Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1016 Testing and Comforting (Please subscribe)

In addition to discussing the division of military power, the two also discussed the entire development of the Yangwu Army.

To put it bluntly, this is an army, not just poultry pets raised casually. It requires continuous and high investment.

When the court does not allocate funds, or only allocates a small amount of money.

Various expenditures are more dependent on the support of various local forces in Lingwu City.

For example, you can't be careless about your daily food, drink, and clothing. If you dare to let the big soldiers not have enough to eat, eat well, or wear warm clothes, if they really make a fuss, it will be a mutiny, and there is no ambiguity at all.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless similar incidents. Although it is rare for subordinates to overcome superiors, if something really happens, it will have a huge impact on the morale of the military. Even if Meng Zhao is ambitious enough, he does not dare to act hastily and must plan well.

This is why Meng Zhao proposed to recruit another 10,000 soldiers as a sweetener for the forces in Lingwu City.

Because we really need such a reason to hang them and let these people continue to invest in the construction of the Yangwu Army.

Only when there are benefits can we ask people to pay. Otherwise, if we just think about getting benefits, how can we achieve our wishes?

It's not that Meng Zhao himself can't afford to support this army. He has Tu Xiu's treasure and a huge power industry to generate income. It is not difficult to support an army of 50,000. However, it is impossible for him to be such a standout and be targeted by others. , that’s the big trouble.

Furthermore, using other people's money to raise your own soldiers is the best way to raise an army. No matter how much you pay yourself, you will always feel bad.

Moreover, if there is a war in the future, the pension will be a huge expenditure, and Meng Zhao cannot guarantee that he will be able to survive.

During the process, Beitanghe took the initiative to mention that Meng Zhao had taken women from Ding, Xun, and Zhuo families as concubines.

Of course, he was not so straightforward, but congratulated Meng Zhao in an envious tone, but the temptation was obvious.

He had received this news a long time ago, but he didn't mention it when he met Meng Zhao. Meng Zhao didn't ask for trouble and self-destruct, so he delayed opening the window until today.

In fact, this matter is a trivial matter, that is, it is a matter of a few women and is nothing.

Not to mention Meng Zhao, the women in his own house range from young to old. Most of them were sent here from small families and small forces in the city, in order to join the Yanping County Prince's house and become relatives of the emperor.

However, these women did not have much status in Beitanghe's heart, and they might not meet each other once a month. It was rare for anyone to rely on women's charms to rise to power, or even to dominate in the name of the palace.

The same goes for Meng Zhao. He just wanted three women to serve him, not a real wife.

In a sense, his approach and that of Bei Tanghe are consistent and should not be suspected.

However, the problem is that these three women are from the Ding family, the Xun family, and the Zhuo family. They are either the daughter of the head of the family or the granddaughter of the head of the family. They are not collateral women at all.

Moreover, the power behind the women in Beitang Hesona was completely incomparable with the above three families.

That's why Beitang He was worried that Meng Zhao was too closely connected with the three families and would eventually kick him out.

Beitang Heye is indeed a smart man, and he does not simply think that the cooperative relationship will last forever in the direction he hopes.

This world is changing every moment, let alone people?

The relationship between each other will also fluctuate due to changes in identity, strength, and environment, either for good or bad, and no one can predict it.

Apart from anything else, if one of these three women, not to mention three, got Meng Zhao's favor, usually gave him a blowjob, and instigated Meng Zhao and the palace to alienate him, he would have no good way to counter it.

When the time comes, even if he has the power of these three battalions, he may not be able to withstand Meng Zhao's rebellion.

Maybe, the end result would be nothing. He was busy working, and he was busy making Meng Zhao's wedding dress.

Because of this, he was eager to break the tacit understanding between the two and took the initiative to mention the woman given to Meng Zhao by the three families, hoping to get a positive answer.

It's not that he can't regret it, but it gives him a little confidence and comfort.

But Beitanghe didn't notice that his overly eager mood when facing Meng Zhao actually reflected his own lack of confidence and fear of Meng Zhao. This was something that he was afraid of for a long time. Undetectable.

who is he?

The prince of Yanping County, the noble bloodline inheritance that rules this vast land, is a noble man in Tianhuang.

Although Meng Zhao is a good person among people and has a profound background, he is not as good as his bloodline, which is the first among the nine surnames.

So, how could he be afraid of Meng Zhao?

At best, I just don't want to part ways with such a good partner, that's about it.

Facing Beitang He's temptation, Meng Zhao was stunned. He had already keenly noticed that after he was appointed as General Yangwu, the prince's psychology had undergone some strange changes, but he himself had not yet. aware.

This is actually a good thing, because with Meng Zhao's methods, he may be able to take this as an opportunity to seek more benefits.

Without any intention of falling out, Meng Zhao responded simply,

"What the prince said, I already understand that since these three women have entered the door of my Meng family, they will be clearly separated from their original families from now on, and they will not do anything else.

Even if they are really so stupid and try to influence me, it will be in vain. Meng Zhao is not a person who will be confused by women's lust. This prince can rest assured. "

After a pause, in order to add some more information to Beitang He, Meng Zhao said again,

"Your Majesty, although there are still some troubles waiting for us to solve, in fact, a bright future is at hand. What we have to do is to seize this opportunity to realize our ambitions.

Now, you and I join forces, and with the wholehearted support of everyone in Lingwu City, it can be said that we can cover the sky with one hand.

Even if there are big changes in the three states, we will be safe and sound, and we may still be able to ride on the wind.

I hope that three years from now, five years from now, or even ten years from now, you and I will still have the same relationship as we do today.

These are Meng Zhao's words from the bottom of his heart. Your Majesty, please think carefully and don't be suspicious. "

The prospect outlined by Meng Zhao is indeed in line with Beitang He's temperament.

It is said that times create heroes. If there is no suitable time, then heroes will have no use.

What kind of times can create heroes?

Talent in troubled times.

If it hadn't been for troubled times, Liu Bang would have been nothing more than a rural scoundrel. If it hadn't been for troubled times, Cao Mengde would have been a general. If it hadn't been for troubled times, Hongwu would have been just a farmer throughout his life, which is better to say.

In the same way, if there were no troubled times, it would be difficult for young people like Meng Zhao and Beitang He to get ahead quickly and get to the top.

Especially in the court system.

Bei Tanghe finally smiled and nodded to express his deep approval.

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