Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6655: Extremely Difficult

The Han Dynasty's civil officials have never underestimated Fu Ward. He is a good general and has courage and strategy in state affairs. Although the plan to go to Qinghai-Tibet was proposed by Ma Xinde, Fu Ward's courage to execute it is enough to explain many problems.

Therefore, on the whole, the Han Dynasty's civil officials have a very good evaluation of Fu Ward. After all, in the current situation, officers who can do what others cannot do are all very good officers.

"So, in the blink of an eye, a new incident has occurred?" After Chen Xi and Fa Zheng were pulled back by Li You, they looked at the letter sent by Jia Xu, feeling a little tired. They originally thought that everything had been arranged in the recent period, and all matters were handled by each place, and they just waited for the New Year's big court meeting. As a result, in the blink of an eye, another big event has occurred.

After all, if Fu Ward intervened in this matter, well, there is no need to do so. With Jia Xu's ability to analyze and judge, he can land on Fu Ward's side. There is no need to discuss Fu Ward's situation. The other party must have intervened, and there is a high probability that he is the mastermind.

Again, Fu Ward did not cause a big incident because the Han Dynasty had people in Tibet, and there were also local legions in the blockade of Xinzhou and Yizhou Yanbian areas. Fu Ward had few people and could not achieve results in one battle. Any confrontation with the Han Dynasty could not change the final result.

The most frustrating part of foreign wars is here. The suppression of the logistics transportation system has suppressed the front-line troops to the extreme, resulting in a huge gap between your combat effectiveness and the normal situation even if your hard power explodes.

This is also the dilemma of the Han Dynasty in the Ganges River earlier. It's useless to be strong. If you can't maintain a one-to-five record on the battlefield, the opponent can wear you out.

This is the situation that Fuward faced. The 40,000 people under his command, in terms of hard power, have no problem in the war of the Empire. Even if the core headquarters was severely humiliated by the three idiots, it is still the same sentence. Those who are qualified to be humiliated by the three idiots with the Xiliang Iron Cavalry and auxiliary soldiers are undoubtedly the elites placed in the core of each empire.

You can say that the Xiliang Iron Cavalry runs slowly, and you can say that the Xiliang Iron Cavalry is not enough to attack, but when the frontal battle starts, when the Xiliang Iron Cavalry launches the steamroller mode to push horizontally, if you can still barely hold on, you should also know what level you are.

The core headquarters of Fuward and Assam are almost at this level. After all, the two of them had to perform the task of containment at the beginning. If they did not give some supplementary hard stubble, even if they entered the Han Dynasty and were caught by the tail, they might be easily bitten to death.

Therefore, in terms of paper combat power, Fuward's strength is still very reliable. Even if he goes crazy, he can hold on to a small-scale imperial war.

However, paper is just paper. What about the actual combat power? In the Battle of Qiangtang, the young and strong men of Qingqiang and Faqiang led by Yang Pu and others retreated directly.

In terms of the losses of both sides, Fu Ward is undoubtedly the winner, but from a strategic perspective, Fu Ward is undoubtedly the loser. It is a great waste to waste the limited troops on the local Qiang people. This is also the reason why Fu Ward became more and more cowardly later.

There is no way. If you don’t cowardly in foreign wars, it is easy to have a wave of flying in the early stage and a direct wave of overturning in the later stage. This is also an important reason why Ma Xinde has been able to control Fu Ward in recent years.

It’s just that this kind of control seems to be ineffective now. After all, Fu Ward is not a fool. To recognize a person is not to look at what the other party says, but to look at what the other party does. Ma Xinde has done a lot of things, which is indeed beneficial to the strategy, but he has been suppressing Fu Ward’s idea of ​​attacking, even if the reason is very sufficient. Now both sides should almost show their cards.

Therefore, when Jia Xu passed his speculation back, the senior officials of the Han Dynasty basically agreed with this speculation. It is likely that it was Fu Ward’s last dying struggle.

"What do you mean by a new incident?" Li You looked at Chen Xi with dissatisfaction and said, "If you really want to talk about what's going on, don't you know?"

After Gan Ning drove away the seventh-generation ship, Li You did not stay in Donglai for long. He almost chose to return on the same day. In terms of stability and purity, the officialdom of Qingzhou is still very good. After all, every household in Qingzhou has a person who has seen blood.

The solutions to many things depend on human cognition, and the people of Qingzhou who have experienced a truly chaotic era have more in line with their own morals for many things. Liu Taiwei let us have enough food, we believe Taiwei, you don't seem to be prepared to let me have enough food, then you are definitely not Taiwei's people, fuck him!

So Li You went over to inspect twice, and by the way, he passed by Taishan and brought a few disabled veterans who he remembered to Chang'an to enjoy the limb reattachment technology, so he didn't do much. In his words, if all places can maintain the atmosphere of Qingzhou, then the prosperity of the country is just around the corner.

Chen Xi sneered at this. It was nonsense. It was pure nonsense. The situation in Qingzhou has only been in the past ten years. You will know it in ten years. People cannot live in the past forever, and those who have experienced that era will eventually leave. Prosperity and peace will naturally breed darkness. This is too normal.

"I suggest that Ma Xinde surrender directly and don't pay attention to those things, but who asked him to give Fu Ward a decent face? Now that it has become like this, he dared to collude with the Khotan people to assassinate Wei Shuo. It goes without saying what he wants to do next." Chen Xi curled his lips and said. Morally speaking, he really shouldn't drive Ma Xinde to do this, but Ma Xinde was doing it, and Fu Ward sent people to make trouble.

"Speaking of which, it seems like a lot of things are crowded together now?" Zhuge Liang slowly closed the official documents in front of him. Chen Xi was trying his best to get away. As a result, Zhuge Liang's work became more arduous, and the two goblins at home were fighting more and more frequently. The higher the level, the more bizarre things are developed.

"Almost. After all, it is Yuanfeng's tenth year. There will be a great court meeting at the end of the year. There will be many things at this node every time. This is the case in the first year of Yuanfeng, the beginning of the sixth year of Yuanfeng, and the beginning of the eleventh year of Yuanfeng. It's just a continuation of this situation," Chen Xi said calmly.

It's not just that things are crowded together, but that many real big troubles cannot be cleared up in a short time. After all, several of them are not the affairs of one country.

The Nordic Odin is now said to be half-dead, but as long as he is still alive, he is a problem.

The locust plague, although the core Locust Heaven was strangled to death by the three empires, the locust plague has not been completely resolved. After the third round of locusts has been greatly reduced, they have now successfully landed in the northwest of Kushan. As for the Han Dynasty, Central Asia was already in danger. Fortunately, with Liu Yan's arrival and Jia Xu's neat knocking down of Sima Lang, the food that Yuan, Yang, and Chen families lacked was at least delivered to them.

This means that the Central Asian aristocratic family will not explode in the short term. The problem is that the Central Asian aristocratic family can survive it, but it does not mean that the thieves in Central Asia can survive it. If the first and second rounds of locust plagues can be considered as allowing the thieves in Central Asia to survive, The bandits were in a predicament of cannibalism, and with the arrival of the third round of locust plague, the Central Asian thieves had no choice but to retreat, and they could only break out with the Central Asian aristocratic families.

At present, Liu Ye has received a lot of urgent reports from Central Asia, but still the same sentence, those who can shout for help are at least alive and kicking, and those who are really silent and have little response , Liu Ye was kind-hearted and asked Huang Tao to go and see if the other party was still alive.

Anyway, Central Asia has been in chaos recently. The Han family wants to defend Wubao and not start a war with the Central Asian bandits. However, the Central Asian bandits will desperately besiege the surrounding areas even if they do not have enough siege weapons. Wu Bao, after all, if you don't fight, you will die. If you hit him at most, you will die. Anyway, you will die. Of course, you will choose the one who dies less ugly.

So much so that wars are now everywhere in Central Asia, and all the major families are basically besieged by the bandit armies that are in the midst of famine. The major families are also very angry about this. After all, no matter where they get it from, it has been delayed until now. of food and grass, but generally we are sure to survive the third wave of migratory locusts.

But this premise is that there is no large-scale consumption. Once the war starts, even if it is to defend the city, the loss of food and grass will increase on a large scale. After all, when you can't go to the battlefield, you still have to eat just enough to maintain life. Running food, that's not nonsense.

Therefore, as long as a war breaks out, it will mean that every family is in danger of running out of food, so that now the families in Central Asia have some mentality explosion.

In addition, Aldashir noticed that Cao Cao was suffering from a locust plague again, and finally made up his mind to attack. Now that the war in Beigui has restarted, Cao Cao himself has problems with his performance due to a bunch of debuffs, and he was also taken over by Aldashir. The first mover was almost beaten now. Fortunately, the area near Kandahar was not occupied by Aldashir, and Cao Cao seemed to be able to hold on.

One is black and the other is black. In addition to Yuan Shao, who is against the trend, Cao Cao is also very fierce. Even AI Cao Cao, under this kind of against the trend, actually has to rely on external contradictions to gradually stabilize his own power. The territory of power is only very far away from victory, and it cannot even be expected in the short term.

Taking into account the entanglement between Jiangdong and the Kushan Empire, as well as the chaos in the northwest, and the possible occurrence of things like Fuwu's move to Xia Zangzhou, Chen Xi currently has a lot of things piled up in front of him.

"Other things can be put aside for now. The Fulward matter needs to be dealt with as soon as possible." Fazheng suggested. Compared with other things, there is still a certain buffer period. The Fulward matter is really the best thing to do. It could happen at any time, and the Han Dynasty had no control over this matter. After all, when Fulward said he was leaving alone, he left alone, unless Masinde chose to put a sack on him.

But Masinde has made it clear that it is impossible to do such a thing, so this matter has become something that must be resolved now.

"In fact, the simplest plan at present is to let Qingqiang and Faqiang attack to suppress Fuwode. If the two sides fight, Fuwode will have no energy to do this. Even if they open up the enemy in the northwest, The legion has flaws, but it is short of manpower. No matter what Fulward has in mind, it will be useless." Guo Jia said calmly, "Although Qingqiang and Faqiang are not strong, Fulward can exert great influence in Zangzhou. His manpower is limited and there is no way to replenish it if one of them dies. "

"Don't do this unless it is absolutely necessary. Although the leaders of Qingqiang and Faqiang have repeatedly expressed their willingness to fight Fulward at any cost, we cannot treat this as the norm." Chen Xi shook his head and said.

Both the Qingqiang and Faqiang have expressed their opinions, and Chen Xi also believes that the statements of these two tribes are from the heart. The problem is that Chen Xi allows the Qingqiang and Faqiang to stay in Tibetan areas for the purpose of assimilation, construction of Tibetan areas, and border guarding for the Han Dynasty. The legion is preparing for the Tibetan area.

After all, preparations have been made to carve out the essence of the Ganges River, so the final precautions must be taken. Chen Xi believes that when Liu Bei and himself are alive, the previous generations of feudal lords will definitely not rebel and will definitely support the Han Dynasty, but when Liu Bei and himself are alive, After he and Liu Bei left, the feudal lords who owned the essence of Kushan would be damned if they didn't have the ambition to covet the Central Plains.

Or to put it more directly, I have such strength, why don't you ask me how heavy the tripod is? Don't I have the consciousness to unify the eight wildernesses?

Everyone is this kind of person, the eldest brother doesn't say the second brother.

So from the very beginning, after Liu Bei agreed to this plan, Chen Xi knew that the backlash of enfeoffment of the essence of Kushan was only a matter of time.

However, considering the establishment of the Han cultural circle, Chen Xi can't let this backlash appear too early. At least it must last for a hundred years to completely assimilate the local area into the homeland of the Han family.

And to maintain it for a hundred years, it is necessary to hold the Tibetan area and deter the essence of Kushan from a high position.

Admittedly, because of the Little Ice Age, the snow line of the Himalayas has moved down, making it unacceptable for ordinary legions to go through the Tibetan area to enter northern Gui and the Ganges, but the Little Ice Age is only a few decades. After this period of time, it is still possible to go.

After all, in the official history, Fu Kang'an led the Qing army to fight against the Gurkhas from the northwest into Tibet, then crossed the Tibetan area for two months, crossed the Himalayas and went straight into the Gurkhas, and then killed the opponent.

Although there are indeed some other reasons in this, logically speaking, it is feasible to go south from the Tibetan area to enter the Kushan without the influence of the Little Ice Age, and there are enough advantages from top to bottom. As long as the overall gap is not too big and there is no shortage of water in the mountains, the advantage of diving on the opponent is actually very obvious, and this is the chain that Chen Xi put on the enfeoffment of the Kushan.

It's just that this chain is still being manufactured, and because of the existence of the Little Ice Age, even if this chain is built now, nothing can be seen. Just wait for Liu Bei and Chen Xi to survive the Little Ice Age, and before they die, they will show the Ganges lords who may have changed two generations of leaders at that time how to quickly attack the Ganges from the Tibetan state, which will be enough to suppress for decades to hundreds of years.

Therefore, the construction and assimilation of the Tibetan area is very important. From what Chen Xi has learned so far, even with the special support of Chang'an, the output of the Tibetan area alone can only be stationed at most 50,000 troops. However, sometimes, there is a huge difference between having these 50,000 and not having them, which is enough to affect the overall situation.

It is for this reason that from a long-term perspective, the handling of the Tibetan area also needs to be carefully considered. As for the layout of the future, Chen Xi will not mention the suppression of the Ganges Essence Area now.

"In fact, it is best to let Qing Qiang and Fa Qiang fight Fu Ward. We now know Fu Ward's exact location. Yang Pu and the young and strong can launch a sneak attack. It should not be a big problem." Li You also suggested, "This is the most effective solution."

"Fu Ward should know that the Bactra Mountain City has been occupied by the Han Dynasty and has become the fiefdom of the Chen family. How could he still go to the northwest?" Fa Zheng glanced at everyone present and asked, "The assassination of Sima Lang, and then forcing the local legions to dispatch troops to quell the rebellion, resulting in a gap in the northwest blockade, is obviously a sign that Fu Ward wants to escape, although I think it is strange to run from the northwest."

Fu Ward's current situation has changed a lot from the past. In the past, he was able to go to Zangzhou. In addition to the reason of the change in the sky, a large part of the reason was the surprise and the help of the Yutian people. In fact, the assassination of Liu Yan this time can actually be seen. Even up to now, Fu Ward still has a strong influence among the Yutian people.

But it's normal to think about it. When the Kushan Empire was at its peak, the people of Altai actually fought to Khorasan, then looked east to the Han Dynasty, and forced the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions. During this period, they did control several small countries, among which Khotan itself was one of the controlled countries.

Khotan must have been unhappy when it was controlled, but compared to the later integration of the Han Dynasty and the destruction of the country into a county, the Kushan Empire's actions in those years were more acceptable to them. Considering that there were restorationists in Khotan, it was not surprising that they were mixed with the Kushan Empire.

But on the other hand, with the existence of the Khotan people, even if Fuward was blocked in Tibet, he would not be unaware that his hometown, the Bactra Mountain City, had been captured by Chen Zhong. In this case, Fuward pulled a flaw in the northwest, which was simply funny.

To put it bluntly, even if Fuward had the ability to reach the sky, he opened a gap in the blockade of the Northwest Local Legion, and then rushed down with his elite troops, tens of thousands of people would need a lot of food and supplies. With the burden of food and supplies, Fuward's marching speed could not be increased at all. Considering that the mountain city of Bactria was no longer in the hands of the Kushans, Fuward's return route directly became Pamirs → Central Asia → Herat City → Kandahar City → Kabul → Peshawar.

To be honest, if Fuward could go back like this, he would at least have to have Alexander's ability to win every battle and support the war with the war, otherwise he might be hit and killed as soon as he went out.

This road is not something that Fuward can take. Not to mention that the camel cavalry under Fuward is now at most at the level of the Royal Guards, and may even be a mixture of Royal Guards and double talents. Even if they are all the top elites who can fight against the Xiliang Iron Cavalry head-on, what can they do?

In the past, Ardashir's journey from the Caucasus was shorter than Fuward's current route, and the difficulty coefficient was lower than now. Oswin was also waiting in the Kandahar area. As a result, Ardashir's last batch of legions that transported personnel and logistics were still defeated by the Central Asian family.

The gap in strength between the two sides is there. Even if Fuward experienced the highest enlightenment in a place like Tibet and achieved a complete transformation, as long as he is not a military god, don't expect to take 40,000 people back to Kushan by this road. If he has this ability, he can just rush to Chang'an, causing chaos in the world, forcing Bai Qi and Han Xin to take action, and shocking people and gods, isn't it good?

"What do you mean? Make a feint to the east and attack in the west?" Chen Xi asked thoughtfully, "It shouldn't be, we are still in the Little Ice Age, the snow line is so high, not to mention Fuward, we secretly sent people to try to cross the Himalayas before, and there is no way to execute it."

While speaking, Chen Xi looked at Guo Jia. This extreme plan was made by Guo Jia, because Guo Jia and Guan Yu had walked through the southern foothills of the Himalayas and had some understanding of the terrain there. He always felt that although the mountain roads in the Himalayas were difficult to walk, they were not much more difficult than those in Sichuan and Shu. Finding an elite mountain corps might try to start from Tibet, directly cross the Himalayas, and then airdrop to the capital of Kushan.

This is the beheading and pincer attack plan that Guo Jia came up with. In name, it is a few armies, forcing the main forces of Kushan to go to the front line, and then a divine soldier will descend from the sky to directly behead the Kushan capital, kill the Kushan capital with lightning speed, and then lead the troops to attack the rear of the front line, cut off the opponent's food and logistics, and then easily obtain the final victory.

How to say this idea, if the beginning of the third century was not in the Little Ice Age, this plan would have no problem, even if the quality requirements for the soldiers were very high, and it would take a long time to train and adjust to climb to the Tibetan area, but in general, the plan is fine. After about three years of preparation, this cost-effective plan should be implemented.

However, the problem now is that during the Little Ice Age, the snow line has dropped. The snow line on the southern foothills of the Himalayas has dropped from the original six kilometers to three or four kilometers, and all conventional channels are finished.

As a result, Guo Jia's decapitation plan was ruined after being evaluated by dozens of immortal veterans, because even immortal veterans almost died when taking such an outrageous route. The most unlucky ones even encountered an avalanche. The difference in the snow line of several thousand meters, an operational error, and the avalanche caused by it, let alone a person, even an entire army, is enough to bury you.

So in the end, Guo Jia gave up this plan.

Therefore, after Chen Xi said the idea of ​​making a feint to the east and attacking the west, Guo Jia was the first to glance at Chen Xi. It was Chen Xi who asked him to do the verification. As a result, Chen Xi himself is now considering how to cross the Himalayas from the north to the south. What else is funny?

"It seems impossible." Fa Zheng was silent for a while. He also knew the verification done by Guo Jia.

"It's impossible to go northwest, and it's impossible to go south. What does Fu Ward want to do? Give an explanation?" Zhuge Liang asked others with a somewhat confused tone.

"It's not impossible." Li You was silent for a while and said, "It's possible that this is the result that Masinde wants."

It's the end of the month, those who have votes should vote, sigh, remember to vote for August's monthly votes, there seems to be a problem with the backend of Qidian this morning, I sent it several times but it didn't work

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