Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6270 People’s hearts are uncertain

Compared with the difficulty of fighting against the Han Dynasty and grabbing a princess, it is much easier to go directly to the inside of the world and pick up a leak. Moreover, Kushan really has this ability. Vesutiva I did not hide in the world. On the inside, that's because there are a lot of problems to consider, but if we only consider breaking down the barriers inside and outside the world, what Lu Bu and Dian Wei can do together, how can an empire not do it?

"The results will come out as soon as possible." Liu Yu said seriously.

After all, there was Liu Hao's incident in front of him. If another Liu Tong was caught, the Han Dynasty would be disgraced. Therefore, Liu Yu also understood what the current situation was and would not mess around.

"Then let's deal with it individually. The Lord of All Spirits has been solved. The parasitic problem has returned to its previous state. Moreover, after the Lord of All Spirits is gone, the parasite's aggressiveness has also been greatly reduced, and we have more time to deal with it. Deal with the parasitic problem." After Liu Yu made the promise, Chen Xi looked at the civil servants present and said.

The Lord of All Souls is dead, but the problem of parasitism has not yet been solved. The parasites that can produce spores are still producing spores, and the speed of parasitism has not dropped significantly. It is just that there will no longer be assimilated bodies that can divide humans, and there will be no more. The previous interference effect on human consciousness.

In other words, the previously frightening parasitic crisis has turned into an ordinary parasite parasitizing the human body. As long as effective drugs are found, this problem can be solved.

Compared with the previous level of difficulty, this is already a level that normal doctors can handle. The only more troublesome thing is probably the transmissibility. However, compared with the previous level of crisis, the current level is just drizzle. .

It has to be said that human beings' adaptability is indeed outrageous. After the crisis of the Lord of Spirits disappeared, they quickly returned to the previous state of holding each other back and talking nonsense.

"The next step is probably to strengthen the assessment of officialdom. The local bureaucrats have gone back to their old ways during this incident." Chen Xi warned with a calm expression.

Among the world-wide disasters caused by Rome, the only real impact on the Han Dynasty at this stage was the proliferation of small worlds and the enlightenment of all spirits.

If you really want to say that the Nordic divine guards are too far away, the most they can do is send people to support, but it is basically impossible to cause problems in the local area. And the parasitic organization is indeed dangerous, but in the three major Thanks to the empire's quick response, the parasitic organization was eliminated before it spread to the Han Dynasty itself. Even if there was any subsequent impact, the problem could be solved with the optimized injections from Rome.

Therefore, four world-wide crises were clearly caused, but only two were manifested in the Han Dynasty.

However, these two world-wide disasters both tended to be man-made disasters in the Han Dynasty. Although Chen Xi was a little panicked in this small world, Chen Xi was very aware of the work his family had done over the years, and it was shared by people in villages everywhere. With enough food stored, even if it is shrouded in the small world, there will be no personal safety problems in the short term.

In addition, the official documents issued by the Han Dynasty level by level allowed local officials to determine village by village, because so far, the core areas of the Han Dynasty have basically completed the merger of villages, and the location of each village has been clearly recorded. Follow the picture to search, and if you can't find it, you've entered a small world.

It is difficult for local forces to solve the small world without injury, but it is still possible for the Han Empire, so it only needs to determine which villages have disappeared, and then mobilize the army to evaporate them one by one.

Originally, this matter was just a process issue and it didn't take too much time. After all, Chang'an's response speed and execution capabilities were very strong. According to Chen Xi's estimate, it would take at most three months to solve the problems of roads and villages everywhere. question.

However, Chen Xi’s idea is good, but it does not mean that the local demons will think so. The small world itself did not cause much damage to the Han Dynasty. It is indeed a problem that the Ocean Fisheries Department cannot catch fish from the open sea, but with the current output of the ocean , the fish caught in the offshore are enough to eat, so the previous kind is just a cry at most, but if we really want to talk about the losses, it is more likely to be a man-made disaster.

The problem of the small world disappearing has allowed local cults to take root crazily.

In the era of complete education in later generations, a year of 2012 could make tens of millions of people believe that the end of the world is coming, and then privately a large number of cults appeared because of the end of the world, not to mention that in the late Han Dynasty, most people were not yet enlightened. , and then the small world really disappears.

To be honest, even in the 21st century, if such a group of small worlds really disappear, there will be a lot of cults. Chen Xi is also mentally prepared for this. However, there are too many cults. Yudu couldn't hold it anymore.

As for Wan Ling Kai Zhi, it is more of a problem exposed by local officials, and many bureaucrats regard it as the first choice for settling accounts.

After Liu Bei went down in person, he could only say that the situation was better than the Yanzhou Agricultural and Jizhou cases. As for the rest, there was really nothing to say.

"First strengthen the administration of officials. Only after strengthening the administration of officials and improving internal execution, can we deal with those local cults. If our own problems have not been solved, do we still want to solve the external problems?" Chen Xi said with a gloomy look, "Put the cults away Let’s reorganize the techniques we play and find some veterans to get some more high-end ones, so as to cure evil with good!”

Li You used to use the Conferred Gods List to suppress cults, which was really good, but now there are too many hairy gods. It is true that he can kill one at a time on the Conferred Gods List, but Li You doesn't have that much time. If he kills one, he won't be able to do it elsewhere. A new Mao God was born again.

What's more, based on the outrageous situation in Guishuang, Chen Xi also knows that in this mythical era where the essence of heaven and earth and the will can interfere with reality, the evil cult may not be able to produce some strange things, so it must be killed from the source. These things.

"Weishuo, you and Boning will form an inspection team. This time we will be lenient if you confess and strict if you resist. We will suppress the chaos in officialdom as soon as possible." Chen Xi said to Liu Yan.

Liu Yan nodded when he heard this, then thought for a moment and said, "Actually, the biggest problem with local officials is that there is too much money flowing through their hands, and their own salaries are compared to the money flowing through their hands. Too little is too little, and sometimes, all they need to do is nod and sign, and the amount of funds transferred will be extremely large, far exceeding their salary."

Chen Xi was silent for a while after hearing this. If Liu Yan is incompetent, he does know everything after so many years, and he is indeed good at observing. In addition, he has a wide range of contacts, and he can often come up with some strange, but realistic conclusion.

In addition, Liu Yan is a real veteran. There are things that others cannot say. As long as there is no personal safety problem, Liu Yan will not have any impact if he tells the truth. Even if he says the wrong thing, whether it is Liu Bei or Chen Xi, Liu Yan will As long as the behavior is motivated by good intentions, the maximum penalty is three drinks.

Of course, in the Jizhou case, Liu Yan wanted to turn over the table, but found that the table was too heavy to turn over, so he gave up decisively and did not dare to say nonsense. This can be regarded as a sign of lack of ability.

"Weishuo, what do you suggest?" Chen Xi looked at Liu Yan and asked.

The problem Liu Yan mentioned above is actually the biggest problem in the government of later generations, that is, my salary is so low, but there is so much money from me, and if I mop up a little bit, I will neither be discovered nor be punished. No one will care, so should I wipe it or not?

When most young people first took over, they would choose to refuse, but as time went by, the old-timers did it together, and there was indeed no problem. They watched other people's wives, children, and mothers becoming increasingly happy because of their lives. , but it is difficult for me to help my family in this aspect. After a long time, it is difficult to keep my true heart.

Living in poverty and enjoying the good life is a very good morality, but it is one's morality.

Most adult men can eat, drink, and live freely when they are alone. However, when they have a family, they will inevitably look forward and backward. They rarely get angry and start to weigh and consider involuntarily. family.

In terms of binding power, the biggest influence on men is not their careers, but their families. Adult men without family constraints can have completely unconstrained behavioral logic, and can completely achieve the goal of "three cups of turmoil, the five mountains are insignificant" ".

When you have a family, you often have to consider your family before doing anything. Although Confucianism has big problems, the Confucian moral system does run through society - men shoulder the necessary responsibility to support their families, and once a man has a family , you must consider the family.

This can also be regarded as the direction of universal morality and social education for thousands of years. That is why men who are free from worries are the most terrifying. And when you have a family and a safe haven, you also have weaknesses.

When future generations of bureaucrats make the wrong first step, most of them are not doing it for themselves, because most civil servants start out either for leisure or for progress. Not many really go there to make money. However, in the end There are many people who take this road.

This is very interesting.

Chen Xi is also aware of this, and is also considering reducing the possibility of such accidents through the system. After all, there is no hope of relying on morality. It is better to be realistic and rely on the system. However, Chen Xi has not yet thought about how to apply the supervision and division of future generations to this. era.

After all, once the ratio between the government and the people is too high, the pressure on the people will be great.

The supervision methods of later generations can indeed solve most of the problems. As for the remaining part, to be honest, as long as it is a system and someone is trying their best to exploit loopholes, there is really nothing you can do.

If we really want to talk about the system, it is actually closer to the protection of people who do not have such ideas, and the deterrence of certain people who are wavering. If we really want to say that for people who are obsessed with taking advantage of loopholes, it is completely nonsense. .

However, Chen Xi has not yet figured out how to simplify and operate it effectively. In addition, Chen Xi originally thought that the current officialdom of the Han Dynasty could be sustained. However, a wave of local tiger disasters made Chen Xi see a lot of things. That's it for this group of people.

Of course, this means that Chen Xi also knows that a large part of the reason why these people have declined so quickly is because of themselves. The speed of economic construction has been too fast, which has reduced the amount of money, food and materials that were originally circulated from their hands. Hundreds of millions, quickly climbed to millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions. This impact was no less than that during the reform and opening up period.

The impact of three changes in a day will make people's hearts confused.

Thinking about this, Chen Xi had to admit the reality, that is, sociology is really not a science. There is actually no essential difference between 1,800 years ago and 1,800 years later. People are still people. There is no real difference!

In short, the speed of corruption is indeed a bit fast. It is thanks to the local people that they have enough power, otherwise the damage may be more outrageous. However, after all, from the information level, the people's information acquisition channels are not as good as those of these bureaucrats. In some matters They were obviously a little slow, which led to them discovering that they had been deceived and lost money after some things were already a fait accompli.

If in future generations, this step has been reached, apart from the so-called petitioning and seeking help from other social forces, there is actually no good way. Coupled with the control that exists on these channels, it will basically be difficult to recover one's own losses.

But the biggest difference now is that as long as it is confirmed that there is a real loss, and the losses are heavy over a large area, the people really have the ability to correct mistakes - without mentioning cutting trees into soldiers and rising up, can the county government officials fight on a scale that is large? Larger local militias are still a problem.

And these days, killing people for the sake of the people is a righteous act, and it is no joke to give the local bureaucrats the opportunity to show their respect. Therefore, in the era of conscription, there are some tricks that can make you shine.

"Ah, Zichuan, I am only responsible for making suggestions. Why do you ask me how to solve it?" Liu Yan asked strangely, "If I can solve it, what else would I propose? I will solve it myself."

"Everyone here who has an idea can say it, and I will listen to it. This matter is indeed the biggest problem in the current official administration, and it is also the core point of the current corruption of official administration. If you have any ideas, you can say it. I am also here. Think about it." Chen Xi said to everyone.

Soon, proposals came out, such as tougher treatment, strengthening audits, sending inspectors to inspect local areas, and conducting detailed inspections of all aspects of the bureaucracy.

"Separate the financial rights." Liu Bei, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up. He went to the place to check it out in person. Although he was mentally prepared when he went there, and he had personally experienced the Yanzhou Agricultural and Food Case and the Jizhou Case, he still couldn't Very dissatisfied with these bureaucrats.

So on the way, Liu Bei was thinking about how to solve this problem, but he didn't understand it all the way. After Liu Yan spoke, Liu Bei got a glimmer of inspiration, and now he has almost figured it out.

Rest and wait for the high temperature holiday next weekend


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