Fa Zheng's spiritual talent is very useful, especially when it comes to understanding people's hearts. He is simply invincible.

Even if Fazheng complains all day about how it is impossible to figure out people's hearts, and the more he uses his spiritual talent, the more he feels that people's hearts are unpredictable, but there is one thing to say: in many cases, Fazheng's spiritual talent can see things very clearly.

Compared with Zheng Du's Ming Li, the spiritual talent of Ming Xin is very good at explaining some anti-social behaviors.

Just like this time, most of the civil servants present realized that Rome would definitely have a second-generation Lord of All Spirits. After all, Rome's conditions, let alone at the imperial level, were in the hands of a relatively powerful Han family. They will all do this.

Don't look at it. After the three empires realized that the situation was not good and really started to deal with it, the Lord of All Spirits only lasted three days and was beaten to a brain-dead state. He could only know Aba Aba.

But even so, the strength of the Lord of All Spirits is very high. At least so far, even the Odin Guardians have only verbally enjoyed the beatings of the three empires. If you really want to say it, there is no second thing to enjoy. To the treatment of being beaten by the three empires.

Therefore, when there is an opportunity to spell out a Lord of All Souls, people with some ideas will never be polite. Therefore, when they realize that Rome now has the only assimilated body of the previous Lord of All Souls, and one that can completely replace the previous Lord of All Souls, After the big chestnut of the Lord of Spirits, the wise men of the Han Dynasty and Kushan knew that Rome would definitely do this. As for the danger, if they don't do it for fear of danger, then it is still Rome?

On the Kushan side, on the other hand, all the civil servants of the Roman and Han Dynasties could think that the Kushans must also develop certain technologies, but not many could directly think of what the Kushans wanted to do.

Fazheng has been fighting with Kushan for a long time, and he also knows a lot about the way of thinking of the upper class of Kushan, so he can react instantly. These guys with no bottom line have really extracted the consciousness community of Kushan human beings, and they will definitely find a way. Manipulate like the Lord of All Spirits interfering with the consciousness of the assimilated body.

Perhaps human consciousness is more powerful and it is more difficult to intervene, and it is difficult to extract a community of consciousness, etc., but in Fa Zheng's view, these difficulties can be overcome.

What's more, Kushan itself demonstrated the technology of consciousness extraction and the ability to modify consciousness during the war, but it was just not possible to use it on a large scale.

So based on Fazheng's understanding of the complete human rights slump in Kushan, I wondered if the other party really dared to do this, and how courageous it was!

"What Xiaozhi said makes sense. As for the Roman side, forget it. No one can stop it. Let them do it. What we are facing now is actually Kushan." Chen Xi nodded and agreed with Fazheng. Said, "So we have to study this thing here to avoid being pulled apart by those two."

Zhuge Liang nodded when he heard this, "The Lord of All Spirits seems to have the ability to communicate over long distances. At least according to Rome, the main body of the Lord of All Spirits in South America at that time controlled the assimilated bodies Andric and Alexander. Luo communicated."

"Yes, that's it. Kong Ming is really very careful." Chen Xi said with a smile, "Compared with the kind of things the two of them are doing, I think we should do communication-related things first. Wanling Civic has this effect, and we Research it and see if it can be reproduced.”

In Chen Xi's opinion, the stuff that Roma and Kushan did was too dangerous, especially the artificial Alaya from Kushan. To be honest, Chen Xi didn't doubt that Kushan could make this thing, but Chen Xi had to consider it. What to do if something goes wrong.

Moreover, Chen Xi was somewhat worried about making such outrageous things from the very beginning. In an era with the essence of heaven and earth, many technologies can make breakthroughs by leaps and bounds, but such breakthroughs may not leave hidden dangers, so it is better to start with some unconventional ones. For technologies that will leave hidden dangers, let others develop them first. After all, isn’t Kushan’s stuff our own?

After Guishang is completed, they can just use the other party's technical model to optimize and improve it. Besides, the information transmission function of Wanling Civic is also extremely useful in Chen Xi's opinion.

What's more, if something really goes wrong, Chen Xi will use reliable channels to pass the news to Oswin as soon as possible. Zhu He will create artificial alayas to influence the consciousness of the people at the bottom, right? Come on, look at you Zhu He Although he has a big face, Oswin still has a big fist.

Although Oswin had many shortcomings, even Guan Yu could not deny the fact that Oswin was a hero. Therefore, the upper management of Kushan really wanted to do this secretly and hide Oswin. Chen Xi believed that Zhu Helai could do it. But it was really dangerous, and the Han Dynasty had many ways to let Oswin know.

Until then, wouldn't it be beautiful to sit and watch the will of the empire tear Alaya apart?

As for saying that even the Han Dynasty cannot know, isn't this a joke?

A matter that can affect the fate of the country is concealed from the first heir of the country. The second heir does not know about it, and it is impossible for you to inform the third heir who is trying to make up the number. What does this mean? What does this mean to you? You are rebelling. Do you know what politics is?

Even if you don't make it clear, at least you have to reveal it to one of the heirs. Oswin will never agree to this kind of thing, and you can't reveal it to Aldashir.

So who is the only choice? Of course, it is the prince who is capable, able to put down his dignity, capable and proven.

So Chen Xi didn't panic at all. Guishang just did it. If no big thing happened, the Han Dynasty would use whoring to stock up on technology. If big trouble happened, they would notify Oswin to tear Zhu He apart.

Chen Xi was very curious. In this situation, when a conflict breaks out between Oswin and Zhu Helai, who will Vesutiva I protect? Oh, Oswin doesn't need to be protected, that's really great!

"Then let's wait for Rome to send the materials for the assimilation body. Speaking of which, we were picking up wreckage in South America. How many did we pick up?" Chen Xi asked Liu Bei strangely. Zhao Yun and others were also picking up.

In fact, Rome, the Han Dynasty, and Kushan were all picking up the wreckage at that time. After all, no matter which technical route was taken in the future, the body of the Lord of All Spirits was still somewhat of a reference.

"It's okay. Zilong picked up a lot. It should be used as a reference when the time comes. It's a pity that not even the dregs of the world-breaking ancient tree in the core area are left." Liu Bei said with some pity.

Chen Xi had a plain face. It was normal. It was too normal. It was a temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, and the World-Breaking Ancient Tree happened to be in that core area. If this could leave some scum for the other party, it would be too despising for the three empires to join forces. The Blazing Sky Ring came out.

"Then I discovered something else." Chen Xi said to everyone with a somewhat strange look after finalizing the development direction of Wanling Civic.

"What?" Fazheng asked curiously.

"There are actually small worlds in South America, but under the Blazing Sky Ring, all the small worlds have not exerted their due effects." Chen Xi said seriously, and everyone present recalled that it seemed to be the case. Under the Blazing Sky Ring, the small world seemed to pose no obstacle.

"It seems so. In other words, is the small world afraid of high temperatures?" Liu Yan recalled and said, "In this case, the problem of the small world can be solved immediately."

"It should be true. The small worlds that currently exist all appeared after the world barrier of the Nordic shadow world was broken. According to Gongtai's theory, the essence of the world barrier is actually his isolation military formation, and Burning has nothing to do with these things. It works." Chen Xi looked at Chen Gong and said.

Chen Gong nodded. From the first time the world barrier appeared, Chen Gong felt that this thing was somewhat similar to the isolation military formation he made. Later, when small worlds appeared on a large scale, Cao Ang even used a special military formation. After being able to move the small world away, Chen Gong realized that the world barrier and his own isolation military formation were no longer somewhat similar, but rather had the same idea.

Then, conversely, the method that can break the isolation military formation should also be used to break the barriers of the small world. At most, the barriers of the small world are more high-end than the isolation army formation, and the same idea requires stronger technical strength.

"The principle of the high temperature of the Blazing Sky Ring to crack the small world is actually quite simple. No matter what the structure of the world barrier is, it is essentially a way to control energy and space. High temperature will destroy this control, but I have never considered it before. The temperature is so high." Chen Gong said with a strange expression.

Regarding the evaluation of the Blazing Sky Ring, Chen Gong could only say that the power of flying bricks is high, and any technology is nonsense. The building ceremony is indeed a technology, but when it is used, it only pursues the flying bricks of great strength.

"More importantly, this method is not about destroying the small world. If the small world under the Menger sponge structure is broken, a lot of new ones will appear. This method seems to be the best cleaning method at present. The world's plan, discover one and burn the other." Chen Xi said excitedly.

"The problem is that this temperature is difficult to reach." Li You said with a frown. According to the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees that Rome had previously set, if it was really used in the Han Dynasty, it would not be the way to solve the small world.

The burning of South America has nothing to do with the Han Dynasty. It does not belong to the Han Dynasty anyway. Even if it is burned into colored glaze, the Han Dynasty will not have a deep feeling. But doing this on the territory of the Han Dynasty is absolutely unacceptable.

"Try it first. Find a few small worlds in remote areas and burn them to determine the temperature and duration. It will also test the etching technology we got from the Nordic world." Chen Xi said to Li You, from some kind of From a perspective, these things are also in charge of Li You.

"I'll try." Li Youyou nodded. After a little verification, he could still accept it. If tens of millions of degrees could be used to solve the problem, it would definitely not work.

"Then the most important thing is, where is the princess?" When Chen Xi said this, he couldn't help but hug his head directly. When Rome urgently notified the three empires to join forces, Chen Xi had someone quickly notify Liu Tonghe. Liu Bei.

After Liu Bei received the news, he rushed back as soon as possible, but Liu Tong is still missing. Although the Han Dynasty is now running at this point, it can continue to operate without a princess. The problem is that many things on the table are difficult to deal with without a princess. ah!

Just like when the three empires held a video conference before, Roma and Kushan looked at the Han Dynasty strangely. Originally, even if Liu Tong didn't say anything in this kind of meeting, at least people would be there, just like Roma There must be a dedicated line for Northern Europe to let Severus come online.

This is the highest-level meeting, and the emperors of the three empires must be present!

In the end, Liu Bei had no choice but to do it for the Han Dynasty. Liu Tong was gone and couldn't be found!

Although Severus and Vesutiva I did not discuss this matter, it was somewhat strange, and the Han Dynasty could not say that they had lost the princess and could only pretend to usurp the throne.

"It's been six days and you still haven't found the princess?" Chen Xi took a deep breath and asked.

"It has been determined that the princess has entered the inner side of the world, but the structure of the inner side of the world is very different from that of the outer side. The interlacing of spatial levels means that even after we lock the princess, we cannot reach the princess's location unless the princess can stay somewhere." Liu Yu said helplessly.

Although he no longer works for Zong Zheng, as the eldest Zong of the royal family, he must stand up for this kind of thing, not to mention that it is really embarrassing for the princess to lose this matter.

"Let the Ji family find a way to bring the princess back as soon as possible." Chen Xi said with a dark face. The Han Dynasty was really embarrassed. It is estimated that by now Rome and Guishang should have obtained the news about the disappearance of the Han Dynasty princess from other channels. The news, in short, was disgraced and sent abroad.

"The Ji family has been contacted, but the Ji family said that their hunting area is only part of the inner part of the world. The princess is located at a promontory on the outer sea, and they cannot perform effective positioning and capture." Liu Yu explained with a sad look on his face. , Chen Xi pressed his temples after hearing this. He had a headache and his blood pressure increased.

"Can we just break into the outer sea? Our strength here is not weak. Let's just fight in." Chen Xi pressed his temples, adjusted it, and said as gently as possible.

"It's not completely impossible, but once most areas are opened to the inside of the world, it will be difficult to complete the closure. Once problems arise with the barriers inside and outside the world, all aspects will accelerate." Liu Yu has clearly asked the cause and effect.

"In one month, we will find a way to fish the princess out of the inside of the world. If we can't fish it out, we will directly break through the barrier between the inside and outside of the world and fish it out by force." Chen Xi sighed and said, "As for the problems caused by the broken barrier, we will wait. Let’s talk about it later, Guishang just knows that our eldest princess is missing, and we don’t know where she went.”

Chen Xi didn't say anything else, but Liu Yu knew very well that regarding the outrageous situation in Kushan, he would definitely pay attention to the situation on their side. Once they get the eldest princess of the Han Dynasty inside the world, they might really dare to bring the world to their knees. Penetrate inside and outside, and then rush in to try to capture Liu Tong.

Hang in there, the high temperature holiday has been confirmed, happy (*^▽^*)

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