Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6291 Man-powered tail-stabilized discarding sabot armor-piercing projectile

According to the previous agreement, these elite centurions are used to strengthen the mid-level organizational capabilities of these hundreds of thousands of troops. As a result, it seems that the strategic and tactical value of the Air Force is even greater than strengthening the organizational capabilities of the legions themselves.

So Huangfusong had to weigh whether it was more worthwhile to use these elite centurions as the backbone of the middle-level or to form the backbone of the air force.

"I don't remember anyone being beaten down? Didn't they all escape unharmed? Why do you feel that some familiar guys haven't come back?" Huangfu Song asked strangely as he looked at the group of elite centurions who had begun to stop and land.

"Uncle Guang and Brother Zhang formed a new countermeasures team and tried to behead Odin on the central front." Young Lu Meng explained.

Although many people called Jiang Guang Uncle Guang when they were soldiers together with Jiang Guang, especially when they were working together for a living, most of the soldiers in the same camp as Jiang Guang heard that Jiang Guang was from the Three Rivers and Five Schools, and they still called him Uncle Guang. With a forty-year-old face, one could tell at a glance that he was from the older generation, so everyone called him Uncle Guang. In fact, Jiang Guang was only 22 years old at that time.

Things like Jiang Gu were also known to Jiang Guang at that time. When they entered the camp, Jiang Guang was appointed by Zhang Fei because he had worked in the Sanhe Fifth School and was Huangfu Song's headquarters guard. He was also very reliable. Centurion.

When Jiang Ge, Zhao Zhen and others, who were about 20 years old at the time, entered the camp, they saw Centurion Jiang Guang with an old face that had been damaged by time, and an amazing resume of having worked with Huangfu Song in the Yellow Turban six or seven years ago. Everyone called him Uncle Guang, and no one thought to ask him his age. They all thought that Uncle Guang was already in his forties.

Lu Meng was also a soldier in that group, but he was indeed younger than Jiang Guang. He had been called Uncle Guang for several years. Although he later found out that Jiang Guang was no more than four or five years older than him, he was used to it, so he didn't change it. Keep calling until now.

"Nonsense, they can behead the ones who break the world?" Huangfu Song cursed, but didn't say much. He couldn't behead him, but he could still run if he wanted to. After all, with the current cloud energy, he couldn't fly even if he broke the world. He had to fight forcibly. Bo, he was not killed. If he wanted to run away, he could still run away.

"Speaking of which, does your legion still have the talent for spiral force field and air flow control?" Huangfu Song asked curiously. Before, he just thought that Jiang Guang's disintegration of the demon was really powerful, but later he realized that Jiang Guang Did the shock wave last too long?

"Yes." Lu Meng nodded and said.

"It's pretty good. Chang'an is really powerful. With your chaotic talent structure, it can also cover you with a spiral force field and airflow control. It's really amazing." Huangfu Song nodded in admiration.

The Pure Force Flying Brick can indeed use shock waves, just like airplanes in real life. As long as it flies hard enough and reaches supersonic speed, shock waves will naturally appear. In fact, most of the internal air will leave the body. This kind of thing can also be produced without the suppression of cloud energy.

The problem is that without the constraints of talent, there is a huge problem with the continuity of this kind of thing.

Take the vacuum gun as an example. It requires a powerful flying brick, but in fact, the vacuum gun cannot fly ten meters just by relying on a powerful flying brick.

Without the blessing and restraint of talent, the power of this thing will weaken very severely.

Although the Yuyang Tuqi who can fire a vacuum gun is already outrageous in terms of quality in all aspects, but no matter how outrageous it is, how can Jiang Guang, who is in the disintegrated state of the second-stage demon, be outrageous?

However, the vacuum shock wave roller used by Jiang Guang dispersed within ten meters. The ridiculous power was entirely due to Jiang Guang's high level of hard skills, plus the blessing of spiral force field talent and air flow control. Otherwise, he could only rely on Jiang Guang, shock waves can be fired, but don't think about the range.

"In this case, it shouldn't be difficult for most of you to use a vacuum gun." Huangfusong found another acquaintance, Ma Ye, who used to make a living in Yueqi.

"I can't do it, I can't do it. My smelting skills are rather partial. Although the number of layers has reached the sixth level, my physical fitness is not up to the level of using a vacuum gun." Seeing Huangfusong looking at him, Ma Ye quickly explained, " You can use Dali, and Dali’s vacuum gun can be used to a very cool degree.”

The vacuum gun has pre-requisite physical fitness requirements. Ma Ye refined four airflow controls, one for swiftness, and later found that his body could not keep up, so he polished an adaptive one. However, even so, Ma Ye's physical fitness was among the best in this group of people. Among them, it is also the latter half.

However, when it comes to fighting, Ma Ye is still reliable, and because of his ultra-high level of air flow control, Ma Ye has the ability to obtain some information from the air flow, so he has a certain level of command ability. This time he came to Northern Europe to prepare for it. Become a lieutenant, and then try to see if you can take the command route. It is too difficult to rely on killing enemies to become a Guannei Marquis.

Huangfusong looked at the tall Niu Dali beside him, and then looked at the thickness of the edges and corners of the plate armor, feeling somewhat shocked.

"How much does your armor weigh?" Huangfu Song looked Niu Dali up and down.

"840 Armor." Niu Dali quickly replied.

The armor of the Han Dynasty is numbered according to kilograms. 180 armor means 180 kilograms when fully equipped, and 220 armor means 220 kilograms when fully equipped. Generally, the armor of immortal veterans is basically 3, which is too light, but there are few that exceed 430 kilograms.

The 430 battle fortresses like Jiang Guang and Jiang Hui, which can mount a variety of weapons, are considered the best among the immortal veterans, but there are always some weird ones that can't stand it.

"Okay, okay." Huangfu Song exclaimed in admiration. This charge into the battle is definitely a good move, especially under the pressure of such a million-scale cloud. Even Lu Bu was suppressed to the level of Qi Chenggang that was infinitely close to the level of internal air separation. , to kill this kind of heavily armored shield guard, as long as you don't get stabbed directly in the face, I'm afraid you have to think of some way.

After praising Niu for his strength, Huangfusong looked at Ma Ye, "You are a veteran who came from Yueqi and has mastered airflow control. You can't even use a vacuum gun?"

When Huangfusong commanded the Sanhe Five Schools, Ma Ye was a recruit of Yueqi. More than 20 years have passed and you can't even imitate a vacuum gun? What's the use of you?

Ma Ye was helpless. It wasn't that he couldn't use it, but that the thing he used was too strange.

"Let me demonstrate it to you, and you can evaluate it. I really haven't messed around in the past twenty years." Ma Ye took out a three-edged stabbing sword from the thigh, and then threw it upwards. The vacuum spiral directly wrapped around the three-edged stabbing sword, rising all the way until it extended to hundreds of meters. The thing flew back with the spiral airflow spinning around.

Flying bricks with great strength? I can directly control the airflow to twist it. The lethality is really not good, but the controllability is good. The airflow I blow out by myself can be controlled to spiral hundreds of meters. Although it is not very powerful, you can't do anything. Let’s talk about power.

Huangfusong was silent for a while watching this operation. Although Huangfusong, as the master of talent trees in the Han Dynasty, had also deduced the effects of developing various talents to a certain limit, but to show it directly like Ma Ye, it was really It exceeded Huangfusong's estimate.

"I dare not say that it is unprecedented, but it is indeed unprecedented." Huangfu Song was silent for a while and replied, "Can you control the spiral airflow to a hundred meters away?"

"I'm lucky. I've been practicing for more than 20 years and I'm still alive. It's strange that I haven't practiced to this level." Ma Ye also said with some regret.

In the past, it was difficult for the Han Dynasty to accumulate so many top veterans. A big part of it was the selection mechanism. The soldiers of Sanhe and Five Schools, as the essence of more than 60 million people in the country, in terms of qualifications are definitely the refinement of talent. Among them, the most talented candidate.

However, due to equipment, medical and other reasons, most soldiers with this talent cannot survive the fifth level of smelting.

After all, even if you have enough talent in smelting, fifth-level smelting will take about twenty years, and even top soldiers can hardly guarantee that they will survive until that time. The average human life span these days is only three years. Ten years old.

Starting to serve as a soldier at the age of sixteen or seventeen, in theory, the fastest way to complete the smelting is to be thirty-six or seventeen years old. At this age, it has exceeded the average human life span.

What nonsense!

This is also why in the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty, there were only two fifth-level smelting legions. To put it bluntly, according to normal circumstances, every fifth-level smelting soldier must be talented and live long enough. Coupled with the overall environment, you also need to be lucky enough to not die on the battlefield. With so many conditions added up, it’s crazy how many fifth-level smelting can be achieved.

However, after Chen Xi appeared, the screening mechanism was forcibly changed. Even during the Taishan period, Chen Xi was vigorously promoting medical prevention, first aid, and armor equipment.

The Donglai Smelting Division was started by Chen Xi after he captured Qingzhou. The first-generation blast furnace was built bit by bit by Chen Xi and his people.

The creation of millions of scales also started at that time.

These have greatly improved the survival rate of the soldiers. After the survivability was guaranteed, the number of five-layer smelting veterans was rapidly expanding. Not to mention the wounds on Ma Ye and Niu Dali, compared to before , died of a purulent tetanus long ago, and it is impossible to survive until now.

If you don't live until now, don't think about developing your talent to such an outrageous level. As the saying goes, every peck and every drink has a certain number, that's it.

"Before I met you, I had never seen many people who were smelted by the sixth level." Huangfu Song said very sincerely, so Huangfu Song had never thought about how outrageous the soldiers who were smelted by the sixth level could be. Even Huangfu Song didn't think about it. He felt that those he had encountered before were not of reference.

"Actually, what I am really strong now is not the combat power brought by my talent, but the auxiliary ability brought by my talent. I can distinguish the behavior that causes air flow within 1,500 steps." Ma Ye scratched his head and explained, When a talent is developed to a certain level, the auxiliary effects that appear can sometimes be even stronger than the talent itself.

Huangfusong nodded to Ma Ye when he heard this. With these words alone, he knew what Ma Ye was more suitable for now. As for whether the other party had any ideas in this regard, he knew that if it had this effect, Ma Ye would have to listen. The commander goes to the front line to provide auxiliary command.

"Is there anyone else with auxiliary command capabilities?" Huangfusong asked.

"Does the third-person perspective count?" Yu Mang raised his hand.

Huangfusong looked at Yu Mang carefully for a while, but he didn't have any impression. As long as he was a soldier from Sanhe Five Schools, even if Huangfusong didn't know him, he would at least have an impression. So he was a Yellow Turban?

But the Yellow Turban is just the Yellow Turban and has nothing to do with him.

Yu Mang is really a Yellow Turban, but he quit the Yellow Turban early and did not have the status pressure of the group of Xiaoqushuai in Xuezhou, so 1. He even participated in the crusade against the Qingzhou Yellow Turban planned by Chen Xi. In short, three people from the same village as Yu Mang Huang Jinqu Shuai didn't even know that Yu Mang was a Yellow Jin.

But Huangfu Song was different. In his memory, as long as it was the fifth level of smelting that he had no memory of, there was a high probability that it was the Yellow Turban...

This idea is rather strange, but you have to admit that this idea can solve the problem very well.

After all, those who want to become five-level smelting or above these days must at least reach the level of elite soldiers at Hulao Pass. However, those who could reach this level in those days had to be controlled by Huangfu Song. Even the Xiliang Iron Cavalry had to be controlled by Huangfu Song. Turn twice in front of Song.

"Okay." Huangfusong didn't care at all and was very calm. Then several people reported the auxiliary abilities brought by strange talents such as force field perception, large-scale will synaesthesia, etc. Huangfusong included all these dozen people. Candidates for first-line command as deputy general.

Just when Huangfusong was about to learn more about the talent composition of this group of people, a stream of light suddenly flew over his head. What was even more terrifying was that when this stream of light passed over his head, it pulled out a golden-red laser. Wave wings.

The terrifying charging speed even caused the soldiers below to hear the ear-piercing scream.

"This is this?" Huangfu Song couldn't help but be a little stunned as he watched the golden-red stream of light flying towards the direction of Odin's divine guard.

"It's Zhang Ping, the fastest spiral assault spearman in mankind." A veteran who looked to be almost fifty years old explained to Huangfu Song. He had worked under Huangfu Song before.

"This is too fast." Before Huangfu Song could finish his words, a thunderous roar erupted from the front, and then air waves and smoke rolled away in all directions.

Because of the super-model cloud cover, after Zhang Ping tested a small spiral thrust, he determined that if he used a man-powered tail to stabilize the armor-piercing shelling projectile, as long as it hit the opponent, it would be very likely to kill a world-breaking expert.

After confirming that Odin was just the weaker one among the world-breaking powerhouses, Zhang Ping made a plan and asked others to help lock him in, then he left the battlefield and launched a strong attack from above 20,000 meters away. , this can increase your speed to the limit, and your talent intensity will also explode to unprecedented heights.

Huangfu Song saw Zhang Ping, who was at the end of the attack carrying several God-killing spears at hypersonic speed.

emmm, I had another car crash yesterday afternoon. I’m heartbroken. I shouldn’t have gone to the basement.

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