"Old Huangfu, look what you did!" After crushing nearly 100,000 Odin guards, the human coalition finally chose to withdraw their troops, but Huangfu Song was blocked by Perennis as soon as he returned. He said this to his face.

"What did I do? What did I do that was not as outrageous as what you, Perennis, did?" Huangfu Song said in dissatisfaction. By holding me to death, I hammered the consciousness of the world, which then caused a slight deviation in the rules of the world. Besides, this deviation has What's the big deal? Isn't it just that the talent of the guy who was not smelted enough has collapsed? Is this a problem? It’s as if the changes in the past two years were not caused by your family!

You can do it in the first year of junior high school, but Emperor Huangfu can't do it in the fifteenth grade. What an explanation!

"The talent smelting has collapsed!" Perennis said angrily.

"That means the foundation is not solid!" Huangfu Song said in dissatisfaction, "Even the slightest turbulence can cause it to collapse. Look at the Xiliang Iron Cavalry. Why didn't they collapse? The foundation is still not solid!"

Perennis wanted to strangle Huangfu Song on the spot. He didn't believe that Huangfu Song didn't know how great the impact of the changes in the sky on Rome. When he first attacked the Tianzhou Kingdom, the Roman Empire was affected by the sky because it was in the core area. The impact of the change was huge, and most of the Eagle Flags collapsed. It was said at the time that this wave of collapse would take about three or four years to slow down.

It has been three or four years this year, and the Roman Empire has just recovered, but the result has come again, and this time their main force is in the core area again! These four years are all gone!

"Besides, I didn't mean it. I thought it was Odin's trap. Besides, I've already beaten him. How can I stop? The consciousness of the world is the consciousness of the world. It doesn't block our way. Give me face. Block our way. Then there's nothing to say, and it's better to discover this kind of thing in advance." Huangfu Song probably also thought that the Perennis people were angry and tore his hands off in anger, so he tried to persuade him with good words.

Perennis sighed after hearing this. He also knew this. Once the military strategist takes action, there is no option to turn around. Killing the opponent is the way to solve the problem. But now the world consciousness has disappeared, and each of them has carried one debuff, as expected, you still have to find a way to beat this thing into a brainless person.

"Forget it, let's go to our place for a meeting. There are some things that need to be discussed again." Perennis was also tired. He had no choice. Now that the matter was at this point, what else could he do?

"Isn't it just that the smelting disintegrated, what's the matter?" Huangfu Song said very freely. There is more than one path for the Imperial Guard. If the smelting disintegrates, it will be difficult to smelt in the future, so don't take this path. It seems that the Imperial Guard has such an orthodox line. In fact, it only took the past twenty years for talents to be melted into orthodoxy...

Ah, no, in the past few years, orthodoxy was still about talent strength overflowing and correcting basic qualities. If you really want to say that talent has been refined into orthodoxy, it only took these few years, and the period from ten to twenty years ago, and you will never be able to move forward in Rome. There isn't even any other orthodox Praetorian Guard path.

"We need to evaluate the impact this matter will have." Perennis said with a tired voice, "And the path of talent smelting has developed very well in recent years. If the subsequent difficulty increases too much, we need to Consider combining the previous paths with the current talent smelting."

"You used to take the quality improvement route? How do you rely on the essence of heaven and earth to directly improve the basic quality of human beings?" Huangfu Song directly asked the core idea.

This is something Huangfu Song has never understood. It is indeed too outrageous to directly use the essence of heaven and earth to strengthen physical fitness.

Although the essence of heaven and earth does have the effect of strengthening itself, Rome's method of almost breaking the upper limit is a bit excessive.

"This is the secret of Rome. It needs..." Perennis habitually refused, but there is a saying that this is indeed the secret of the Roman Empire.

"Stop talking nonsense, we have the Guards route of transferring talents to skills, and then superimposing skills." Huangfu Song directly interrupted Perennis, and then brought the unlucky Wei Shuang over. This guy's talent collapsed for two seconds. Level, there is no way that after the Wolf Cavalry is promoted to the third talent level, if it does not join a new legion, it is not suitable to take the talent refining route. However, for the Wolf Cavalry, there is more than one path.

Wei Shuang looked around, found a stone and pushed it hard, and then began to perform. The skills of unloading, dissolving, integrating power, and hitting hard were directly displayed. Then under Perenis' surprised look, The right hand with the gauntlet hit the stone with the final blow, and the back of the stone was directly shaken into powder. This was a concussive closing blow.

"This is also the Imperial Guard, but it is different from the Imperial Guard that takes the path of talent smelting. This kind of Imperial Guard strengthens the control of its own power and does not require the coordination and cooperation of the essence of the outside world. It is considered a talent-to-skill route. ." Huangfusong looked at Perennis calmly.

This was the mainstream route twenty years ago. At that time, the essence of heaven and earth was thin, and the talent smelting route was very difficult. Moreover, the method of mastering talents first and then developing talents was too difficult for most legions. In addition, the improvement brought by early smelting talents There were not many, so the mainstream route of the Guards at that time was the talent-to-skills route.

This route naturally has advantages and disadvantages. Just the fact that any weakening of this move cannot be fully effective is enough to kill most of the talent smelting. If you take the talent-to-skill route, you can still use it even if the essence of heaven and earth is isolated. Most power.

Because this kind of thing does not rely on the essence of heaven and earth from the outside world, it can also exert most of its effects. This is the result of one's own deeper exploration of talent, no longer seeking outside, but the result of seeking within.

As for the shortcomings, taking talents such as fantasy warriors, wind exorcism, and air flow control as examples, taking the path of seeking inner strength has extremely high requirements on one's own physical fitness and inner energy reserves.

On the contrary, in terms of combat effectiveness, there is not much difference at low levels.

After reaching the third level of smelting, talent smelting quickly surpassed the Guards who took the skill route. There was no way, the quality bonus advantage brought by talent smelting gradually became apparent.

Of course, the reason why talent smelting is overflowing with talent strength is also obvious, and it is also the difference in basic quality. These days, combat effectiveness cannot be bypassed by a basic quality. The basic quality is strong enough. Even if there is one or two talent differences, you can still rely on the basic quality. Go ahead.

But now there is a little problem with the talent smelting. Huangfusong has transferred the talent to skills again. The Wolf Rider route is good in this way. Even if it is killed by various explosions, it can be used as a fuse. General Wei A masterpiece, do you think it has that little advantage in combat power?

Are you kidding me? The advantage of the whiteboard Wolf Cavalry is that it can verify all the paths when necessary, and even if all the paths are wrong, the Wolf Cavalry can still take the talent-to-skill route that will never be erased!

As for any other route that has advantages, the Wolf Rider who has already completed the road of Wolf Riding and has become a blank slate has obvious advantages in taking any route.

As for the fact that it takes a lot of time to develop Wolf Rider to the third level of talent, considering that soldiers who can take this path basically have the potential to develop to the fifth level of smelting, it is not too difficult to take the path of Wolf Rider again. It's only about three or two years.

Therefore, for Huangfusong, the impact of the changing rules of world consciousness is just that the times have returned to thirty years ago. The question is, was the situation thirty years ago fatal to Huangfusong? It's not fatal at all, and that's all for Huangfusong!

Perennis' expression was solemn at this moment. With his eyes, he could naturally see that Wei Shuang's previous blow did not actually activate too much heaven and earth essence. In other words, the so-called talent smelting was not used. But it would be really scary to exert such power without using talent to smelt.

"This is also the Praetorian Guard." Perennis said after a moment of silence.

The fact still needs to be admitted. This is indeed the Imperial Guard. It does not need, or does not need much talent, to refine the Imperial Guard, but in terms of strength, there is no doubt that it is.

"How about it? It won't be a loss if I exchange your skills." Huangfu Song said bluntly.

I didn't change it before because it didn't make any sense. Just refine your talent. The more you stack, the basic quality will naturally improve. If it doesn't improve, it only means that your talent has been refined to the end.

Under that premise, even if Huangfusong had some ideas about how to improve Rome's quality, Huangfusong would not pursue it specifically and would not commit such a crime.

But things are different now. The talent smelting has actually been interfered with, and the talent-to-skills route has value again. Although the talent-to-skills route is to seek others from others, it will also improve one's basic quality in the process. But if you want to catch up with the improvement brought by talent smelting, it is pure nonsense.

In fact, not to mention that talent-to-skill transfer can catch up with talent smelting in terms of quality improvement, and can reach half of the talent smelting, this thing will not start to be eliminated before Yuan Fengnian.

The biggest problem with this path is that there is too little improvement in basic quality. Anyone who improves basic quality a little more will not be eliminated, because the process of converting talents into skills will allow users to fully understand the essence of talents, and then use their own ways to use this talent.

At that time, the smelting talent will no longer be a skill that the user can control how to release effectively, but a piece of code.

After that, you can cut out the complex and simplify it, or adjust and reconstruct it, because this is no longer a question of mastering or not mastering, but a question of how deeply you can penetrate into the essence with your own power. Therefore, after turning a certain talent into a skill, it will inevitably continue Move to other related talents.

Soldiers who have also mastered the conversion of talents into skills will be far more powerful when using the same talent than those who have not mastered this skill. Moreover, for them, talents are not just what is described on paper, nor is they a fixed The effect is a combination of skills that can be adjusted, corrected, and transformed.

Take muscle defense as an example. After completely completing this talent, and gradually turning this talent into a soldier of your own skills, you can regulate some of your own muscles, modify your own force, and even go further to mobilize more muscles when exerting force. And this is the basis of the operation of strength talent and power instantaneous talent.

It's just that there is no energy and protection provided by the essence of heaven and earth and the energy of clouds, so the talent used in this way will not be very powerful, and it is also possible to hurt yourself in the process.

But if we go one step further and use these techniques more effectively to reduce the backlash on ourselves, and complete the simulation of the external structure of our talents, the energy will be provided partly by our own Qi and blood, even if there is no support from the external essence of heaven and earth. It's enough to produce a considerable effect.

However, the above-mentioned content only involves the transformation of muscles into skills in terms of muscle defense, and does not involve the transformation of defense-related talents into skills.

Therefore, there is a lot of room for exploration of talent-to-skill conversion, and the Han Dynasty has also been digging hard for hundreds of years. Even in the early days of some talents represented by fantasy warriors and shadow soldiers, one must first understand the talent and refine it. Then integrate the skills and rely on your own energy and spirit to combine with the outside world to complete the manifestation of talent.

This also leads to the fact that in the early days, advanced and complex talent structures may not be easy to use, but every soldier who can use advanced and complex talents is a monster.

It's a pity that, as Chen Xi said, if you want something fancy, I can give you two cakes with one punch!

Talent smelting eliminates talent and transfers skills, not because talent smelting is stronger, but because talent smelting is easier and the improvement of quality is more obvious. Talent strength overflows and supplements the basic quality of soldiers to defeat talent smelting. It is not because it is stronger than talent smelting. , to be honest, it is just that the talent intensity overflows faster, and the quality improvement is even more outrageous.

Military strategists are all realists, because they are unrealistic and like to be conservative. Those who survive will of course use whatever is cost-effective.

Talent strength overflow is faster and more effective, so 1 is the talent strength overflow route.

After the change in the sky, the essence of heaven and earth is too active, which makes it difficult to control the talent intensity after reaching the controllable limit. If you cannot achieve the overflow and correct the basic quality, then go back to the old way and continue to refine the talent. Anyway, there is no way out, you have to Tangled in a dead end.

Now that the consciousness of the world has been beaten, the foundation of reality has been further solidified, making the difficulty of talent smelting rapidly increasing. Not to mention that there was still a way, even if there was not, Huangfusong and others would find a way to open up a way at this time.

The talent-to-skills route is, well, very good and has a lot of room for development. Isn't the only shortcoming the lack of quality improvement? Then while thinking about other Praetorian Guard routes, try to see if there are other ways to make up for the weaknesses of the existing routes.

So when Perennis appeared, Huangfu Song bluntly stated that he needed Roma to correct his quality and break the upper limit of his basic quality, and in exchange for this thing in front of him, he could make the decision!

Come on, everyone is almost exhausted this week

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