"Ah, this is indeed a way of thinking. It's not wrong at all." Chen Xi replied with some entanglement. Separating financial rights and then supervising this aspect, focusing on the big ones and letting go of the small ones, can indeed solve the problem. , but the management burden on Chen Xi will increase significantly.

More importantly, Chen Xi is not sure that what Chen Xi is running now must be handed over to Zhuge Liang to continue running it. If the financial rights are independent, the problem will only be bigger when Zhuge Liang takes over later.

From Chen Xi's point of view, at least now that this framework is in Zhuge Liang's hands, it can run successfully and effectively. Even if there are some problems, it can be pushed forward by relying on economic growth.

Just like Liu Bei went to the local area to investigate and found administrative problems due to tiger disasters, did these things not exist before?

In fact, it does exist, but because of the economic growth, people don't care much about this aspect and won't delve into these issues. It's just good for you and me.

"Then what is the problem?" Liu Bei looked at Chen Xi with burning eyes. In his opinion, Chen Xi was almost omnipotent. There was no problem that could not be solved, only a matter of whether he wanted to or not.

"If financial power becomes independent, it will become a new framework. Then who will take over this thing?" Chen Xi looked at Liu Bei seriously, and Liu Bei instantly understood what Chen Xi meant. It was not that Chen Xi couldn't take over, but that What should Chen Xi do next?

"It's okay, we have perfect immortality technology." Liu Bei said, patting his chest.

Most of the people present had not yet understood what Liu Bei's answer of "Don't ask the common people, ask the ghosts and gods" meant, but a few people who understood had already laughed. Indeed, this is also a way of solving problems.

"Let's be realistic. This kind of thing still needs to be passed on. It can't always be left to me. As far as the current situation is concerned, Kong Ming can basically take over everything I have built and pass it on. I can't continue to add to it. Something that adds to the trouble." Chen Xi waved his hands and didn't care about the smiles of this group of people. What kind of crazy problem-solving ideas are there to make me an immortal, you evil beasts!

"Kong Ming, can you take over everything now?" Li You asked with a bit of curiosity, although Li You knew the answer very well.

"It's still far away. We are still quite far away from Zijingdu." Zhuge Liang sighed and said, he just believed Chen Xi's evil and deceitful ghost, right?

"So let's be realistic. You should do both. Financial power must be independent. The numbers I have seen from you in recent years are indeed too large. If it were me twenty years ago, I would be a small official. If you embezzle hundreds of thousands of dollars, you should be killed. Do you know why you were punished by the police?"

Chen Xi probably knew what was going on, but he didn't say anything and motioned to Liu Bei to come and listen.

"I was serving as a county captain at the time, and the Han court wanted to eliminate some bureaucrats. They said they would make decisions based on merit. But you also know the situation. I am not a pedantic person. I originally planned to give the governor a small amount of money, but the other party wanted ten thousand dollars. , what else can you say?" Liu Bei explained in a very free and easy manner, how should I put it, this is in line with Liu Bei's character.

"It was only after I got you that my concept of money changed. In the past, ten thousand dollars was already a lot. Now, a Yanzhou Agricultural and Grain Company can make billions of dollars through corruption!" Liu Bei didn't know what to do. How to describe it.

Li You on the side was somewhat silent when he heard this. What Zhao Yu did was really a thorn in Li You's heart. It made him realize that time will always bring about some outrageous changes, so that he originally Li You, who didn't trust people very much, doesn't trust people even more now.

"Let the bank supervise the bank account and then strengthen the bank supervision?" Chen Xi asked with a frown, but by asking this, it was actually equivalent to agreeing and starting to consider the follow-up issues.

"Yes, at present, the supervision of banks is the strongest, because it only involves money, and the incoming and outgoing are detailed, and every transaction can be checked." Li Youwei nodded and said, "And it only does one thing. If other things are not involved, it is easy to manage. Similarly, the difficulty of supervision is also reduced, and the efficiency can be improved."

Chen Xi nodded. Nowadays, money banks really only do one thing, and that is to manage money. As for money lending, debt collection, deposits and withdrawals, these are essentially money management, and it is indeed easier to manage.

"The problem is that banks are open in various places after all. What if local bureaucrats force certain transactions to pass through certain administrative warrants? Or conduct certain illegal activities in private?" Chen Xi asked with a frown. This is not impossible. On the contrary, this It's very possible.

"It's as if the bank has no class." Guo Jia said with a sneer, "As long as you don't have to account for the bank's performance with the local government, then whoever is blackmailing whoever is blackmailing may not know what will happen!"

"It still has to be calculated." Chen Xi refused. Otherwise, the local bank would really dare to deduct the government's money. It's not like fun things have never happened in history.

"Forget it, let's test a place first and determine a degree first. It's hard for me to tell where to draw the line on this thing." Chen Xi said with a headache, "Let's study it later when we have time. It should be done in the near future. The only way we can continue is to find a way to fish out the princess first."

Seeing that Chen Xi had agreed to the matter and decided to pilot it, the others stopped entangled. In their opinion, there were some things that only Chen Xi could do. If Chen Xi didn't take action, there were some things that they simply couldn't do.

As for the princess, I can only think of a way. If it doesn't work, I can only use killing moves to penetrate the world inside and outside. We can't really let Guishang get the princess, right? It's not over?

"The last one is the Nordic side. There shouldn't be any more accidents. The Kushan side has also sent support. No matter how powerful Odin is, he won't be able to cause some trouble." Chen Xi sighed and said, "To be honest, I am still a little worried about Roma's behavior. The way they work is somewhat different. How to say, let's do whatever they want."

"Perennis probably won't mess around anymore." Guo Jia replied.

"With your words, I feel much more at ease. Let's each handle our own official duties. I will take my time." Chen Xi breathed out and said, and then the bureaucrats of all sizes gathered in the Government Affairs Department looked at each other. At once, everyone stood up and left quickly.

For most people who came this time, it was a great time to watch. As for the sense of crisis, most human beings have no special feelings at such a long distance.

When the Han Dynasty was discussing the next stage of the plan, as well as the response to the subsequent world disaster and the improvement of related technologies, Roma and Kushan got inexplicably involved after discussing the technical issues and the response to the subsequent world disaster. Liu Tong.

No way, at the first high-level meeting in the history of the three empires, the princess, the nominal regent of the Han Empire, did not show up, and was replaced by Jin Hou Liu Bei temporarily.

It's not that it's impossible, but at least you have to show up. As a result, Liu Tong didn't show up during the entire meeting, making it seem like the Marquis of Jin Liu Bei had usurped the throne. If the matter hadn't been urgent and the Lord of All Spirits had been killed, Han Chen Hou decisively cut off the line and ran away. Severus would definitely ask what was going on.

After all, Liu Tong can be regarded as the face of the Han Dynasty. Even if there is an internal struggle, it will not be to the extent that he will not even give any face in such a big event. If he does this, he will lose his face abroad. .

Therefore, after Rome and Kushan discussed the official affairs, they would inevitably discuss what the Han Dynasty was doing, usurping the throne, etc. Rome and Guishan also had a general understanding of the situation of the Han Dynasty. It was unrealistic. The eldest princess had been on the throne for nine years. It's been 20 years, the world is at peace, and Liu Bei and Chen Xi are not treacherous officials and traitors, and they can't commit such a crime at all.

At that time, I made some jokes in front of me, saying that your Han Dynasty is usurping the throne, and the eldest princess didn't come, so that's it. Can you really think that the Marquis of Jin and the Marquis of Chen have joined forces to usurp the throne?

However, Liu Bei and Chen Xi responded expressionlessly at that time. Severus and Vesutiva I were bored and did not ask any more questions. When they had time afterwards, Roma and Kushan were somewhat curious about what was going on with the Han Dynasty.

Of course, the Roman side was just out of curiosity, but the Kushan side was simple. The Beigui's ideas were always pure. Vesutiva I came to the meeting with the idea of ​​meeting the eldest princess of the Han Dynasty, but she didn't see it.

So hard to avoid thinking about what happened, that the eldest princess of the Han Dynasty did not come forward for such a big thing.

So at the end of the meeting, he conveyed the curiosity of his superiors to some extent. However, compared to Severus' pure curiosity, Vesutiva I was straightforward. When the meeting ended, he arranged for Szegedi to use the intelligence system to check Liu. Tong's situation.

More importantly, when Vesudev I mobilized the intelligence system, he spoke righteously - maybe this is an opportunity for us. The eldest princess of the Han Dynasty did not show up for such a big thing. Even if she was unwell, she would at least show up. Face, the result did not appear from beginning to end, maybe it was a manifestation of the political struggle within the Han Dynasty, the opportunity has come!

After Zhu Helai received the relevant arrangements from Vesuthiva I, he was somewhat helpless, but he did not stop him. This was Beigui's tune.

He said that he didn't want a princess, but if he really wanted to say that, it was just a fickle attitude. In fact, he really wanted a Han princess to fall from the sky, and he would be damned if he didn't.

Zhu Helai dared to use Liu Hao's method to eliminate all hidden dangers in himself. Could it be that people like Vesuthiva I had no awareness of preventing addiction to Han princesses?

As for the loyal Yuezhi nobles who are now staying in Guishang, to put it bluntly, after weighing the country and the Han princess, they think the country is more important.

The problem is that such behavior is not worthy of happiness at all. If the country is weighed against the Han princess, then everything else will be ruined if it is faced with the Han princess.

So when Zhu Helai heard that Vesuthiva I had arranged the intelligence system to investigate the situation in the Han Dynasty, he had no worries in his heart. As for whether the intelligence system that he had worked so hard to install in the Han Dynasty would be damaged, that is not the case. Problem.

At least there was no order to activate the intelligence system directly and obtain information about the Han Dynasty's inner palace at all costs.

Based on this, Zhu Helai felt that Vesudeva I was still a rational emperor.

However, in just five days, the Kushan Intelligence System brought back a definite message. The Han Dynasty had lost the eldest princess. Now the eldest princess seemed to have accidentally entered the outer sea in the inner world, and the Han Dynasty had no way to get the eldest princess back. .

When Zhu Helai heard the news, he was dumbfounded. No matter how outrageous the Han Dynasty was, it shouldn't have made such a mistake, right? The eldest princess would actually disappear into the inner world just because she was out on patrol?

This is too nonsense!

Especially when Zhu He came to order people to investigate again, and even used some unconventional techniques, and finally confirmed that this ridiculous news was actually true. The Han Dynasty had really lost their princess to the inner world!

"Is the news correct?" Vesutiva I was already trembling with excitement. This was the princess with the purest blood, the noblest status, and the most prosperous status in the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty actually lost her!

Although the intelligence organization found out in the early years that the Han Dynasty did cause the death of his princess and princess due to some accidents, Vesutiva I already felt that the Han Dynasty organization was a bit outrageous, and when he received the report today When the Han Dynasty was able to destroy its only eldest princess, Vesutiva I could only admire her!

"It is impossible for an ordinary Caotai team to do such a shameful thing. I didn't expect that the Han Dynasty could actually do it." After being stunned for a while, Vesutiva I said with a wild laugh, "No wonder Severus teased the other party and said that it was the Marquis of Jin and Marquis of Chen. They have joined forces to usurp the throne, they have all endured it, and they know how embarrassing it is!"

"Gather me all the civil and military officials, as well as the core technicians from various secret arts rooms, and help me open the doors inside and outside the world in a safe way in the shortest possible time, and locate the outer sea inside the world. I want to bring the princess of the Han Dynasty to Kushan !" Vesudev I replied passionately to Zhu Helai who came to report other things.

Zhu Helai was very helpless, but there was no way he could stop this. Believe it or not, the five nobles would happily do it if they received it later. Even if they received it because of their identity as the eldest princess, they would not be able to marry her. Moreover, if they did anything wrong, it would be very difficult. It is easy for "it's better to have jade in pieces than in ruins". The Dayue clan people are also willing to take Liu Tong from the outer sea in the inner world to Motuluo.

Even if nothing could be done by capturing the eldest princess of the Han Dynasty, Da Yuezhi was still willing to actively try. As for why, why would she consider capturing the eldest princess of the Han Dynasty if she had the opportunity? Are you a purebred Dayue clan?

"Ask if Rome has this kind of technology. We are willing to use the same level of technology for exchange, and ask Rome to help us retrieve the eldest princess of the Han Dynasty from the inside of the world." Vesutiva I came to Zhuhe After leaving, he greeted Dilip who came to report.

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