Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 303: Rise and Fall


"See, Typhon, you can no longer win."

Fight from the earth to the sky, and from the sky to the sea. The two gods unleashed their power wantonly. At this moment, they were the center of the world.

Unlike the brief battle before, this time, the battle between the God King and Typhon lasted long enough for the gods to react. Zeus even intentionally allowed their battlefield to pass through the places where different gods lived. It was almost obvious who would stand aside and who would be willing to contribute to the divine court.

The Goddess of Kitchen Fire lowered [Guardian] for the God King in the distance, and Ares allowed the fighting spirit in the God King's heart to enhance his strength; the Goddess of Life tried to suppress the recovery of Typhon's injury, but Athena also did not take action directly, she just raised the Spear, let [Victory] choose who to lean towards. Even Ocean God, who had always been at odds with the God-King, finally came out from the bottom of the sea and mobilized the power of the sea to suppress Typhon.

When the King of Demons was wreaking havoc on the world, they hid early to avoid causing trouble, but now the gods don't mind helping. After all, the outcome is very obvious. No matter what their relationship with Zeus is, they are willing to be a smooth favor at this time.

It has no friends, no allies, all the gods are standing on the opposite side, both heaven and earth are enemies with it, and even the mother earth that gave birth to it has no trace at all. Like a stone monkey surrounded by a dragnet, looking around, all Typhon could see was his opponent. Its blood fell like rain on the sea, and opposite it was Zeus, who became more and more courageous as he fought.

But it didn't care about this at all. Faced with the God King's persuasion to surrender, Typhon only responded with another roar.

No one knew what it was thinking, only its huge body dancing in the storm. One after another, their heads were cut off by lightning, but the remaining ones were still fiercely fighting.

"Crazy, stupid, stubborn!"

His face was ugly. Compared to being angry at being ignored, Zeus really felt sorry.

His royal power ceremony is about to be initially completed. Once the twelve pillars are erected, all that remains is to continue to expand the scope covered by the concept of [king power].

Even if you don’t count how suitable Typhon is as a fighter, even if this monster is unwilling to fight for him in the future, the mere fact that Typhon, who possesses great power, surrenders to him can bring huge benefits to Zeus’s future. the benefits of.

But it doesn't want to...this madman doesn't want to!

It has obviously grown a hundred heads, but it is no match for an ordinary mortal... Even if it is like those despicable unbelievers, even if they are full of lies but have no faith, at least they still know how to assess the situation and be greedy for life and afraid of death! Damn beast, when you eat the fruit of the day and find that you can't find the prisoner who is supposed to be in Corisian, you should know that the situation is over. You have been trapped and it is impossible to win!

"Damn monster..."

With the passage of time and the power of fate, Zeus could feel a steady stream of power being injected into his body. He was actually able to defeat his opponent, but he still made a final effort.

"Typhon, give up. The time you were born is too short, and you don't understand the beauty of this world. Surrender! Surrender to me! The gods use their eternal lives to enjoy eternal peace, food and clothing, beauties and wine, All the good things in this world belong to us, isn’t that great?”


This time, Typhon didn't even talk to him anymore - maybe he said something, but Zeus couldn't understand the demon's roar.

In front of him, all Zeus could see was Typhon's unyielding eyes - he finally realized that as long as this monster could still fight, it would never surrender to him.

"...Okay, since you're toasting and not eating..."

Endless thunder and lightning surged behind him, turning into a huge lightning giant. At this moment, Zeus subconsciously imitated what his father had done.

But perhaps because of the difference in time, space and thunder power, the incarnation condensed by the God King is far less terrifying than the one at the turn of the era. He could not carry the sun and moon on his shoulders, nor could he lift his hand across the continent, but he was still able to stretch out his right hand and press Typhon in the middle of the sea.




The next moment, the artifact was raised high, and with loud noises one after another, the [Thunder Arrow] seemed to turn into a giant hammer, using Typhon as iron material and the sea as an anvil to beat it endlessly. Thunder and lightning penetrated Typhon's immortal body, breaking its bones and searing its entrails, and then rose again.

Similar scenes, the same participants, but the identities of the two people have been exchanged. Zeus, whose limbs had been broken not long ago, changed his position, but Typhon, who had fought all over the world, had no power to fight back at this moment and could only struggle in vain.

Has he become weaker, or has Zeus become stronger? On the sea, Typhon's confused thoughts had no answers, but he didn't need answers either. The pain penetrated deep into the bone marrow, but its will remained stubborn. This blow only aroused Typhon's ferocity. It is not really crazy, it also knows that Zeus wants to recruit it, and it is even more aware of how luxurious and comfortable the lives of the gods are. Now that the strength and weakness are changing, the warning sign that has been hovering around it since its birth seems to have come to reality. If it persists, it will probably die.

Surrender... It seems that there is a voice beside Typhon's somewhat blurred consciousness. Surrender can avoid death. Even for its power, Zeus will definitely take its guilt lightly. As long as it is willing to contribute its power at the right time, the God King will never be stingy with any enjoyment and glory...


With his eyes wide open, Typhon looked at the giant spirit that kept hitting down. You want me to surrender, to be like those ridiculous gods, who obviously don't like you in their hearts, but still have to bow down to you? It's a fool's dream!


I don't know where the power came from again, the North Sea was stirred and rolled endlessly, and Zeus's big hand was actually lifted up inch by inch. The God King was a little shocked. Even if most of the dragon head was cut off, even if the power was being absorbed by him continuously, could this terrible demon still resist?

Zeus looked down, but all he saw was the head held high and the eyes burning with flames.

"The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit," Zeus held up the thunderbolt and showed no mercy: "If willpower is useful, then Prometheus should stand in front of me to collect the debt, and those mortals should attack the sacred mountain instead of struggling in the sea eye and sinking in death."

"He is like this, they are all like this, you are like this, you are all the same!"


The thunderbolt that penetrated the sky and the earth fell from the void, and the storm that had been lingering around Typhon was completely pierced.

Under the power of the God King, its only remaining dragon head fell like wheat, leaving only the last one, which was also its core.

Then, under the attention of the gods, Zeus grabbed an island from afar with his big hand and suppressed Typhon.

As for this monster, until now, the God King still hasn't figured out how to deal with it. Some promises he couldn't make in front of the gods, and he also had some concerns that he couldn't express, so he still wanted to try... Besides, using the power of fate to kill such a demon god who was originally more powerful than him, in Zeus' heart, it was inevitable that he felt a little sad.

The last chance... Standing in the sky, Zeus looked at the island under his feet, and looked around with a cold face.

I hope this damn beast can grasp his few "kindness".


Typhon sank to the bottom of the sea.

Zeus's real body did not chase him down, but it no longer had the strength to move. Following the waves down, the power that was originally enough to stir up the four seas was empty, which made Typhon a little uncomfortable for a while.

It saw a huge black shadow above it, hitting it and covering its body underneath. That was the island moved by the God King, and it contained his divine power, as if to suppress this demon forever.

Of course, it's just an island. As long as the power is restored a little bit, it will not be able to suppress Typhon unless Zeus sits here in person. So the demon monarch didn't even look at it, it just sank in the sea and fell to the bottom.

It was a little tired... but Typhon didn't mean to give up. It just silently accumulated strength, waiting for the time to break the island. However, at the moment when the island fell, accompanied by the rolling of the waves, the phantom of Zeus appeared in front of the King of All Demons.

He stood on it, and Typhon lay on his back below. But even though he was a loser, the King of All Demons still gave the visitor a contemptuous look. It knew what the visitor wanted to say, but it didn't want to listen, and this attitude made Zeus frown again.

"Typhon, I don't understand. Aren't you afraid of death? Don't you want to live? Is there nothing in this world that interests you? We are not necessarily enemies, and there are no eternal enemies in this world. You were just instigated by that crazy woman Gaia, and you don't have to be so hostile to me."

Take a deep breath, Zeus still doesn't understand Typhon's psychology.

There should be no contradiction between them. Although Typhon is the offspring of Gaia, Zeus doesn't think that the Earth Mother can let this crazy and self-centered demon be used by her.

So what exactly makes it want to kill itself, and what makes it not care about life and death? Just a simple desire for destruction? Zeus couldn't figure it out. He wanted an answer, but in front of him, Typhon just looked at him with disdain.

"…Tell me, Typhon, what do you want, what do you dissatisfaction with, I am the present God King, the supreme ruler of the heaven, earth and sea. There is nothing in this world that I cannot give you, as long as you are willing to work for me, except my throne that I cannot give you, we can talk about everything else."

He spoke in a deep voice. If these words were heard by the gods of Olympus, it would be enough to greatly reduce the prestige of the God King. He did not look like a victor, but a tyrant who ceded land for peace. But Zeus did not care, because no god could see the conversation here. He just stared at Typhon's eyes, trying to see even a little bit of hesitation, but the result disappointed him again. All he could see was deeper contempt.

The other party looked down on him, from the beginning to now. With a nameless fire burning in his chest, Zeus could not help but say in a cold voice:

"... Typhon, do you think you can still succeed? From the moment you ate the One-Day Fruit, your failure is inevitable. If you persist now, what else can you gain except death?"

Clenching his fists, as if holding something, Typhon, who was unyielding, made it impossible for Zeus to start, so he finally showed his final threat.

The power of fate lingered around him. Although the immortality of this monster was so strong, just like the branch that pierced into Erebus's palm, although Typhon was not immortal in theory, Zeus could not kill it with his own strength alone - but he still had fate.

As long as he wanted, Yiguo could help him achieve his goal. He could completely kill this monster and crush all its will.

"Hey, is this the God King? Another puppet."

There was no fear, no retreat. Feeling the death that was close at hand, looking at Zeus who was obviously threatening it but still had expectations in his eyes, Typhon smiled happily.

It knew that Zeus did not understand it, but it did not intend to let him understand. For a being that was a tool from birth, it just wanted to do whatever it wanted.

It knew it by nature, but unlike those Titan gods, what Typhon "knew" came from his blood and his own power. So the content he could read was only related to the source of these powers. It knew the existence of the Mother Tree, the Supreme Being who saw it as a tool for spreading power; it knew the existence of the Earth Mother, the first life it saw after its birth, the god who saw it as a revenge thug; it also knew the fate that originally belonged to Typhus, which was the reason why it could come to the world despite having the power of the foreign gods - that fate was to become a defeated general under Zeus and demonstrate the bravery of the God King.

Until now, another person stood in front of him, wanting him to do things for him. Obviously, he was just a lackey of fate, but this so-called God King actually tried to persuade him to surrender to him.




Just because you were born as Zeus, you can rule the world, and I was born as Typhon, so I should be stepped on by you? If this is the order of this world, then let Him kill me personally!

Amidst the laughter, Typhon's power began to recover, and the dragon head grew again on the ninety-nine tumors. It was so fair and so unconcealed. The God King clenched his fist, and the power of fate was boiling like never before. In this boiling invisible force, the old voice of Atropos came out.

"Zeus... think twice. Typhon's fate should not end here. It should also be immortal-it's just that some power changed this result, but it shouldn't be killed by you here. I don't know what will happen if you kill it, but it must not be what you want."

"But I have no choice, Atropos, if it is willing to give itself a chance, then I will definitely accept it."

Raising his palm, Zeus looked at the King of All Monsters below with an expressionless face. Why did he want to go this far? However, in front of him, the God King only saw dragon heads growing one after another.

"You will be my stepping stone... You will bring me prestige; you will be used as a clown in the story by mortals and as a topic of conversation by the gods. The world will only know that I, the king of Olympus, suppressed the brutal monsters here and saved all living beings from the demons who wanted to destroy the world. This is the only truth."

"Typhon, is this what you want?"


With a disdainful smile, the dragon head was raised high, and power was mobilized in Typhon's body.

The island pressing on him began to shake, and cracks were all over it. The mixed and overlapping sounds echoed in the deep sea, and the will of the demon lord never wavered.

"Do you think you've won? Today it's me, tomorrow it's you... Zeus, those who wag their tails and beg for mercy in front of fate will never be able to fight it!"

"Come, Zeus, come and kill me! This is just the beginning! My death is not the end. From now on, 100,000 years, the world will remember my name. I am the king of all monsters, Typhon!"


On the sea, the island that had just appeared not long ago had a violent earthquake, red light shone through the cracks, and magma burst out from the mountains.

Standing high in the sky, under the gaze of the gods, Zeus lowered his head. He seemed to vaguely see the look of contempt for him, but this time, he did not hesitate.

His palm fell, and with a thunder, all the sounds stopped. However, Zeus had no expression on his face, because he knew that the disaster of Typhon, its own life and death, was just the beginning, and the impact it brought would never end from here.

Perhaps it was just as it said... In the next 100,000 years, whether all living beings were willing or not, they would be forced to remember the name Typhon.

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