Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 302: Resurgence

The black storm swept across the world again, following the trajectory all the way south.

From west to east, from north to south, the black wind that covered the sky tore apart everything in its path. It didn't take long for Typhon to reach the Corisian Mountains. However, it did not see Zeus here. What greeted it was only an empty cave, as if mocking its arrogance.

So after an angry roar, Typhon sank the mountain range, turning it into plains and inner lakes, as well as tunnels leading directly to the underground; the violent king of all monsters searched the sky and the ground, trying to find Zeus's trace.

It stirred the sea water, destroyed the palace built by Poseidon in the deep sea, killed countless marine creatures, and permanently shook the seabed; it looked down at the earth from a high altitude, destroying every life it saw, countless mountains disappeared, and cracks overflowed on the earth; it climbed Olympus again, almost turning the entire sacred mountain upside down, but it still did not find Zeus's trace.

Its speed surpassed that of all gods. In front of Typhon with dragon wings, even the fastest of the gods could not match it. But a day passed quickly, and it still did not find Zeus, or even any other true god.

The king of gods did not find it, but the sense of rejection from the heavens and the earth became stronger. This was due to the nature of Typhon's power and its perverse behavior. As it destroyed the material world without restraint, this sense of rejection continued to be added to it, and even began to spread horizontally in the world.

The rules gradually sprouted and flowed in a closer direction. The last time there was a similar change was when the era changed... The war between the primitive gods shook the foundation of the world, and finally brought about the suppression of the laws that enveloped the world, but it was not so harsh after all, and it just tasted it. It restricted the gods, but it was not strict. It set the standards for punishment, but the primitive gods were basically not affected by it. But this time, Typhon's behavior seemed to have touched the bottom line of the law again, and it was superimposed with Gaia's previous guilt of trying to shake the pillar of heaven - after all, Typhon was indeed the offspring of the Earth Mother.

So as time passed, the night rose and fell, and the law silently deflected. At the last moment of this day, Typhon, who was angry but could not find an object to vent, drove the black wind back to Mount Nissa.

On the top of the high mountain, Atropos was still alone, sitting between the broken rocks. But she had a pair of scissors in her hands, and she was holding it with her wrinkled and spotted arms, constantly cutting invisible things in the void.

Swish -

With a flap of his wings, the King of All Monsters came to Mount Nissa for the second time under the wrapping of the black wind.

"What are you doing, old man, where did you hide Zeus?!"

The furious Typhon roughly held Atropos in his palm, and the black flames in his eyes kept burning her body. The smell of burning came from the goddess of fate, but in front of the demon king, facing the sudden change, she just looked at the hundred-headed monster calmly, as if she didn't feel any pain at all.

Or, in order to prevent the future residence from turning into ashes, Atropos deliberately stayed here.

"It's meaningless, Typhon, you have already lost... You can't kill me, and you can't even make me feel pain."

"You know, the pain of the flesh is far less than the mental pain, and the damage you bring to my body is not even as severe as the fate disturbance brought to this world by your existence itself. This backlash keeps me awake all night, but your destruction of my body will not."

"Maybe destroying it can let me sleep well," Atropos said lightly with pale eyes rolling up: "Since I was born, I haven't experienced what sleep feels like."

"So you lied to me!" Typhon's dragon head roared, and the voices of hundreds of heads intertwined: "You lied to me, you don't have any way to kill the gods-you lied to me , I will make you live a life worse than death! "

"I may not be honest with you about the origin of the One-Day Fruit, Typhon, but its effect is real. If I hide its effect from you, it will not work even if you eat it."

Staring at Typhus with pale eyes without a trace of color, Atropos said calmly:

"You didn't seize the opportunity. You didn't even want to eat the One-Day Fruit after meeting Zeus. You had a chance to defeat him, as long as you were careful, cautious, and wise enough - but this is not something you can do, you are not born to do it. Give up, Typhon, the outcome of everything has been determined, surrender to the God King, this is your best -"

Bang -

The second half of the sentence was interrupted, and Typhon directly pressed Atropos's head into her chest. The tenacious vitality of the gods still maintained the vitality of the goddess of fate. Typhon knew that he could not kill her, but he didn't want to listen to the nonsense of this old thing anymore.

This was not only because of the irritability from the bottom of his heart, but also because of the changes in the distance. Its ninety-nine heads turned to the south, where a familiar breath suddenly rose - that was the direction of Olympus, the place where he had searched repeatedly but never found anything.

At some point, the figure who had been defeated by him was riding the wind and thunder. The armored god king swept away the previous miserable situation. He held the artifact and pointed to the north. Five layers of clouds parted in front of him, and Zeus looked majestic and solemn.

At this moment, Typhon's confused mind seemed to understand something. This is a trap, and it is the beast in the net.

"Surrender, Typhon, it's all over."

Zeus, standing high in the sky, didn't know where the gods who had fled from Mount Olympus were now, but he believed that they were probably watching the outcome of this battle.

"Pledge allegiance to me, the ancestor of demons - I can give you a lighter sentence."



A loud roar, without any hesitation. The moment he saw Zeus, violent power was released from Typhon.

What conspiracy, what trap, what day fruit and fate, would it take it seriously? If it did, he would not come to the earth, but would obediently listen to Gaia's teachings underground, waiting for the so-called "helper" and waiting for the right "time".

Now, the old guy didn't know where he was hiding, and the whole world seemed to be against him, but he would not be afraid or hesitate. It is a demon of destruction, a crazy monster, and no matter what is in front of it, it will fight it first!


The storm that connected the sky and the earth swept up and crashed into the God King. What followed was Typhon's roar that resounded through the earth.

"Zeus... come!"

"Kill you or be killed by you. There is no third option between us!"


Not far from Mount Olympus, there is an unnamed valley.

With a soft hum, the girl-like god woke up from confusion.

Everything was unchanged as when she left, as if she was just in a trance for a moment. But Athena knew that something unknown had definitely changed just now.

If it were other gods, they would probably think it was just an illusion or a loss of consciousness. After all, the power of the world was so high that even if the gods took them to the world of Hermeneu for a tour, they would not feel it at all. But there are always exceptions to everything. There is no doubt that Athena and Apollo are the two exceptions.

Needless to say, the latter, the God of Light, who was also sent back to the realm, was falling to the ground at this moment, enduring the pain that went straight to the depths of consciousness and the scars of the tearing of the origin. The pulling and tearing was not just pulling the body of the god. In the context of the collision of the two worlds, the actions of the supreme god from the foreign land directly tore off some of his most fundamental power.

At this moment, Apollo did not even have the spare energy to turn back into a human. He maintained the image of a bald black eagle without wings. He was still flying in the sky the last moment, and was severely injured the next moment. Apollo did not understand what happened at all, but he had to endure the consequences of this sudden change.

As for the former... At this moment, Athena only felt like she had a dream, and something that had been weighing on her heart since her birth disappeared. The sense of relief from the soul made her very happy, and she couldn't help but smile subconsciously.

But the dream did not stop there. In that bizarre dream, she vaguely remembered that some hot light had approached her. The light was so hot that it seemed to burn her to ashes, but all the dangers were firmly blocked outside by a figure.

"So, is this a precognitive dream?"

Athena's eyes wandered around, not knowing what she was thinking. However, the next moment, a loud noise from the outside world interrupted her thoughts.


The turmoil came from the north. When her thoughts were interrupted, Athena turned around suddenly.

Her eyes crossed Olympus and looked in the direction where the loud noise came from. In the north of the continent, black wind and thunder collided, and the battle between the God King and the Demon Ancestor was going on.

It was as if everything she saw when she escaped from Olympus was just an illusion. Zeus had never been pierced on the bones by Typhon and dragged to the top of the God Mountain like a dead dog.

"Is time messed up... Let's go and take a look."

"And the sun... If it is really a precognitive dream, what does it mean?"

The sun in the dream gave Athena a different feeling from the past one, but dreams and reality are different, and prophecies would not be so clear.

So after hesitating for a while, Athena chose to move closer to the place where the God King fought, but she was a little closer to the starry sky on the path.

If it was indeed a precognitive dream, then everything in the dream should have a reference. She shouldn't be in danger, and the real trauma should be someone else. So from this point of view, perhaps the change of the sun is a blessing for her.



The claws waved, anger and unwillingness surged into Typhon's heart. Facing the thunder and lightning in the sky, just like last time, the king of all monsters rushed forward regardless of his own injuries.

Compared with before, Zeus holding the [Thunder] seemed to be a little stronger, but for Zeus at this time, the once proud artifact was no longer so critical to him. As his opponent, Typhon didn't care about this change at all, he just opened his bloody mouth and bit towards the king of gods.


The sound of tearing flesh and breaking skin, but followed by a heart-piercing pain.

Typhon was shocked and angry to find that one of his heads had been cut off. Although the flesh and blood on the neck were still growing, and the new dragon head would grow out soon, it was still incredible.

It should have easily won the victory, it could have torn Zeus into pieces again... Confusion and anger burned in his chest, and Typhon felt furious.


"And you, insect, you dare to spy on me!"

Roaring angrily, Typhon suddenly noticed a tiny figure in the distance.

Like Athena, she was one of the gods who returned one after another, and among them, no one noticed that she had disappeared for a while.

The timing of this world still seems a bit confusing. Although the gods don't know the reason, they naturally attribute it to the battle between the God King and the Demon Ancestor. And it is easy to understand that Zeus was defeated before, but in the blink of an eye he was fighting Typhon.

Maybe it was some conspiracy or strategy. A monster emerging from a corner easily defeated the God King. This was a bit beyond the knowledge of the gods. Now that they saw Zeus showing off his power, many gods gave up escaping and instead tried to come to help the God King.

Then the next moment, a huge snake tail whizzed away and slapped Ares, the God of War, into the ground.


"Insect, this is what happens!"

The confusion was gone, and Typhon's will rose again. But opposite it, Zeus did not miss this opportunity.

"Typhon, how dare you be distracted in front of me!"

Thick lightning fell from the sky, directly smashing two or three of Typhon's dragon heads, and then bombarded its body.

The figure of Zeus followed, and it seemed that he was no longer afraid of Typhon's close combat, but instead took the initiative to rush forward.

Although he didn't like Ares very much, Typhon's behavior still made him furious. The God King seems to have forgotten how he was defeated miserably before. He only feels that his body is full of power at this moment, and nothing can stand in front of him.


"Typhon, for the sake of being the heirs of the Earth Mother, please bow to me. No one can always be aloof. It is not shameful to bow your head temporarily, and the hundred-armed giants are proof. I do not reject ugly monsters. ”

A head-on collision, but the one who retreated was the arrogant demon. Zeus' voice boomed like thunder, and for some reason he didn't rush to try and kill Typhon.

What a powerful demon. At this moment, Zeus, who had the upper hand, had other thoughts. If such a monster can be used by him, what can the original gods do?

There is only one person in the primitive gods, and they also have conflicts with each other, but Typhon and himself are two. He can use this combination to coerce and induce, and finally make the primitive gods obey the rule of the divine court. . If he could really achieve that step, Zeus couldn't imagine how far his [royal power] would expand.

However, obviously, this is just Zeus's idea, Typhon does not think so. In response to his persuasion to surrender, there was only increasingly fierce resistance.


The severed head slid to the ground, and new dragon heads emerged one after another. Looking at the arrogant God King, Typhon's eyes did not change at all.

A villain who is playing tricks is worthy of saying such things to it?

"Bow your head? A lie from the gods."

"Besides, you are not worthy of asking me to bow my head..."


The war broke out again, the earth was torn apart, and the underworld was shaking. Even if the laws suppress it as much as possible, the collision of great powers has once again brought indelible scars to the world.

From the earth to the sky, traces of space being torn apart are all over everything... But this time, Typhon's decline is indeed difficult to cover up.

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