Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 848: Various conjectures

Chapter VIII Various Speculations

"Miss Linglong, how do you want to compare." Takuya asked.

Since the other side is challenging, he is present again, of course, can not refuse.

No matter what the challenge, he dares to accept, there is nothing terrible.

For him, the challenge is a common thing, but this time the opponent is different, is a stunning beauty.

This exquisite, can be the same as Long Yun, indicating that there is still the true ability.

Apart from the disciples of the big factions, and some young people in the city of Dendan, Long Yun and Ling Ling are the highest among the scattered masters, of course, alchemy.

This is the case that Takino has not exposed the level of alchemy, otherwise the younger generation of alchemy should be the first person.

Nowadays, Longyun is no longer there. Tuoyun is Longyun, and Longyun is Tuoye.

It can be said that even if it is the city of Tiandan, it is difficult to find a young Xiandan who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the wilderness and exquisiteness.

Linglong thought about it and said: "We are all four masters of Xiandan, then we all refine the immortal, and then we compare the number of Dan, the quality of the immortal."

"No problem." Takino wilderness.

Ziyu smoke smiled and said: "The two are all famous people. You are more than trying to test Dan. Do you not add a bet?"

Delicate and confident, said with a smile: "I don't care, just look at the meaning of Long Yun."

"I have no opinion, no matter what kind of bet, I have to take it." Takino will not back down.

The younger generation of Xiandan, he still has a full grasp of winning.

The exquisiteness in front of me is very good, but it is nothing to him.

If even Linglong can't win, his way of refining is really white.

"Miss Linglong, what do you think?" asked Ziyuyan.

Linglong thought about it and said: "If I win, I want Longyun to promise me one thing."

"No problem." Takuno said with a smile: "My bet is the same. If I win, I also hope that Miss Linglong promises me one thing. Everyone present is a witness."

"Before you say good things, we must do things that the other side does, not against morality, not as despicable things." Linglong said one.

"of course."

Shan Fengyang said: "Before the test begins, you go to a workshop."

He didn't want to make things too big, so he wanted to compare them earlier.

Nie Yuan said: "Slow, now it is unfair to Miss Linglong. She has just finished alchemy. I suggest that after three days, I will formally compete and go to Alchemy Square."

Shan Fengyang looked at Nie Yuan and felt that he had other intentions. It was only that Nie Yuan’s proposal was reasonable and he could not object.

"Long Yun, Miss Linglong, what is your opinion?"

The two men shook their heads together and had no opinion.

Shan Fengyang said: "Well, alchemy is carried out in the Alchemy Square three days after the test. At that time, the five major city leaders of Tiandan City will serve as referees and witness together."

With the announcement of the single wind, things are definitely determined.

Like Tiangong City, Tiandan City has a huge square for the alchemy test.

The general major test is conducted in the Alchemy Square, so that it can accommodate many people to watch the alchemy test.

Takuya did not think too much, anyway, he won the game and he was not worried.

"Long Yun, after three days, I hope you can go all out." Linglong said.

"Similarly, I also hope that you can go all out, I don't want to take advantage of it." Long Yun Ping said.

"Five city owners, the little girl first resigned." Linglong quickly stepped away.

She seems to be a little indifferent, and she has no respect for the five major city owners. I don't know if it is a character or something else.

The most confusing thing is Takino, he really can't understand, this exquisite challenged him for us.

Everyone knows that he has a high level of alchemy and he is also under the door of the city.

If Linglong is not confident, it is a fool.

Everyone can see that Linglong is absolutely not stupid, she has such a big grasp to win.

These are still second, such as today's Dancheng undercurrent, and Linglong appears in Tiandan City at this time, which makes people suspicious.

Back to the city's main government, Shan Fengyang said: "Linger is not easy, I feel she has other purposes, Long Yun, you compare with him, you must not lose."

"Master, I will go all out." Takuya said: "I also feel that there are problems, but I don't know where the problem is. Moreover, Nie Yuan proposed to test Dan three days later. I think he is not only For fairness and justice."

"Nie Yuan has any plans, we can not see through, only to guard more." Single wind sighed.

"Master, you said that this exquisiteness may be the young elder master trained by the saints. Looking for me to test, is to hit me, making my fame fall." Tuoba ambition has doubts.

"You may not have said this. The background of Long Yun and Linglong is very mysterious. To say that they have such a great reputation and achievements on their own, I always feel some incredible. The real dragon cloud has fallen, his background. I can't know that although this exquisite has not been rumored with the Holy Family, she is still very likely to be cultivated by the Holy Family. Even if it is the five major sects, I am afraid that there is no way to cultivate such talents as Linglong. This requires a foundation. "Single wind said.

Takuya wild smile: "Master, if you want to say this, I am even more freak."

"You are a freak. I heard that you are talented in refining, and broke the record of the celestial city. With the talent and strength of your alchemy, the sacred world has never had such a character, let alone you. Still from the lower world below." Single wind smiled.

He still knows a lot about Takino's situation.

"Master, don't say me, I can have today's achievements. In addition to my own efforts, there are too many air transports. If I come back again, I am afraid I will not get this step." Takuya wild smile.

In retrospect, he really didn't dare to think about it. If he didn't get the air, he didn't know how many times he died.

What's more, he was born again. When he was born again, he had the gods and the gods in the body. It is because of these two gods that he can cultivate the way of the gods.

Without all kinds of good fortune together, he could not go this step and achieve such an achievement.

"Long Yun, you are on the exquisite, you must go all out, you must not lose, in case she is the saintist strong, it can not lose." Single wind and sink.

"Master, don't worry, no matter whether she is a peerless genius cultivated by the saints, I will go all out." Takuya said.

Now, he is somewhat worried. I don’t know if Long Yun is cultivated by the Holy Family. Together with the Tiandang City and the Tiandan City, it is entirely possible for them to secretly cultivate outstanding young Xiandan and fairy instruments. .

It must have been cultivated by the secrets of the saints. Maybe his disguise has already been seen, and the strong men of the saints have not been exposed. I am afraid there are other conspiracy. In addition, Tuoye has some worries, and there are still some Young people cultivated by the secrets of the saints.

No matter what, the next step must be more careful.

For the time being, he did not have any evidence, and his exquisite identity was not exposed.

Therefore, Takino did not say what he thought, and he was prepared to let the shadow masters secretly observe and look for clues.

This thing, the less people know, the better, in order to be quiet.

Once you let Shan Feng Yang and Long Chen know that they are likely to have outstanding young people cultivated by the Holy Family, I am afraid that they cannot calmly deal with them, and there are some reactions.

Their reaction is very easy to stun.

Because of this, Takuya was hiding the matter in his heart and did not say it.

"Long Yun, you are ready, I will not bother you." Single wind Yang left.

Takuya had no way to calm down for a long time. He had too many thoughts in his heart, and those thoughts were terrible.

If it is exactly what he thinks, the consequences will be very serious.

Fortunately, he has already thought of this, and must be strictly guarded against the situation that is out of control.

He has now assumed that Long Yun and Ling Long are the outstanding young people trained by the secrets of the Holy Sepulchre, let them walk outside as the spoilers. The ultimate goal is to let them enter the city of Tiandan and seize the Holy Sepulchre. Prepare for the city of Tiandan.

Since the holy cult has cultivated a good sage master, it must have cultivated a fairy sergeant.

Zhao Ding failed to win the Tiancheng City. The Holy Family will certainly not give up easily. Then they have entered the Wizards of Heaven City beforehand. It is definitely a huge hidden danger to the Tiancheng City and has to be prevented.

Once the outstanding young people are exposed, I am afraid that Takino will be suspected by the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City.

He is better and more suspicious than those people.

Thinking of this, Tuoye has emerged from a cold sweat and dare not continue to think about it.

The sanctuary is profound, and nothing is impossible.

With this understanding, he decided to be careful and be careful, and to find opportunities to explain the situation with Long Chen and Shan Feng Yang.

They must first gain their trust, otherwise everything will be exposed, he will become the target of criticism, no one trusts him, I am afraid he will die.

The saint is not necessarily directed at him, but he has repeatedly destroyed the plan of the saints, and the saints will definitely target him later.

He contacted the shadow buds, let Shadow Huan rush to Tiandan City, and cooperated with him to find out the hidden saints in the Tiancheng City and Tiandan City, especially the inside of Tiancheng City and Tiandan City. The enemy is the most terrible.

Among the shadow gates, there are a lot of masters, and there are more talents in the investigation of intelligence. However, it is still necessary for the shadow flower to go out in person to find out the situation as soon as possible.

Moreover, he has already let Shadows collect Longyun and Linglong, and first determine their identity.

This thing, he can only let the shadow door slowly explore, can not be artificial, because he can not believe other people.

In addition, he let Zi Ling step up training the strong men and improve their strength.

To put it bluntly, its own strength and power are the most important. As long as it is strong enough, it is not afraid of the enemy's intrigue.

Now that Shadow Gate is expanding the intelligence network step by step, he really hopes that the Shadow Gate can connect with the Qin Beast.

The Qin beasts are also surrounded by the shadows, and they all have unique characters.

I believe that they will also develop the influence of the shadows. When the intelligence network of several brothers is integrated, it is basically possible to know the situation in all areas of the Holy Land.

Time, their time to come to the holy world is too short, the foundation is very weak.

To establish a connection is not a simple matter and must pass the test of time.

Originally, the situation was not bad for Takino, and he was not in a hurry.

First, I got the support of Tiancheng City. Now I hope to get the support of Tiandan City. He is ambitious.

From the urgency of today and today, I can’t wait to get in touch with my brothers.

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