Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1191 Story (Please subscribe)

However, flattery and nice words have limited effect, especially for people like Hong Tianzheng.

Unlike those who like to flatter themselves.

He is more sincere and can't get rid of the dirt in his eyes. One or two flattery can be used as a moderator, but if it happens too often, it will definitely cause resentment.

Therefore, it must not be used as a tool for communication, and other methods must be found.

Meng Zhao's thoughts turned quickly, and he immediately thought of a topic that could attract Hong Tianzheng's attention, and maybe create another opportunity for himself, so he made a puzzled look and said,

"General Hong, you and your wife have a deep relationship. What I see is true. However, what kind of disease does your lady suffer from? Her constitution is too weak.

When I ate just now, I ate very little and it was difficult to make up for my daily consumption. If things go on like this, I'm afraid it will be bad. "

Meng Zhao has a keen eye, and he has created his own mysterious skills such as the Emperor's Qi Reading Technique, so he can see some secrets through Mrs. Hong's complexion.

Even though it was only for such a short period of time and there was no particularly close contact between the two parties, from what Meng Zhao felt, Mrs. Hong should have been invaded by a cold poison and cold syndrome in her body. Over time, the exhaustion of qi and blood had begun to affect her. life.

From Meng Zhao's personal point of view, even if masters like Hong Tianzheng patiently channeled his true energy to relieve the signs of cold poison, he might not be able to survive for three years. In other words, Mrs. Hong's life would not be long.

Hong Tianzheng was originally smiling, with some shy blush remaining on his face, but after hearing Meng Zhao's words, his expression suddenly became cold, and his eyes looked sad and depressed. He picked up the wine bottle regardless, took a sip, and said ,

"You have good eyesight, and what you said is true. A-Yuan's body is almost unable to hold on anymore. Even though I use my own Qi to cleanse her body day and night and delay her vitality, I am still treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

After a pause, Hong Tianzheng suddenly raised his head and looked at Meng Zhao,

"Do you want to hear my story with A-Yuan?"

After that, without waiting for Meng Zhao's reaction, he continued to tell the story of him and Mrs. Hong.

In Hong Tianzheng's autobiography, he and Mrs. Hong should be considered childhood sweethearts, having known each other since they were five years old.

At that time, Hong Tian was sent to practice in a major sect by his father in the name of avoiding disaster. Mrs. Hong was the daughter of an elder in that major sect, and that elder could also be regarded as Hong Tianzheng's master.

Because they are similar in age, the two have been close since childhood and are almost inseparable. They have a deep relationship with each other. Hong Tianzheng's master also likes this disciple very much and teaches him everything.

As he grew older, Hong Tianzheng was entrusted with important tasks by his sect because of his outstanding talent and martial arts. He went out to work for many days. As time went by, the relationship between the two gradually faded.

Hong Tianzheng was nothing more than that. Mrs. Hong had a beautiful appearance and a dignified and upright personality. She had always been a favorite among the sect. Her father was also an elder and was highly skilled in martial arts. Naturally, this attracted a group of bees and butterflies to chase her.

No one dared to take action when Hong Tian was here. As soon as he left, Mrs. Hong faced countless harassment and investigations.

Hearing this, Meng Zhao's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Could it be that Mrs. Hong fell in love with someone else, just like Yue Lingshan fell in love with Lin Pingzhi, and also fell in love with other people, and only regarded Hong Tianzheng as her brother?

Fortunately, things did not develop in this bloody direction.

Because she was far away from Hong Tianzheng and the contact was not close, it made Mrs. Hong see her heart clearly and understand that she not only regarded Hong Tianzheng as her brother, but also regarded him as her life-and-death lover.

Therefore, she rejected all suitors and only waited for Hong Tianzheng wholeheartedly.

In the meantime, the two of them often exchanged letters, and their relationship changed naturally. They just waited for Hong Tianzheng to come back and prepare for the wedding.

However, there are always some daring people in this world who do stupid things based on their status and background, and such stupid people often think very highly of themselves.

Mrs. Hong had a suitor who was the only son of another high-ranking member of the big sect. He had always admired Mrs. Hong, but because he had been relentlessly rejected after pursuing her many times, he had evil intentions.

I guess I read too many novels or even jokes, and thought that I could take down Mrs. Hong if I became an overlord and cooked the rice, so I used a conspiracy to set up Mrs. Hong.

However, Mrs. Hong's loyalty was rare. After discovering that she had been poisoned by a drug, she forcibly used the secret technique passed down by her father to suppress the drug's properties, thus avoiding the disaster and escaping from the clutches of the man.

But it also left a root of disaster, causing the cold poison to become integrated with his entire human qi and blood. Not only did his martial arts lose most of his skills, but his life was also in danger.

Hong Tianzheng learned about this and hurriedly returned to the camp. While taking care of Mrs. Hong, he tried every means to find a way to cure her.

Because of this incident, the relationship between the two completely sublimated. They were a pair for life and could not tolerate a third person.

At the same time, after this incident was revealed, some dirty things happened, which were probably inseparable from the factional intrigues and exchange of interests. In the end, the person who caused Mrs. Hong's death was only sentenced to ten years of confinement.

Rather than confinement, let him study martial arts for ten years, which is not fair at all.

Later, for some unknown reason, Mrs. Hong's father did not continue to pursue the case, but Hong Tianzheng himself couldn't swallow this breath.

At that time, he was already on the verge of the innate state, but he was not yet sure of completely breaking through, because he could not swallow his resentment, and fueled by his anger, he was so unstoppable that he directly broke through the barrier and entered the innate state.

When the topic came to this point, Meng Zhao actually wanted to interrupt the other party, because according to his estimation, Hong Tianzheng was most likely to have some kind of star body, and once he entered the innate world, the star body would show supernatural powers. Whether it is the fighting method or the speed of cultivation, it is extraordinary and comparable to ordinary warriors.

However, he still suppressed this impulse and remained calm and collected to listen to what the other party had to say.

Hong Tian is entering the innate world and has made great progress in martial arts. In addition to searching for a way to cure Mrs. Hong, he has been trying every means to find opportunities to take revenge on that person.

His hard work paid off, and he finally waited for the opportunity, and used extremely cruel methods to kill the culprit. Not only did he feel bad about himself, but he also gave an explanation to his woman, Mrs. Hong.

As mentioned before, that person's father was also very powerful in the sect and could even suppress this scandal.

As an only son, being killed now certainly made the senior executive furious and caused an uproar.

Under the protection of Mrs. Hong's father, Hong Tianzheng and Mrs. Hong traveled south. They first stayed in the Central Plains, but because they were subsequently hunted down, they came to the border of the North, where they lived in Liangzhou.

On the one hand, he was trying to avoid that person's pursuit, and on the other hand, he was looking for a way to treat Mrs. Hong.

During this process, and I don’t know why, Hong Tianzheng came to Hushan, joined the rebels, trained soldiers, and became General Hong today.

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