Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6667 Life and Death

"Military Advisor Masinde took out the talisman and handed it to me. I actually knew what he meant. He should have seen it a long time ago, but I don't want this kind of charity. We can fail and be beaten to our knees, but we can't even abandon our long-cherished wish." Sidney pushed Fu Ward and rushed forward directly.

Next is Sidney's war. In this world where faith is enough to change reality, the orthodox Great Yuezhi, who have a long-cherished wish for a hundred years and are bravely moving forward, have enough power while distorting themselves. However, their power is mixed with their faith. If they are used to seize the princess, the limit of their burst is far stronger than it is now.

But in the current Kushan, in order to survive, this power that contains faith itself has long failed to show the effect it should have.

Sidney personally led 1,300 people to block the Qiang people who were ten times larger than his own, while Fu Ward silently led the remaining less than 2,000 soldiers to rush towards the northern Tibetan mountainous area.

Sidney is very strong. He is not much weaker than Fuward when he lets go. After all, he is the commander-in-chief of the district, just like Kabechi and others under Barak. If it weren't for the troubles of Kushan, these people would have been the future heirs.

However, no matter how strong a general is, he can't play much combat power when facing an army that is ten times his size, and there are only more than a thousand people on his side and more than ten thousand on the other side.

The command ability is greatly reduced on this scale, and Yongwu has to face the suppression of the clouds of the Qiang people. In such a cruel situation, all Sidney can do is delay.

Mangzhong wanted to kill Fuward, but Sidney's blocking made him unable to get away. The scattered front was almost killed by Sidney. Mangzhong also realized that Sidney was a tough guy.

So Mangzhong no longer expected to kill Fuward, but concentrated his forces to strangle Sidney and the elite Kushan soldiers left by Fuward. As Fuward withdrew, until the distance was pulled to a certain extent and he successfully entered the northern Tibetan mountainous area from the west, Fuward's mind image finally lost its blessing.

The glow of the mind image disappeared, and the sky was also dim. The battle that had dragged on from noon to now was finally coming to an end.

"Surrender." Mangzhong looked in the direction of Sidney and called out. Influenced by the Han Dynasty, Mangzhong also had the attitude of capturing those who could be captured alive. After all, in this era, prisoners are more meritorious than beheadings. "My target is Fuward, and I don't want to kill you."

Sidney looked in the direction of Mangzhong, and then looked at the camel knights who had lost the blessing of the mind image, were tired and hungry, and were completely exhausted. There were less than 800 people left, and except for himself, everyone was injured and had reached the end of their rope.

"If you are willing to surrender, lay down your weapons. As a general, I will give you an explanation, and you have tried your best." Sidney said as he looked at his soldiers who had fought to the end.

As for Sidney himself, he was not ready to surrender. His mentality was inclined to self-destruction. The confluence of Beigui and Nangui, while gaining more practical benefits, also gave up Beigui's long-standing beliefs. For Sidney, it was almost equivalent to the collapse of his heart. He gave up his legion in Kushan and flew to Fu Ward, just to let Fu Ward answer his doubts.

However, the doubts were not resolved. Fu Ward did not think this was a wrong thing. Sidney respected Fu Ward's choice, but he further strengthened his judgment-the Kushan now is shit! The Great Yuezhi who gave up the long-cherished wish for a hundred years is a wild dog!

Just die here!

Sidney bent slightly and made a cheetah sprint, and the camel riders under his command also refused to surrender. They all followed here and vowed to die for the country. Why humiliate this belief? Fight!

A pale silver glow was released from Sidney's body. This was his mind image, which gave him a false destiny.

Mangzhong's eyes lit up, and then became much more solemn. He had never thought that this guy who chose to be the rear guard and looked like a deputy general would actually have a mind image. You know, even in the Kushan Empire, not every officer with a name and surname has this kind of thing.

In fact, if you have one of the legion talent, mind image, heart abyss, and illusory eagle flag, you can at least be considered to be on the world stage.

So when he saw this scene, Mangzhong was somewhat shocked, but because of this, after the other party opened his mouth and refused to surrender, he did not persuade him anymore, and directly led a large group of young and strong men to rush up. When the battle reached the moon on the top of the mountain, Sidney suffered more than a dozen injuries and died of exhaustion.

"My name is Sidney. Bring my head to claim the reward." Sidney, who was wounded dozens of times, was not angry. Instead, he felt relieved before he died. However, even though he had achieved inner relief, Sidney still maintained the dignity of a military officer with internal energy out of his body and died in battle.

"Send a letter to the commander-in-chief. We have done our best and killed a Kushan officer with a mental image." After Sidney died, Mangzhong sat on the ground. After such a long battle, he was wounded in several places and one of his sons died. Mangzhong himself was exhausted. He was able to hold on until now thanks to holding his breath.

Now that Sidney is dead, this breath is gone. Mangzhong is exhausted from the bottom of his heart and has completely lost the energy to continue chasing Fu Ward.

Xinzhou, after using thunderstorms to kill off the remaining locusts on the mountain roads, Liu Yan realized that his original idea was rash. Although thunderstorms are indeed very strong, facing such a locust plague of billions, it is indeed beyond his ability.

After that, Liu Yan could only kill the locusts as much as possible. As for keeping the enemy out of the country as mentioned earlier, just pretend that nothing was said. After working so hard for ten days, Liu Yan gave up killing the locusts because the damn ones were already dead, and he had no good way to deal with the locusts that rushed into Xinzhou.

So after closing the stall, he returned to the government office in Xinzhou again. At this time, Jia Xu was still staying in the county governor's office, which made Liu Yan somewhat embarrassed.

"The locust plague was successfully cleared?" Jia Xu teased with a bit of sarcasm.

"We underestimated the scale of the locust plague. Even if we built super dangerous lightning weapons, we couldn't solve the overwhelming locusts. I really underestimated the scale of this locust plague. No wonder the three empires need to join forces." Liu Yan said with a bit of tiredness, but he didn't care about Jia Xu's teasing. After all, after working with Jia Xu for so many years, Liu Yan knew clearly that Jia Xu was just joking with them at most. In front of other people, he was always solemn.

"In East Africa, the combined strength of the three empires has killed most of the locusts. The remaining ones that can rush to Xinzhou are less than one in a hundred." Jia Xu replied with a smile.

"So I had no hope of solving it from the beginning, right?" Liu Yan said unhappily, "Speaking of which, what have you been doing recently? I feel like you've been busy recently, and you seem to have been idle these days. What happened?"

Jia Xu glanced at Liu Yan. Although he was still quite different from them in terms of brainpower, Liu Yan, the weakest one, had made a lot of progress over the years. At least he could tell whether he was slacking off or working.

"Because you were assassinated, I have to take some precautions to see if I can solve this matter." Jia Xu said calmly.

After all, he was a man who hurt the heavens and not the culture. Even though Liu Yan's assassination was completely an accident, and because he had enough guards, Liu Yan was not injured at all and took down the assassin, even so, after Jia Xu came to Xinzhou, if he could solve this matter from the root, he would still solve it from the root.

"Oh, Fu Ward, right? I didn't understand what you meant before, but when I thought about it later when I was killing locusts, I realized it more or less." Liu Yan said Fu Ward's name on the spot, and Jia Xu was not surprised by this, but just nodded.

"By the way, Fu Ward is in Tibet, and you are operating here, remote control, right?" Liu Yan asked curiously.

Jia Xu shook his head and said, "No, I just readjusted the deployment of local troops in Xinzhou and strengthened the management capabilities of each area."

Liu Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jia Xu, "Fu Ward is going to Tibet? How is this possible? If he drags on in Tibet, we don't have any good solutions, but if he goes to Tibet, we will only quickly solve it. Whether he goes to Xinzhou or Yizhou, he will die."

Compared with the Qiang people in Tibet, the local legions that blockade Xinzhou and Yizhou Yanbian areas are not tough, but they can really block camel cavalry.

The Qiang people in Tibet cannot be stopped. In addition to the problem of weapons and equipment, another important point is that the Qiang people in Tibet have not accepted comprehensive military service in the past few years. Well, even if they have accepted universal military service, it is impossible for 15-year-old children to master various skills and tactics in the past few years.

And the local legions in Xinzhou and Yizhou Yanbian area that blocked the passage to Tibet, at least every soldier has been properly trained. If nothing else, at least they are standard regular troops, with backbone centurions to strengthen the organization and ensure that the soldiers under their command can play their due combat effectiveness.

This is completely different from the Qiang people in Tibet. Tibet said that it would mobilize more than 100,000 young and strong this time, but most of them are not even regular soldiers with one talent. They are really bullying the camel cavalry under Fu Ward. Because there is no mount, there is no way to play the due strength. Only the double talent is close to the strength of the guards. Otherwise, it is nonsense for the young Qiang people to block Fu Ward.

The gap between the two sides in terms of hard power is too big, which is why Fuward has few people and cannot use his core talents. Otherwise, if Fuward was at his peak, he would have been able to resist the attack of 10,000 or 20,000 Qiang people if he didn't care about the loss.

The saying "one Han against five Hu" refers to the same level, that is, a Han elite with double talents can fight five Hu legions with the same double talents, not the so-called Han elite of the Imperial Guard can only fight five times the number of Hu young and strong. If it were the latter, the Imperial Guard would have committed suicide directly, and it would have been so embarrassing.

Therefore, even a guy like Liu Yan who doesn't know military affairs knows that if Fuward fools around in the Tibetan area, he can barely survive, but if he goes to the Tibetan area, he will really die. The difference between the combat effectiveness of the Qiang young and strong and the combat effectiveness of the Han regular army is too obvious.

To be more practical, it is not just the difference in basic quality, but the difference in weapons and equipment. It is not that Chen Xi deliberately disparaged the Qiang people's equipment, but the weapons and equipment Chen Xi gave to the Qiang people according to the population ratio and the equipment needed by the young and strong army formed by the Qiang people by drawing one out of four are completely different things.

Therefore, in this case, Fu Ward's going to Tibet was simply seeking death in Liu Yan's view. Although staying in Tibet was also a slow suicide, it was much better than dying on the spot.

"What you said was normal, but that was a normal situation. After you were assassinated in Xinzhou, the local army in Xinzhou would inevitably be affected. According to normal logic, even if investigators came from Chang'an, the local army would be asked to shrink first." Jia Xu agreed with Liu Yan's judgment, but that was just a normal situation. When was he Jia Xu normal?

"After you were assassinated, some of the things that Ma Xinde covered up had to be exposed. Ma Xinde would not let Fu Ward do anything that would affect the subsequent handover too much. In fact, the main thing Ma Xinde did in the past two years was to pull the tens of thousands of people under Fu Ward to our command. If we delay it any longer, Ma Xinde will have pulled all the people." Jia Xu said with some admiration.

Jia Xu also knew Ma Xinde's ability. His subsequent position was Liu Yan's deputy. It didn't sound like a high position, but if Liu Yan really wanted to say it, he was the head of the Human Resources Department of the Han Dynasty. Ma Xinde was basically airdropped in and had real power.

Chen Xi originally didn't plan to let Ma Xinde solve the Tibetan area, but directly let Ma Xinde be Liu Yan's deputy, but Ma Xinde said that people have to start and end well. He brought Fu Ward to the Tibetan area, so he had to give Fu Ward an explanation in the end, and he solved the problems in the Tibetan area, which would reduce a lot of losses.

This is not a lie. Without Ma Xinde's assimilation of the more than 30,000 Kushan soldiers under Fu Ward, when Fu Ward had no choice but to fight with the Qiang people in the Tibetan area, the damage caused would be several times, or even ten times, more than it is now.

However, according to the time, Masinde should not have confronted Fu Ward at this time, but Fu Ward sent people to Tibet to collude with people in Shule and Yutian, and assassinated Liu Yan, so some things had to be exposed.

According to Jia Xu's understanding of Masinde, at this time, Masinde should have eaten up 80% of Fu Ward's forces, and Fu Ward should choose to take people back to Kushan.

Again, the Han Dynasty's civil officials and Masinde knew Fu Ward's mentality, so for Jia Xu, what he had to prepare next was to deal with Fu Ward.

However, Jia Xu would not go over Masinde to deal with Fu Ward. This was Masinde's dignity and Jia Xu's recognition of Masinde.

"So you are laying out in Xinzhou and waiting for Fu Ward to come down?" Liu Yan lowered his head and thought for a while and understood what Jia Xu was doing recently. It was obvious that he was setting up a pocket formation in Xinzhou, waiting for Fu Ward to come down, and then gathering the forces in the Yanbian area of ​​Xinzhou to knock Fu Ward to death.

"Yes, but Fuward didn't come down. He probably went to the Karakoram Corridor. It seems that he escaped." Jia Xu said calmly.

"Escaped?" Liu Yan didn't understand. "Wait, why did he go to the Karakoram Corridor? Isn't it difficult to go there? Aren't there many passages in the Himalayas? Why did he have to go through the most difficult supply place? If he really wanted to go, he could go to Quma Mountain and Kashmir."

"We will take action if he goes to those places." Jia Xu said calmly, "Our deal with Masinde is that Masinde will solve the problems in the Tibetan area and handle everything. That is, in this matter, we will not intervene and let Masinde handle it, but this does not mean that Masinde will completely let Fuward run back with the most core elites, and we will not care."

Jia Xu agreed with Masinde's logic. Although Chen Xi was unhappy, Chen Xi had not intervened until now, which actually showed that Chen Xi could accept it.

But there is a bottom line in this matter. If Fuward goes back alone, the Han Dynasty will not stop him at all. But if Fuward wants to take the most core elite troops back, then Masinde must give a decent explanation that both sides can accept.

Because thousands of people have experienced the harsh climate test in Tibet and successfully returned to the main backbone of Kushan under the siege and interception of more than 100,000 Qiang people, the Han Dynasty will not accept it. This is equivalent to stepping on the face of the Han Dynasty. This is also why Masinde persuaded Fuward to go back by himself. If you must take these people back, it must be a road of conscience.

Again, we Han Dynasty said that you, Masinde, should handle the affairs of Tibet by yourself, so in this case, Fuward fought back hundreds of thousands of people under the siege and interception of local people in Tibet, and the Han Dynasty accepted it. But if Masinde still gave Fuward advice and let Fuward take the main force back, then don’t blame the Han Dynasty for being rude. This is also the reason why the main force of the Han Dynasty has not ended until now, because the affairs of Tibet have been fully handed over to Masinde.

By the way, this is also the reason why Zhang Ji persuaded the Qiang people that it was enough and there was no need to do so, because Fu Ward's ending was the last respect given to Fu Ward by Ma Xinde. Zhang Ji did not realize it before, but after being knocked out by Ma Xinde, he calmed down and understood what Ma Xinde was waiting for.

But there is a premise, that is, Fu Ward did not go to Tibet, and ran around in Tibet, and finally broke away from the blockade and went to Kushan.

But if Fu Ward went to Tibet, he would be killed by the Han army, and it would be impossible to blame others, because this respect was given to Ma Xinde, and Ma Xinde was allowed to handle Tibet with full authority. If it went out of this range, it would not be Ma Xinde's business, but the business of the Han Dynasty.

So Jia Xu had been constantly adjusting the local army of Xinzhou Yanbian some time ago, waiting for Fu Ward to rush down to Tibet to die. As a result, Fu Ward still did not rush down yesterday, and Jia Xu realized that Fu Ward did not choose this path in the end.

"Oh, in Tibet, it is Ma Xinde's business, and outside Tibet, it is not Ma Xinde's business. This is understandable." Liu Yan nodded after hearing this, and he could understand this.

"Fu Ward did not go to Tibet. If he came down, I would have killed him directly. If he did not come down, there would be no way, and it would still be Ma Xinde's business." Jia Xu said with some regret. Although Fu Ward's assassination itself was not aimed at Liu Yan, and Liu Yan was not really injured, this behavior alone deserved Jia Xu's cautious treatment.

It's a pity that with such a bright opportunity, Fu Ward did not run down from Tibet, and first went down to Tibet and then entered Tibet. It's really a pity.

"What should we do now?" Liu Yan asked curiously. This did not involve confidential information, so Liu Yan asked directly if he wanted to know.

"Just wait for the final news. Fu Ward has escaped." Jia Xu was not surprised. Accidents were inevitable. "But the problem in the Tibetan area has been completely solved so far. Let's talk about it later. According to Zichuan's habit, the Qiang people should be compensated a lot later. After all, the Qiang people did contribute to the Tibetan area this time."

Qing Qiang, Fa Qiang, and Di people contributed a lot to the siege of Fu Ward, so necessary rewards still need to be given. In addition, in order to maintain the strategic advantage of the Tibetan area over the southern Guizhou area, these people still need to contribute. In the future, the Tibetan area will have to enter a new round of development. These all require Chen Xi to increase investment. Although Jia Xu does not quite understand why Chen Xi wants to develop the Tibetan area, Jia Xu and others are too lazy to ask even if they do not understand. After all, that is Chen Zichuan, who is really invincible in internal affairs.

"So essentially, the final battle of letting Fu Ward run away was also to prevent the Qiang people from feeling overwhelmed when they collect the supplies later, right?" Liu Yan explained the matter in his own words. Jia Xu thought about it and felt that it was almost the same.

After all, the Qiang people didn't die more. With the way Chen Xi distributed supplies now, the Qiang people had to consider what he wanted to do with so many supplies and whether he deserved these rewards. Once some things were thought too much, it would be bad for everyone.

What Chen Xi needed was the kind of person who didn't think about anything after taking the supplies and just listened to the command from Chang'an. The Qiang people had clearly shown that if they took the supplies from the Han Dynasty, they would have to work hard to death. So it was better to fight first and expel the biggest threat in the Tibetan area, and make this merit higher. Then, when the Qiang people collected the supplies, it would not be so easy to feel overwhelmed.

After all, the Qiang people had obviously returned to their hearts, and there was no need to let them suffer because of the problem of supplies. As for Fu Ward who ran away, he was almost a tool in Chen Xi's eyes.

I got up late, and the high temperature holiday is over. I feel sad.

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