Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 849: Amazing move

The VIIIth chapter is amazing

"Long Yun wants to compare Dan with Linglong. It is really a good show. They are famous people, and they are gathered in Tiandan City."

"Linglong challenges Longyun, Longyun has already fought, and the comparison between them is definitely a battle."

"We have to go to Alchemy Square, or there is no place."


In three days, Long Yun and Linglong had spread throughout the city of Tiandan City than the trial of Dan. Many people said that they had poured into the stands of Alchemy Square in advance and were ready to watch alchemy.

Alchemy Square held an alchemy test, generally does not sell tickets, so everyone wants to take the lead.

In order to watch the alchemy, there are a lot of big and small chaos in the Alchemy Square.

The two youngest elder masters who are among the best in the field of the savvy are going to stand up and be too eye-catching.

At the time of the test, Alchemy Square was already full of people, and it was very lively.

Accompanied by many strong city officials, Takino went to the Alchemy Square.

When I came to Tiandan City for a while, he never went to the Alchemy Square to see it. Today, there is a chance.

Takuya went to the Alchemy Square and looked around. He found that the five major city owners of Tiandan City were all in line, and they also came a lot under the door.

In addition to this, there are a large number of Xiandan divisions and spiritual masters who are concerned about the results of alchemy.

Of course, many shops in Tiandan City have also sent strong people to check the situation.

Especially some big shops are inseparable from the Xiandan division.

Many shops want to pass this alchemy test to see who they will work with.

Everyone wants to work with the best Xiandan division, and the store can thrive.

Long Yun and Ling Long are very young and definitely the future.

As long as they can win over one of them, the future development of the store can be expected.

"Linglong has not appeared yet, she should not lose her appointment." Many strong people talked about it.

"Exquisitely walking, the reputation has always been very good, she certainly will not lose the contract."


After a while, someone exclaimed: "Exquisite is coming, Linglong is coming,..."

Those people have let the road open, so that Linglong appears in the center of Alchemy Square.

Exquisitely beautiful, her popularity is very high, even more than Longyun.

"Exquisite, exquisite,..."

"The exquisite will win, the exquisite will win,..."

Hearing the wave of cheers that waved higher than the waves, the strong face of the city government was not good-looking, only Takuya was very dull.

The attractiveness of a beautiful woman is absolutely unparalleled, and he does not want to care about it in this regard.

Seriously, if he suspected that Linglong came from the Holy Family, he wanted to worship under the exquisite pomegranate skirt.

The five major city owners of Tiandan City went to the referee seats. Everyone knows that the alchemy test is about to begin, and it is finally quiet.

Shan Fengyang stood up and spoke. He said aloud: "Today, it is fortunate to see two young people with the highest talents in alchemy in recent years. It is an honor for all of us. There is not much nonsense. Long Yun and Linglong are on the altar, where For you, you have prepared the fairy medicine of Xiandan, three copies per person, and the Dan furnace. Of course, you can also use your own Dan furnace. The results of the test are mainly based on the quality and quantity of Xiandan."

Above the Alchemy Square, there are many alchemy stations, nine meters high.

When the Elder Master enters it, the shield will be opened and will not be disturbed by the outside world.

The situation of Xiandan Division Alchemy, the audience of Alchemy Square can be seen clearly.

This kind of comparison is very transparent. Even if there is no referee, you can see that it is better or worse.

Long Yun and Linglong walked out together and embarked on an alchemy station.

When they entered the alchemy station, someone opened the shield.

When the shield is opened, alchemy begins. They can't see the outside world and can't hear any sound.

People outside can see that Long Yun and Linglong did not replace the Dan furnace. They looked at the fairy medicine and then started the refining.

It’s not a matter of refining the elixir with your own Dan furnace.

Both Long Yun and Linglong are full of confidence in their level of alchemy, so they use the Dan furnace on the alchemy platform.

They are very skilled, put a variety of fairy medicine into the Dan furnace, and then began to extract impurities.

This process is very important and determines success or failure.

Their speed is very fast, obviously not the first refining of the immortal.

This kind of comparison test, Takuno has no way to use the way of the gods, so it is still step by step, step by step.

He has long been prepared in this regard, even if he does not use the way of the gods, he can easily refine the five-character fairy.

What's more, no one can see through the inside of the Dan furnace. At the crucial time, he can still quietly use the way of the gods, so that the quality of the medicine is better and the quantity is more.

Because it is necessary to compare the number of Dan, Takuya has long been thinking about how much is the best.

Under normal circumstances, there are nine out of Dan.

If you get out of the nine, you will definitely lose the test.

Since Linglong proposed to compare the number of medicinal herbs, it shows that she can do better in this respect, 12 out of Dan, and even 15 out of Dan, which is hard to say.

Therefore, Takino must consider and refine several immortals, and must guarantee quality.

If all of them are superior to the immortal, then Takino will produce up to twelve immortals.

If he is half-equivalent, he is sure to refine 15 elixies.

All of them are in the middle of the immortal, he can get eighteen.

However, he used a fairy medicine to refine more than a dozen elixir, which is too horrific to hear and easily expose his strength.

When I thought about it, he made a decision, and even put all the three medicinal herbs into the Dan furnace to refine the impurities.

He did this and the strong people present were shocked.

"What Long Yun wants to do, even put all the materials into the Dan furnace, which can refine the elixir."

"The ratio of the medicinal herbs and the quantity are all crucial. It is not a good thing to put too many medicinal herbs. It is easy to cause a situation of loss of control, and even the furnace will blow up."

Even the five major city owners of Tiandan City could not understand, Nie Yuan said with a smile: "Long Yun is too arrogant, even if three cents are refining together, he is afraid to lose."

Shan Feng Yang is also somewhat worried, but he still supports Long Yun.

"It's too early to say that, Longyun's control is amazing, maybe he can refine it."

The purple rain smoke eyes flashed and smiled. "Long Yun is surprisingly tricky. If he can refine his success, I am afraid that he will win this time."

"This is a violation." Nie Yuan said.

"The second division, since we have prepared three cents of fairy medicine, and we have not stipulated that we cannot refine the three common medicines, how can we say that Longyun violates the rules?" Shan Fengyang was very dissatisfied.

Zhang Guobin smiled and said: "This situation, of course, can not be illegal. If Longyun can succeed in alchemy, it is also a manifestation of his strength."


The next comparison was once again unexpected.

Linglong refined the impurities, and did not rush to condense Dan, but put the second material into the Dan furnace and continue to refine the impurities.

"Long Yun and Linglong are the same thing. Do they want to refine together three herbs."

"I really look forward to it. It has already made us feel like we have just started."

Not long after, Linglong put in the third fairy medicine and continued to refine impurities.

The difference between Long Yun and Linglong is that Long Yun is the three secret medicines to extract impurities together, and Linglong is a share, more careful.

After the impurities were refined, they all started alchemy.

The next process is more important. If you have a lot of Dan, you will see it.

Takuya does not know the exquisite situation, he only wants to do his best.

Therefore, he thought twice and decided to refine thirty of the best elixir.

Under normal circumstances, three cents of medicinal herbs, refining twenty-seven superior elixirs have been extremely powerful.

He has 30 out of Dan, just to ensure that nothing is lost.

Moreover, he was able to explain why he was able to make thirty.

"The second division, Linglong has the same choice as Long Yun. Why don't you say that she is also violating the rules." Shan Fengyang taunted.

"Hey." Nie Yuan just snorted, no arguments.

Du Hailing smiled and said: "Long Yun and Linglong are the best Xiandan divisions in recent years. They dare to refine the three common medicines. The figures of our older generation are afraid to do so."

Ziyuyan said: "If you put more medicine, you need to double your control ability. The more the medicines you put in, the lower the possibility of successful refining. They dare to do so, they are full of confidence. And, I guess, they have been four masters of Xiandan for some time, otherwise they have no strength to do so."

"Yes, until now, they have not failed, indicating that they are likely to succeed in alchemy," said Shan Fengyang.


It takes at least a few days to refine the four-character Xiandan Dixian.

Everyone's patience is very good, no one left, no one even walked.

Their eyes are not looking at Longyun and Linglong Alchemy, it is a kind of enjoyment.

The two men are very skilled, the movements are flowing, and the movements are beautiful. They simply regard alchemy as art.

Even the elders of the older generation, seeing Long Yun and Linglong Alchemy, are sighing.

The young Ling Dan and the Xiandan divisions were even admired by Long Yun and Ling Long.

"If I have a tenth of Longyun, I am satisfied."

"If my lover can have a tenth of exquisiteness, I will be content with my death."

"You are simply dreaming, such a perfect person, and one tenth of her is not what ordinary women can do."


At the referee's seat, Nie Yuan said: "There is still a period of time from the end of the alchemy trial. We are better off playing a gamble."

"Two younger brothers, what kind of tricks do you want to play?"

Nie Yuan smiled and said: "Everyone is a glare, I can play tricks, I propose, we all come to guess, who can finally win, guess right, is qualified to recruit Linglong as a disciple, guess the wrong person automatically give up."

He paused and continued: "Master brothers, as well as teachers and sisters, I believe that you are very much in favor."

Zhang Guobin said with a smile: "This method is good, you can eliminate some people, and there will be fewer people competing for exquisiteness."

"I have no opinion." Du Hailing said.

Ziyuyan looked at Nie Yuan and said: "Two brothers, you seem to have full grasp, then I want to ask you, who do you think will win."

There is no opening in the single wind. In fact, he also wants to eliminate a few people first, so that he can have less interference and it is easier to recruit exquisites.

"If everyone agrees, I will tell my guess." Nie Yuan said.

Ziyuyan asked: "Master, what do you mean?"

"Since everyone's interest is so high, of course I can't sweep everyone's happiness." Shan Fengyang smiled.

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