Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 850: Magical performance

Chapter VIII Magical Performance

"Two brothers, you will bet to win." Zhang Guobin asked.

Nie Yuan blurted out: "Exquisite."

They have a big bet and can't go to recruit Linglong.

He can still make a decisive judgment so that he feels that he has full confidence.

In fact, everyone is more optimistic about Long Yun, after all, Long Yun first came to Tiandan City, first in the main.

What's more, when Long Yun refining four products, the quality of Dan is very high, and everyone is obvious to all.

Under such circumstances, Nie Yuan also believed that Linglong could win, and people were full of doubts.

Ziyu smoke smiled: "Two brothers, you have so much confidence in Linglong, do you know her."

"No comment." Nie Yuan no expression.

Du Hailing said: "Master, you must be gambling dragon cloud to win."

"Of course, I bet the dragon cloud wins."

He is of course full of confidence in Long Yun, but he does not understand what Nie Yuan means. Is it because he wants to give up the exquisiteness?

The characters such as Linglong are rare in a million years, and Nie Yuan will give up.

This is simply too unbelievable. Dan Feng Yang does not believe that Zhang Guobin does not believe it.

Then there is another explanation, that is, Nie Yuan knows the details of Linglong and thinks that Linglong can win.

Zhang Guobin, Ziyuyan and Du Hailing all hesitated, and did not know how to choose.

Once they lose the test, they must give up the competition.

Anyone like Linglong, who is reluctant to give up.

The three of them look at me, I see you, no one has made a choice right away.

Nie Yuan said with a smile: "The two younger brothers, as well as the younger sisters, you have to choose quickly, don't wait until they finish the alchemy, then they will choose to give up."

"Four younger brothers, who do you think will win." Zhang Guobin asked.

Du Hailing looked at Nie Yuan and looked at the single wind. He hesitated for a while and finally made a choice: "I think Linglong can win."

"The three divisions, the younger sister, and the two of you, have to hurry." Nie Yuan can't wait.

Zhang Guobin and Ziyuyan met Nie Yuan so confidently that they all had to follow Nie Yuan’s plan.

"Three brothers, or you first." Purple rain smoked.

Zhang Guobin sighed: "Hey, it's a bad choice. If so, I think Linglong can win."

Ziyu smoke smiled and said: "You all choose to win the exquisite. If Longyun wins, it is not only the master who can recruit Linglong, well, I think Longyun can win."

Her choice is very simple, that is, she can get more opportunities.

Otherwise, if they choose to exquisite together with Nie Yuan, she does not have much advantage to fight for exquisiteness.

Choosing with the single style, there is only one person competing, she still has the opportunity to recruit Linglong.

"Little sister, you are so stupid and shrewd." Zhang Guobin said.

In fact, he really wants the last choice, but he can't fight with the younger sister.

No way, he finally chose the same choice as Nie Yuan.

He has always paid attention to Nie Yuan, knowing that he is fully grasped.

Everyone has completed the choice, Nie Yuan smiled and said: "Well, let's see who is the best young Xiandan division."

"Long Yun is my disciple, I believe him." Shan Fengyang laughed.

Nie Yuan said: "Linglong's fame is not under the dragon cloud, she is entirely possible to win, not to mention, Long Yun joined the master's brother shortly, I believe he has not learned the master's ability."

"It doesn't matter, there are too many things lately. I haven't taught Long Yun alchemy." Shan Fengyang did not hide.

I heard the single wind Yang said that the heart of the purple rain smoke hung up.

Missed Longyun, she really didn't want to miss the exquisite.

What's more, Linglong is a woman, she is more interested in female disciples.

"I really hope that Long Yun can win." Purple rain sighed.


However, the comparison between Long Yun and Linglong could not be ended in a while.

The five major city leaders in Tiandan City are very nervous, and some can't wait to know the result, which is obviously impossible.

For them, it is a torment and a torment in the heart.

As for the audience, I don’t know that the five major city owners are betting. They are interested in watching the competition, and they are not in a hurry.

In fact, watching Long Yun and Linglong Alchemy is indeed a pleasure.

Both of them are very skilled, and they are even more inspiring to Xiandan and Ling Dan. Watching them alchemy, the Masters and Xiandan divisions can also benefit.

As time goes by, the process of condensing Dan will soon end.

Once the condensate is completed, the next step is to go out.

Everyone is looking forward to it, and I started cheering for my favorite Xiandan division.

"Long Yun, Long Yun,..."

"Exquisite, exquisite,..."

Supporting Longyun, most of the characters and women of the older generation.

And the support for exquisite, mostly young male disciples.

The beauty made Linglong win a large number of supporters at once, more than the supporters of Longyun.

Hearing the waves of cheers, the five major city owners could not help but sigh.

Singularly sighed: "When we were young, we were also peerless geniuses, but our supporters have no way to compare with Long Yun and Linglong. At the beginning, we all went under the main gate of the old city, and there were famous teachers pointing, but not too late. The same age of Long Yun and Linglong, it is really embarrassing to say."

Zhang Guobin nodded: "In recent years, no matter whether it is alchemy or refining, there have been some peerless geniuses. Some are against the sky. It seems that there will be a big turmoil in the holy world. Every time there are people in the sky, It is a sign that the turmoil is coming."

"The three divisions are really far away. I don't want to be so much. I just want to put the power into the door and cultivate it." Purple rain smoked.

Nie Yuan said: "Linglong is such a genius, who does not want to accept her as a disciple, but it is not necessarily whether this exquisite can join Tiandan City, we still have to look at her own choice."

"Two brothers, you think that Linglong can win, and now say this, do you know what insider information." Du Hailing was curious.

Nie Yuan shook his head and said: "I know the same as you, I don't know what insider information."

"Two brothers, everyone has made a choice anyway, you may wish to say it, there is no need to continue to conceal." Du Hailing is certainly not so easy to pass.

"What do you think about it, I don't know anyway." Nie Yuan said nothing.

Du Hailing walked to the side of Shan Fengyang and asked: "Master, you know some exquisite situations."

"I only know that she is the same name as Long Yun, and the other is ignorant." Shan Fengyang shook his head.

Everyone is very curious about the exquisite background because she is too mysterious.

As time goes by, the condensate is completed.

Long Yun and Linglong almost all of the time played the acceptance of Dan, and began to collect Xiandan.

This step is also very important. If you are a little careless, it is very likely that you will fail to accept it. That is to give up.

The two men’s methods of receiving Dan are very skilled and they are at the point of perfection.

They quickly collected the elixir and saw that one of the elixir entered the jade bottle, and everyone began to count silently.

When more than ten out of Dan, many people were shocked.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. They have a pot of elixir, and they have ten Dan."

"What do you know, they are refining together with three cents of medicinal herbs, which is equivalent to the three-hearted elixir. Now it is only ten out of Dan, and it is still very early."


Sure enough, a pair of elixir flew out and was included in the jade bottle by Long Yun and Linglong.





"They have all gone out of the 27th, and this control is amazing." Zhang Guobin exclaimed.

Even the five major city owners of Tiandan City were shocked, not to mention other audiences, and they looked directly at dumbfounded.

"It’s amazing, it’s amazing. I’ve seen it today.”

"Long Yun and Ling Long are the most powerful Xiandan divisions of the younger generation. Their level of alchemy has surpassed that of the older generation."


Twenty-seven elixirs are not over.

Linglong once again received a decision to accept the Dan, and received an elixir.

And Long Yun is not far behind, and once again, he will take out a decision and come out with an elixir.

"Twenty-eight elixirs."

Many people exclaimed.

The two did not even close their hands and once again made a decision.

"There have been twenty-eight out of Dan, can you still have an elixir?"

"Unbelievable, too great."

Linglong and Longyun once again collected the elixir, which has been twenty-nine.

This is not over yet, and they each played a new decision.

Shan Fengyang sighed: "It's really amazing. It seems that we are all old."

Ziyuyan said: "Linglong has such skills, I must put her under the door."

Nie Yuan smiled and said: "We have witnessed a magical test. I am afraid that it will be difficult to see such talents in the future."

"Look, the 30th elixir came out."

"Thirty elixir, it's amazing."

"Not good, the exquisite 30th fairy seems to be bleak, I am afraid that the quality is not as good as Long Yun." Some older generations of people, eyesight is more unique, at first glance to see the problem.

Purple rain smoked and said: "It looks like Longyun has won."

"It's not good to make a decision now, but you have to carefully watch the Xiandan before you can tell the winner." Nie Yuan said.

Both Zhang Guobin and Du Hailing were nervous. They also saw that the elixir that Linglong finally collected was not as good as the last elixir collected by Long Yun.

Long Yun and Linglong collected 30 elixir, and then stopped the action of receiving Dan.

Obviously, the alchemy contest is over.

Shan Fengyang personally opened the shield and said loudly: "Long Yun, Linglong, please report the situation of your alchemy, and take out the elixir, let us examine it carefully, and then judge."

"Ms. priority." Takuya said with a smile.

Linglong was somewhat proud, and she said with a high head: "The little girl is not talented. The three cents are refining together. A total of 30 are out of Dan, of which 29 are superior Xiandan and one is a medium elixir."

She didn't know Long Yun's situation and thought she was winning.

Long Yun no expression, said: "The kid is not talented, three cents of medicine together refining, a total of 30 Dan, all of them are superior Xiandan, please check."

After listening to Long Yun’s words, Linglong exclaimed: “Impossible, how is this possible?”

She couldn't believe that someone had done better than her. She couldn't help her. She didn't expect to meet her opponent.

"Is it possible to let the five major city owners check it, then they will know." Takino is very dull.

To be honest, he still retains his strength, otherwise he can produce more elixir and the quality can be higher.

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