Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6654 Possible Directions

"Then what are you going to do after you kill Sima Boda?" Liu Yan didn't want to dwell on what had already happened. All he needed to consider now was the follow-up.

"First, thoroughly investigate your assassination before considering other things." Jia Xu waved his hand and said, "As for the current situation in Xinzhou, after I return to Chang'an, I will discuss it with Zichuan and then take action. Decision, given the current situation, even I can’t guarantee that I will make the right choice.”

Liu Yan nodded, "Indeed, if you don't go through the situation in Xinzhou yourself and just look at the intelligence, it's hard to imagine that the underlying conflicts have intensified to this extent. What we knew before and the real situation here , after all, there is still a big gap.”

Chen Xi said before that Yuanfeng would inspect Yongliang, Xinzhou, and Yizhou in the eleventh year because Chen Xi knew very well that sitting in Chang'an and reading the report, he could not form a correct understanding of some things. Should he come down in person or come down? One trip.

Judging from the information sent from the local government, although there are certain problems in Xinzhou, it is generally stable. However, when a figure like Jia Xu actually comes to Xinzhou, after comparison, we can realize that Xinzhou's current situation How bad is the situation.

Sima Lang's basic idea can be regarded as maintaining stability, especially after the complete migration of the population failed. The subsequent methods basically revolved around the idea of ​​maintaining stability. This idea is not wrong. If it is wrong, it can only be based on Sima Lang's ability. Looking for a problem.

But Sima Lang is not capable enough at this level. Isn't that enough to explain the extent of the problems Xinzhou has encountered?

"Report it to Zichuan. This is indeed an idea." Liu Yan nodded. If it is some corruption and bribery, they can solve it themselves. The problems faced by Xinzhou now are more at the bottom. It is more appropriate for Chen Xi to resolve social conflicts and the local people's distrust of the government caused by some of Sima Lang's early actions.

"Actually, I was also taken around by people during this period. Many of the problems in New South Wales actually fall on the water conservancy and water network. Fighting for water is almost an inevitable part of the life of the locals." Jia Xu He sighed and said, "If you really want to talk about this, it will be difficult to solve."

Although Xinzhou still maintains luxuriant water and grass these days, the distribution of water resources is very uneven. There are indeed large lakes, but in most places where villages are combined, the draft depends on wells. But to grow crops, watering is inevitable.

It is inevitable to consider how to distribute water when drawing water from the river. Compared with the set of gameplay that has barely taken shape in the Central Plains, here because of the earlier integration of villages into villages, in order to reduce conflicts, the relationship between villages and even It can be related to the relationship between race and race.

The fight for water itself is prone to conflicts, and even large-scale fighting between young and strong. Now that the two sides are not of the same race, the battle that breaks out, whether it is the scale or the degree of ferocity, is very likely to go in a direction that is difficult to predict. direction of development.

This is also a reflection of the continuous accumulation of local conflicts. At least when Jia Xu was led by his own people on inspection tours, he had already seen such completely discordant fighting taking place in several places.

"This is very difficult. The climate here is still significantly different from that of the Central Plains. Not to mention the cost of reconstructing the water network, the evaporation caused by direct sunlight is enough to cause headaches." Liu Yan shook his head and said , this is not a question of transforming the water network, it involves too many issues.

"Let's let Zichuan handle it. Anyway, I'll just write down everything I saw and realized and hand it over to Zichuan. After all, this is an internal matter, and it should be handled by Zichuan." Jia Xu was calm. He said, there is no way, he really doesn't have any good solution.

"In fact, from this aspect, it seems understandable that Zichuan hinted that the Taiwei would go to Yuan, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia for inspections." Liu Yan said with some thought.

Even Xinzhou, which is close to the Central Plains, can now cause such troubles. Even if large-scale unrest has not yet occurred, it is an obvious reality that this kind of contradiction at the bottom of society continues upward. In this situation, such as the Yuan family, I’m afraid we really need to take a closer look at what is going on in Central Asia and Southeast Asia. Don’t look at the flowers and flowers, who knows whether the reality has been covered up.

"How's your investigation going?" Jia Xu nodded slightly and put aside the Xinzhou matter. What he really wanted to solve here was never the Xinzhou problem or Sima Lang's problem, but Liu Yan's arrest. The question of assassination.

Although after arriving in Xinzhou, Jia Xu realized that the problem in Xinzhou was also a big trouble, but since there was currently no good solution, Jia Xu felt that it was better to solve the problem of Liu Yan's assassination first, which was related to his personal life. It's safe.

"The reasons behind it are very complicated, but there is no problem in saying that the assassination was a mistake." Liu Yan thought for a while and said, before Jia Xu came, he had already launched an investigation. "If the other party really wants to say it, he can be regarded as a righteous man." Yes, it’s just that he was a little reckless and mistook me for Sima Lang.”

"Do you think this reason can be overcome?" Jia Xu said with a bit of indifference.

"Of course I can't get through. Sima Lang and I don't look alike, and I'm not here in disguise, but I'm here with the imperial edict from Chang'an to solve the follow-up problems of the locust plague. So even if I and Sima Lang were mistaken at the beginning, it's impossible for me to still admit the mistake when I was about to kill him." Liu Yan sighed and said, "The person who assassinated me came from Yutian. It's true that he originally assassinated Sima Lang. As for the later, it's hard to say."

"What's hard to say? Let me interrogate him." Jia Xu said with a cold face. He is an absolute professional in this aspect, but he doesn't show it.

"He has committed suicide. Although he was tied up tightly, I saw that he cooperated and didn't pursue it too much, but he still hit the wall and committed suicide." Liu Yan sighed and said. If the other party didn't commit suicide, based on the other party's previous cooperation, Liu Yan would probably think that this was indeed a reckless righteous man who actually thought he was Sima Lang.

After that, it is likely that he will be given a decent punishment. Although he will definitely be imprisoned, Liu Yan will not pursue it too much with his character. Instead, after the suicide, Liu Yan was sensitive to the fact that something was wrong.

After all, he has been a veteran for so many years. When he was not yet developed in the early years, Liu Yan may have some knowledge of analytical ability and people's judgment, but he has not worked as the director of the Human Resources Department for so many years in vain. How many people have he met and recognized? Can he really be fooled by such means?

"Then it seems that it is indeed aimed at you." Jia Xu looked at Liu Yan with a gloomy look, "This is really bold, daring to assassinate the Han Dynasty official in the Han Dynasty."

If Sima Lang was assassinated, Jia Xu would basically not say anything. Even if he talked about the matter, he would only make some high-sounding statements, not like now, because Sima Lang's threat to Yuan Yang would definitely have a backlash, it's just a matter of how big the backlash would be.

Therefore, even if he died in office, Jia Xu and others would at most give him a decent death, and would not be as ferocious as now. However, Liu Yan's assassination is different.

Let alone the status similar to Jia Xu, what Liu Yan did for so many years was not to harm the people. He was seriously trying to benefit the country and the people. In this case, he was assassinated. Who would work hard for the country if he didn't get to the bottom of it?

He worked for the country and tried his best to serve the country and the people for decades, but he was assassinated and nothing happened afterwards? Damn it, I might as well make money in office, anyway, it doesn't make any difference.

"Anyway, the intelligence is cut off. I asked people to find a way to use secret techniques to investigate, but they couldn't find out much." Liu Yan said somewhat helplessly, "Now there is no direction to investigate. In fact, I am also very surprised. I have been kind to others for so many years. How could someone suddenly come to assassinate me? It's really weird."

If a pure villain wants to make trouble, it is unlikely that he will directly attack Liu Yan, because Liu Yan's guards are not easy to deal with. If a pure righteous man wants to plead for the people, it is even more impossible to attack Liu Yan, because although Liu Yan is a low-key person and rarely appears in front of people, his achievements have been praised by many celebrities, at least they are spread all over the country. If he wants to ask for his life, it is impossible to start with assassinating Liu Yan.

This behavior is no longer asking for life, but completely provoking contradictions.

"To put it simply, the other party is coming for you, not what you think." Jia Xu said with a silent expression, "And the assassination of you might be a sudden impulse. Speaking of which, what do you and Sima Lang have in common?"

"Nothing in common, Sima Lang is smarter and more conscious than me. Although he is somewhat extreme in some aspects, we don't have much in common in general." Liu Yan was stunned when he heard this, and then he naturally began to recall, and finally found that there was really nothing in common.

"That's the problem of official status. What can I get by assassinating Sima Lang?" Jia Xu frowned and began to think, while Liu Yan was thoughtful.

"If you follow your idea, I seem to know something." Liu Yan pressed his temple, and his expression was somewhat solemn compared to before.

"What is it?" Jia Xu looked at Liu Yan and asked.

"After I was assassinated, Boda mobilized some of his men back. Because of local conflicts in Xinzhou, local troops were arranged by Boda to guard various places." Liu Yan said slowly, "Although Boda is called the governor, he does have the ability to mobilize some local troops."

Because of the special nature of Xinzhou, Chen Xi discussed with Liu Bei when he arranged Sima Lang to come over, and gave Sima Lang the power to mobilize some local troops.

After all, Chen Xi is not stupid. The 36 countries said they were annexed, but he also had some ideas in his mind. To put it bluntly, it was like putting a knife on someone's neck. It's not that those kings didn't think about resisting, but they faced Yongliang in the east and the main force of the Han Dynasty to help Anxi in the west. There was also the Wuji Schoolmaster in the middle, so they had no way to fight.

They chose to annex in desperation. If they really wanted to continue to be kings, who among the kings of the 36 countries, except for a few, would want to come to the Han Dynasty as a resident.

Therefore, anyone with a decent brain would know that there would definitely be some turmoil in Xinzhou. In this case, if Sima Lang was appointed as the governor of Xinzhou, he would have to be given certain military power to ensure that even if there was a turmoil launched by the remnants of the Thirty-Six Kingdoms, it could be quickly suppressed.

However, in this aspect, Sima Lang did a very good job. The survivors of the Thirty-six Kingdoms have never had large-scale riots since Sima Lang arrived in Xinzhou. Of course, there are small-scale riots, but there has never been a riot that required Sima Lang. Lang mobilized local troops to suppress the situation.

Most of the time, the local troops who were nominally mobilized by Sima Lang stayed at the station designated by Sima Lang and were basically not dispatched to deter the surrounding areas.

It was not until around the seventh year of Yuanfeng that Fulode took his camel and rode away from Congling to Zangzhou. The Han Dynasty strengthened the security of the Yanbian area of ​​​​Xinzhou and the Yanbian area of ​​​​Yizhou, which to a certain extent once again strengthened Sima Lang's military power. , and of course it also improved Sima Lang's rank to a certain extent.

Fortunately, Sima Lang was sensible and still had not used this theoretically usable military power. It was not until the day before yesterday, after Sima Lang was defeated by Jia Xu, that Liu Yan ordered people to mobilize the army.

However, this is not something that Sima Lang did, but something that Liu Yan did. After all, Liu Yan brought a full set of seals with him when he came down from Chang'an. These documents originally contained content for the local army to cooperate, so It's not like he overstepped his authority.

"Suppose you are assassinated, will Sima Lang mobilize his troops?" Jia Xu was silent for a while and asked. When Liu Yan spoke, Jia Xu had already realized something that he had ignored before.

"Nonsense, of course we have to mobilize troops. No matter what, I am still a veteran, and I was suddenly assassinated under his rule. His most correct choice is to mobilize troops to investigate, or more directly, to mobilize troops here To counter the rebellion, only in this way can he clear up some of his charges and not be too seriously implicated," Liu Yan looked at Jia Xu angrily and said.

"I feel like you don't think highly of me, Wen He." Liu Yan glanced at Jia Xu and said, "Why would you ask such a question?"

"Assign me some professional data analysis manpower. I will be working for Zichuan again in the second half of the year. Please arrange more." Jia Xu did not answer, but directly changed the topic.

"Why do you all want guys with a professional background in mathematics? Even reincarnation is not enough for such people. I can arrange at most three for you now." When asked about Liu Yan's core business, Liu Yan naturally said I no longer pay attention to Jia Xu’s previous issues.

"Isn't that the end of it? I also have a team that recruits professional manpower, but in the end I still have to ask you for some manpower." Jia Xu said very plainly. Nothing can prove that the two are of the same level than their value. Single language If you say so, there is no basis for what you say.

"Oh oh oh, then I will assign these three to Wen Ru first." Before Liu Yan could realize what Jia Xu was talking about, he thought Jia Xu was just saying it casually. In fact, he didn't really need it, so he said He took back his manpower first. There are still many people who need such professionals.

"Yes, yes, it would be great if you have one. If you have one, just arrange it for me." How could Jia Xu not want it? Although he was giving an example, he really needed the help of such mathematics majors to help his peers deal with some things. , otherwise, the second half of the year will be really sad.

Only then did Liu Yan realize what Jia Xu was talking about. He couldn't help but laugh twice, and then looked at Jia Xu. He more or less realized what had happened.

"I'm afraid that the righteous man in Khotan had other tasks. The assassination of Sima Lang was true, but the purpose was not to appease the people's anger, but more directly. If Sima Lang died here, some local legions would be forced to carry out the mission. Mobilize." Jia Xu said with a gloomy expression.

"On the other hand, I am afraid that this is the reason why I assassinated you. It is impossible to admit a mistake. It is impossible for an assassin not to know someone unless he did not do his homework in the first place." Jia Xu half-squinted his eyes and followed Like a black fox.

"Assassinate me and then force Sima Lang to mobilize troops to quell the rebellion?" Liu Yan was thoughtful. Although it sounded outrageous, Liu Yan knew that this idea was okay. If he died, Sima Lang would definitely have to mobilize troops. , and Jia Xu may have to come that day, and after Jia Xu comes, he will mobilize his troops.

After all, Liu Yan was assassinated, which was a rebellion-level movement.

"Well, that's probably the case. It's just that as of now, the other party misjudged your guard strength, which led to them being captured before they succeeded." Jia Xu frowned and said, "But in this case, what will happen to the other party?" You need to think carefully about who’s behind the scenes.”

That being said, Jia Xu already had several candidates in his mind. After deleting someone whose brain was not broken, Jia Xu naturally set his sights on Zangzhou. This idea is a bit like Fulward, simple Rough and resolute, a blasting plan simplified to the extreme.

Seeing Jia Xuxu knocking on the table, Liu Yan also fell into deep thought. He was also thinking about who had a grudge against him, but after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure it out.

"I'm trying to mobilize the troops. If it's really that person, I'm afraid there will be fun next time." Jia Xu said slowly after a while, "There is a reason. Sima Lang was assassinated and the man was already on the verge of death. The information is enough to make a decision, and it should also be in line with the other party’s judgment.”

"I don't understand." Liu Yan looked at the weird look on Jia Xu's face. He still didn't realize what happened, nor did he understand the logic behind his assassination.

"Let's wrap up this aspect first. You first move your troops to the passage on the Congling side to prepare for the possible arrival of the locust plague. I will move my troops here to deal with it and see if I can deceive the other party." Jia Xu was speculating. After taking out some things, he quickly made arrangements for Liu Yan.

"I hate this situation of not knowing anything, but considering that my brain is indeed not as good as Wenhe's, I decided to accept the reality." Liu Yan said unhappily to Jia Xu who didn't want to tell him the cause and effect, but still agreed to Jia Xu's proposal.

"Because if you say it, you will consider the possibility of this aspect. If you don't say it, you will definitely deal with those things as before, and dealing with them as before is very important for some things." Jia Xu said with a bit of comfort, but it didn't matter whether it was true or not, anyway, Liu Yan believed it.

"Then I will go to Xinzhou near the Pamir Mountains to make arrangements. It just so happens that the third round of locust plague is about to arrive. Speaking of it, the three rounds of locust plagues have been reduced to this extent, but they can still cross Central Asia and kill to the position close to the Pamir Mountains. It is really too against the sky." Liu Yan said with a bit of awe. In the agricultural era, it is difficult for normal people not to feel awe for locusts.

"When the time comes, you should arrange more and reduce the losses as much as possible. Many conflicts in local villages are actually extended from food, clothing, housing and transportation. The basis of fighting for water is to produce more food. If the locust plague can be suppressed, the internal conflicts can be suppressed to a certain extent. Now is not the time to ignite these conflicts." Jia Xu told Liu Yan.

"I have asked Wang Yuan and others to make a design. By then, most of the locusts should be solved, and I will bring some local bureaucrats with me." Liu Yan nodded and said, "But it is not the time to ignite these conflicts yet?"

"Not yet." Jia Xu shook his head, "It is not good for everyone to ignite at this time. It is better to delay time first. You never know when the opportunity will come."

Liu Yan did not ask after hearing this. In his impression, Jia Xu is often so mysterious, but there is nothing to say. His brain is not very good, and the speed is not enough. It is normal that he can't keep up with such a mysterious guy.

After discussing the relevant matters with Liu Yan, Jia Xu quickly wrote a letter to inform Chang'an and asked Chen Xi to send a letter to Ma Xinde. He needed to confirm one thing with Ma Xinde, that is, whether Ma Xinde had gone too far, causing Fu Ward to prepare to break up with Ma Xinde peacefully at the moment.

For Ma Xinde's educated and moral decent breakup plan, whether Chen Xi was satisfied or not was put aside for the time being. Jia Xu was quite satisfied, because such a decent person was also trustworthy when working for the Han Dynasty in the future. If this guy strangled Fu Ward to death, even if he was a ruthless person like Jia Xu, he would definitely be on guard in his heart without saying it on the surface.

Therefore, Jia Xu must now quickly let Chen Xi confirm the current situation of Fu Ward and Ma Xinde's peaceful breakup, because the current situation in Xinzhou is that Fu Ward is preparing for a last-ditch effort, and it is very reasonable to return to Kushan regardless of victory or defeat.

To understand this situation, the simplest solution is to ask Masinde directly. After all, Masinde, a respectable man, must be looking at Fuward now, and Fuward should have realized it by now.

Slip, slip, it's the end of the month, vote if you have a ticket, QQ's monthly ticket will do, miserable

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