Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1015 Questioning and Dividing (Please subscribe)

To be honest, if Zhu Xie Chiri hadn't interfered, then Meng Zhao would have directly parachuted into the position of General Yangwu, and the big guys wouldn't have had much objection. So Meng Zhao acted hard and cleared his name. Partly suspect.

If it was really Meng Zhao who did it, and he could be so shameless and forceful, then he would not be an ordinary sinister villain, but could be regarded as a hero. There is no need to offend such a person too much.

Seeing that Meng Zhao was doing well, Beitang He stood up and said a few words, then dismissed the group of guys below, and at the same time warned him not to say something he shouldn't have said.

The meaning is very clear. There should be no random rumors that Meng Zhao may be the murderer of Zhu Xie Chiri.

No matter what the truth is, if there are rumors, it will be very difficult to clarify them in the future.

When these people retreated, Beitang He winked at Meng Zhao. Meng Zhao understood what he meant and sent Liang Muchiu and others away temporarily, asking them to take a look around the military camp and make preparations for settling here in the future.

Oh, by the way, among those people before, there are also Meng Zhao's men. The leader is Minshan's second brother, Big Iron Hammer. He has strong martial arts. He practices the Thirty-six Hammers of Huntian. He is the top killer in the army. Fighting martial arts.

You know, the thirty-six hammers of the Hun Tian, ​​but the simplified martial arts of the Zhao King of the West, Li Yuanba, and the Haotian Hammer, although it may not be one percent of the essence of Li Yuanba's hammer technique, it is still a first-class martial arts.

It can be said that compared to fighting in the rivers and lakes, the place where Big Hammer is more suitable should be the battlefield. With his conditions, it is more than enough to become a warrior on the battlefield. This is why Meng Zhao specially let him join the army.

With Big Hammer leading the way, Liang Muchiu and his team are all elites among the elites, so nothing big can happen.

After everyone left, and the guards on both sides of the tent also took a few steps back, Beitang He lowered his face, his eyes were aggressive, scrutinizing and cold, and he said to Meng Zhao,

"Let me ask you, was it you who killed Zhu Xie Chiri?"

This sentence has been in his heart for a long time. Unfortunately, he never had time to interact with Meng Zhao alone, so he didn't dare to ask. There was no one else around at this time, so of course he had to ask clearly.

He was not angry at the death of Zhu Xie Chiri. Although this talented general was the eagle dog of the Beitang royal family, he was not his Beitang He. His death would be more in his interests, so he didn't care.

However, what he cared about was that if Meng Zhao did it, then there would be problems with the cooperative relationship between the two.

The so-called reconciliation, division of interests, and common advancement and retreat have become nonsense.

He really wanted to find out the truth of the matter, even if he was very sure that it was not Meng Zhao who did it, he still wanted to find out.

Whatever you do, you must make bold assumptions and verify carefully.

Meng Zhao curled his lips, ignored Beitang He's eyes that were almost spitting fire, walked to the side of the big case, looked at the teapot on it, poured a cup of water, moistened his throat, and then said slowly,

"Your Majesty, the two of us have been in contact a few times, and apart from the initial disagreement, we have gotten along pretty well.

If I really wanted to kill Zhu Xie Chiri, I would definitely have to break up with you and act together. It's not like we haven't had such an idea before, but we never had a good chance.

Now that Zhu Xie Chiri is dead, in addition to sitting in the position of General Yangwu, there is still a lot of trouble waiting for me. Do you think if I really did it, this job can be so rough? "

Beitanghe was silent. After a moment, he exhaled and said with a smile,

"I knew it wasn't you, but I was surprised. Who else would kill Zhu Xie Chiri?"

Beitang He knew Meng Zhao well and knew that he was a person who made decisions before taking action and would not take action easily. Once he took action, he should be able to do it more perfectly, instead of being like now, leaking information everywhere and waiting for remediation.

But it is precisely because of this that I don't understand who else would want to do such a thing except the two of them.

"Hey, didn't I say that the leader of the Pudu Sect is the most suspect, and secondly, he is Zhu Xie Chiri's own enemy.

He is young and energetic, and he has offended many people in the capital, and how many people want him dead. Now that he has left Yujing, there are many ways to deal with him. "

Meng Zhao really had no intention of blaming the leader of the Pudu Sect. He was the first person he thought of.

The motivation and ability are sufficient, and the situation is not good. Wouldn't it be nice to eliminate a powerful character in advance?

Of course, another possibility is that Meng Zhao said that the murderer came from Zhu Xiechi's own enemies.

These days, it is impossible for anyone who can reach his position to have smooth sailing. There will be enemies more or less. Even if he does not have one himself, the enemies of the family, and even the enemies who are not dealing with the Beitang royal family, will want to kill him. .

The reason is also very simple. If Zhu Xie Chiri really holds the power of these 50,000 elite soldiers, his status will be different.

In the eyes of some people, they would rather fatten up a young boy like Meng Zhao than let Zhu Xie Chiri take advantage of him.

With this idea in mind, it is not difficult to understand how to kill Zhu Xie Chiri.

"Okay, let's take it as what you said makes sense. What should we do now, you?"

Beitanghe beat around the bush, but actually wanted to ask about military power, because without Zhu Xie Chiri, his role would be greatly reduced, and he was a little afraid that Meng Zhao would regret it.

Meng Zhao smiled, of course he would not regret it. Even if he wanted to regret it, he would not choose this time, so he said,

"Don't think too much, just do what you have to do. In terms of military power, just do what we said before.

However, I would like to point out one point, that is, even if you and I eat meat, we also need to make people drink some soup.

Fifty thousand elite soldiers are still too few. I want to recruit another ten thousand auxiliary soldiers and train them according to the method of formal combat soldiers.

These people will be left to the people in Lingwu City. Give them some sweet things so that there will be no problems with food and wages.

If a war really breaks out, there will definitely be a lot of casualties. Auxiliary soldiers can also be used as a source of soldiers and added to the combat soldiers at any time. "

"Of course, the number of soldiers in the three battalions is not small. It is absolutely not okay to split and seek independence. You have to show me a good example. You can't really play the trick of a country within a country. You can't listen to orders but not announcements. This is absolutely not allowed.

It is a taboo to have orders that are not communicated when marching and fighting. If you are not careful, the army will be wiped out, and you and I will not have a good result.

Therefore, I will plant your people in it. You submit a list of deputy generals. At that time, I will arrange this person separately and report the situation in the army to you regularly to avoid you saying that I have made a move.

At the same time, you have to make it clear to him that although he is your man, he must listen to me when the time comes to fight, otherwise, I will be the first to sacrifice him! "

Meng Zhao was gentle at first, but then he spoke harshly, and he was really as still as a mountain and as powerful as thunder.

He did not enjoy the power of a general, but his prestige was not bad.

Beitang He saw that Meng Zhao had already achieved this point, and he had both the inside and the outside, so he no longer raised any inappropriate requests.

To be honest, three battalions of combat soldiers are not a small number, especially two battalions are the elite of the elite, the Stepping Yan Battalion and the Divine Bow Battalion. Ten thousand people are his bottom line. It is good enough for Meng Zhao to give him one more battalion.

If they really fall out, with Meng Zhao's current status as General Yangwu, he can use some tricks to not give him a single soldier, and there is nothing he can do.

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