Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 823: The Soul of the Army Enters the Body

[Then everyone, please respond to my will, and the similar beliefs will resonate with me as the center. 】Chen Xi slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, everyone around turned into a small dot in Chen Xi's perception, and his spiritual talent quickly connected to every soldier.

There are pure beliefs among the tens of thousands of soldiers, and there are other things mixed in, but you only need to connect almost the same beliefs and slowly inject them into the small spot in the front, Guan Yu is there!

[If the military soul is the manifestation of will and belief, only in this way can it explain why the military soul can rely on a certain person, and even if there are only a few thousand people like Yunqi, they cannot rely on a single person. 】Chen Xi silently hooked up the beliefs of all the soldiers under his command, and strands of will flowed from Chen Xi to Guan Yu.

[Approximately, faith and will are the most important points beyond the limit. 】Chen Xi murmured silently to himself, and the movement of the spiritual talent link became faster and faster.

Wisps of will were injected into Guan Yu's body. Guan Yu, whose strength had been limited by the clouds, quickly untied the restraints. He could consume a large amount of internal energy without even consuming the power of the will of the military soul injected into his body by Chen Xi. Conventional internal gas separation combat method.

[If I guessed correctly...] A pure moon-white brilliance flashed across the fingertips of Chen Xi's right hand, and then disappeared in a flash, 【Even mortals are comparable to the characters in myths and legends when they get the recognition of this power Well, King Xiang probably deserved to lose...]

Chen Xi has never met Xiang Yu, so he can only look at Xiang Yu with the height of Lu Bu, the strongest man of this era, and then draw a conclusion.

After all, within the power that Chen Xi is currently in contact with. If Han Xin really created the cloud formation system, the legion talent system. Military soul system...

Chen Xi hardly dared to imagine the strength of the army soul linked by millions of troops. Even if it is like him that only connects the common beliefs of tens of thousands of soldiers, the power of the beliefs derived is already extremely powerful. If it is an army of millions, I am afraid that it will be easy to cut mountains and seas.

[I'm afraid there is still a substantial difference between obtaining the power of military souls in this way and real military soul troops, but the advantage lies in the huge number, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, which may not be ineffective. 】Chen Xi quickly released the power of the military soul that had been introduced into his body.

[At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, apart from King Xiang, there was no other internal energy separation body, that is, the talent of the legion had nothing to do with the internal energy separation body at all, so it can be explained clearly. At most, it is easier to obtain the inner qi from the body. Should it be said that the human heart restrains the human being itself? 】

While hooking up the spiritual will of the army, Chen Xi was thinking about the relationship between the cloud formation, the talent of the army, and the soul of the army, as well as its correlation with the strength of the internal energy.

After all, these three things were all created by Han Xin. This is clearly recorded in the historical materials Liu Ye obtained from Hongnong Yang’s family. There are original Qin and Han historical materials. Detailed and authentic.

Of course, the Yang family didn't realize what it meant for Han Xin to create the talent of the legion. Maybe it was a bad idea, or maybe he didn't understand the meaning of the word creation. In short, the Yang family missed a very important opportunity.

[When I think I have reached the limit. In fact, it is the heart that restrains itself, rather than really going to the extreme. Probably everyone thinks that Han Xin's blessing to the legion is actually a spiritual talent...]

A wry smile appeared on Chen Xi's face. If his expectations are correct, Gao Shun and Ju Yi are probably the first two talents of the Ming Wu Legion who actually don't need the level of internal energy separation.

But they are really special. Troops under their command have reached such a high level that it is considered normal for them to have Legion talents. Even they themselves thought it was reasonable, but didn't think carefully about how reasonable it was?

[Perhaps the internal qi separation only reduces the difficulty of possessing the talent of the legion, but the internal qi separation is not a necessary and sufficient condition for possessing the talent of the legion. Only in this way can the embarrassment of Xu Chu, Wu Anguo, Hua Xiong and others be explained. 】Chen Xi silently thought that many things can only be said to be overthinking, and it is precisely because of overthinking that they are restricted.

[It's a pity for Yu Jin. If he can see through, he might become the best military trainer in the world. Unfortunately, if I give him a clue, he might not be invincible even if he has the talent of the legion. 】Chen Xi sighed in his heart, he completely understood why he said that sometimes he helped you but hurt you...

Regardless of Chen Xi's thinking, Guan Yu led his personal guards into Yuan Shao's army, swung his sword and brought up a bloody storm, and after the fog dissipated, he led his men to rush straight in Yuan Shao's direction.

Naturally, the soldiers on Yuan Shao's side were not fuel-efficient lamps. They swung their spears and stabbed at Guan Yu. However, even without the means to separate the internal energy from the body, Guan Yu was still beyond the reach of ordinary people. His sword flew straight into the army formation.

Guan Yu's behavior naturally aroused Yuan Shao's attention, and a large number of generals rushed towards Guan Yu. Guan Yu, who was in a no-man's land, was suddenly surrounded by four or five masters who refined Qi into gangs. The way to use the trick of inner qi separation from the body is the same as Yan Liang's, and he can't escape.

Just when Guan Yu was thinking about whether to retreat, he suddenly felt that the suppression of Yun Qi on him began to decrease, and then an explosion erupted, a ray of light extended from the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, and he slashed with the trend. It was one, and the three people on the side also fell off the horse.

【Zi Chuan's strength? 】After Guan Yu took down the opponent with two knives, he also thought about it, and immediately stopped hesitating. Although it was a lot of consumption, the suppression of one hundred thousand people's cloud energy was only one-tenth of the effect on him. The means can barely be used.

【Does this mean that I should kill Yuan Shao? 】Guan Yu slashed to death the centurion standing in front of him, and then bounced the bow and arrow shot towards him with his big sword. Danfeng opened his eyes slightly, stared at Yuan Shao's direction, and rushed straight over.

[This kind of power doesn't seem to be restricted by the clouds, but if it is used, it will be consumed very quickly, but it is enough, killing Yuan Shao only needs one knife! ] Guan Yu sneered and rushed towards Yuan Shao, testing the effect of the army soul while charging, and soon he was mentally prepared.

Yuan Shao stared at Guan Yu's attacking hundreds of people without much fear. His army did not collapse, and he saw Guan Yu's bravery. Right next to his frame, he's fearless. (to be continued...)

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