

Ming Xin nodded: "Very good, Xuan Yu brothers, you go in with them, I am waiting for you outside."

"it is good."

No matter what kind of test, Takino has confidence to pass.

He and the city owner entered the test, in fact, the test is very simple.

Fill in the information first, and then fight against a mid-season strongman, as long as you can win, you can become the guardian of Ming Wangzong.

The condition of Ming Wangzong’s looseness is to recruit more clients to protect the law.

The guest guards the law, but it is not good to hear it. It is actually the cannon fodder of the big factions.

Most of the known spoilers are unwilling to become law-abiding.

On the contrary, fairy beasts and foreign cultivators have become more common in protecting the law. Takuya's name knows that the law of protection is illusory, or whether it is to protect the law, and it is helpless.

He is a foreign cultivator, and it is impossible to gain the trust of the sectarian high-level. As long as he becomes a protector and has outstanding performance, it is possible to enter the Tianwang Mountain.

His goal is to enter the Tianwang Mountain, so he must first accept the identity of the law.

It is easy for him to be a strong man in the middle of the battle.

After ten strokes, he directly defeated the opponent, won the victory, and passed the test.

"Hui Xuanyu, Congratulations, you passed the test and became the guardian of Ming Wangzong. This is your identity card. Please carry it with you. If you accept the task or exchange the value for the treasure, you need a crystal card."

"Thank you." Takino took the crystal card and collected it.

Joining Ming Wangzong, he took the first step. Next, he tried to enter Tianwang Mountain.

He didn't have time to slowly help the mind, let Mingxin become the heir and then enter Tianwang Mountain.

Therefore, he must find a way to make a great contribution to Ming Wangzong and be able to enter Tianwang Mountain by exception.

"Heavior, or ask the mind first, see how he said." Takuya wild road.

He soon saw the heart, and the heart knew the news long ago. He smiled and said: "Xuanyu brothers, congratulations on becoming a law-enforcement."

"Mindful son, I would like to thank you, so that I can collect enough Buddha secrets as soon as possible." Takuya said: "I just don't know, what can I do to get the secret of Buddhism as soon as possible."

"Xuanyu brothers, as long as you complete the task, you will have a contribution value, the contribution value will be able to exchange Buddha's secrets, the Buddha's secrets are different grades, the required contribution value is not the same, you want to collect enough Buddha's secrets as soon as possible, then more To contribute, it is best to make a huge contribution, and you will be able to exchange many Buddhist secrets at once." Mingxin said.

He knows the rules best. It is not easy to make a great contribution. Many people can do it. Some people have been able to do it. Some of them have been added to Ming Wangzong for thousands of years. The contribution value is limited because they also need to use the contribution value. Exchange of cultivation resources and treasures.

He said that it was only the heart of the wilderness, and he hoped that Takino could stay in the Ming Dynasty and help him become a thing.

If he can become an heir, of course, he has certain authority, so that Takuno can learn more about the secrets of Buddhism.

"I am looking forward to it. I really hope to make a great contribution to Ming Wangzong." Takino is very excited.

"Xuanyu brothers, don't worry too much, come to Japan, today, I want to congratulate you on joining Ming Wangzong and becoming the guardian of Ming Wangzong. Let's celebrate." Mingxin said.

"Okay." Takino is certainly not disappointing.

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