Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1055: Do not understand the rules

The first thousand and fifty-five chapters do not understand the rules

Mingxin attaches great importance to the extension of the wilderness, celebrates him, and also nicknamed his cronies, let them know.

"The brothers, Xuanyu brothers have just become the guardian of Ming Wangzong. Later, we are a family with us. He is not very familiar with the situation in the holy world. Everyone helps him." Mingxin said.

"Since it is a clear-hearted person, then we are a family, and naturally we must help each other." A chunky man smiled with his eyes open.

This person looks inconspicuous, but Takuno can see that he is strong and is a sultry generation.

He can see that the murderousness of this person is like the essence, and it is not the ability to kill a person and a fairy.

He is always smiling, absolutely smiling.

"Xuanyu brothers, there is something to help in the future, although tell us, we will definitely do our best to help you." A bearded man said.

The bearded man looks very rough, and his eyes flashed through the cold, and it is also a terrible figure.

To be honest, Takuno does not like to deal with such people, but these people are clear-hearted confidants, he has to make a good relationship with them.

"Thank you for your big brother, the younger brother first thanked."

He is relatively low-key, and he is very polite, at least not irritating to others.

It’s just that I value him so much that other people are still awkward.

After a full night of celebration, the next day, Takino began to check the mission.

Since I joined Ming Wangzong, of course I have to find a way to make a contribution, otherwise I will not be able to perform very well at once.

He intends to perform well and strive to qualify for the Tianwang Mountain earlier.

He concealed the question of how to enter the Tianwang Mountain. The clear answer is that only by making great contributions can you enter the Tianwang Mountain pilgrimage and accept the reward.

In this case, he has no other way, only to perform well.

There are many ways to protect the Ming Wangzong like Takuno, and the place where the task is handed over is very lively in the early morning. The people who come in the morning mainly come to pick up the task, and the tasks that Ming Wangzong excrets are basically hunting the beasts and looking for them. The tasks of Xianyin and Xiancai can be repeated and can be repeated.

Tuo Yan has a closer understanding of the value of a single drug, and the value of the second product is only 10 points.

The contribution value is difficult to accumulate, and the value of the contribution required to redeem those Buddhist secrets is much higher. It is only a sacred martial arts, and the conversion requires 30 points.

Ming Wangzong's low-grade sects of martial arts and martial arts are certainly many, and they can be copied into the jade. Through such a method, they do not know how many celery and fairy medicines have accumulated.

Seeing the method of Ming Wangzong, even the extension of the wilderness would like to learn from one or two, and go back to practice in Tianyu League.

However, he just thinks about it. The system of Tianyu League is actually very perfect, no worse than Ming Wangzong.

Ming Wangzong’s contribution value system is mainly aimed at those foreign disciples and law-abiding.

It is said that the inner disciples and the core disciples have completely different systems.

Although the contribution value system is a method of exploitation and protection and a foreign disciple, Takuya has to take some tasks and first accumulate some contribution values.

With his strength, the task is to hunt four fairy beasts, to find the task of four kinds of fairy medicine, fairy wood, these mission rewards are still very good, just give the treasure to Ming Wangzong some unhappy.

In fact, there are a lot of medicinal herbs in Tuoyuan's Pharmacy House that can be used to pay for the task. He didn't do it, but he went to the nearby mountains and forests to find the fairy medicine, hunt the fairy, and collect the fairy.

He took a little task and left the Mingwang City.

Even if you don't pick up the task, you can collect the fairy medicine and the fairy material, and then directly pick up the task and hand in the task together.

Before leaving Mingwang City, Takino’s courtesy still informed the mind.

Mingxin just told him to be careful and didn't say much.

He has a lot of hands and can't manage too much. He also wants to see the strength of Takino, and then decides where to put him.

Takuya hasn't known this, so he decided to do a good job and try to win the trust of the heart, so that he can qualify for the Tianwang Mountain as soon as possible.

There are many mountains near Mingwangcheng. The mountains dominated by Tianwang Mountain are the old nests of Mingwangzong. There are other mountain ranges nearby, and it is also the place where Ming Wangzong disciples practiced.

To complete the mission, Takino needs to enter the forest to find the fairy medicine and kill the fairy.

Of course, if you can catch the beast, it is best.

Takuya has no idea of ​​catching the fairy beast. He only wants to collect more fairy medicines and fairy materials. Anyway, he has the power to help others, and certainly better than others.

Many of the celestial medicines in the holy world of Buddhism are not in the sacred world. He is also prepared to transplant some of them in the pharmacy, and may be able to come in handy later.

Ming Wangzong’s mission was to introduce the fairy medicine and the fairy material in detail, so that Takuno had learned something and met many new fairy medicines.

He is very interested, enters the forest, and exerts the power of the gods to start looking for the fairy medicine and the fairy wood carefully.

When the power of the mind is gone, it is simply unprofitable.

No fairy medicine can escape his eyes, even if the underground material buried deep in the ground, he was excavated.

As long as he does not have the fairy medicine and the fairy wood, he will leave some.

The rest, he specializes in using the Qiang Kun ring, ready to take the task.

Among the mountains, there are often fairy beasts, and when they encounter fairy beasts, he will not kill them. Generally, they will directly suppress and strengthen the strength of Tianyu League.

However, in order to hand in the task, he still killed some of the more common beasts, and there is no cultivation value.

Tuoyuan quickly discovered a problem. The property of the holy Buddha is much richer than the holy world, and even the beast is stronger.

The holy world of Buddhism is the world of two products, which is one grade higher than the holy world. The strongest is the strong king of the fairy king.

The whole of the holy world is much stronger than the holy world, and the scent is more intense, and it is not surprising that the products are richer.

He had just started to be a little surprised and soon became accustomed to it.

With the best products, he will be able to collect some of the fairy and fairy medicines. Later, he will return to the holy fairyland, which will help the growth of Xuanyulou and Tianyu League.

Of course, he is most concerned about Jiuyin Shui and Jiuyanghua. He has a lot of eyeliners and has been exploring the news of Jiuyin Shui and Jiuyanghua. If there is news, he will definitely leave Ming Wangzong without saying anything. Jiuyin Water and Jiuyang Flower.

Whether there is Jiuyin Shui and Jiuyanghua on the top of Tianwang Mountain, it is extremely difficult to enter the Tianwang Mountain.

He didn't even know where the Tianwang Mountain was, let alone the shackles of the Tianwang Mountain. The prince of the Tianwang Mountain was the forbidden place of the Ming Wangzong. It was difficult to sneak into the defense.

During the period of Takino, I also used the power of the mind to look around. I wanted to try my luck and see if I could find Tianwang Mountain. As a result, he did not find Tianwang Mountain. It was a waste of effort.

Sneaking into the Tianwang Mountain will not work, as long as you are honestly qualified, then sway into the Tianwang Mountain.

Thinking of the unreachable goal, Takuya was full of energy, sweeping the fairy medicine and fairywood that he met. He had never left anything in the place he had been to, and the hidden fairy medicine was found by him. It is not an exaggeration to use three feet to dig the ground. Even the fairy wood with dozens of feet at the bottom has not escaped the power of his mind.

In the mountains, it is difficult to see the sky, not to mention that he did not care too much, do not know the passage of time, has passed more than ten days.

Unconsciously, he has already entered the depths of the mountains, and those places are inaccessible. The various grades of fairy medicine and fairy materials are higher and more common.

Of course, the beasts in the depths of the mountains are getting stronger and stronger, and Takuno began to encounter the fairy beasts that were cultivated in the heavenly world.

He didn't care too much, even if it was a fairy tales in the celestial world, he couldn't help him.

The beasts that he hit him could not escape his suppression. Most of the beasts became a member of the Tianyu League Fairy Beasts. A few beasts were killed and used to hand in missions.

"The fairy medicine collected during this time is filled with ten Qiang Kun Rings, and the fairy wood is almost the same. There are twelve Qiankun Rings in full. The bodies of the fairy beasts are also quite a lot. There are seven Qiang Kun Rings filled, it is also time. Going back." Takino went to the harvest and said to himself.

He changed his position and didn't return the same way, because there was nothing in the original way.

On the way back, he still picked the fairy medicine, collected the fairy material, and hunted the fairy beast. No waste of time.

Of course, when you go out, the harvest is still smaller, but not too bad.

When I returned home, the mood was of course very good. When I saw the mountain, he relaxed his vigilance and the whole person relaxed.

"I have to go back finally."

"Stand up, hand over half of the treasure, or leave your life."

Takuya did not find out that the road ahead was blocked.

Someone blocked the road and robbed. These people were able to enter the Ming Wangzong site catastrophe. They must be the strongest of Ming Wangzong, and they are disciples with some backgrounds, or they would not have such courage.

Seeing these people, Takuya said with a smile: "Everyone is a person under the Ming Wangzong, and it is also a family. You are not kind enough to do so."

"Kid, you are new, don't you know the rules, everyone who comes out of this mountain forest must pay half of the harvest."

"There is such a rule, why don't I know that this mountain is Ming Wangzong, Ming Wangzong has no such rules, you are so bold, there is no king." Takuya wildly shouted.

The strong men were a little worried, and they were all other people, but today they were smashed.

For a long time, those people wake up and are very angry.

"Kids, our words are rules. If we don't leave half of the harvest, we will leave our lives. Some people have not been afraid of things, and they have died here."

Everyone else took out the Buddha and prepared to fight.

Takino said with sneer: "I have to ask the Mingxin son, who is the rule? If the Mingxin son says that there are such rules, then I will put the general treasures on my hands. If there is no such rule, then don't Blame me for telling the mind, he will naturally handle the matter."

"You are under the door of the Mingxin son." The face of the knife was changed.

"Yes, I am the Mingxin son to personally recruit Wang Mingzong. He did not explain to me that Wang Zong has so many rules."

"Since it is under the door of the Mingxin son, then you can go, we don't know Taishan, please don't be surprised." Knife and face made a decision.

Tuobaye can see that the top of this knife face is almost the same as the status of Mingxinzi, so I dare not make things big, and I am not willing to let the wilderness leave.

Takino has just joined Ming Wangzong and does not want to find trouble. He does not want to be involved in the internal battle of Ming Wangzong.

“Thank you.” He strode out of the forest.

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