Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 304 Bloody Day

The arrogant demon king died. His rise was vigorous, and his fall was sudden. Typhon rests here under this nameless island. There is nothing to refute.

When fate denied its existence and the power that created it no longer intended to maintain it, the strongest demon in history was destined to fall, just sooner or later.

However, flying over the island, Zeus was also very clear that although he killed Typhon, the power of fate was only aimed at this demon named "Typhus". In addition, apart from the power he absorbed, which was judged by fate to be enough to make him and his opponent change their strengths, the remaining origin that originally belonged to Typhon would not disappear out of thin air.

They overflowed, in a way that Zeus could not quite understand. Under this sea area named the Tyrrhenian Sea in later generations, a steady stream of power was permeating outward and becoming an indispensable part of this world.

As the king of gods, Zeus has already felt the will of the law. He didn't want to see this phenomenon continue, and it was Zeus's job to solve this problem.

"... So there needs to be a seal here, and someone needs to sit here. Not only here, but also on the earth."

His eyes flickered, perhaps because he also mastered some of the power from Typhon, Zeus had a glimpse of the direction of some of these powers after they were scattered.

They separated from the dead demons, and then gathered on the "living" lives... Those limbs of Typhon that fell in various parts of the world during the war were their targets. If they were not contained, the earth would probably be devastated again.

Although many mortals died because of Typhon, most of them were accidental injuries. After all, the King of All Demons would never put his energy on humans, but these lives that inherited its power might not be. In order to prevent the source of faith from suffering too many casualties, Zeus thought it would be better to make plans early.

It just so happened that he stayed here to try to seal Typhon's body, and the gods also had a chance to show their presence.

"The chief culprit is dead."

With a stern look, Zeus shifted his attention from the island under his feet and scanned the gods.

"Then what will happen next--"

The voice stopped abruptly, and Zeus suddenly looked up. The gods also felt the changes in the sky and looked up one after another.

The scorching sun was still hanging high in the sky, as if it was no different from the past... but for some reason, when the gods saw it, they seemed to see a human face smiling at them.

"--When? Where is Helios? Where did he go?!"

The sun has undergone such a change, which is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight. Even Zeus felt that the nature of the sun's light seemed to have changed now.

There is a certain power contained in it, and all the lives that are illuminated by it will be subtly influenced by it... and Zeus is very familiar with this power.

"Outer God!"

Zeus took a step forward and wanted to go to the starry sky, but the next moment, the quiet island under his feet stopped him.

He could sense that if he dared to leave here now, he might be able to solve the problem of the sun, but the power after Typhon's death would be completely out of control and pollute the entire world with the North Sea as the center.

Turning to look at the gods, only they could go to solve this problem now, but under the gaze of the king of gods, the gods bowed their heads.

The sun and the sun god cannot be confused. If it was Helios who changed, they would dare to fight him, but it was the sun that changed...

"Zeus, I'll go."

"I'll go"

The two voices sounded almost at the same time, and Hestia and Athena looked at each other.

The goddess of the hearth was a little surprised. She had always thought that her nominal niece had a bad relationship with Zeus, but she didn't expect that she was willing to stand up and share the worries of the king of gods.

"You should also have some sense of the nature of the power in the sunlight. I am the goddess of wisdom. It can't affect me, so I am the most suitable candidate."

Looking at Hestia's gaze, Athena smiled and said her reasons. Standing aside, Zeus made a prompt decision.

"Then go ahead, Athena. I believe you can solve this problem - at least temporarily stop the sun's rays from spreading. But where's Apollo?"

Looking around, the King of Gods didn't see his son. If the God of Light could help, this task would be much easier, but Apollo didn't show up. However, the situation was urgent and Zeus had no time to find him. The King of Gods just snorted coldly and ordered:

"The chief culprit is dead, but the impact it brought is still continuing. Go to the earth and wipe out the demons left by Typhon. When everything is over, I will celebrate for you on Mount Olympus."


Starry sky, zodiac domains.

It was only a few days for the gods and less than a month for Zeus, but it had been a long time for life on earth, and even more so for the starry sky.

With the return of the gods and the fall of Typhon, the wonder of time caused by the disorder of the laws gradually faded, and the time sequence of the whole world gradually returned to normal. But at the same time, the changes in the sun finally came to an end.

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, when Typhon died, his power was scattered. The part belonging to the Earth Mother gave birth to many non-god but rational lives, and the power belonging to the Mother Tree naturally gave birth to more evil things. But the most powerful among them was none other than the sun hanging in the sky itself.

[Ancient Evil · Fallen Corona], it is gradually resurrecting from a dead object, with its own chaotic thoughts and will. The sapling growing on the back of the celestial body has grown into a towering tree, and a steady stream of power is absorbed from the void. Although the sun is close to the upper limit of what it can bear, the power it absorbs has not weakened at all.

Those that the sun cannot absorb are scattered to the world along its light. The earth, the starry sky, the ocean, and even some small worlds attached to the present world.

Most of the interfaces derived from the fragments of the former Nine Realms do not have their own light bodies. They just rotate with the sun and the moon in the material world, and they don’t even have life. So now, the power of the outer gods invades their bodies along the light of the sun-perhaps it should be said to be "returning". After all, their predecessors are the Nine Realms, and the predecessor of the mother tree is the sacred tree that supports the Nine Realms. They have an inseparable relationship, and now they are just returning to the past.

In the core of the sun, Helios has long lost his fixed form. Thorns extended from his body, pulsating like a pulse. If the sun was a person, he was like its heart at this moment. The power that was so huge that it was incalculable flowed through the sun god, and then became in line with the requirements of the rules under the "processing" of his priesthood.

"Is it a failure... Ha, it's ridiculous. If I also had such a powerful force, how could I have come to this point today."

Although he was in the starry sky, Typhon's disaster did not escape Helios' observation, or most of the gods in this world could see it all.

Typhon's power, Typhon's brutality, its success and failure, even compared to other gods, Helios saw more.

At least he knew Typhon's details and knew the similar power between them.

"If I had such power... how could I be imprisoned since birth, and how could Kronos dare to force me! Monsters are monsters, and they don't know how to judge the situation at all."

"What's the point of all you do? No one will understand you, no one will praise you, and even the things you have done will be distorted and rewritten. You will become the original sin of trying to destroy the world, your victory will become the conspiracy of the sinister and cunning, and your failure will become a medal that highlights the wisdom and strength of others. Mortals will celebrate the great king of gods for eliminating you from the world. , and then achieve his fame and prestige. "

"The most important thing is..." Helios sneered and looked at the divine light flying from the sea: "You are dead, so everything is settled. The gods are immortal, so they always have a chance to turn the tables, but you don't."

"Just like now... I can't fight the world alone, but so what? As an immortal true god, I will always wait for my time-such as the next era change, the king of gods loses his position?"

The low voice echoed in the sun, and Helios felt that he had said too much. He actually understood that it came from his envy and unwillingness.

Envy of Typhon's beginning far beyond him, but unwilling to see it end like this. Seeing such an existence eventually unable to escape the fate of failure, Helios felt a little sad for its misfortune and angry for its lack of struggle, but then he felt that his emotions came inexplicably. It's just a demon, just a madman, what does it have to do with him, not to mention that even until the moment of death, Typhon's power is still beyond his reach.


Thinking back, Helios stopped thinking. He looked at the earth, where, because of Typhon's death, countless powerful lives were born.

Hundred-headed dragons were born from its fallen dragon head, nine-headed giant snakes were born from its broken snake body; monsters with lion heads and goat bodies, creatures with lion bodies and human faces, they were adhering to more orderly power, and were now fleeing in all directions, without any idea of ​​revenge for Typhon.

But at the same time, among the lives born from Typhon's death, more were evil things that carried the power of the Outer Gods. The flesh and blood it left in the starry sky corrupted an ancient celestial body, and as the power after death spread, this star was evolving into [Ancient Evil·Death Omen Star]; the lives that were accidentally killed by Typhon were countless, their flesh and blood piled together, aggregated and distorted under the power of the demon king, and gradually evolved into [Ancient Evil·Flesh Corridor].

The flames burning in Typhon's eyes did not go out. They transformed into [Ancient Evil·Immortal Demon Flame]; and the black storm that originally lingered around Typhon was also activated by the power from the mother tree at the root, turning into [Ancient Evil·Burning Wind]... They inherited Typhon's power and the indelible immortality, and they did not flee like those rational monsters. On the contrary, these evil creatures became violent because of Typhon's death and began to destroy everything around them crazily.

In the starry sky, Helios could see that in addition to Athena coming towards him, there were more divine lights flying towards where they were, trying to stop them from harming their believers.

This was just on the earth. The sun god could feel that the changes in the underworld were more drastic. The reason why the gods of the underworld were so quiet from beginning to end was because they were simply unable to take care of themselves. The power of the mother tree was being released there without scruples. Although with the death of Typhon, part of his anchor with the material world was temporarily cut off, it was obviously only temporary.

As long as His power spreads in the material world, one day He will find a way to bypass the shackles that block the surface of Niflheim, and even come to this world in person.

"What a mess."

Shaking his head, Helios retracted his energy. At this moment, Athena was getting closer and closer, and he was a little curious.

In the prediction of the Sun God, he might be sealed by the God King, but he was just the God King. But how could this goddess of wisdom dare to fight against the fallen sun?

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