Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 354: Infallible

Underworld, Garden of Truth.

When the ground and the abyss were fighting, the underworld under the moonlight was very quiet.

It was still a little while before the noise from the abyss came out. At this moment, in the Garden of Truth, you can see endless buildings rising and falling, and silent creatures coming in and out.

Everything seemed orderly, like a grand silent movie. In the center of the Pluto Palace, Hades was holding a wine glass and drinking by himself.

The Queen of the Underworld went to the ground to inquire about the situation, and the other gods of the underworld were deliberately not called.

In front of him, only Charon, the ferryman of the River of Pain Acheron, was sitting upright, with a respectful look on his old face.

"Your Majesty is really smart. He knew that those guys were unreliable."

"Without your order, Eris could easily do things for the God King behind your back - this is the difference between us. In this underworld, only I, Charon, was born because of your birth!"

The voice was sincere and sincere.

Charon seemed to be really accusing the gods of the underworld of betrayal and speaking up for Hades.

But what he said was not without reason. The gods of the underworld were born with the power of the two original gods, so they would naturally be closer to each other. In addition, there was an absolute gap in power, so it was not surprising that they would choose to betray at this time.

Of course, strictly speaking, this cannot be regarded as betrayal.

Just like Hades himself is one of the main gods of Olympus, it is really difficult for others to say anything about the situation where the goddess of disharmony acts under the orders of Zeus.

I just don't know if Hera knows that the golden apple was from Zeus's instruction? Probably he doesn't know... Hades thought with a calm face.

"Okay, there's no need to mention this kind of thing anymore."

"Everyone has their own ambitions, so today, you're the only one here, right?"

After drinking the pomegranate wine, Hades put down the wine glass and waved his hand slightly.

The gods in the world often forget his existence, but he won't forget them.

Regardless of other things, at least Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld, spends half of her time every year on the sacred mountain. Even if he doesn't take the initiative to pay attention, many things in the world can't be hidden from him.

Of course, the matter of the golden apple was not learned in this way. In fact, as the lord of the underworld, although Hades has not achieved great divine power, his perception in some aspects is still superior to that of the gods.

Like the abnormal fluctuation of the world's power, it's like this.

So even though Hades, like Zeus, doesn't know why this is happening, and he can't even judge whether this fluctuation is the tilt of the world's power to the outside, Pluto can still detect that there are probably changes in this world that he doesn't know about.

So the subsequent events were logical. Hades was not blind even though he was on high alert. The Golden Apple incident was completely planned by Zeus, and Erebus was only responsible for getting the gods of the underworld to serve him.

Without the cover of the authority of the Lord of Darkness, Hades, who held the power of the underworld and wore an invisible helmet, easily investigated the unusual movements of the gods of the underworld.

But even though it was clear, there was no law in the underworld that prohibited the gods from doing things for the king of gods. So for this situation, Hades couldn't do anything directly for a while.

But since they were unkind first, he had to be unjust later. Since you don't recognize yourself as a minister of Hades, you don't want to share the benefits of the underworld at all.

"Charon, how are you preparing?"

Putting his worries aside, Hades asked lightly.

For this matter, he has been preparing for a long time. When he heard this question, Charon, who had been waiting for a long time, flashed a hint of joy in his eyes, and answered as calmly as possible.

"Your Majesty, after all these years of accumulation, the power of the River of Pain has accumulated enough. After all, I have no other place to use them... Because now the souls flow into the underworld through the River of Oblivion, the existence of Acheron is basically meaningless.

"Your Majesty, as long as you give an order, I will expand the territory for you!"

"Haha, it can't be said to be expanding the territory. That originally belongs to the underworld, we just go to occupy it. ”

Nodding with satisfaction, Hades’ mood obviously improved.

Among the rivers of the underworld, there are only three rivers that are born naturally, not counting the river of fire that he divided himself.

Styx of oath and hatred, Cocytus+Lethe of oblivion and lamentation, and Acheron of pain and immobility.

The first two, one flows into the abyss, communicates with the outside world, and holds the power of oath. It is the most well-known river of the underworld among gods and men; the other carries the souls of the dead, reaches the depths of the spirit world, can wash away the memories of the past, and only leaves the dead with the lament and nostalgia for the past.

But only Acheron, it seems to be useless.

As the Styx born with Hades, the River of Pain is actually like the other two Styxes, and has some authority over the underworld. However, perhaps in the original myth, because the soul's destination is still the underworld, Charon, as a ferryman, can still guard the gate of the underworld and make any ferryman pay him a price.

But now no one needs him to cross the river.

Mortals will not come, and the gods don't need them. So although he is also a natural Styx, Acheron's power is surprisingly weak, and no matter who looks at it, they can't find any direction for his growth.

After all, he couldn't possibly go to the earth as a river god and try to unify the many rivers. Not to mention whether the king of gods would have any objections, nor the reaction of the Lord of the Ocean, Styx alone was a threshold he couldn't bypass.

So Charon was an idler in the underworld for quite a long time.

Hades thought so at the beginning. Even for him who was short of manpower, Charon really had no sense of existence.

This situation continued until the Typhon disaster, when the undead Evans reported his discovery to him. From then on, the River of Pain had practical significance for the first time. (See 3-168)

Because after personally sealing the [Crown of Silence] at a great cost, Hades, who finally found the entrance to Helheim, the land of the dead, encountered trouble again.

In this foreign interface full of the breath of death, he encountered rejection again.

Unlike Asgard and any fragments of the Nine Realms, that world rejected living things, which was determined by its innate laws. Unfortunately, as the god of Chaos, Hades does not have the possibility of dying like the gods of the nine realms.

However, for Hades, encountering troubles is a normal situation. After all, his life as a god has always been on the road of constantly solving troubles, and he has never eaten pie in the sky like Zeus.

Therefore, after just a little thought, Hades came up with a solution.

Since the environment rejects him, either change yourself or change the environment.

As the king of the underworld, Hades has no ability to change himself on the one hand, and even if he has, he can't turn himself into a dead person. In this case, changing the environment is the only solution.

For this reason, he summoned Charon and decided to use this useless Styx to achieve his goal.

There are three Styx rivers, one flows into the abyss, one flows into the spirit world, and the third one flows into the land of the dead. Since the ferry fee cannot be collected at the gate of the underworld, go to the gate of Helheim to collect it.

As the Styx with some authority in the underworld, letting Acheron break into Helheim means that the laws of the underworld will erode and assimilate this interface.

Although Helheim is strong, it is impossible for it to be comparable to the entire underworld without the world tree.

The result of erosion is unquestionable under the gap in power. And once this assimilation led by himself is really completed... Hades doesn't know what kind of benefits he will get.

However, before Poseidon, the sea had a master; before Zeus, there were three generations of gods in the world; but only the underworld has only one master from beginning to end.

He is Uranus of the underworld, the original Hades, the incarnation of the land of the underworld, and the one who has made the greatest contribution. So for him, strengthening the underworld is strengthening himself.

Let the Styx open the way, and even later he will select the undead who can enter and the capable demigods in the world to enter, speed up the occupation of Helheim, and then-



With a slightly changed expression, Hades suddenly stood up from the throne.

Just now, a huge vibration suddenly came from a distance, causing the underworld to shake, and even the palace shook. And that direction seems to be the abyss?

"Charon, did anyone enter the underworld just now?"

Hades asked seriously, grasping the key point at the first time. Charon sensed it from a distance and exchanged senses with the Akron River.

"... Your Majesty, yes. Not long ago, the God King just entered the underworld."


"... I knew that whenever he was there, nothing good would happen!"

Hades cursed secretly, and he never thought that Zeus could still cause trouble for him even though he didn't care about his golden apple... But thinking of this, as another bigger vibration came, Hades couldn't help but snorted again.

"But fortunately, I was prepared for this."

The earth shook, and the huge earthquakes continued. The previous vibrations were obviously not isolated. But Hades just walked forward slowly and reached out to knock on the pillars in the palace.

The crisp sound echoed in the hall. Ordinary people might not understand why, but when Charon heard this sound, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Haha, it seems you heard it too? That's right, few people know that as the god of the underworld, I also control a considerable part of the underground mineral deposits. The materials that ordinary gods regard as treasures are nothing more than that to me."

"So Charon, I learned from the previous lessons and made sufficient preparations when building this Hades Palace."

"Before," Hades clenched his fist and said word by word: "Do you know how many times my palace has been destroyed?"

"Three times!"

"And every time, it was an unexpected disaster!"

"But this is only in the past. From now on, it will never collapse again, because this palace was cast by me in the way of casting artifacts! Except for the lack of authority and power, from the material point of view, this is a super-giant artifact!"

"Humph, in this way, unless there is a great power directly attacking my palace, the aftermath alone will never hurt it! Let Zeus fight it himself, it's best..."

Hades didn't say that it's best to have a few legs broken.

As for being beaten to death, it is naturally impossible, and Hades would not dream of such a thing.

"Your Majesty is really amazing, farsighted and wise! This time, it is bound to be foolproof!"

The voice of praise came from the side, and Charon, who had made up his mind to hug his thigh, flattered without any embarrassment.

If you don't take into account the huge difference in appearance, he actually looks a bit like Cheferros now.

"Ahem, don't be in a hurry to celebrate. Let's wait until the matter is over."

After coughing slightly, Hades realized that he was a little too emotional.

But this is normal. Anyone whose home has been torn down time and time again will have this reaction.

"Charon, since something has gone wrong, don't leave in a hurry. Other places may not be as safe as here, and I also want to see what kind of enemies Zeus has provoked in the abyss?"



At the portal at the junction of the abyss and Hades, the huge vibrations became more and more intense.

Inside Tartarus, Zeus was slowly retreating.

Although he was initially angry and a little over the top, Zeus was Zeus after all.

For a person like him, unless he is forced into a desperate situation, it is simply impossible to put aside the pros and cons and fight to the death with others under other circumstances.

So after gradually calming down, Zeus began to approach the gate of the abyss.

As the God King, during the battle, Zeus gradually discovered that the abyss was not only repelling himself, but also the other party, but it was not as big as himself.

The closer you are to the portal, the less pressure you have on yourself, and the greater the pressure on the other party.

In this situation, there is no need to say more about how he should act... It is impossible to lose if he loses, and it is impossible to escape if he escapes.

As the king of the gods, even for the sake of the stability of the king's power, he could not lose to a nobody.

It's just that 'the battle of 300 rounds is slightly better, and I have to temporarily retreat due to the conflicts among the gods on the sea'... The script was arranged silently, and Zeus's hand still did not relax.

Everything is perfect, there will be no accidents... It's just that in the middle of the battle, Zeus didn't notice that underneath his body, a huge thing that was almost integrated with the chaotic and deep void of the abyss was quietly moving. Get closer to him.

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