"Zichuan just talks about it. In fact, if he really doesn't like it, he will take action. In the case of Masinde, he just beeped twice. Now this matter can be regarded as That's it." Jia Xu said to Liu Yan in a somewhat teasing tone. This kind of thing could only be said between them. Even if others heard it, they would pretend not to have heard it.

"That is to say, do you think Fulward really ran away?" Liu Yan said curiously.

"If Fulode doesn't go to the Tibetan areas, it's actually a question of how much they will lose. Although I don't know the overall situation in the Tibetan areas, if both sides are in a hurry, I am actually more optimistic about the Qiang people." Jia Xudai He said in a thoughtful tone, "Although the Qiang people in Tibetan areas are quite weak, the Qiang people in Tibetan areas really dare to risk their lives."

Liu Yan nodded when he heard this. Chen Xi paid and the Qiang people worked hard. Under the current circumstances, it was completely logical, and the fighting power of both sides was not so great that the Qiang people were not afraid of death and could not break through the defense. To this extent, the Qiang people estimate that they can cause considerable damage to Fulward.

"Although there is no accurate information, just based on the chat between the two of us, I estimate that Fulward will only be able to bring three to four hundred people back to Guishang in the end." Jia Xu said with a somewhat speculative tone.

"Three or four hundred people?" Liu Yan frowned, "No, it can't be that small. After all, Fulward should have a legion on hand when he retreats. How could it be possible? There are only three to four hundred people left.”

"Up to now, Fulward has not appeared in Xinzhou, which means that he must have been blocked, and blocked more than once. Otherwise, he should have sent people to try the waters here in Xinzhou." Jia Xu pointed out. Looking at certain locations on the map, he said, "So Boward most likely entered the mountainous area from the east side of the Northern Tibetan Plateau. At this distance, if you want to enter the Karakoram Corridor, the losses will be huge."

The natural environment of the Karakoram Corridor is indeed very harsh during the current Little Ice Age, but this harshness is not enough to kill these top elites under Fulward.

After all, the remaining elite soldiers of Fulward at this time, even if they are weaker than the Xiliang Iron Cavalry that trained around the North Pole, are at least as good as those of the Kou family's guards. Back then, Li Jue and others could not bring any logistics. Crossing the North Pole, based on their quality, Fulward and his group should be able to cross the mountainous areas of northern Tibet and enter the Karakoram Corridor, and then enter Kushan.

However, this is not the case. A very important point of Li Jue and others’ activities such as training around the Arctic and appreciating the natural scenery of Eastern Europe is that even if their logistics are destroyed, they can at least continue to obtain from the natural environment. From meat to meat, plus the tea they carry, vitamin supplements, etc., this group of people can rely on their own tyrannical strength to maintain their peak.

But Fulward who walked through the mountainous area of ​​northern Tibet was different. There was no environment where Fulward's men could continue to obtain logistics. Fulward, who was short of food and clothing, led his men to take this road. To put it bluntly, there were at most Moss is eaten, and there is no guarantee that it will always be there. What is a cruel real environment? This is a cruel real environment.

"If there are sufficient logistics, the possibility of Fulward leading his men back through the mountainous areas of northern Tibet is not low. After all, they are still at the level of the Imperial Guard. If they can be easily wiped out by the natural environment, how can they afford it? The imperial guards don't have enough logistics..." Jia Xu said with a bit of ridicule.

Without sufficient logistics, this place in northern Tibet is likely to become the most desperate place in Fulward's life, and it might even be better to fly back by himself.

"To a certain extent, this road back to Kushan can also be regarded as Fulward's road to ask questions." Although Jia Xu has never worked with Fulward, he still made the same judgment as Masinde. , "To be honest, if I were in Fulward's position and flew back directly, it would be better for everyone."

Liu Yan glanced at Jia Xu and said, "It's easy for you to say that. If Fulward comes back alone and we release the news that Masinde has defected to the Han Dynasty, Fulward's situation would be worse than bringing his soldiers back."

This is the fact. Fulward went back alone without any soldiers. When Chen Zhong defected to the Han Dynasty and Masinde defected to the Han Dynasty, Fulward had to go under investigation when he returned. Even if Zhu Helai had a clear mind and wanted to It's not that easy to release Ward.

"No, you are wrong. Fulward flew back to vote for Oswin. There is a high probability that there is no need for review. As long as Oswin believes in the other party, it will be fine. And I think Masinde will definitely tell Fulward this. Something, but I'm afraid even if Fulward agrees with this suggestion, it will be difficult for him to change his behavior quickly." Jia Xu said with a touch of ridicule.

Liu Yan was silent for a while after hearing this. It was really boring to stay with these top wise men.

However, Liu Yan can still understand the choice of Fulward from the perspective of ordinary people. No matter how heroic Oswin is, he is still Fulward's junior. When Fulward was the lord, Oswin was still Niranjan's. Where is the younger brother, and Niranjan is worthy of chatting and laughing with Fulward.

As a result, after so many years, he actually had to make a living under Oswin, even though Masinde made everything clear to Fulward, and even made a special explanation, convincing Fulward that in certain behaviors It is also difficult for Ward to change quickly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about Fulward, what's going on in Central Asia now? Since we happen to be here in Xinzhou, we really need to pay attention to the situation in Central Asia. Something is really going on in the province." Jia Xu didn't have much interest in getting entangled in the matter of Fuwode. As long as Fuwode went to the Tibetan area, the matter would be over. As for the rest, Fuwode's life and death, that was Masinde's problem. .

"Central Asia, the situation is still relatively bad, but after Xinzhou sent the stored grain and grass, the situation has improved a lot." Liu Yan thought for a while and explained, "Although there are still a lot of bandits, the overall situation It’s chaotic, but after the food and grass problem is solved, the major families have at least stabilized their own situation. As for other things, to be honest, it may be difficult to change in the short term. "

Jia Xu nodded when he heard the words. The destructive power of the super locust plague in East Africa was there. The entire Central Asia was basically eaten up, and the Parthian people who were not included in the Han family could only become bandits at this time. After all, they had become If you become a bandit army and attack Wubao, a Central Asian family, you may die, but if you don't become a bandit army, you will definitely die. Either you will be eaten by others, or you will starve to death.

What is happening in Central Asia now is no longer a matter of cannibalism by the exploiting class, but cannibalism in a real physical sense. In short, the situation in Central Asia can be described as tragic.

If the Han family has enough food at this time, it can really win the hearts of the Parthian remnants. After all, the locust plague has reached its third wave and food has been out for two months. No matter how persistent the Parthian remnants are after two months of hunger, After a few months, I started to sneer at my persistence.

It's a pity that even the Han family, which has received assistance from the Han Dynasty, does not have the extra strength to support these Parthian survivors at this time. What's more, after the situation has reached this point, the dark and evil nature of the Han family has been revealed. Make sure that your family will not die. That's it. As for the others, they will be used to make room for their deaths. Previously, it was difficult to clear out these Parthian remnants who were entrenched in their own sphere of influence, but if God helped clear them out, the Han family would also be willing to take advantage.

"It's already reached this level. What's going on with the two biggest thieves in Anxi's hometown?" Jia Xu nodded slightly when he heard this. He had his own estimate of this situation. As for cruelty, I'm sorry, Jia Xu used to be in Liangzhou. I have already seen this kind of cruelty when I was a child, not to mention the remnants of the resting place. Sorry, I don’t know them at all. I’m just treating them like a monkey show. I’m a bad breed!

"We were plundered by bandits." Liu Yan said with a long sigh.

Laguerre and Mosul are actually decent people. At least they have been beaten by the real environment for many years and have realized a lot of things. So in the early days of the locust plague, these two people led their men everywhere to search for supplies and rescue the people of Parthia. This was the time when these two people were at their most famous, and even the power of their subordinates began to expand rapidly. After the disaster, many Parthian survivors quickly gathered towards these two people when they heard about the existence of such a force.

During that time, Raghar and Mosul had even surpassed Ardashir in Central Asia. However, the good times did not last long. The destructive power of the locust plague completely exceeded the expectations of the descendants of these two nobles, leading to the After the second round of locust plague, the food and grass of these two people has become unsustainable. In this case, Laguerre and Mosul must first provide food and grass to their regular army.

This is the starting point of the contradiction. When most people cannot eat, Laguerre and the regular army under Mosul can eat. However, the regular army cannot bring back more food and grass, and the horses have to eat more. Forage, these are very deadly.

When the third round of locust plague rushed to Central Asia, the Parthian people who had gathered under Laguerre and Mosul chose Laguerre and Mosul exploded.

I have no choice but to explode as I have no food to eat.

Then there was a chaotic battle. Laguerre and Mosul suppressed this group of mobs with amazing strength, but their own losses were not small. What was even worse was that the two men originally planned to lead their young men to fight to the death and blow up a family. The aristocratic family, on the contrary, was completely ruined.

The young men were gone, and their own regular army was beaten to pieces, and massacring one's own people was really a very uncomfortable act, especially since the two of them still had some kind of righteous heart, and in this case they bloodbathed these themselves The gathered Parthian people had a great impact on the two of them.

"Sure enough, we have come this far." Jia Xu was noncommittal about this. In fact, when he heard that Laguerre and Mosul were gathering to rest the young man, Jia Xu had predicted that such a day would come, but It came so quickly, which was still a bit beyond Jia Xu's estimate. But on the other hand, it can only be said that the locust plague in Central Asia was too serious.

"Some soldiers under Laguerre and Mosul also parted ways with Laguerre and Mosul after this time. After all, their original banner was to rescue the Parthian survivors, but in the end, Parthian died in their hands. There are more survivors than the Han family has," Liu Yan said with a sigh. He could understand the pain and the behavior of both parties. From a neutral standpoint, he said that both parties had their own wills, but wanted to If you want him to help, then stop dreaming, he will only understand it verbally.

"That's it." Jia Xu pressed his temples. If the matter reached this point, he would have to think about some follow-up matters.

Laguerre and Mosul were able to stay in Central Asia and even occupied a large area without being wiped out. A large part of the reason was the private support of the Parthian survivors. This support may be food and grass logistics. , or maybe one or two of their own young men. It is with this kind of support that these two people can stay in Central Asia.

But in this case, these two people have cut their roots. I am afraid that it will be difficult to continue to stay in Central Asia in the future. After all, without the support of the local people, these two people will take the lead in fighting the Central Asian aristocratic family. They could not before Fighting, that's because even if some of the soldiers under his command are lost, they can quickly complete the replacement of troops. The Parthian survivors who have never joined the Han family still regard themselves as Parthian people.

But now, Laguerre and Mosul have done something like this, and the basic plan has been smashed. If they want to stay in Central Asia in the future, they will face a situation similar to that of Fulward. There is no way Even if the elite army of reinforcements is powerful, as long as it can break through the defenses, after several rounds of encirclement and suppression, there may not be much left.

In this case, Laguerre and Mosul seemed to have little choice. It seemed that they could only escape from Central Asia and seek refuge in Ardashir.

There is a saying that these two people were once Aldashir's subordinates, at least in name. After all, Aldashir sent someone to contact even a guy like Haftan, and made a certain decision. The master-slave relationship, descendants of nobles like Laguerre and Mosul, have naturally come into contact with each other, and the relationship is definitely closer.

It's just that these two people have been entrenched in Central Asia for the past few years. I'm afraid Aldashir is more or less aware of the situation. This time these two people have overturned. The original grand plan is gone. The choice of guarantee will inevitably become the final choice. ,in this case……

"Are you considering Ardashir?" Liu Yan said with a smile. Although he doesn't understand military affairs, there are people under him who do. It doesn't need to be too profound. You just need to give him a general overview of the situation. That's fine, so when he saw Jia Xu's expression, Liu Yan knew what the other person was thinking.

"Well, after Laguerre and Mosul did this, they can't continue to wander in Central Asia. Before, they could always occupy a territory no less than that of the top aristocratic families. In addition to strength factors and terrain factors, Another very important point is that the support of the Anxi survivors, including manpower, material resources and information, makes it difficult for the surrounding families to kill each other." Jia Xu nodded and said, "Now it is considered self-defeating. Destroyed the Great Wall.”

Without the support of the Anxi survivors, all the dangers of mountains and rivers are nonsense. Which of the surrounding Hanoi Zhang family, Shanyang Wang family, and Wenxi Pei family is Yi Yu's generation? The reason why we didn't fight before was because all three families noticed Laguerre and the others. It is a force with a basic base. There is no need to fight to the death. It depends on whether it can be integrated. Just like the Zhongshan Kingdom that sneaked into the Central Plains during the Zhou Dynasty, it was integrated first and then dealt with when it had enough strength.

But now that these two people have destroyed the foundation, what else is there to talk about? It’s nothing to talk about and nothing to recruit. I can eat you, so why should I cooperate with you? Just do it, even if Laguerre and Mosul Your subordinates are very strong, but how many times can you be strong? Without the young men to replenish the troops and the common people to provide food and grass, it will be a lonely army. Even if it wins many battles, it will eventually be defeated because there are no soldiers.

"Is there any danger on Cao Sikong's side? According to what you said, these two people are likely to give up their original sphere of influence and choose to join forces with Aldashir. And now Cao Sikong and Aldashir are at war. This If the two of them lead their soldiers and grab Cao Sikong's back, can Cao Sikong really withstand it?" Liu Yan said with some worry.

It is true that there is a lot of dissatisfaction with Cao Cao's behavior. After all, he is a famous man, but from the perspective of the country's overall strategic situation, if Kandahar occupied by Cao Cao is destroyed by Ardashir, the situation for the Han Dynasty will be ugly. .

"It's okay. Although Cao Sikong has many shortcomings, his ability is still trustworthy, especially recently. He has been very reliable." Jia Xu said calmly, as if he had no idea what Chen Gong had done.

"That's it." Liu Yan didn't ask any more questions. As long as Cao Cao's situation didn't collapse, Liu Yan really didn't care about the rest.

While Jia Xu and Liu Yan were talking about Central Asia, Laguerre and Mosul were also leading their own regiments with low morale due to the massacre of their brothers to the Herat area with gloomy expressions, just as Jia Xu estimated. , the two people who had cut off their own foundations could no longer squat in that dangerous place protected by the major families.

What grand plans, what ambitions, and the rebellion of the people gathered under their command was over the moment they chose to suppress it. The previous situation of support for the Parthian survivors completely became an illusion, and it was no longer possible to realize it. In this kind of situation, Under the circumstances, the two had no other choice but to lead the team to join Ardashir.

It's just that this road is difficult to walk, because the whole of Central Asia is now in chaos. The Parthian remnants who are completely out of food have turned into thieves and attacked everyone who has food. They don't care whether they can defeat them or whether they can. Won't die, because hunger is really driving these people crazy.

After wiping the blood off their spears, Laguerre and Mosul looked at the Parthian survivors lying on the ground. They were all killed by them. This was the thirteenth wave of bandits that intercepted them.

Too bad, I didn’t get up

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