Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6292 Preparation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

The position of Odin in the middle formation has always been clear. Huangfusong even knew the position very well, but Huangfusong never thought of attacking Odin from the beginning. After all, the guy was in a position that Huangfusong could not kill if he wanted to. Get rid of it.

Even with elites like the Air Force, who cut command nodes like grass, Huangfu Song never thought of trying to behead Odin. After all, just look at the configuration around Huangfu Song to know what kind of configuration there will be around Odin. A large army. As the core figure of a group army, the command is both the strongest point and the weakest point of the army. How could it not be protected well?

It is true that these five or six-level smelting veterans are well-deserved to be the best in the world, but those things guarding Odin are definitely not weak. Normally, if a group of veterans are airdropped, it is basically equivalent to giving away their lives, so Huangfu Song didn't even think about it. Pass.

However, what Huangfu Song never thought of, Zhang Ping led seven or eight immortal veterans to actually do it.

Zhao Ying airdropped a squad to cover Jiang Guang's landing and try to position himself. It was thanks to Beowulf and Sigurd that they still maintained their human decency and did not take direct action, otherwise Jiang Guang would definitely be killed.

However, even if these top powerhouses did not take action, the core divine guards guarding Odin quickly wiped out Zhao Ying's shadow soldiers and fantasy soldiers. If Fu Hua, who was accompanying him, had not noticed that the situation was not good, he would have directly Diving down from a high altitude, his linkage and will synaesthesia were fully activated, and he relied on his super high physical fitness to exert all-round control of his mind and body over a large area. Jiang Guang was probably cut to the ground.

The second stage of the Demon Disintegration is indeed strong enough, but it cannot hold up to the core divine guards around Odin. According to Huangfu Song's settings when he was a legion, it was also the level of the backbone of the Han Dynasty's Central Army. One or two could not kill Jiang Guang, and one or two could not kill Jiang Guang. Ten still can’t be killed?

However, no matter how embarrassed he was, Jiang Guang did successfully land and helped Zhang Ping and Yin Zhi, who was responsible for the launch, get the accurate position. Even if he was cut twice in the process, Jiang Guang was rough-skinned and thick-bodied. To such an extent, it would be no problem to carry it and fly away.

At the same time, Yin Zhi, who was responsible for launching Zhang Ping more than 20,000 meters away, observed the special flying method of the group of guys delivering the message, flew decisively around Zhang Ping, and then continued to attach as many as possible to Zhang Ping. Powerful settings.

Yes, what Yin Zhi has mastered can no longer be said to be a talent. If we really want to compare it, it is actually close to Zhang Yong's miracle. However, Yin Zhi himself has not joined the Miracle Legion, but was born in Jingling Guard and worked under Zang Ba. In addition to conventional talents, the shield guard possesses the most unusual thing, which is the ability of a single individual to distort reality, which is the purest form of idealism.

When chasing Sakala, the first one to jump into the water to chase was actually Yin Zhi. When the other soldiers saw Yin Zhi running on the water, they also chased after him, because all the shield guards in that batch were Jing. Spirit guards themselves have a certain ability to rewrite reality with their will.

The problem was that a certain mean-mouthed soldier asked something that he shouldn't have asked, which caused almost all the shield guards to waver and sink to the bottom. However, in the process, Yin Zhi did not sink. He walked ashore later and took control of the single target. The will distorts reality.

It's just that unlike the less than ten Miracle Soldiers who currently possess this talent in the world, Yin Zhi's will to distort reality requires him to speak before he can activate it.

In other words, words are really powerful for Yin Zhi. He must rely on words to strengthen his idealism, so that he uses his will to distort reality, which always means some great prophecy, but the effect is Absolutely no problem.

"Brother Yin, are you okay?" Zhang Ping asked Yin Zhi as he circled around at low speed.

"Immediately." Yin Zhi half-closed his eyes and hypnotized himself. He had no choice. After he mastered this strange single-body will to distort reality, he felt that he was mentally ill and went to the medical school to have a look. He was also the dean at the time. It was Ji Xiang who taught him some self-suggestion methods. Now Yin Zhi is used to using them and will perform self-suggestion every time he uses them.

The weapons carried by Zhang Ping all floated with Yin Zhi's words, and emitted a faint light. Then Yin Zhi himself burst out with a bright light, covering all the surrounding spears with the light of will.

"Okay, let's start!" Yin Zhi squeezed out the last ray of his spiritual will and greeted Zhang Ping with a pale face. Then Yin Zhi fell directly downwards, and Zhang Ping grabbed his customized antimony alloy. He used a super wear-resistant spear, then mounted the remaining nine God-killing spears under his folding wings, took nine steps and flew towards the position diagonally below Jiang Guang's position.

With one step in the air, Zhang Ping flew forward for more than 300 meters. After eight steps, Zhang Ping's folding wings had not even been fully recovered and had already exceeded ten times the speed of sound at the previous highest burst speed.

At this time, Zhang Ping knew with the help of his leg joints that this was definitely the result of Yin Zhi's talent - a significant reduction in air resistance!

That's right, Yin Zhi did not add any special effects such as guaranteed hit, penetration, pursuit, etc. to the warhead used by Zhang Ping. Yin Zhi used his will to distort reality and rewrite the wind resistance of the gun during its hypersonic flight. As a result, Zhang Ping's speed soared directly to the level of a boundary-breaking eagle after he missed the target for nine consecutive times.

The arc-shaped shock wave generated by the super wear-resistant antimony alloy gun tip tearing apart the atmosphere directly pulled out a golden-red flame in the sky. When Zhang Ping entered the end of the thrust and launched the spiral thrust, the Odin guards in the middle formation looked at What arrived was a golden red flame that was more than ten meters thick and hit it.

Odin, who was conducting frontline command in the center, was already stupid at this time. Ma Chao, who was also attacking crazily, couldn't help but stop his attack when he saw such a terrifying thing coming towards him.

For Ma Chao, even if he was hit by this thing, he would die here today.

However, this kind of thing was actually activated by an ordinary soldier who had become a warrior. Ma Chao felt that he should not come to Northern Europe. This completely subverted his cognition!

"Is this the Air Force?" Ma Chao watched as the golden and red dots in the distance enlarged in an instant, and then flew over his head with strong hot wind pressure. Then his rhetorical question was covered by the deafening roar. Then, before the sound of thunder disappeared, smoke and dust more than ten meters high exploded in front of them.

"Did you hit it?" Fu Hua flew up against the chaotic shock wave and asked the observer on the side as soon as the roar sounded.

"There is no way to be sure. Zhang Ping's speed when he entered the end of the charge completely exceeded the estimate. The position of the main weapon and the God-killing Spear was greatly different from the estimated position." Hou Zhong raised his hand and pressed downward. The force field within the range directly smoothed the shock wave that was still churning.

Originally, Hou Zhong was also responsible for using a large-scale force field to help Zhang Ping terminally accelerate. As a result, Zhang Ping's speed was too outrageous this time. Before entering the coverage area of ​​​​Hou Zhong's position, Zhang Ping was unable to perform due to his own dynamic vision. With effective position capture, he could only rely on experience to release the God-killing Spear first, and then released his beloved antimony alloy spear.

At that moment, Zhang Ping's whole body directly turned into a tail-stabilized armor-piercing shelling belt full-bomb reflective submunition. There was no way, Zhang Ping himself could not withstand such a direct strike to the ground in any case. He had to use it at the right time. If these warheads are launched, they can't launch attacks together with the warheads. If they really want to risk their lives, that's fine, but the problem is that it's not worth it!

Therefore, after discovering that he could not accurately capture the position, Zhang Ping could only take one step away and released the nine God-killing Spears and his own spear. Then, after releasing part of his own weight, he suddenly lifted up and changed the shape of the wing. Zhang Ping was like a rebound, shooting out towards the northern sky at nearly twenty times the speed of sound.

As for the ten warheads fired, they all turned into destructive-level weapons and blasted towards the divine guard on the opposite side. The nine divine-killing spears formed a square array in the crimson shock wave and the main weapon spear and pierced diagonally downwards. In the past, any core divine guard, any talent configuration at the level of Sanhe and Five Schools, any super qualities, under the premise of this kind of spiral piercing talent and nearly twenty times the speed of supersonic speed, they are all dead!

Ten warheads tore out ten large holes several people wide in the center of Odin. Everything encountered during the process could not survive being directly hit by the warheads. Just the spiral shock wave formed by the spiral piercing talent at hypersonic speeds. Enough to stir the other side into bits.

If it weren't for the angle problem, these ten warheads would probably be able to penetrate the entire Odin center formation. Unfortunately, no matter how Zhang Ping controlled the angle of the bombs at the last moment, these ten warheads would inevitably pierce the ground.

However, even so, it still caused huge casualties to the Odin Guardians. More importantly, such a terrifying blow tore apart the Odin Guardians' front line. Because the Divine Guards could not react, they could still Despite this fact, when the God-killing Spear penetrated the earth and exploded, even the morale of the core divine guards could no longer sustain it.

The overall contraction due to the collapse of the frontline defense area directly evolved into a rout at this moment. Seeing this, Huangfu Song did not care about determining the outcome of the battle, and directly ordered all the soldiers to press forward. Even if the more than one million Odin gods could not be defeated today, Even if the guard is defeated, the entire frontal defense area can be destroyed!

In this case, what else is there to say, rush!

"Retreat!" Odin didn't care about the arrogance of the God King at this time. A God-killing spear fell to the ground fifty meters away from him. The powerful power of the spiral piercing caused the entire God-killing spear to penetrate into the earth. Then it released an astonishing power, blasting out a large pit of more than ten meters directly under the cloud. Of course, relying on the buffering of the earth, this kind of explosion did not do much harm to the soldiers.

The problem is that in the era of cold weapons, the lethality is only part of it. Such a blow will do too much damage to morale, so much so that the army that could still support it will collapse.

Coming out of the Nordic shadow world, turning from non-human to human, this is probably the biggest difference for Odin. This time, Odin successfully experienced both the upper and lower limits of human beings. Unfortunately, his opponent showed the upper limit of human beings. And what they are showing now is the lower limit of human beings.

As for the things I told guys like Beowulf and Sigurd before about the trials of humans, they were just joking. If you win the fight, no, at least you have to be equally matched to be considered a trial. Now this kind of To say it's a trial, wouldn't it be funny?

At this moment, Odin somewhat understood the unlucky child he had felt before. What could the gods do? He must die!

In turn, Odin also had to think about whether his previous fight was so smooth because the elite of the human coalition had not arrived yet. Now that the elite have finally arrived, there is no way to fight at all!

Yes, this is how Odin feels, there is no way to fight him!

In the Age of Mythology, if the opponent could fly, so could we. It was just a flying army fighting a flying army, and an army fighting an army. There was no unilateral suppression.

But now, we can't fly but the opponent can fly. How can we fight?

Especially the illegal strikes taken by the human coalition completely exceeded Odin's estimation. How could this be a trial? Could it be that the replacement plan that he racked his brains to come up with just failed? How could this be!

"Catch up!" Although Ma Chao was already feeling a little depressed, he was at least still fulfilling his duties as a commander at this time. As for other unnecessary thoughts, Ma Chao no longer had any more thoughts. The world was changing so fast that Ma Chao was completely unable to adapt. Have I caught up with the times? No, the wheels of time will crush me over and over again!

"Quick, quick, Xu Ziyuan, the great ceremony of the Kingdom of God on earth should be available at this time. Kill these divine guards in one go!" Huangfu Song ordered passionately.

As an orthodox Han Dynasty general, Huangfu Song had absolutely no bottom line when working. He did not intend to let any of the divine guards escape alive. He ran for it from the beginning. The idea of ​​​​killing all these guys is working.

It's just that it would be very troublesome to rely on soldiers to kill millions of divine guards, so early in the morning Huangfusong asked Rome and the Yuan family if they had any weapons of mass destruction?

Both Rome and the Yuan family said that the problem is that it is either difficult to use, or there are too many front-ends, and there are millions of divine guards on the opposite side. If you really want to use it, at least your own cloud energy must be able to overwhelm the opponent, otherwise you will Even if you use some highly destructive secret techniques that rely on the essence of heaven and earth, it will be difficult to break through the opponent's cloud protection.

"Not yet. The opponent is too large. Even if the front line collapses, the clouds will not dissipate. The ritual of the Kingdom of God on the ground to induce changes in the sky may not be effective." Xu You replied, staring at the clouds in the sky.

"Use it if you are told. Odin is like the God of Thunder. Riding on his face to deal damage, hit him in the face!" Huangfu Song is indeed a military strategist, and the method of killing people and killing hearts can be said to be profound.

"I will inform Rome now!" Xu You could only agree after hearing this.

It’s time to go to work again, sigh, let’s take a break from the second round of high temperature!

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