Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 844: No return to blood

The VIIIth chapter of the blood is gone

Takino was soon appeared in the Yanyu Building, and now the people in the Yanyu Building did not know him.

Last time he bought so many medicinal herbs, he has become a VIP of the Yanyu Building, and he is a super VIP, and he also gave him the most precious VIP card.

"Long Yun Daren, please inside."

"Where is Zhang Gongzi, take me to the past." Takuya said.

"Zhang Gongzi is in Lanxiang, I will take you there."

I haven't entered Lanxiang's hospital yet, and I heard the laughter inside.

The practitioners generally see this kind of thing very lightly, but they also prefer double repair.

The five sons are called the five sons because they have the same hobbies and are often together.

"Long Yun adults, you go in, I dare not bother the five sons."

"Thank you."

Seeing that the waiter left, he strode into the Lanxiang Courtyard.

"Zhang Gongzi, Yang Gongzi, Zigongzi, Du Gongzi, Nie Gongzi, you are all there." Takuya said with a smile.

"Lord Long Yun, you are here." Zhang Gongzi warmly greeted him.

Zigongzi and Du Gongzi all greeted him. Only Nie Feng and Yang Gongzi ignored him. It was very uncomfortable to see him.

"Zhang Gongzi, there is no other fun in Yanyulou, take me to appreciate it, I will do it, please let everyone play together, how." Takuya said.

"I have heard that Long Yun’s heroes are arrogant and shot, and it’s not fake.” Zigongzi laughed.

Du Gongzi asked: "Lord Long Yun, I heard that you last showed your talents at the auction of Yan Yulou and won a lot of fairy medicines. Is it true?"

Takuya said with a smile: "Acquisition of the fairy medicine, those fairy crystals are not mine, just help the master to buy the fairy medicine, please of course use my own fairy crystal, it does not contradict, I came to the city of Tiandan, always Helping people to make alchemy, earned a lot of fairy crystal."

Yang Gongzi’s face is colder and obviously not happy.

Takuya has noticed him, he is thinking about how to resolve the hostility of Yang Gongzi.

"Lord Yunyun, as long as you are willing to win the fairy crystal, there are more fun things in the Yanyu Building, or else I will go to the gambling stone, the gambling stone is the most exciting." Zhang Gongzi said.

Nie Feng immediately said: "Well, let's go to gamble and see who has better eyesight."

His idea is very simple, that is, to compare Longyun, he is still relatively experienced in gambling.

After entering the world of Xiuxian, Tuoye has never gone to gambling.

The world of gambling in Xiu Xian is different from the gambling stone in the lower bounds. The lower gambling is the Xuan Mingshi, and the gambling of the world is gambling.

There are all kinds of treasures in many meteorites, and the meteorites are very strange. The power of the gods cannot find the inside of the meteorites.

The price of meteorites is much higher than that of Xuan Mingshi, and the possibility of producing high-grade fairy materials is also relatively large.

Treasures like the Nine Gods and Irons are only available in the meteorites.

Takuya is just trying to see the gambling stone, and he is of course willing to accompany him.

"Okay, let's go to the gambling stone." Takuno said excitedly.

The six reached an agreement and went straight to the gambling market.

There is a huge gambling stone market in Yanyulou. There are many meteorites in the market. The price ranges from a few pieces of fairy crystals to thousands of top grades.

In the gambling stone market, some people can make a fortune, and some people can lose money at a loss.

Because of this, the gambling market attracts a large number of practitioners every day to come to gambling.

Takuya said: "Five, you each choose a piece of five hundred stones below the Xianjing, I am the East."

"Lord Long Yun, you are so bold, thank you." Du Gongzi praised.

Zigongzi smiled and said: "My Excellency Long Yun is so polite, then I am disrespectful."

"I have a fairy crystal myself, I don't need you to pay for my fairy crystal." Nie Feng cold channel.

Yang Gongzi's face changed and he didn't know what to think.

After a while, he said: "I chose the meteorite and paid for it myself."

"Lord Long Yun, they don't appreciate it." Zhang Gongzi whispered.

This kind of thing, of course, Takino will not force.

Less help for two people to pay, can also save some Xianjing.

Just watching Yang Gongzi’s attitude and hating him deeply.

"You must find a way to ease the relationship with Yang Gongzi, at least not let him do things that I am sorry for the city government." Takino wild road.

They soon arrived at the gambling market, and the five sons were also frequent visitors to the gambling market. The waiters were very polite.

Zhang Gongzi said: "We each choose the meteorite, and then open it on the spot to see who's treasure is the most precious, whoever wins."

This kind of thing, the five sons often do, it is also familiar.

Six people dispersed and began to look for meteorites.

Most of those meteorites are tall and very large.

Small pieces of meteorites, the possibility of containing treasures is relatively small, so there is basically no market for small pieces of meteorites.

Takuya tried to use the power of the mind to look at it. The power of God did not disappoint him. Even the biggest rock, he could see through the situation.

If the power of God can't see the inside of the meteorite, then this time he tried to lose, because he didn't know anything about the meteorite, and he didn't know how to pick the meteorite.

At a glance, he discovered that many meteorites contain treasures, but he did not rush to pick treasures, but to pay attention to how other people chose the meteorites, and then draw the gourds, learn how they choose the meteorites, and choose them.

He saw Yang Gongzi quickly pick a piece of meteorite, which is quite big, worth 1300 yuan.

It seems that Yang Gongzi also wants to win the test. Although there is no bet, he still wants to win Longyun.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to spend thousands of products to buy a piece of meteorite, which is considered a bloody.

With Tuo's understanding of the five sons, their fairy crystals are mainly given to them by the teacher. They are more abundant than ordinary disciples, but they are not rich.

Yang Gongzi suddenly took out thousands of products, and I am afraid that there is no way to deal with squandering for a long time.

The most important thing is the meteorite he picked. There is nothing in it, and he will lose money.

Takino went over and prepared to persuade him to try to ease the contradiction between them.

In fact, Takuya has never wanted to have any contradiction with Yang Gongzi, but Yang Gongzi hated him.

"Yang Gongzi is just a test. Don't take it too seriously. I suggest you change a rock. This meteorite does not look very good." Takino's tone is as gentle as possible.

"Dragon Cloud, you don't have to be false and compassionate, I want this rock, I don't need you to control it." Yang Gongzi was very angry.

Takuya knows that continuing to persuade will not help, only to make Yang Gongzi more angry, he gave up.

"Okay, count me a lot."

He spread his hands and left.

Zhang Gongzi walked to the side of Takino, whispered: "Lord Yunyun, don't care. After you join the city's main government, Yang Gongzi's status has plummeted. Some of his emotions are normal."

"I also know that I wanted to ease the relationship with him. I didn't expect him to be more upset." Takuya sighed.

"Lord Long Yun, I will talk about him more, and slowly he will change his opinion on you." Zhang Gongzi said.

"Thank you so much." Takuya is grateful.

Of course he wouldn't believe Zhang Gongzi's. This is not a good thing for this son.

Yang Gongzi paid Xianjing and went to the stone.

The other four sons have also selected the meteorites and went straight to the stone.

Takuya finally selected a piece of more than 300 pieces of the fine stone of the fairy crystal, and also followed the past.

Zhang Gongzi, Zi Gongzi, Du Gongzi's next product, Xianjing, was paid by him.

He shot so generously that Nie Feng and Yang Gongzi were even more upset.

Zhang Gongzi, Du Gongzi, Zigongzi and Tuoyu have a lot of familiarity, talking and laughing.

Takuya knows that Zhang Gongzi, Du Gongzi, and Zigongzi are not so easy to buy, they are all dealing with him.

The first one to solve the problem was Yang Gongzi. He couldn’t wait to go and solve the stone himself.

He cut it all the way and cut it very deeply. As a result, there was no Baoguang, and suddenly he was panicked.

There was sweat on his forehead and his hands were a little trembling.

It can be seen that he is very nervous. If there is no treasure in the meteorite, then he is really bloodless.

At this time, Takuno can't help, he can only watch.

If he intervenes, it will only make Yang Gongzi even more disgusted.

"Yang Gongzi, cut it straight down." Zigongzi loudly.

Many people around the crowd called out: "Cut, cut,..."

When Yang Gongzi gritted his teeth, he closed his eyes and then cut it sharply.

The meteorite is harder, but the knife that cuts the meteorite is faster, as if cutting the tofu, and going straight to the end.

The huge meteorite is divided into two halves, and there is nothing inside.

Seeing that there were no treasures in the meteorite, Yang Gongzi fell to the ground and panted.

He was sweating and his eyes were flustered and nervous.

"Yang Gongzi, continue to cut, can't say that the treasure is in the position of the side." Someone shouted out.

Many times, the treasures contained in the meteorite are not in the middle, but in the edge, and even some treasures are covered with a thin layer of meteorite.

Yang Gongzi got up and stood up and continued to solve the problem.

First break down the meteorite into four pieces, then eight pieces, then sixteen pieces, or there is no sign of a treasure.

Yang Gongzi is soaked all over the body, and people seem to be prostration.

Seeing that the meteorite became smaller and smaller, his look was disappointing.

"Yang Gongzi is really unlucky, so there is nothing in such a large piece of meteorite." Zhang Gongzi sighed.

Du Gongzi said: "Whenever there is a bad luck, just Yang Gongzi took out so many underpinned crystals this time, it is a bit more."

Nie Feng did not speak, and stood idly by.

Yang Gongzi is certainly not reconciled. He cut the meteorites into fists and the result is still no treasure.

"Yang Gongzi, stop, you bought a loss this time."

"Yang Gongzi, forget it."

Everyone saw that Yang Gongzi was still preparing to cut the meteorites smaller and opened their mouths.

"No, I don't believe that there is no treasure in such a large piece of meteorite." Yang Gongzi yelled out.

Or Zhang Gongzi and Du Gongzi went up and took Yang Gongzi: "Yang Xiong, still forget it, if you lose it, you will lose money. There is no big deal."

"You...hey, I have to see what treasures you can make." Yang Gongzi was very upset and stood aside.

Zhang Gongzi and Du Gongzi are boring and unhappy.

"Really, I bought a loss, and there is no need to get angry with us." Zhang Gongzi said coldly.

"That is, we just don't want to see you continue to ugly on the top, good intentions are not good." Du Gongzi is also very angry.

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