Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 843: Scale training

Chapter VIII, Scale Training

"Master, this Xianfu is called the medicine house. My fairy medicines and elixir are all planted in it, and there are many talents who plant fairy medicines, which are responsible for the management of fairy medicines and elixir." Takuya said.

"Pharmaceutical house, very good, I decided, I will give you the nine-leaf lotus and the nine-section bamboo, and it will definitely grow better in the drugstore." Dan Fengyang immediately made the decision.

Takuya wildly joked: "Master, you are not afraid that I will swallow the 九叶莲 and 九节竹."

"Long Yun, you are my disciple, my 九叶莲, 九节竹, have your share, even if you take it, I will not care, in fact, I will be handed over to you before, later I thought about it and gave it to you when I was ready to leave the holy world. Since you have a medicine house, I will give you the nine-leaf lotus and the nine-section bamboo first." Shan Fengyang said.

"Master, you really have to go to other worlds to cultivate the nine fairy medicines." Takuya asked.

"Of course, the nine great medicines are extremely precious in the holy world, but in the larger world of cultivation, they are not so precious. The reason why the saints are strong is because they are closely related to other worlds of cultivation, unlike us, go out for a trip. Not very easy." Shan Fengyang said.

"Master, I must manage the nine-leaf lotus and the nine-section bamboo, and strive to cultivate new seedlings as soon as possible." Takino said immediately.

"There are still nine scorpions, and seeds must be produced as soon as possible. After the seeds come out, I promised to give Zhang Guobin, Du Hailing, and Ziyuyan three each, no problem." Shan Fengyang said.

"Of course there is no problem."

"Well, I will transplant the quince lotus immediately. In addition, there are a lot of fairy medicines in Xianfu. You can see what kind of medicines you don't have. You can transplant some." Danfeng said with a smile.

"Thank you Master." Takuya wilderness excited.

The single wind is the owner of the city of Tiandan. The fairy medicine in the Xianfu is extremely complete, and the fairy medicines below seven are all available.

When Takuno saw it last time, he wanted to ask for something. At that time, he met with the single wind and did not have a good intention to open it. Now, Shan Fengyang took the initiative to open his sensation, and he certainly would not refuse.

He called some of the men who managed the medicine and went to transplant the medicine.

Takuya has thought that the medicine in the medicine house is quite complete, and it can be compared with the single wind, which is a lot worse.

It took a few days for them to transplant thousands of medicinal herbs and elixir that were not found in the pharmacy.

With these elixir medicines, he basically does not have to buy the fairy medicine, unless some rare medicines, or more commonly used medicines.

After the transplantation of the medicinal herbs was completed, Takuno had no plans to go out.

He stayed at the city's main government and concentrated on cultivating the nine-leaf lotus, the nine-section bamboo, and the nine-fold.

"The sacred tree of life, we must find a way to let these three medicinal herbs grow and develop as soon as possible, it is best to form a scale plant." Takuya said.

"As long as there is enough life energy, this is not difficult." The holy tree of life is light.

"It seems that we have to take a trip to the endless mountains." Takuya sighed.

The sacred tree of life devours the energy of life. The best place is naturally the endless mountains.

In the endless mountains, those towering trees contain enormous amounts of life energy, devour some, and are not easily found abnormal.

Going to the endless mountains, Takuya only mentioned it with the single wind, and then did not alarm anyone.

When he left, he did not leave with the appearance of Long Yun, and naturally he did not alarm those eye lines.

This time I went to the endless mountains, he saw it very important, and he didn't want to make extra money.

Walking out of the city of Tiandan, it will take a long time to enter the endless mountains.

The extension of the wilderness quickly flies and goes directly into the depths of the endless mountains, allowing the tree of life to come out and devour the energy of life.

The sacred tree of life is now also learning to be smart. He only devours a quarter of the life energy of those big trees, so that he can no longer see the abnormality, but the leaves are slightly yellow.

The energy engulfed by the sacred tree of life is not only used to increase its own strength, but also to fill the energy in the residence of the medicine house, so that the sacred and life energy of the medicine house is extremely rich.

In order to quickly make the nine-leaf lotus, the nine-section bamboo, and the nine-folded scorpion mature, the life sacred tree will focus on the devour of the life energy to the three medicinal herbs, as well as jade.

Takino was in the Pharmacy House and saw that Nine-leaf Lotus, Nine-Five Bamboo, and Nine-Heaven were growing at a visible speed. They continued to admire: "Fantastic, it is amazing."

In less than three days, Jiuzhongyu has blossomed, and Jiuyelian and Jiujiezhu have matured and can be used as medicine.

After the ninth bamboo matures, if there is sufficient energy, the roots will be able to grow bamboo shoots.

After the ripening of the quince leaves, the lotus seeds will be formed.

In less than a month, the sacred tree of life continued to deliver energy to them. The lotus seeds of Jiuye Lian quickly sprouted, and then the new nine-leaf lotus grows up quickly. The same is true for the nine-fold scorpion. Because of the abundant energy, it has grown hundreds of times. Seeds.

These seeds, in addition to leaving more than a dozen ready to give people, others were planted, and most of them sprouted.

From the time of germination to the growth of the nine leaves, it takes nine hundred years, and there is a lot of life energy for them to absorb. In nine months, Jiuzhongyu grew out of seven leaves.

Nine-section bamboo is similar, and more than ten bamboo shoots are separated, and then grow up quickly.

It was very good to see Jiujiezhu, Jiuyelian and Jiuzhongyu, and Tuoye was not in a hurry to leave.

He stayed in the endless mountains for more than a month, and waited for the second batch of Jiuzhong, Jiuqiu and Jiuyelian to grow almost the same, and he left the endless mountains.

The second batch grows out, and the three kinds of fairy medicines basically form a scale, and it is no longer necessary to worry about these three kinds of fairy medicines.

However, the cultivation of Jiu Xinyu was very difficult, and the first jade culture failed.

The second piece of jade was cultivated more cautiously, and by the time he left the endless mountains, he had not fully cultivated his success.

The sacred tree of life said, he will slowly cultivate and strive to cultivate nine hearts and jade.

For the cultivation of fairy medicine, the sacred tree of life is very interested.

There are more medicinal herbs in the medicine house, and the quality of the medicinal herbs is high, which is also of great benefit to the sacred tree of life.

In other words, the sacred tree of life and the medicines in the medicine house are mutually promoting growth.

Back to Tiandan City, he first learned about the situation in Tiandan City.

The city of Tiandan was still very calm for the time being. He did not go out. Nie Yuan did not have any action.

The single wind was afraid that Longyun had an accident, and when he saw him coming back, he was relieved.

"Long Yun, I am really afraid that you will not come back."

"Master, I hide my identity. No one knows that I am going out, there is no danger." Takuya said with a smile.

"What are you doing in the endless mountains?" Dan Fengyang could not help but ask.

"Master, you don't know, I often go into the endless mountains to practice. Before in the Tiancheng City, I once went into practice for five years before coming out." Takuya said.

Of course, he can't say that the sacred tree of life devours the energy of life to cultivate the fairy medicine, and the seeds of the nine-fold scorpion, he is not ready to give a single wind.

Even if the life of the drugstore is full of energy, it is impossible to let the seeds of the ninth scorpion so soon.

"In the future, try not to go to the endless mountains to practice, the endless mountains are too dangerous." Single wind Yang is extremely uneasy.

"Thank you for your concern, I will try to go as little as possible." Takuya said.

"Dragon Cloud, when you left this time, the city of Tiandan was relatively calm, but I dare not take it lightly. Since the Holy Family is likely to send a strong gold fairy, then they may be able to do it at any time." Shan Fengyang said.

Takuya thought about it and said: "Master, let me go out and see if I can lead Nie Yuan's people out."

"Long Yun, still don't take risks, in case they send out the Golden Fairy Strong to deal with you, then I want to rescue you too late." Single wind sighed.

"Masters please rest assured that the Golden Wonderland will not be self-deprecating to deal with me. They will send at most some of the mysterious powers, contain 18 of my guards, and then kill me." Takino is still confident about this.

The golden fairyland is a noble presence, they will never be easy to shoot, let alone deal with such a small person like Takuno.

Once things get out, their reputation will be wiped out, and it will be difficult to establish themselves in the holy world.

Unless the other party knows the true identity and real strength of Long Yun, it is possible to dispatch the Golden Wonderland to deal with him.

Even if there is a strong gold fairy, he will be able to save his life.

His refining of the body has been repaired, and it has been repaired in the same way as the early stage of the Golden Fairyland. The combat power is even stronger than that of the ordinary Golden Fairy.

It should be known that the repairs are the same, and those who are strong in refining are stronger than those who are strong in airflow.

Takino was a practitioner of refining body flow, and he was trained to reach the beginning of the Golden Fairyland.

Because of the breakthrough in the refining of the body, he was fully emboldened.

"Even if you said it, it is very dangerous. If the reinforcements I sent out were intercepted by them, what should you do?" Shan Fengyang shook his head.

"Master, of course, there are more than just the guards that you give me. I have a lot of mysterious powers under my hand. Once the enemy is too strong, I will expose them." Takuya smiled.

"Well, I said but you, if you go out, be careful." Dan Fengyang did not continue.

Convince the single wind, Takino is ready to go out.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to the Yanyu Building to see if he could explore the tone of Nie Feng, Yang Gongzi, Zigongzi, Zhang Gongzi and Du Gongzi.

They are all young people, or they are easier to get together.

Nie Feng is definitely alert to him, but Zhang Gongzi certainly will not.

As long as he is bold, I believe that he will soon be able to establish a friendly relationship with them.

He is now worried about Yang Gongzi, afraid that he will come together with Nie Feng for some reason and betray the important information of the city government.

Yang Gongzi used to be the key training object of the city government. It is also a core figure and knows a lot of things.

If he betrayed the city government, then the city government will definitely lose a lot.

Takino is now integrated with the city of Tiandan. He has to think more about it, and it is for himself.

He is thinking of ways, how can Yang Gongzi not hate him.

This is definitely hard to do, he must try it.

Walking out of the city's main government, Takino first got in touch with Zhang Gongzi.

"Zhang Gongzi, I said good last time, I want you to have a meal, I haven't eaten yet." Takuya said with a smile.

"Yong Longyun, you come to the Yanyu Building, I am the East." Zhang Gongzi is very enthusiastic.

The last time I partnered with Long Yun, I had a lot of Nie Feng’s fairy crystals. He still had a good impression on Long Yun.

"Well, I will pass right away," Takuya said.

He is actually on the way to the Yanyu Building. He estimates that Zhang Gongzi is in the Yanyu Building.

These five sons, nothing to stay in the Yanyu Building.

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