Perennis still rejected Huangfu Song's kindness, not because he was unwilling to exchange, but because he knew that there was an essential difference between his own quality-improving secret method and the sleeping secret medicine. If he had a normal relationship with the Han Dynasty, he could still cheat him. , but now this relationship is forgotten.

"Okay, if you have ideas later, come to me and we can continue the discussion." Huangfusong saw Perennis's refusal and did not show any obvious dissatisfaction. Instead, he vaguely realized that Rome's kind of thing could break the upper limit of physical fitness. It’s not just a matter of absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, Huangfusong should be able to get it no matter what with the capital he has invested now.

"Emperor Huangfu, save me!" At this moment, Ma Chao shouted miserably and led his camp commander and elite troops towards Huangfu Song and Perennis. However, compared to the past, it was all the magistrates who saved him. I, this time became Emperor Huangfu and saved me.

"What's the matter?" Huangfusong replied habitually. Seeing that Ma Chao had carried out orders without hesitation before, Huangfusong was still willing to help when he could. However, Huangfusong was not aware of some things that should not have appeared. Details matter.

"The thrusting charge talent that my subordinates worked so hard to refine has basically collapsed!" Ma Chao cried bitterly, and then shouted to Huangfu Song, "Emperor Huangfu, help me!"

"It's normal. That's how it is if your foundation is not solid. Your talent hasn't collapsed. At least you are still a guard. It's not a big problem. You just need to spend a few more years training." Huangfusong said calmly, but at this time he was vaguely aware of it. I have noticed something is wrong!

"Help me, is there a quick solution? I can't bear this kind of blow!" Ma Chao cried bitterly, "You are His Majesty the Emperor!"

At this moment, Huangfu Song suddenly realized, Damn it, Ma Chao is calling himself Emperor Huangfu in Chinese, and he hasn't noticed yet!

Four or five years ago, for the first time in a diplomatic environment, a Roman general used Latin to honor the commander of the top army, Huangfu Song. Since his translation logic of Xintong was based on the translation of heart sounds, the translation was His Majesty Emperor Huangfu.

At that time, Huangfu Song was so frightened that Zhang Ren even pulled out his sword. Fortunately, the Romans quickly realized what was wrong and quickly explained to Huangfu Song, making Huangfu Song understand that the Roman Empire was a civil system and there was no emperor. The so-called Emperor was His Majesty. An honorific title for the top military commander.

At that time, Huangfu Song felt that it was outrageous and asked the Romans not to call him that. He tried hard to defend himself, saying that he was not the emperor, but his telepathy was based on the translation of heart sounds, so as long as it was an honorific title, most Romans would treat Huangfu Song as Huangfu when they met him. His Majesty the Emperor.

As for the ones who dare to call Huangfu old guy, Huangfu old dog, there are only guys like Perennis who are also called His Majesty the Emperor.

Human beings' ability to adapt is infinite. As time went by, Huangfusong became too lazy to defend himself. Xu You even teased Huangfusong privately that he had been lost among the Romans' repeated calls to His Majesty the Emperor. But that was to say. Forget it, no one has ever dared to call His Majesty Emperor Huangfu in Chinese in front of Huangfu Song.

Because this is no longer a matter of disrespect. If someone calls you that, it will be like wearing a yellow robe and someone will be killed.

Although they have experienced the Ling Emperor Dynasty, the Young Emperor Dynasty, and the Min Emperor Dynasty, the Yuan Feng Dynasty has been very open-minded about the outrageous things that happened before. It seems that some of them have not been made public, but everyone is very aware of the frame problems of Liu Yan's thousands of Tianzi bikes. , Yuan Shu's emperor's trick problem and so on.

Everyone knows these things privately. Even in Sichuan and Sichuan, due to the lack of early logistics vehicles, Liu Zhang also contributed thousands of top-quality vehicles with shock absorbers that can pull several tons of cargo. How did this come about? , everyone knows it, but they just don’t want to put it on the table.

In addition, Huangfu Song was called Emperor Huangfu by the Romans, and many people knew about it, but as long as there was a reliable explanation for this kind of thing, no one would pursue it. After all, so many outrageous things have happened in recent years, and entangled It really doesn't make sense in this regard. Since this is the tradition in Rome, then respect it, as long as you don't follow it.

It was regarded as a special courtesy given to Huangfu Song. Later, when the Romans met Zhou Yu, also called His Majesty the Emperor Zhou Yu, the matter was like this. As long as people from the Han Dynasty did not follow him and called him too, it was regarded as his understanding. There's something wrong with the translation.

However, just today, just now, Ma Chao broke the zoetrope!

You actually dare to call Emperor Huangfu in Mandarin in front of a group of people, and Huangfu Song dares to respond. You are treason!

After reacting, Huangfu Song drew out his sword on the spot. He no longer looked like an old man who slumped and gasped after taking two steps. When he drew the sword, his movements were extremely standard, exactly like the standard sharp warrior's slashing movements. die!

Ma Chao was startled and quickly got out of the way, but Huangfu Song was so powerful that he swung his sword and struck at Ma Chao. Perennis didn't realize what happened and quickly blocked him. Ma Chao was jumping around and asked questions quickly. Is Huangfusong crazy?

"If you say one more thing today, I will chop you alive!" After being stopped by Perennis, Huangfusong looked around and found that Yuan Tan, Xu You and others were in a daze and had no idea what had happened before. His expression was a ferocious warning to Ma Chao, as a broken world, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. You can call him Emperor Huangfu!

Perennis quickly pulled Ma Chao away. He could tell that Ma Chao most likely stepped on someone else's weak point. However, this kind of thing was too normal for Ma Chao, so he quickly persuaded Huangfu Song, and Huangfu Song was very cruel. Ma Chao finally shut up after giving Ma Chao a look and warning him that if he talked nonsense again, he would lead his troops to kill him.

There was no other way. Although Ma Chao was a little off base, he grew up in the Han Dynasty after all. He also realized that he had said the wrong thing. He immediately stood aside like a defeated rooster, while Perennis said anything. Only then did Huangfu Song be persuaded.

After sending Perennis and Ma Chaoli out of the camp, Huangfu Song was no longer in the mood to attend the meeting. He took out his pen, ink, paper and inkstone and began to explain, saying that he was not intoxicated with Emperor Huangfu, but that Ma Chao was seeking death. , blah blah blah, to show your submission.

"What do you want to say?" Huangfu Song wrote quickly and asked Xin Ying to send it away immediately before paying attention to Xu You who appeared in his tent.

"The Divine Kingdom Ceremony on Earth has detected some other changes." Xu You said very respectfully. Compared to before, Xu You was obviously much more well-behaved when he saw Huangfu Song getting angry.

"What type of change?" Huangfusong asked after sitting upright.

"The essence of this incident is not actually a change of heaven." Xu You explained first, "It seems to be the same as the situation when the Tianzhou was broken before, but in fact there is a big difference. In essence, it should be regarded as the world taking the initiative to deal with human beings. , it’s just that the Miracle Legion crushed this kind of disposal, and the aftermath was just a change in the rules.”

"Does this mean there will be other changes?" Huangfusong suppressed the anger on his face and looked at Xu You with a solemn expression.

"Yes, the great ceremony of the Kingdom of God on the earth detected that some things began to rise from nothingness, or more directly, these floating things were merging into the earth." Xu You answered very cautiously.

When Xu You first designed the Great Ceremony of the Kingdom of God on Earth, it was to protect himself, not to conquer the city. Therefore, the characteristics currently displayed by this thing are not its true core. The people who originally established this thing At that time, Xu You was more interested in providing shelter to the Yuan family and collecting all information on the land within the coverage area.

"Something floated up and merged into the earth?" Huangfu Song was somewhat confused. He didn't know what Xu You was talking about.

"The princess is inside the world." Xu Youyan said concisely and concisely.

"Is the inside and outside going to be connected?" Huangfu Song was stunned for a moment and then came to his senses.

"I don't know, but according to my current observations, it is indeed possible. I asked technicians in Rome to observe Odin's past behavior from the time level. I have some speculations, but I am not sure." Xu You's eyes were wide. Wei Leng said with a touch of solemnity.

Soon Huangfusong learned about Odin's plan from Xu You and couldn't help but frowned, "Are you sure what Odin said is true?"

"Not sure, but even if there are nine falsehoods and one true, only the world consciousness is true, it is enough to infer a lot of things." Xu You shook his head, and then explained, "Actually, according to the agreement between us and Rome, Judgment, Odin’s words are very likely to be spoken to us, and comparing the contents of some myths with each other can also explain some problems."

"In other words, the world consciousness thinks that we have some problems? We chose the inside? Although the rule change was blocked, the other part that is running is still running?" Huangfu Song roughly understood what happened before.

"That's roughly it." Xu You thought for a while and felt that Huangfu Song was a little biased, but generally there was no problem in understanding it this way. In short, it was just that the world consciousness was not in order.

"How can the world have consciousness? Let's discuss it with Rome and send a letter to Chang'an. This illegal existence needs to be eliminated as soon as possible." Huangfu Song crossed his hands and said calmly. As a human supremacist, Huangfu Song Song has an attitude of killing anything that threatens human beings as quickly as possible.

"The Roman side also means the same thing. They believe that human beings' will should be the will of the world. The so-called world consciousness appears without human consent and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible." Xu You gave the answer very calmly. In this regard Everyone's opinion is the same.

"Rome proposes to hold a tripartite meeting first, work together to abolish this thing, and establish a world consciousness that belongs to the commander-in-chief of human will." Xu You turned over the memo in his hand. Rome is very slow on some things, but on some things Rome appears to be very efficient again.

"Three-party meeting?" Huangfusong frowned, not understanding why this was necessary.

Xu You also understood that fence-sitters like Huangfu Song didn't quite understand, so he roughly explained that they needed to sort out some legal content, and also needed to adjust some of the rules that once existed to retain this airs and maintain the stability they deserve.

In fact, this is the orthodox way of playing in Rome. Augustus proved with his own life that the imperial system and the Senate system at the core of the republican system can coexist. Even if one side overwhelms the other, at least there is a basic balance and unity. thoughts can exist.

This led to the rather strange reality of Western systems developing in a constitutional direction.

The purpose of retaining the framework of world consciousness is more to leave a layer of skin, just like the Council of Nicaea later caused by Constantine. It seemed to be just an ordinary religious reform, but in fact the essence of the Council of Nicaea was God's. Every sentence needs to be reviewed before being published.

In the same way, world consciousness is a collection of all spirits and non-spirits in the world. We admit this, but every rule issued by world consciousness needs to be reviewed by the collective consciousness of mankind before it can be released, otherwise it will be invalid!

"It's really fair and aboveboard." Huangfusong was silent for a while to express his understanding. He had never experienced this kind of gameplay, but he could completely understand and accept it. Whoever let imperialism operate indiscriminately like this when dealing with the outside world.

"The other thing is that the concept of the inner world has risen and may merge with reality. This may bring some new changes." Xu You informed Huangfusong of his speculation.

"The enemy is inside the world? Or to put it more directly, the trouble that world consciousness brings to mankind is actually inside the world, right?" Huangfu Song summed up the pile of things above into one sentence.

"Absolutely, it should be, and because the Nordic shadow world is broken, a large number of small worlds are mounted in the real world. During the process of floating and merging on the inside of the world, there is a high probability that these small worlds will be infected. It is likely that the first wave will It will float into the small world." After Xu You closed the memo, he told Huangfu Song the conclusion.

"Co-authored Perennis and did some personnel work?" Huangfu Song laughed and scolded, "It's better to float to the small world first. At least it won't quickly lead to new turmoil around the world. This can be considered a good thing."

"According to calculations, the vast majority of early floats will be in the small world, and only a handful will float directly to the real world. Of course, even if it is a very small number, the absolute number will not be too small given the current huge scale. "Xu You explained worriedly.

"What exactly is inside the world? Is it the trapped mythical age, or the world of the Classic of Mountains and Seas? How much impact can it have if it comes up?" Huangfu Song thought for a moment and asked, "Is the essence of heaven and earth further becoming violent, or is the density further increasing? , or is there some ferocious beast, a mythical beast?”

I understand, I understand. The author knows that he has fewer, so he will add more when he gives me some time to rest. Sigh.

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