Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 353 Sky, Ocean and Earth

"Heh, you see it clearly."

"Zeus is indeed such a person. He won't care if you stay at the bottom of the sea, nor will he mind if you have opposed him before. After all, you are actually not a threat to him. As long as you are willing to submit, everything can be turned over."

Nodding slightly, Erebus agreed with Pontos's statement.

However, in the bottomless trench, the spirit of the original sea god became nervous.

If it is so easy to let the other party give up, it would be better. But no matter how he thought about it, he didn't think it would be so simple.

"Yes, His Highness Erebus... I don't plan to be an enemy of anyone. And it's not just me, but also Urya who turned into Mount Olympus."

"This world is no longer our era. Even the Titans have left one after another, let alone us. The world has ushered in a new master, so let the past grievances and hatreds go with the wind."

The voice rippled on the bottom of the sea, and the sound became weaker and weaker.

Pontos planned to go directly into a deeper sleep. He was no match for Erebus, but the other party could not force him to do anything.

As one of the first generation of gods, Pontos knew much more about these primitive gods than the gods of later generations. He knew very well that although for most people, the degree of personification of the primitive gods seemed to have no other difference except the strength of the influence, in fact, except for the fully personified Gaia, Erebus and Nyx could not walk outside for a long time.

They stayed away from the world most of the time. For Nyx, it might be voluntary, but for Erebus, it was half voluntary and half forced.

Only the truly complete and great divine power can be the same as the source power, coexist with the symbol without destroying the personality, and still maintain the thinking and humanity from being eroded, but this is something that no one in the world can really do.

So Pontos was worried but still fearless, because he knew that even the worst result was nothing more than the Lord of Darkness taking action in anger and leaving here after venting for a while.

The threat he brought was limited, and the essence of non-violent non-cooperation was that the other party could not use absolute violence for various reasons, so it could not pose a real threat to oneself.

"Is that so?"

Pontos's refusal was so direct that he even began to shut down his thoughts. However, in the face of this reaction, Erebus just smiled and nodded again to show his agreement.

"Maybe you are right, Pontos... This is no longer your era. But it is not yours, but it does not mean that it is not someone else's. At least I think that the years of the First Age are far from over..."

"Of course, since you don't want to, forget it. I won't force you. You can make your own choice."

The voice was even a little happy, and the robe of the Lord of Darkness was slightly raised. He was not annoyed by the rejection at all, but waved his hand and continued to move forward.

The bottom of the sea was so quiet and lightless, surrounded by the seabed. And the place he was heading to at this moment was the only place to go, the deep trench.

"...What are you doing...wait, Your Highness Erebus, what are you going to do? I rejected you, so are you going to attack me?"

Suddenly, the originally quiet voice sounded again. Pontos seemed a little nervous, but Erebus just explained softly that he had no ill intentions.

"Don't get me wrong, since you want to sleep, then sleep. Everything in the material world has been given up by you, so what I do should have nothing to do with you."

"Don't worry, I won't disturb your sleep again, I just... want to solve a long-standing doubt."

Take a step forward, Erebus went down to the seemingly bottomless ravine.

Light and shadow passed behind him, turning a blind eye to all kinds of wonders created by nature. The Lord of Darkness moved forward all the way, and at this moment, Pontos seemed to realize what the other party was going to do.

"Wait, this is where I sleep. Since you don't intend to disturb me, why do you want to invade here? Well, you just want me to do something for you, right? I can listen to you first, as long as you don't go too far..."


In the trench, invisible forces gathered together, as if to stop Erebus's steps, but all this was useless.

Without pausing for even a moment, Pontos's obstruction was smashed by Erebus. As if he didn't notice it, the Lord of Darkness continued to go down.

"Stop, you win, I don't want to be your enemy, tell me what you want to do, but this is not the place you should come to!"


Another deep blue light curtain was smashed, but it is interesting that this does not seem to be a barrier that has only existed recently.

Perhaps thousands of years ago, or perhaps tens of thousands of years ago, Pontos had left this obstacle. And watching this scene, the Lord of Darkness's smile became more and more intense.

"Sure enough, I knew it... Hehe, it seems to be right here."

"Stop, Erebus! What are you going to do? Do you know what you are doing!?!"

The roar of the original sea god echoed in the trench, but it was just a meaningless protest.

Ignoring him, the next moment, the boundless power slowly spread out from Erebus' body. The entire trench was shrouded by it, and everything was covered by him.

The gods in the sky had no idea what was happening under their feet at the moment, and Erebus's footsteps still did not stop.

Ancient barriers were broken down one after another, and compromises, abuses, advice, and threats came from Pontos' mouth.

Pontos' voice changed several times in a short period of time, until he gradually understood that the Lord of Darkness would probably not stop.

So he fell silent. In the silent silence, I don't know how deep it has dived.

Finally, at a certain moment, in front of a terrifying interface of yellow and blue, Erebus finally stopped.

The magnificent and thick barrier was in front of him. Unlike the previous ones, the power that could block most of the true gods in the world was meaningless to Erebus.

But within this barrier, there is also a power that surpasses the true God.

With just one glance, Erebus easily identified the source of this barrier's power. Part of its power may come from Pontos, but the most critical part belongs to Gaia.

And it's not her now, but the one she was a long time ago.

"Sure enough, that's it. At the end of the First Era, Gaia left Mount Odiles. She went to the coast of the East China Sea and lived with you for a long time... Haha, I knew she wasn't there at that time. So crazy later.

"After ending the cruel husband, even if the children are not so obedient, how could she leave the old residence where she has lived for thousands of years so cleanly and come directly to you, and even have the leisure to have children with you?"

"Because she wanted to leave this seal and did it without telling everyone. She didn't even want to tell Cronus, because he is also the King of Gods."

Laughing loudly, although I was very sure before, it was finally verified at this moment.

It is said that after the heavenly father and earthly mother, Gaia gave birth to the five gods of the sea with her second son Pontos. Therefore, in theory, Ceto and Nereus are actually children of Gaia.

But why does the paranoid Earth Mother never seem to care about these sea gods compared to Titans and even giants? Compared with her previous personality, this seems completely unreasonable.

Now, everything is answered. This is not because Gaia discriminates against Poseidon, but because the five children of the original Poseidon are actually the same as the gods of Hades. They are the children conceived by Gaia under the guidance of a certain force, the earth and the concave surface of the sea symbolized by Pontos.

They were not actually recognized by Gaia as her children, so she never cared about them.

So here comes the question, what could it be that could draw the power of Gaia to give birth to a true god, and make the Earth Mother at that time pay so much attention to it that she was so afraid that she would even conceal her whereabouts and seal it?

"...As you can see, Your Highness Erebus, this is the root of everything."

The deep voice echoed under the sea, and Pontos was finally silent no longer.

At this point, everything is clear. Since he couldn't hide it, he had no choice but to explain:

"Cronus used a scythe to end the fatherhood of Ouranos, and Oceanus threw it into the sea to prevent it from being recaptured by the heavenly father. And I also betrayed the tyrant, and I hid it. In the deepest part of the ocean, this is the scene you have all seen."

"The power of the Heavenly Father is so powerful that the blood he spills on the ground can turn into an ash tree goddess, and the essence he spills can give birth to the god of beauty and revenge. Ouranos once ruled all things with the authority of the first generation of god kings and sublimated He gained [Sky] and [Fathership], and thus gained power that even you at that time had to face up to... Until today, nearly two eras have passed. With the improvement of time, the birth of gods, and the reproduction of living creatures, [ Sky] and [Fathership] have already taken that crucial step and condensed their symbols, just like the complete ocean and water.”

"Just like the sea has never been unified, so the symbols of the sea and water have the qualifications to unite, but have never taken shape. Just like Uranus fell into eternal sleep, so [the sky] and [the father] also failed to complete that leap. , has not had an impact on the world, and even because of the simultaneous growth of the two, he has no trace of waking up to this day - as long as this seal is still intact, he will not wake up. "

"So you're not going to open it, right?"

The undercurrent at the bottom of the sea surged. Most of an era passed, and as the water converged, Pontos once again appeared in the world in the form of a personality.

However, the tall god only felt uneasy in his heart at this moment... He knew that he could not stop the other party, but he still tried his best to persuade:

"No one knows how terrifying Ouranos will be after he takes it back, and he was the former god-king. Erebus, no matter what you want to plot, do you really think that a being like him will follow your plan?" Act?"

"Of course he won't, Pontos."

"I know, Uranus, he will only sneer at me like that lunatic named Typhon - ah, no, he is not that crazy. At least back then, he still knew how to fear the power of fate."

He spoke with a faint smile. For the Lord of Darkness, the barrier in front of him was not difficult to break. After all, after a long time, especially the war at the end of the Second Era, even if the war did not affect this place, the seal was still sealed because of the earth and the The ocean was weakened by the trauma.

At the same time, as there are more and more gods, and the world becomes more and more perfect, the [father's right] that is born from the birth of gods will naturally increase.

With just a slight push, this seal will vanish into thin air. But what follows is that Gaia will be affected by it.

"Fortunately, I was prepared."

The barrier of Gaia, the Earth Mother, is sensitive when touched, even when in deep sleep. However, a long time ago, another barrier that was almost the same was also useless.

That barrier protected the golden apple tree, and the thing that made it useless was called [Life Bottle].

"She lost something and didn't even know to update the protection... Heh, maybe she had forgotten about this place a long time ago."

Some sarcasm, time will smooth everything, including the fear of Uranus, but Gaia's mistakes are what Erebus is happy to see.

So he stretched out his hand, and a emerald green light lingered on his wrist. In the horrified eyes of Pontos, Erebus did not hesitate to reach out from behind the barrier.

The next moment, a ball of light emitting a warm breath was held in the hand of the Lord of Darkness. At the same time, if it weren't for the dark domain still covering this place, I'm afraid that this ball of light would have flown over the nine heavens and returned to its owner's arms the moment it came into contact with the outside world.

But now is not the time, so he can't allow this to happen.

"... Erebus, you still did it..."

Pontos couldn't understand this behavior after he spoke each word. What good would it be for him to do this? However, Erebus didn't intend to let him understand.

He just looked at the ball of light in his hand and asked lightly:

"Pontos, you are afraid of him, but who do you think Uranus hates the most?"

"... Maybe Kronos, but he hasn't been found for a long time. How can you take revenge on someone you can't find?"

"Well... yes. He has no trace, and he can't be found... hehe."

With a low laugh, Erebus asked again:

"What about the second hatred?"

"... It may be the Earth Mother, but it is more likely to be the Spirit Lord - what do you want to say?"

Pontos hesitated to speak. In his judgment, his wife's betrayal and the despicable prophet may both rank second in Uranus' heart. But the former has at least suffered the brutal oppression of the Father, and the betrayal is actually excusable, so although Uranus will not forgive Gaia for this, he will most likely put her in third place.

As for Ryan... prophecy is not the key. Once the Father thought he had defeated fate and looked for him all over the world, it was more of a show-off of the winner to the loser.

But when Ryan opened up the spiritual world at the turn of the era, all the causes and effects changed. No matter how you look at it, he is the black hand behind the scenes, treating the God King as a chess piece.

"Then what about the fourth hatred?"

He asked again, and this time, Erebus gave the answer directly without waiting for an answer.

"The fourth hatred is you and Oceanus. One threw his body into the sea, and the other hid it afterwards. So neither of you can escape."

"So what do you mean, and what exactly are you doing here?!"

The worries in his heart were pointed out, and Pontus couldn't help but feel angry. Yes, he will not let him go, but it is clear that as long as you don't meddle, nothing will happen.

"Don't worry, listen to me."

He shook his head slightly, and his hand still did not reach out from behind the barrier. Erebus seemed to be thinking about something, but he hadn't made up his mind yet.

"Kronos, he is not known where he is now; Ryan and Gaia, even if he wakes up, it will be difficult to deal with them easily. But you and Oceanus are different. You are not great, so although you are ranked fourth and fifth, you are actually the first to be unlucky."

"You will suffer the most cruel revenge, eternal revenge, and unlike me, Uranus, he will stay under the sky for a long time."

"So... listen to my plan, or do you plan to count on Zeus to protect you? No, you know, only you can protect yourself. And I am here for this."

Everything is under control, Erebus waved his long sleeves and shrank the power covering the seabed.

He planned to continue communicating with Pontus, but at this time, a subtle movement from the underground immediately attracted his attention.

The underworld shook, the dust sank and floated, and through the connection with his own domain, Erebus seemed to hear the roar of thunder even through the thick stratum.

Lightning was dancing wildly and the gods were roaring. And what followed was the winding and rugged shadow of gods and demons that had no beginning or end.

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