Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 822 Getting Started

After the temperature plummeted, a quilt was wrapped around Lu Su's body. I felt that this spiritual talent was really effective. The special effect of cooling down the temperature was no joke. Judging by Lu Su's situation, he can still continue to be cruel.

With an instant temperature difference of more than 30 degrees, Yuan Shaojun, who was not mentally prepared, immediately became confused. Although things like changing the sky had happened before, such a drastic change really exceeded the expectations of all Yuan Shaojun soldiers.

Tian Feng, Shenpei and the others immediately stopped their commands and began to disperse the fog with ruthless hands. However, compared to the output of energy, Liu Beijun is not a vegetarian here. Based on the original signs of the weather, Tian Feng was forced to be suppressed.

"My lord, I ordered the Lancers in ambush to attack. This cold fog does not distinguish between the enemy and us. Although our army is at a disadvantage due to the cold fog, it is impossible to collapse in a short period of time. The opponent is also affected by the fog." Looking at the situation in the field, he was sure that he and the others could not suppress the opponent's control of Tianshi because they missed the initiative, so they said to Yuan Shao immediately.

"Order the Lancers to attack!" Yuan Shao looked at the messengers beside him, the cold mist had already affected him.

After a few transfers, the Lancers who were originally behind the flanks all got on their horses, took the long spears that were seven or eight feet long, quickly integrated them into a dense spear array, and slammed a big circle towards Liu Bei. Go in the direction of the army.

Before the water vapor completely disappeared in a short period of time, the icy cold fog not only had a certain destructive impact on Yuan Shaojun, but also had a certain impact on Liu Bei's vision.

After the first spear rushed out of the cold fog and pierced into Liu Bei's army, a group of more than a thousand cavalry riding tall horses, wearing heavy armor and holding spears rushed out. What followed was a piece of wreckage.

Without waiting for Liu Bei's order, the archers and crossbowmen behind Liu Bei's army who had been prepared for a long time shot towards the army with long spears.

I saw that the opponent just lowered his head slightly, and then continued to stab towards Liu Bei's flank and the junction of the central army without slowing down. The rain of arrows did not have a great impact on the opponent, but only shot a few cavalry off their horses.

"It's a heavy cavalry in a sense. Although it's not perfect, the combat range is much larger, but it's easy to deal with!" Seeing Liu Bei frown, Chen Xi explained from the side.

Immediately, he ordered the soldiers on the side to issue a mobilization order, only to see the flags next to them mobilized, and soon a pure archer unit appeared at the junction of the flank and the central army. Compared with the previous army with ordinary strong bows, this group of archers with only 500 people is all holding five-stone strong bows.

This army belongs to the real archer army. The cost of training such an army is enough for Chen Xi to die of heartache. There are only a thousand people carefully selected under Liu Bei's rule. And even if this group of people had internal energy to support them, a five-stone bow would not be able to shoot ten arrows.

The moment this team of archers appeared, all the archers took out a special bow as thick as a small egg, and shot it at the counterfeit heavy cavalry on the opposite side. Under the five-stone strong bow, only Yuan Shaojun's armor There is no protective effect at all, absolutely nailed!

There was a sound of bowstring vibrating, and all five hundred bows and arrows hit. Yuan Shaojun's carefully selected pseudo-heavy cavalry was in chaos, and the veterans around them also seized the opportunity to either stab the horse's belly with a long spear, or chop off the horse's hoof with a ring knife. In short, seizing the opportunity is to fight back.

"Come on, this is a team of archers who can shoot and kill Lu Bu under the joint efforts. The mere cavalry who didn't even meet the thickness of the armor came to die." Chen Xi said with a sneer, looking at the five hundred bows and arrows with a height of 1.8 meters Withdrew his hand quickly and said in satisfaction, he didn't spend so much money in vain to build such an army.

"Zi Chuan, can you continue to pump water vapor?" Guo Jia asked with his head tilted. "At most 30 breaths, all the cold fog will turn into ice slag and fall due to the temperature drop. The vision can no longer be obstructed."

"I'm afraid not. I have a lot of energy. But there is still a physical limit. In terms of output alone, two civil servants with spiritual talents can suppress me in a short period of output." Chen Xi squinted his eyes and said, "But it is no longer It's so important."

The reason why it is not important is that Guan Yu has already broken through Yan Liang's blockade, carrying the Qinglong Yanyue Saber and leading his school swordsman troops to kill Yuan Shao's army. Seeing this scene, Chen Xi immediately became excited, no matter it was because Yan Liang was killed by Zhao Yun yesterday. The injury was caused by something else, this Yan Liang didn’t block Guan Yu, cut down the city wall, how can he cut down Yuan Shaoshuang~

Right where Chen Xi was staring at, Yan Liang was blocked by a group of Zhou Cang, Liao Hua, Pei Yuanshao, Jiang Gong, and Sima Ju. These people were as strong as Zhou Cang who could barely break through, and as weak as Pei Yuanshao could barely be regarded as a trainee. In the later stage of Qi Chenggang, but no matter what, Yan Liang was blocked by this group of people because he was bullied by dogs in Pingyang!

No matter how angry Yan Liang was, how much he yelled, he just couldn't get out from this group of people. It wasn't because Zhao Yun gave him a sword yesterday, but because the cloud was too thick today, and he couldn't use the trick of separating the inner qi from the body. !

You must know that Guan Yu and Yan Liang's internal energy cultivation is not as perverted as Lu Bu Zhao Yun's, and they rely on their minds to bring out the same internal energy to the extreme.

Under the suppression of today's 100,000-strong army, Guan Yu and Yan Liang can only show their strength when they don't stimulate their inner energy. Although they are still tyrannical, they are greatly reduced compared to the previous power of cutting mountains and cutting water.

"I leave it to you, I'm going to take action." Chen Xi withdrew his mental energy as he spoke, the cold fog that had already begun to thin was instantly dispersed by Yuan Shaojun's advisers, the summer sun slowly fell, and the soldiers were all together There was an earthquake, and then a hundred miles away suddenly went dark, and the place where Yuan and Liu fought suddenly became hot and dry.

"It's up to you, we don't need to do anything now." Jia Xu glanced sideways at Chen Xi and said casually.

After Chen Xi nodded to Liu Bei, he began to use his spiritual talent to connect the beliefs of every soldier, and then hooked up with Guan Yu.

Chen Xi thought for a long time that the military soul is actually belief and will, but because of the alienation of the god stone in this world, it is possible for the belief and will to appear. The so-called military soul is a highly unified belief and will.

When the army soul is fully formed, the reason why the legion is difficult to destroy is probably the infectious power of the pure belief and will. As long as there is one person, this pure will and belief can infect others, and this is the reason why it is almost indestructible . (to be continued)i752

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